What can I do to help my child with colic?

I have a 2 week old baby and she’s suffering from colics. What remedies did anyone tried? Thank you so much for your help.


Vibrating chair. And all the new mom’s use gripe water.

Have you tried changing the milk?

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Talk to the Dr. Only two weeks, you have to be very careful.

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My first child who is now 17 used to cry constantly. I ask the doctor he said the same thing my mom said change her milk I didn’t. While I was gone she gave her soy milk and all her crying constantly went away. Sometimes grandma knows best.

Tummy time helps with gas, and grip water i use zarbees. But ask the dr with the baby being so little.

Infacol or gripe water and changing teats on bottles to free flo anti colic ones

I had to take my son when he was young like that to the dr we had to put him on really expensive formula to get it to stop good luck it’s miserable all the way around

Colief but only put a few drops in like 1-2oz so you know there getting it .then wind wind wind and if needed a few more ounces…but wind lots .lay on there belly and rub back for a while …my eldest had this and it was awful to hear him screaming.hope he gets better soon

My daughter had colic bad.
Basically they grow out if it but a baby swing and mylican drops helped tremendously

Ask pediatrician that’s very young ? I’d try Avent bottles for colic if your not breastfeeding they’re very good .

Rub Asafoetida(hing) water around babies navel… Dissolve it in warm water n gently massage around navel

I saw a thing where you feed the buba in a seated position to reduce gas… Idk but colic sucks. Hugs

Similac alimentum for formula (unless you’re breastfeeding)
Vibrating chair
White noise machine or youtube “music for colic baby”
Tummy time 4x a day for atleast 1 minute each time
Dr. Browns colic bottles

Idk if they still sale the bottles with the plastic inside. That was the only way for me to keep air out when they take their bottles. Idk about other babies, but keeping air out of the bottle when feeding, worked for me. My baby started sleeping through the night and he wasn’t in pain.

Should really talk to your pediatrician. Every child is different.

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Dr Brown bottles and gripe water helped my 2. Also swaddling seemed to comfort them a bit.

Sure it’s colic and not reflux…

Always used peppermint water. A couple of drops in bottle. Worked wonders for mine and grandchildren

Lay baby on left side rub counterclockwise on tummy or back this helps the digestive system no medication needed just a mon naturally soothing an upset stomach. Use some lavender baby lotion for calming .

Nopeeee I think the best thing u can do is use a goat milk formula it’s easier to digest… Until u ready to change to a different formula. Goats milk is also best for premature babies helps dem a lot.

I agree about the goat milk formula and soy milk is good also. My Dr. Had me get a tiny rubber hot water bottle and fill it with hot water and wrap it in 2 thick diapers and put against babies tummy over clothing and walk or rock with baby with her head on your shoulder and tummy against your chest. It helped my babies. Check with DR first.

Mylicon drops but since the baby is so young check with your pediatrician first. The helped with my daughter. And they are gentle too. I wouldn’t use zantac because of the question of it causing cancer. Zantac is in a lawsuit. Best of luck.

We used probiotic drops in my son’s bottles when he was colic.


Personally because I formula fed i switched formula. And my son was perfectly fine after That

Tummy sleep, gripe water, and gas drops

If you are BF, don’t eat gassy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, onions, stay away from things like chocolate and coffee as well.

And I second probiotics drops… fucking life saver right there!!!

My first born was colic. She was breastfeed so we had to supplement with Enfamil gentlease formula and we had to get her gas drops … oh and snuggles …lots of snuggles… Best decision!

Good luck mama!:heart:

If you’re formula feeding, Gerber Soothe worked wonders for my 1st. Also you might want to try the Gerber Soothe probiotic drops.

Gripe water, belly rubs, gas drops (the up and up brand at target was the best in my opinion) and bicycle kicks. :heart:

Gripe water worked for my little one. And tummy rubs.

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Probiotic drops & regular chiropractic care has done wonders for us!


Chiropractic care for little ones works wonders


Probiotics in her formula worked great for us. Sound machine or a SHHHHHHHer also helped. Tons of walking and bouncing.

They thought my first born was a colic baby, turns out I was producing enough milk. Switched to the bottle, even after the recommended amount she still screamed her head off. So I gave her an extra ounce and a half and didn’t have any more problems.

My second child the same thing. Other then she kept getting an upset stomach because she was allergic to cow milk, switched to soy and she was fine.

Also both of my babies were above 8.5 pounds at birth, the doctors didn’t seem to have a problem I fed them more then what is recommended per serving.

Amazon sells belly bands! They work wonders

Check for cows milk protein allergy. If they have it, nutramigen.

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She is now being healed from that disease in Jesus name Amene

Infacol drops were amazing when my eldest was newborn he used to cry for hours at night with his legs pulled up to his tummy once I started using infacol as well as tummy rubs it only happened occasionally

I used homeopathic colic tablets for my baby and it worked well. After a while I realized the food that made me sick when I was pregnant also made his colic worse when I was breastfeeding.

