What can I do for my sons ADHD without medicating him?

I have adhd and tbh understanding and learning how to manage emotions and feelings is such a big thing it’s very difficult to understand them and their meanings certain foods can cause hypo outbursts and for concentration I’d say a stress ball with very simple step by step instructions waiting until finished the first task I haven’t been on medication for 7 years now was only diagnosed at 13 I wish I had of been diagnosed earlier so I could learn to control and manage and understand everything and how I learn he’ll have his different ways of learning and retaining things in his mind you’ll find it’s only things he’s very interested in

Cut out Red 40 die or any dies they are horrid


You are really doing him a disservice if he needs medication and you just dont want to put him on it. I am a teacher. I dont believe all students with ADHD need medication but some do, especially if it is interfering with academics and behavior. It is sad watching a child struggle to learn and behave when they truly cannot help it. Just think about him and what is best…take the stereotypes out of it.


I know parents who would allow their children to have a caffeinated soda, daily(1/2 in the morning with breakfast and the other 1/2 with lunch). What this amount of caffeine did for this child was amazing. It is worth trying.


I have a son who is now almost 32 , he had/has ADHD . Is was a vary good child but vary active and impulsive and smart . He was given meds by his doctor due to school related complications. He was a great student but was fast and done ( his work was neat , Correct, and done) faster then the class so he had time to be distracted/ distracting in class . Well the meds made him loss his appetite and he lost weight he could not afford to lose. I felt due to the fact he would listen and had great control at home that I work with school staff to create a signal that represented a pre- discussed expectation so it was like me ( mom) being there when the teacher or yard duty gave him this signal when they saw concerning behavior. It took alot of communication and for me to be able to intervene if necessary with a call from school but it worked like a charm . He excelled at school and knew his mom had his back and his a** if he needed a tune up . We let him play sports and that really helped . I also found that he listen better if he was playing basketball or doing a puzzle instead of trying to make him just sit and listen to me . I made a bargain that if he didn’t get into stuff he could watch a few movies and do puzzles in his room as he never needed much sleep . I tried to give him structure but choice and a clear consequence if he crossed the line . It takes alot of clear communication and follow thu .
Like I found time out didn’t work he just wanted out and would ask repeatedly when , to a point where he was not thinking abt why he was in time out just that he wanted out and I was the one in control ( he hated it ) So I decided to give him control of when he got out by requesting he write a short ( young age ) to a longer ( older age ) story abt what he did and how it could of been better or how it affected others . He could get out when HE was done . He had to age appropriate do a proper job on the paper . So in short lol if you set clear boundaries and consequences with solid follow thu you can skip the meds imo.
Plus if I new then what I know now I would have tried CBD and THCA non psycho treatment as that’s vary helpful to him as a adult.

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Create a care free and relaxed environment. Chose the correct disciplinary methods (non physical punishments) therapy.

I’ve read stories of parents saying truvision helps their kids. They are natural plant based pills. Gluten free. It can be used as a way to lose weight. To clear your mind, also give you energy no jitters. Definitely something to look into.

My daughter was finally diagnosed at the age of 9.

I am not for or against meds but it’s made a huge difference in her ability to express her self, her feelings and achieve her goals.

When I asked about the severity of it, they told me it was a 12 on a scale of 1-10. I can not express enough the importance of finding a pediatric specialist who listens to YOUR CHILDS feelings and goals. My daughter use to cry so hard because she couldn’t tell me why she couldn’t follow direction. She would ask me, “Mommy why is there so much ugly in me!?” It’s heartbreaking. She told the doctor she liked who she was but just wanted to be good (she has an insanely cool personality). The doctor listened and worked with her in her goals and listed to how her meds made her feel. We ended up with an medication that allows her to use as little as possible, and she is able to still be her, and listen. My doctor is retired now, and we miss her dearly, but she really really made a difference in the whole process.

I say all of that to say this. Regardless of which way you choose to go, meds or wholistic, find a PEDIATRIC specialist who truly LISTENS to your child AND you. Good luck :heart:

My Son was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. He was on medication from 6yrs to 12yrs. He hated the medication, he said it made him feel bad. Not to mention he wouldn’t put on weight and his growth was slow. I decided to take him off his meds and I put him on CBD. What a difference. He is now 15 and is doing great! Good Luck with your journey. It will be a tough one. I hope you find something that works for your son!

