What causes irregular periods?

Depending on your age menopause,pcos,cancer, hpv,pregnant, low BMI,low iron, to name just a few.

Have you been tested for PCOS? That’s what my issue was. Would have a period for 2 months straight then not have one for 2-3 months.

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One time I skipped a month and then got my period the next month only it didnt stop I bled heavily soaking through a tampon in less than an hour… I went to the ER and no one could figure out what was wrong I wasnt pregnant I didnt test like I once had been pregnant and miscarried so why did I skip a month and keep bleeding? My obgyn had no idea he said it happens sometimes gave me birth control pills and told me this would fix it… I took one which was a hard thing to do based on my religious reasons as to why I do not use bc pills and it triggered an anxiety attack (I suffer from sever anxiety) I look at the side effects and it says it might cause anxiety so I stopped taking them and after three days I was still bleeding heavily this whole time… I went back to the ER when I had no strength to get up and go to the bathroom and when I did my heart sounded like it would beat out of my chest I knew something was wrong so I went back to the ER finally a women gyno came to see me and suggested a dnc because she said to her my uterine linening looked thick… So she preformed a dnc and the bleeding stopped… She asked if I was stressed lately I said yes she said I couldve skipped the first month due to stress and once I got my period the next month my body couldn’t shed all the lining and so it kept telling my body to bleed I almost died… they said my hemoglobin levels were dangerously low and if I didnt come in when I did I would’ve bled to death… I received two bags of blood and the life saving surgery … So many things can cause irregular periods so keep trying to get to the bottom of this even if you need a second opinion …

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Did you have this after getting the vaccine???

Have you had an ultra sound?

Get checked for uterine cancer

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Ask for screening/testing for ovarian cancer

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And you re asking on fb,?


Yes, had the same years ago. It was a combination of a number (7) of fibroids and a very high level of stress. The fibroids were difficult to detect because of their position, I required an MRI to pin point them. I temporarily patched it with the pill, but the real solution came with a healthy lifestyle - the fibroids will need surgical removal.
Good luck, I know it’s painful and scary, make sure you get the mental support you need and remember: you are NOT alone.

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I was pregnant with twins… my urine pregnancy tests didn’t show a positive result until 22 weeks… blood test showed up at 10 weeks…

Blood tests negative. Urine tests inconclusive.

May be its menapouse u are entering or foibroids

not sure why the clinic said that you were pregnant. did they do usg?

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You need to consult your DR

Get a DNC …should work …

Did you take the COVID vaxx? Many females having issues

Get your blood clotting checked.
My daughter has thrbocytopenea


Sounds a bit like what happened with me. Found out i have fibroids.


You need to be checked for PCOS also.

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If you don’t have kids and want them, get pregnant as soon as possible those irregular periods are no good but after 25 babies are few

One ultrasound would answer your question definitively. Get a new doctor. :roll_eyes:

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Doe no one.keep.tje.personal.imfoation, private?
Everything an.opem.book?
jeeze things like this are ment to be asked to your doctor not on internet

How about going for medical advice instead of posting on FB? TMI

I went through this a couple of times

If you are taking birth control, that could be it. I could not take them because they caused this same thing.

My Mother & I both had very IRREGULAR PERIODS. Sometimes I would Bleed Heavy for 2 Wks., Next time would be for 2 days & Barely any Bleeding & our Periods were never on a Schedule to where we knew when to expect them. It would be 28 Days from the last time we started and then 14 days the next time, 40 days the next time, etc. We both found out the reason this was happening is we both had a RETROVERTED UTERUS. Mine was flipped as far backwards as it could go. You can get pregnant but, I was told it would just make it a little harder. When my Hsbd. at the time & I wanted to start a family, the GYN put a Brace inside to help lift the Uterus Forward & Upward to where it would help me get pregnant a little easier. It didn’t work, so, we decided to wait until the summer to where I could take some time off from my job to have Surgery where my GYN could Clip the Muscles and Tighten & Pull them Forward which would then pull my Uterus Up in the position where it was supposed to go. However, I got pregnant on my own before the Surgery ( YAY! ) & my Daughter will be 40 Yrs. Old in August! Oh, one more thing. I bled the first 2 months that I was pregnant so I didn’t know at first that I was even pregnant. The bleeding was very light & for me, it was not unusual to have really light periods sometimes, so, I was not alarmed. Anyway, I didn’t actually find out I was pregnant until I was already 3 months along. I went into the Dr. thinking I had a really bad Stomach Virus. I was p_ king my guts up & certain smells would make me head for the bathroom. The Dr. took some blood & when he came back in with the results, I was expecting him to say I had some type of Stomach Virus. However, he came in & said, “Well young lady, are you going to paint your Nursery Pink or Blue?” Found out that day my Stomach Problems were Morning Sickness!..lol​:heart::herb::two_hearts::heavy_plus_sign:>>MS. BENNIE<<:heavy_plus_sign::two_hearts::herb::heart:

Trying to get Jackie Apsey

Jackie, call me tonight, want to ask you about those black pants you talked about and some questions.