Chiropractic care was amazing for my daughter!

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White noise helped a lot when my baby had colic

Try Gripe water and gentle belly and back rubs.


Lots of walking, bouncing, belly rubs and gripe water just a tiny drop worked wonders

You can try elevating the head of their crib a few inches. This has worked for colic and congestion in our family

Gripe water really helps

Wrap her tightly in a receding blanket and bounce her a little. ALSO gripe water works well…

I used a probiotic drops on my son. It helped so much but you have to do it everyday. He’s almost 5 months old now and doesn’t have colic issues anymore

Wrap her tightly just enough to keep her arms and legs wiggling free but loose enough to still breath comfortably. It worked for both my littles

Chiropractor! Seriously, my little has gone to the chiropractor since she was born and it has done wonders!

Honestly music calmed down my son. Particularly Ozzy and Queen.

Gripe water propping baby up after feeding if you are bottle feeding use slow flow nipples if you’re breastfeeding check your diet baby might be dairy sensitive

There is formula and gas drops for colicky babies.

Gripe water … also take to the doctor to get checked for any intolerances or refluxes. My son had it awful and it ended up being silent reflux and lactose/soy/gluten intolerance it took several formula changes and medications changes until it stopped and I wish I would of been more aggressive on assisting the changes.

Gas drops, be sure to run it by your dr first though. We thought our little girl had colic, she actually had acid reflux. A year later and MANY vomit covered things later, she’s on medicine for it and doing much much better.

Gripe water and walking helped wonders for my son

Peperment oil around the bellybutton old wives tail but it works

Its been 16 years but Nutramigen sorta of helped for my Colicky son I say sorta cause nothing really helped too much…Good Luck :+1:

Loud noises…like washer…vacuum or something like that is helpful to calm them …but my mom took my boy and held him over the palm of her hand and patted him a little harder then when burping…and he vomited and it was gone …I dealt with it 7 months she took care of it less then 20 mins. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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My little one had reflex really bad and we tried everything. gripe water, putting him in positions that supposed to help colic, bath time etc etc… the only thing that helped him was a medication that his doctor prescribed him which is Nexiam. I recommend you maybe asking baby’s Doctor to see if you can get LO on something like that. It helped tremendously. We give it to my son in the morning and it’s a 24 hour thing so it’ll run its course through the night. He stopped having fits for 3 hours straight, started sleeping better in the night and stopped gurgling stuff up, he was just a happier baby. Good luck to you! It’s rough


i found out just a few days ago if i lay my son on my chest so he can hear my heartbeat sometimes it helps but im also still trying to find ways if that doesnt work

Get rid of dairy whether you’re formula feeding and need to switch or breastfeeding and need to take it out of your diet.
Also, keep a close eye on baby’s weight. What I thought was colic turned out to be my breast milk was not nutritious in the slightest and they were starving with my two oldest.


If your nursing let her nurse even just for comfort. Use gripe water and gas drops. Cuddle as much as possible. Take warm baths and let her float in the water with you supporting head and shoulders. Good luck


Fresh air outside helped our little angel and knowing that there wasn’t anything I could really do to help. The doctor said the best thing to me, she said, “I’m sure you’ve done and tried it all and you’re doing all the right things, if it was any of those things they would stop crying so just take a deep breath and be calm and love them until they stop, cause your calm will help them more than you know” that changed my thinking so much and really really helped me! I hope this helps a little.

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The only remedy for colic is their little belly getting older. 4months was when my son stopped screaming constantly. Tried everything, gripe water didnt do a thing. We also rode the formula switching train for a while and stopped on soy. Good luck, take breaks! There’s nothing wrong with letting them cry while you gather your wits

Gas relief drops in her bottles. That will break up all the bubbles in her tummy. She probably needs to burp. I did that with my kids. Helps so much.

Nothing worked for our son. He cried almost nonstop if he wasn’t sleeping or eating. Then one day, at around 3 months, he woke up smiling and that was the end of it. Those first few months were brutal, but you’ll get through them!

Doing the “run run run run, pull and push” with my daughter’s legs would relieve her of a lot of her pains related to colic. You grab both legs and make it seem like the baby is running, pull both legs straight out and then push them up towards the belly


I cut dairy out of my diet with my son and it helped immensely! It takes a good week for it to completely clear from your body so it takes a little time before you see results. When he reached about 6 months I started to slowly incorporate it back into my diet and then he handled it just fine!

Honestly, we tried everything, from changing formulas, to every homeopathic method on the market for colic. Our doctor did her best help, and never found a medical reason. We just had to wait, at 4 months she finally grew out of it.

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I use gripe water and make sure that my sons head is above his belly while eating, then keep him upright for about 30 min after (reflux)… we also have a crib wedge… good luck!


