What can I do to help my toddler with his speech problem?

Keep at it … make every interaction a speech lesson. Have him say the name of each object you guys touch all day. Small sessions, toothbrush, cup, teeth, potty … plate, spoon, chair, book. I’d do one or 2 times per item acting like it’s just normal conversation along with cards toys and what the speech pathologist has you doing. Consistently have him saying words.


Sometimes it has to do with the child hearing has he had a hearing test to ensure he doesn’t have hearing issues? I did speech therapy with my son, boys are often later in development milestones but I also made a game out of saying what everything and anything was and trying to get him to repeat what I say then change it by pointing to stuff to have him tell me what it is then I repeat to him or use in a sentence it helped because he also would not sit still and it gave us quality time together and u can do this everywhere u go. But hearing test is a must when a child has speech issues even if he hears he could have difficulty hearing clearly what is being said

We got nursery rhymes books from the shops and every night we’d sing along to a book. It was loads of fun. My daughter picked up the words really fast after that. Also get a whiteboard and get him to draw whatever’s on the flash card. Might get through a few words a day but the drawing is a fun way to remember what they are.

The therapist should try working with him on sign language (its actually super helpful with teaching speech) and show you how to do the same. If they don’t, ask about it and if they won’t, learn it for yourself and teach him.

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For me to sit still they had to use games for me and stickers then I would look out into my classroom and cry as the Caterpillar was out I was in preschool

Speech therapy will work but it will take time and jus correct him
My was in speech therapy all the way from pre k to 6 grade every year he would get better and better
Never could tell me why he had a speech problem

Do you have early steps where you are? It’s a free service that comes to tie home and works with the baby on their development

Be patient. The speech therapist is well qualified and knows what he/she is doing. Possible autism as well. My son and grandson are autistic and were very delayed with speech.

Make the activity fun…and talk about objects not cards… like make a game out of it…using toys would probably be helpful

Make sure he isn’t tongue tied and he can hear.

Try the my baby can read dvds and books? Maybe that will help

Have his hearing tested.

Try letting him read poetry

Try to get him early development speech therapy. It will help.

Play dates or preschool with other kids. Some Kids are motivated to talk with other kids

My son was behind and was enrolled in 3k so he was around other kids more other then just me and his grandma his speech had improved so much within the first month…

My son has a speech issue. She’s 10, and has gone to speech classes since he was 2. He’s very hard to understand, but making progress.

Ask him yes no questions, talk through everything you are doing, basically explain the world to him. Once he starts speech therapy, you will see a difference in just a few months

Tey reading alound but honestly some kids are behind but shoot to where they need to be outta nowhere. My cousin was 3 and we were told she was at 1 year fir speech and it stayed like that a while nothing we did helped and out of nowhere around 5 she just started talking and wouldnt shut up :sweat_smile:

We do flashcards, we do specific Mickey Mouse clubhouse episodes (it was ones that had counting in it now were on to ABC’s) we have some playdates with other kids (his dr said for some reason when children are around each other they tend to start speaking more and my son is an only child)

Practice, practic again and practice more. More daughter is developmentall behind and we talk to her constantly, point out everything “look at the white truck” that dog is black”, “this food is yummy”. We do short sentences or phrases so she gets the hang of simple speech. Our OT also said saying words slowly while they are actually looking at you to see how your mouth looks when you say it.

my son was in speech and ot . they gave us alot of games and things we could do everyday he was seeing a special education teacher and speech was 3 times a week and ot was every 2 days but they have helped him so much. also i made Popsicle sticks which i colored and wrote on and we did colors and all different things to helo him learn .

My daughter had same problem when she was about that age, one speech therapy told me give her gum n let her chew chew chew & it was progress. But not same chewing gum lol Now she’s 15 yrs old n good with talking since

Speech therapy and what you’re already doing w him. My kid had a speech delay and by 5ish he was talking.

My daughter had/has speech issues(I had speech issues as well) but once we got her into speech therapy, it helped. And since being in Pre-K this year(around other children),it helped so much more.

Get learning games, puzzles, have learning apps on a tablet, make them use their words. Keep updated what their doing in speech and work on the same things. My daughter has a speech delay and when she doeant habe speech im doing something with her for at least a half hour. Her speech has improved so much in the 6 months shes been doing speech!!

To take the pressure off ask him stuff whole you are out walking and just y as o to him, keep at it with the speech therapist, it should get better with time, also being around other kids who talk will help good luck

Look into the Early On program. Believe they are available in every state. Will come out and assess him. If he is behind they will have someone come to your house to work with him and give you some tools to help him. Once he turns 3, they will put him in an Early Childhood Special Education through the school that will also work with him. Best part is it is free. My son was almost in the same situation, he is 4.5 now and has made leaps and bounds. Finally speaking more clearly, even stringing 4-5 words together.

