What causes heavy periods?

What causes heavy periods? Mine hurt so bad and I bleed through everything in an hour but doctors always tell me nothing is wrong

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I was doing that and I was diagnosed with pcos. I had other symptoms as well like irregular periods.


Get a second opinion. I was told my body was reacting to my birth control but I ended up with uterine polyps. My first provider gas lit me but my second provider scheduled an ultrasound and proved I wasn’t crazy. I was bleeding like crazy. My iron was so low I was sleeping all the time, having headaches, plus my hair/nails were dry and breaking.

I ended up with a hysterectomy and It was the best choice ever.

Get checked for endometriosis

That happened to me. Ended up being a cyst on my ovaries and also had fibroids on my uterus.

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Hi did they run tests? I.e bloods scans and send you see gynaecologist? Also are you on contraception? Sorry not being nosey as this happened to Me I went through the mill got told all sorts even an laparacopy got told I had cysts inside my ovaries one told me I had pcos Dr told me I didn’t then one told me it was the contraception I was on then I was told to come off it all then back on ect xx

If you don’t have a Gynecologist and you feel it needs to be looked at right away go to your emerg department…

Happens to me and i have PCOS

It certainly sounds like something’s not right. I developed uterine fibroid tumours during pregnancy and afterwards my periods were worse than aweful. Would bleed through a super tampon, super pad and my clothes in an hour. Went on depro provera (sorry for the bad spelling) for 12 years and finally agreed to surgery. Should have had the surgery much sooner.