My daughter is 38. She had it for 9 months and then didnt sleep a full night for 3 years. Be patient and love her. My dr. Showed me to wrap her tight in the blanket and rock her. We did lots of that and walking around. We changed formulas several times. Be patient and love her, you will get through this.

Have the infant tested for reflux. Sometimes it is an underlying issue. If it is truly colic run a vacuum under the crib. That may help.

Mine had colic for the first 5 months. He was happiest in his swing. He cried from noon to 9 everyday. He ended up on alimentum. I have had registers open to get me out of the store. I have been followed by security cause they thought I was hurting him. Mine was happiest outside too

Everyone told me it was just colic with my 3rd baby, and for many babies it probably is, but that Mama instinct told me she was in pain. We did an elimination diet and figured out she didnt tolerate dairy or soy that was being passed through my breastmilk. We later figured out almost anything processed triggered tummy pain. After a week or two, she was a whole different baby! Calm, smiling, sleeping without waking up screeching. If you can, I’d encourage you to explore dietary options if you’re nursing.


My first now almost 12 was the worst. Hence why I waited 9 years for my 2nd lol. She was great so only waited 3 years for 3rd…nothing helped my son except time. He literally screamed and cried 23-7 for almost 8 weeks. I would just cry with him and lay him down take a long hot shower and still here him scream. His dad and I were splitting up but living together at the time and I wasnt working so it was a nightmare. Then he was the best toddler ever and always listened and never got into anything…now preteen and back at the nightmare lol. Good luck!

Gripe water worked amazing for my 2nd baby when she had colic almost 16 years ago. She cried it seemed non stop for 3 months. My step mom then asked if I had tried gripe water I told her I didnt even know what that was and she got us a bottle of it and the difference after a few days of giving her the gripe water was incredible.

Nothing helped except walking. I carried him in the body carrier for 3 months! If I walked he slept. I lost 20 pounds those 3 months! :slight_smile: I wish you the best. It is a painful time but it does end.

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I used to walk my little one back and forth on the driveway till they calmed down. Happened every night like clockwork around 8pm. Doesn’t last forever, stay calm and good luck. Gripe water never worked for me.

Colic in most cases is due to gerds. An acid reflux medication is recommended. My daughter suffered from it but being on prevacid helped her greatly.

When my now 17 year old was newborn he was also colic… i did lots of “baby excercises” for him, especially after feeding. These included belly rubs, leg stretches and bends as if he were squatting and then standing back up, and burping!!! (Dont forget silly sounds and funny faces) I would also swaddle him up and hold him close as we walked and walked and walked. I know it is an immediate remedy, nothing truly is, but I promise momma it does get better!

I had to take milk out of my diet for my son’s stomach to calm down. He also ended up having severe apnea and getting his tonsils out at 2.

Gripe water was the only thing that helped. My mother in law brought it back from Singapore but they do make it here in the states also. Good luck momma

Offering a pacifier, turning on white noise, or gently rocking the baby in your arms or a swing may help ease colic. If the situation becomes frustrating, letting someone else take over or placing the baby in a crib may also help.

Chiropractor. It’s amazing how much the nervous system is tied into every part of your body.

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My daughter was super colicky. They had to change her formula. Took a week or two and bam… She was so much better … Good luck

The first 3 weeks my daughter would scream from 6pm-9:30, she was bottle fed someone told me to switch to Dr. Brown’s bottles and the screaming stopped on the first night!

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Keeping her warm. For my daughter, I would bring her into the warm shower with me. Hold her head in the crook of your elbow and rest her belly on your arm. And let the warm water run over her back with a washcloth draped around her back. Worked wonders for mine

Gripe water worked for my son gave it to him before feedings also Zyrtec the Dr prescribed for him as well and it helped a lot . Hope you find answers soon.

Breast milk is the best thing for colic babies


Chiropractor, my daughter took her baby at 3 weeks. Our Chiropractor treats babies as young as 1 week. He slept 5 hours straight the night after his chiropractor treatment.

Warm your hands with olive oil on them. Rub it going downwards on the babies tummy. Roll up a receiving blanket and lay babies tummy down so the blanket is under the tummy. Just watch the baby dont let him go unsupervised whole doing that.

I’m old school- my grandma always gave my babies manzanilla tea and my babies were fine after .

Probiotics, solved my newborns colic. Didn’t have to change my diet or anything. She was a happy baby in about a week

Air conditioners have always helped my babies!! 🤷 Warm lavender baths with classical music to try and help relax baby.

Feeding up right if possible. Look into baby wearing as well. Skin to skin is soothing as well.

If she’s formula feed you might need to change that’s easier on her little belly


I always do old time remedies and contacting a doctor will really do nothing they will either tell you to use gas drops or change the formula. I always did a peppermint in 1oz of warm water or cinnamon in 1oz water

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My baby had severe colic. It was my breast milk. I switched to probiotic Gerber formula. It helped a million. Highly suggest it. Good luck hun!