When my son was in Pre-K they said he was behind in speech and he is in 1st grade now and still is getting speech therapy, but it’s getting better. They say just read to him and talk clearly which I always have. All kids are different.

Check with your school district. Some schools have a speech program starting before school age. My son went at 3.

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My son has a speech delay due to hearing loss, we had an early intervention program around here and it worked wonders, hes continuing speech therapy in school it’s a slow process


Currently going through speech therapy with my 2 1/2 year old. So far what’s helped him was teaching him sign language and when doing the signs say the words. Also hold things close to your mouth when you talk so they can see how you mouth the words and space out syllables. Make games and sing songs with sounds you know he specifically struggles with. For my son he struggles with m sounds much more than other sounds. Listen to nursery rhymes through and let him dance to them the more they hear something the more prone they are to making the sounds. My sons favorite right now is blues clues and he will hum most parts of the song but has gotten comfortable enough to say some of the easier words of them at the correct parts.

Both my brother and cousin had severe speech problems because they had fluid in their ears so they couldn’t hear.

Everything above and really signing with him and nursery rhymes will be a huge help!!

Maybe instead of flash cards just do random words while you’re driving , hey look can you see the bus? Can you say bus? Or at the park, can you say slide? Etc. Make it more fun.

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My daughter had speech problems. She did therapy through elementary school. She eventually grew out of them.her speech is fine now. He is so young I wouldn’t sweat it.

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Talk to him,kids all learn at their own pace just keep talking to him and let him see you talking ,good luck he will be fine .

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Singing is a great way to help with speech. His words will sound jumbled at first but it really helped my son💗

Same problem my daughter will be 2 in May. Compared to other kids she says only 2 words. She is learning two languages. Some people have told me it’s normal as they take a bit longer to process two languages.

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Have you had his ears checked my daughter went thru same thing and took her to and ent they put tubes in and when they were doing the surgery the dr said she had so much mucus built up in both ears it was like her head had been in a bucket of water for 2 years after they cleaned it out and put tubes in her speech got a lot better


Have your child watch you while you talk… so they learn by watching you how to move the mouth and tongue to form words… we also turned on caption on the tv when our kids were younger… that and repeat, repeat, repeat…

My son had a speech delay at the age of 2 he went to speech twice a week at the school and when he started school they would pull him out for speech too it’s really a long slow process but u do see improvement but takes time the speech therapist usually sets a goal like this is what I want him to be able to do in like so many months my son is 8 now and just got out of speech last year granted he talks good but there still is some things he struggles with but he’s come along way from where we first started. It just takes time for them

Same with my child it just takes time

First- go to the doctor or ent and check his ears. My little guy was having issues and it turns out he had a lot of water behind his ears and he couldn’t hear well. Once we cleared that up, the speech improved A LOT!!


My son didn’t speak til he was three. Playing with g I joes and seeing they “spoke “ to each other showed him words were important and he hasn’t stopped talking since then. They said to many adults just gave into his needs instead of making him express things in words

I know this may sound crazy, but read poetry to him.

My son was the same way. Putting him in a preschool program was the best thing for him. Being around other kids helped him so much. Speech therapy will work wonders. Your therapist should be able to give you exercises to practice with him daily.


Hi. We had a speech delay with our son. We ended up taking him to allergy Dr in townsville and he said I bet it’s his adenoids. 4 months after the op he is talking in full sentences. Lots of things have improved since.

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Talk to him. When he talks, if you are able to identify a word, expand on it. Example: dog You then say yes, that’s right dog, doggy, puppy, the dog is brown and friendly etc…also read to him. It’s all about how many times the kiddo has exposure to sounds in our language, through words they hear.

Absolutely do the speech therapy. You will want to get on the same page as the therapists. Teach basic signs which can be found on YouTube. But anytime you’re playing name items and ask questions. Being repetitive is the best thing to do. Flash cards can be a good tool but try a My First Words book and make it a game. Most of them have pages with animals so start with recognition of know which item/animal is which and then begin point to the pictures asking what each thing is to encourage the use of words. Also a lot of speech therapists will suggest putting them in a child care setting where they’re around other children if they’re not already.

This is purely anecdotal but I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to narrate what is happening in the world on a day to day basis… It feels kind of silly but if you’re just in the car then it’s less intimidating… “oh, we’re slowing down because the light is red, and a red light means stop! What does a red light mean? Stop! Okay, now the light is green and we can go. Wow, look at that yellow car over there, do you see it?” things like that, along with speaking clearly and not using baby talk, are important. Also, when you ask if they want something, offer a couple of choices -" would you like the blue cup or the orange cup?" and let them choose, even if it’s pointing to the color. All of the exposure to identifying things adds up little by little, and before you know it you will be able to advance things appropriately.

