What can my daughter do about her childs father not showing up?

What can my daughter do about her childs father canceling every single time he is supposed to pick their child up? He is hurting the child and I am over it and so is she


Go to court or stop telling the child that he is coming. Explain to the child that, sometimes people suck and we can choose to let it affect us or we can find something fun and amazing to do instead. Talk to the child about it, answer questions without disrespecting the father (no matter how much you want too, remember he is still her parent).

Nothing… you can’t make someone have visitations. Court won’t even enforce visits.


If there’s a custody plan she can take him back to court. But regardless I would just not ever tell my child he was coming. That way if he didn’t show up there’s no disappointment and if he did show it’s just a happy surprise for the kid.


Document it and revisit custody or visitation agreement, lawyers.court

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Need more context to give the best answer.
Is there a parenting plan in place?
Does he have legal rights?
What’s the reasoning for missing visitation?

If he has rights and there’s a parenting plan in place. She will need to document the visits not taking place and the reason he cancelled. She should only communicate the visitation in writing to keep it documented. And then after a while she can file for a change of visitation and limit the time or she can ask that he be required to do “bonding visits”. Which essentially is he does joint visits until the child is comfortable with him again before he can take the child by himself.

If he has no rights and no parenting plan is established. Then she needs to tell him that until he can commit to being consistent it’s best he stay at arms length so the child does not get confused or heartbroken. And then don’t inform the child before the visits happen to preserve their emotions.

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Let that man go. You cannot force a boy to be a father. You’re going to keep disappointing yourself, your grandbaby and daughter if you keep expecting him to show up. Three strikes and I’d have given up on him. Time to teach yourselves to stop focusing on, he will be there. When he hasn’t in the past. Continue living your life and giving the baby and daughter all the love and support they need.


Keep records & take him to court for full custody


File a motion to modify visits and show where he was no show. Document EVERYTHING. Dates, times, make a video, screenshot texts. Show proof

Go back to court , take away his visitation rights ,. Never tell the child when he’s suppose to show up, that way if he doesn’t they are not sad. I have been through this.

As a mother that went through this with my daughter. Just love her through it. Just be there to hug her and love her. You have to just let it happen. It hurts and it’s infuriating. I never said a bad thing about him I was just there for her. I didn’t make excuses for him either. I’d just say I’m so sorry this hurts you. She’s a teenager now and they don’t have a relationship. She grew up to despise him. They’ll form their own opinions and you just have to sit back and let it happen. Just love her.


Court. Or just never say when he’s coming so he disapointa less

Nothing you can’t make a person be a parent. Maybe don’t tell the child he’s coming.