I refused to put our son on medication at first to. We seen a counselor and a therapist. Made food changes, did a different discipline technique but wjen i came done to it. His biggeat issue was focusing in school and it wasn’t fair to him that he could not help not focusing in school. It took us probably 4 differnt medications and trying different dosages to find the right combination for him and now he is happy and triving.

I limited sugar, cut out red dye 40, and gave my daughter a cup of coffee before school. The teachers saw such an improvement, they thought she was medicated. Caffeine actually helped her focus. She was 7 then, now she’s a very well functioning 21 year old adult.


some adhd meds aren’t meant for the body past a certain age.
I was Eleven when the dr told me it was my last year on them. as you get older you’re brain fights off the adhd.
normalizes it so to speak.
just make sure if you choose no meds.
keep her entertained alot! focus her in school a sip of coffee or mountain dew
no red dyes either

If your son was diabetic, would you withhold insulin? Would someone else in your family having it make a difference in your decision?
If your sons leg was not formed correctly, would you withhold a brace?
If your son had any other sort of genetic mutation, disformity, malfunction, disease, condition, etc. would you withhold the sort of medical attention he needed to live a “normal” life?
How is treating your brain any different than your heart or blood or leg?
Do not base your sons needs off of a family members needs. One persons ADHD may not be the same as your sons. There are a lot of different components to it. Why take him to someone to get a diagnosis if you aren’t willing take the treatment?
Maybe you should get a second opinion from a different counselor? Maybe talk to a counselor about your concerns of medication. Perhaps a better understanding ADHD and how the medications work would ease your concerns.
—from a mother of a teenager who suffers from a major anxiety problem which was stemmed from untreated ADHD. Please listen to the medical / psychological professionals. They are professionals for a reason.
Also, if u chose to medicate, talk to your son about how the medication makes him feel, observe his actions and reactions. Take notes. Listen to him. Talk to the prescriber and if they don’t listen to you, find a new one that will! Not all medications are the same, they react differently to different people and doses can be adjusted accordingly also.
It’s a journey, but well worth taking to gain good mental health.


Finding the right balance of caffeine has been very helpful in a lot of my research

A healthy balanced diet and meditation work for my boy. He can still have things like biscuits and muesli bar etc in his lunch but I balance it out with scroggin, with nuts, seeds, dried fruit and bit of choc in it. Also fruit and veges that he actually likes to eat, so that he does actually eat them. If they have a full tummy it will defs help them concentrate. Also talk to his teacher and set up a specific plan with that teacher, where say he gets restless in class, then he can go to the teacher or the teacher sees he is restless and say I think/you need to run around the courtyard or field for 5 mins to exert that energy that has started bouncing around inside him… these things work most of the time for my boy… Goodluck finding the right balance for you and your boy :heart:
It took me a few years

Pay attention to the diet and no red food coloring.

I tried medication with my son and the side effects were worse than his behavior issues. I finally just got him into every sport and activity he was interested in. I initially stayed away from sports that encouraged violence like football until he got older and more in control of his emotions. He was in track, wrestling, football, basketball, t-ball and soccer. He stayed with wrestling the longest. It taught him discipline and self control. And if he wasnt keeping his grades up he was disqualified from participating so that motivated him to do better. I think the hardest part with my son was learning how to help him learn. My girls came home and went right to homework. He needed a hour or 2 of outside play to unwind enough to focus.

My son is about to be 10. He was diagnosed adhd about 4 years ago. He also has odd. We tried adhd meds and mood stabilizers. Found out he has a folic acid gene mutation through a gene site test. Switched to a methylfolate supplement and omega 3! He’s thriving now! Doing great in school! He does still have some issues with impulse control. Good luck!

My family was very against labeling me and medicating me. When the Dr would say I had it, my parents thought it was just drs trying to sell medication. I struggled a lot and got in trouble for hyperactivity. As an adult, when I started medication for it I felt calmer and easier to focus. I have 2 college degrees but struggled big time. I always think I could have been so much more had I started on meds earlier in life. There’s such a stigma but if your child truly has it I would say try it and you will see the difference and possible allow them to fulfill their full potential