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Little baby bum on Netflix, my son is 2 and he loves it. He learns so much from it


My oldest daughter was in speech from age 3 until she was a little over 8. My youngest son is currently in speech. Both times the therapists we have seen have given us age appropriate things to try at home. It can be a long slow process and different sounds use different activities. Bath time can be a good time to practice words/sounds because they are confined and it seems easier to get their attention. My oldest had such a bad speech problem that she would learn a very big word to compensate for the smaller word she couldnt say, so in the long run she ended up with a huge vocabulary.
Also both of my kids with speech problems had problems with their ears. One had a ton of fluid (no ear infections) and the other had several ear infections and fluid. Once they had tubes placed, we saw a huge difference in them both.

Is he even in prek yet…prek offers speech therapy and that’s when you’ll notice a big difference but by all means still work with your baby…I just wouldn’t worry too much as of yet

talk to your therapist for how to help at home. they are the trained professional who knows what your child needs. not strangers on fb

My middle child started speech therapy when she turned three. Once therapy starts, the therapists should give you “homework” to do with him- do it! Listen in on therapy sessions (our daughter works one on one with her therapist while we listen from the next room). Just listening to their therapy session will be so, so beneficial for you working with him!

Take him to his pediatrician, there could be an underlying cause. My ex’s son had issues with his Andinoids , hearing, and tonsils


Sit and play with his toys with him. it’s what they will do in therapy too. Repeat the words slowly really slowly they need that to process each sound in the word. I’ve been doing this for my daughter since she was born. We started with sign language but as the words started coming she lost interest in signing. Play and talk about every thing the toy is doing slowly.

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My twins didnt start talking til they were 6, and only talk to each other. We were told that was normal amongst twins. Anywho just because they wouldnt talk didnt mean they didnt know how.

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Definitely check his ears before you dive into speech therapy.


Keep reading and speaking to him

Be dramatically upbeat and happy when saying words for reading stories. Enunciate ur words slow and loud with your mouth, so ur child can watch your lips and echo what your doing. Incorporate things he loves into the word games. My sons speech therapist got a big box and painted a trex face with a whole in the middle and would feed the dinosaur foods, if he said the food or attempted to she would allow him to feed the dino.

I have my 3 year old in a Early Childhood Education through his school district. We’ve such an improvement the last 2years. At 2 he had a speech therapist come to the house. Then at 3 he went to the school program.

All 3 of my boys had speech delay and articulation issues. My youngest is 3 1/2 and his is the most severe. He goes to speech therapy weekly. My suggestion…have his ears checked and have then dentist check to see if he is tongue tied. The dentist didnt realize my middle son was tongue tied until he was in second grade, you really couldn’t tell, but once they clipped his tongue his speech improved quickly. Make sure when you talk to him you over emphasize the different sounds, especially the ending sound in words.

my grandson is 2 and he learned so much from watching cartoons, he learned to speak by listening to cartoons way better than he would have by just being around me

Reading to him a lot and making sure your are speaking clearly to him are good ideas but also you should make sure no one in the family is speaking for him. If he wants something and points to it say oh you want this book and then give it to him. Encourage him to say the word too.

For some odd reason speech therapist are being recommended everywere for kids starting at age to must be lacking in business…if your child aint talking by age 3 then contact speech otherwise don’t waste your time an insurance money…i promise at this age it’s just a money scam

We went through speech. If you want to pm me, I can take pictures of all our tips and tricks and info.

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I saw on super nanny the other day she placed the boys hand on her mouth when saying new words and then the boy would put his hand on his own mouth to say the word… I’ve tried a couple of times with my 2.5yr old with words he’s stuck on and he’s picked a few up straight away…I’m not going to worry until after 3yrs… it seems like the latest ‘thing’ is speech delay/autism… it’s amazing how their speech improves so quickly with time and I think it’s a common thing especially with little boys…I’m just making an extra effort to speak/read/sing/practice sentences involving his toys when we play etc :woman_shrugging:

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Watch The King’s Speech for some inspiring ideas! The King's Speech - YouTube

Does he hang out with other kids a lot? Slight older, speaking well. Kids help other kids develop better than any adult can. Peer pressure starts early, it would seem. Btw, don’t panic yet. My niece didnt pick up speaking until she was 3-when she joined a play group. Now you can’t shut her up. :blush:

Singalongs for everything. Our daughter used a lot of gestures then we stop following them and we started making her talk and repeat everything. We now Re enforced her to use her words. She gets speech 3 times a week. In a year what a difference. Good Luck

My son learned a lot with learning apps on the tablet, also educational YouTube videos. Although I did read and have him do a lot of hands on. But maybe that’ll be more of a fun way.

Better sooner then later, my daughter had a severe speech delay due to having large adenoids and needed surgery to remove them and grommets put in. No amount of speech Therapy will help if this is the case with your child, so better off getting his ears checked, instead of like me years of speech therapy and nothing really improving until we found the real problem.