What can I give a gassy baby?

Advice for gassy baby.

Hello moms! I have a super gassy two months old. His burps are loud, and his farts are long :joy::relaxed: I have tried gripe water. He sleeps swaddled… when he sleeps, that is. He’s bottle-fed but regularly burps during/after feeding. I’m out of ideas and he’s not happy. Help?


Have u assed doc maybe he need a different formula

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Try more frequent burping. May ever two oz’s…

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My 3 week old bottle fed daughter farts when eating then gets the good burp after so I got nothin lol

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Put a blanket or towel in the dryer for awhile then wrap baby up


Take him to a chiropractor

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He may be infant lactose intolerant. Try soy or soothing formula. My last baby was like that. Some Farts could clear a room.


My daughter was VERY gassy on Similac pro sensitive. We switched to total comfort and that helped a ton. Maybe he needs to be on a different formula.

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Feed intermittently so ten minutes stop wait ten minutes after burning repeat,
Feed up right, lots of tummy time and leg exercises through out the day ten minutes each time with exercises
Have you also tried a dr browns bottle it’s good for colicky babies

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Gas drops nothing better, had a lactose allergy baby, he’s 11 now, worked wonderfully


Could be the bottles you are using try dr Browns they are awesome.

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Tummy time helps my baby tremendously!

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Do you have anti-colic bottles? Are you using formula for gassy babies?

Trying bicycling his legs to work some of those farts out.

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I had issues with my sons bottles. He used doctor brown for a while but I switched to nuk simply natural and his gas improved. Gripe water never worked for him. Have you tried simethicone drops?

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Push his legs gently back and forth, almost like riding a bicycle style. Little remedies gas drops, or mommy’s bliss gas drops. Little remedies works better for my boy. He’s almost 6 months now, and for the most part grew out of it-but he had reflux & is lactose intolerant so it was a heck of a time. But it should ease up over time! Good luck.

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If you don’t already…try Dr Browns anti colic bottles. Worked for my baby 100%.

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Laying on the stomach helps. Knees to chest helps too

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Little remedies gas drops, I put half a dose in the bottle and swirl it, then after the baby is done eating I give the other half of the dose. I also use dr. Browns bottles with the straw in it to let the air in above the milk line so it’s not bubbling through.

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Happy tummi from amazon.com amazing!!!https://www.amazon.com/Happi-Tummi-Natural-Therapy-Infants/dp/B000I6PX1M/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?keywords=happy+tummi+colic+%26+gas+relief+waistband&qid=1568760417&sprefix=happy+tum&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMTRINTJRUVBUUE44JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODA2MTQzVDRPN1U1NVZFMzhVJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA5MDQ4MTgzMDdIUzA5TlFKQkNRJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

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Doctor browns anti colic bottles. Also make sure you wind baby properly after a feed: put baby on your knee and alternate between gently rubbing/patting his back, and gently swaying him from side to side whilst supporting his chin and head.

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Leg exercises, dr browns bottles, and burping every ounce or 2. Otherwise you might need to switch formula.


Take a baby massage class. All sorts of secrets for.helpingg with digestion and gas!


Dr brown’s bottles are brilliant

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Look into reflux and medication to help… that caused my sons burps. As for the gas I got infant probiotic drops and I would put the soothing vibration on our bassinet. We also changed his formula a total of 5 times and wound up on Alimentum. We did this after speaking with our pediatrician each time. That helped, but honestly he just turned 4 months and JUST got over those issues. Unfortunately time might be your only solution.


Massage his tummy lightly or do the bicycle motion with his legs. All of my kids have been gassy and I have never once gave them meds.


You half to burp him each time

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Formula change would be my first idea, perhaps switch to soy or lactose free


The only thing that really helped was putting mines to sleep in on his tummy


My son was SOOO gassy, I used those Mylicon Drops, he actually got addicted to them, I could put a drop on my finger put it in his mouth and the crying stopped, you could set your clocks by his colic, 7 to 10, hes 26 now and still gassy…


Thanks everyone! I’ve made a list. Surely something will work right!?:joy: This mama needs some sleep :sleeping::sleeping:


Talk to the pediatrician. I had a colicky and reflux baby my last go around. She was formula and breast milk fed. I had to switch up her formula a lot till I found what worked best. Gripe water did nothing but the colic drops helped a ton! We did smaller more frequent feedings with a burping in between ounces. I kept her upright for 30 minutes after feeding. Eventually she needed Zantac but she was a spitter.

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My grandsons same. Keep burping or change formula to see if that works

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Maybe try keeping him upright for a bit after he eats.

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Might sound crazy, but when my boys were still in their infant car seats I would put them in it on the dryer and turn the dryer on if they were gassy…worked every time!

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I’m dealing with the same problem! Same age and everything. I’m using Mylicon drops too, they seem to help a little. If you get any tips that help I sure would appreciate it if you could pass them on to me!

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If switching formula doesn’t work turn your dryer on and put him in a seat on top

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Put a peppermint in a bottle of warm water.

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The Windi is definitely worth a shot. Helped my son a lot.

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My son was the same and we switched him to soy formula and he was soooo happy :blush: he’s 8 now and can handle lactose 100% but at that age sometimes it’s tough

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do knee’s to chest… It always pushes out gas… And i can’t help but laugh and have a happy baby after that… It works every time Lol

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Do you breastfeed or formula feed…breastfeed you may need to change something in your diet due to his sensitivity…most likely needing to cut out dairy…formula fed you most likely need to change to a sensitive or soy formula

Have you tried gas drops?? Different from gripe water!

my kids all had that issue used tiny tummys anti gas drops, and changing them to either soy or carnation good start (which u can get carnation from wic if you have your dr write a note)