Happened to me. Ended up eventually passing a large clot. Dr did an ultrasound, though it could be a miscarriage but it looked abnormal so I was sent to a specialist who diagnosed it as uterine polyps. I had a D&C to remove remove them. Was told it was due to a hormone imbalance and placed on birth control as a solution. I was in Germany at the time and was seen by German doctors so there was a language barrier there and I never really got the full picture of what happened. Never reoccurred though. I’ve had a son since who is 14 now and have had no similar or related instances that I’m aware of :woman_shrugging:

That happened me with bleeding nonstop for 2 years n I was referred to a specialist n he couldn’t figure it out nothing was wrong so he told me to take aleve every day n it stopped n it’s been normal since. I do have missed periods here n there due to stress but ever than that they’re normal

You should get your thyroid checked and also checked for pcos. Good luck, Honey. Prayers! :heart:

Make sure your sugar is not high.

Yes for three months

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes irregular periods? - Mamas Uncut

Breastfeeding can all make a period not come when it’s supposed to. There are other things as well that can affect it.

I’d call a doctor just to be sure. Could be a medical problem. It could also be your body playing catch up but usually that would cause a prolonged period now multiple periods a month.

This happened to me, turned out the doctors left product from the baby Inside of me. I would suggest also having and ultrasound to make sure you dont have something serious going on if all else fails

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes irregular periods? - Mamas Uncut

No id go to the doctors

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Your body is probably trying to find some sense of normalcy. You’re still breast-feeding and pumping. That could be a cause. I would say it’s normal but if it’s still like that by the six month period then I would seriously consider a doctor visit.

If you are very concerned about this, Then I would go see your doctor. Always better safe than sorry

Get your thyroid checked. That was my problem, my thyroid was underactive.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes irregular periods? - Mamas Uncut

yep, Plus I really am surprised you got your period back so quickly

It can be normal with breastfeeding

That can be normal. When I breastfed my middle child I had a 5 day long period every other week until she stopped breastfeeding.

I had my son 4th child in October 4 years ago I had my period all of October and he was also breast fed… if you’re passing clots and lots of them you should contact your doctor

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes irregular periods? - Mamas Uncut

You have not given yourself time to heal. Go a little easier on yourself.

Always check if you have unusual periods.

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My dr. Told me breastfeeding can alter regular periods. That being said everyone’s body is different if you are concerned see a Dr.

Call your personal doctor. Everyone becomes a doctor on Facebook. Everybody is different so one person could have identical symptoms and have something completely opposite.


Your iron might be low I’d call the dr

Consult your doctor. FB is not a free clinic!


Not normal usually bleed after baby for a while the stop for a week then period should start xx

Any bleeding after having a child I would call your doctor because you can have you blood and get anemia so easy postpartum. Don’t get advice on the internet they can’t examine you!!

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I would talk to your dr

Please call your doctor. There are several reasons why you have these symptoms.


I has something similar after my 4th. Just call the doc to be safe. Nothing bad for me, just weird periods for a while.

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Consult your doctor.

Get it checked out now

Call your doctor this is not normal

Its bc u pump and breastfeed. It throws everything off

Your “period” only comes every 21-28 days. You are having “breakthrough bleeding”. Call your dr.

Call your Dr.
not FB

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What ever your going through in your life can make stress and cause your period to be Irregular. Sometimes not having a good diet can also cause late or missed periods.
Drinking water on a daily can help.

But most of all

Congrats on your VBAC!

Call a doctor , it is not normal!:cry:

Check with a doctor.

Discuss with your doc.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes irregular periods?

I had this same problem the last 3/4 months. I went to my ob and had a ultrasound and got blood work done. Turns out I have a cyst on my left ovary. My blood work came back fine. My doctor isn’t doing anything about it just leaving it.

Sounds like a miscarriage to me

I had my period for about a year every month every 28 days, then it stopped for about 4 months, I thought I was pregnant but not. Then I had my period for 3 months straight. Stopped for 6 days then started again for another month. I haven’t had my period again now for about 2 months. I can’t seem to find any answers from any Dr. have been to about 4 already…

When you go have them check for fibroids and cysts on your ovaries.

get your appointment moved up. Or schedule with someone that can see you sooner

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Stress, irregular or unhealthy eating habits, PCOS, endometriosis, early menopause, contraception ie IUD, implant or the shot. Std can also cause irregular periods. Pregnancy. The list goes on, best thing to do is go to your gp and get a hormone check


Normal for me before I went on the pill. It was also very heavy. Like I would leak through a super plus and overnight pad in a few hours. I would sometimes have it for 3 weeks, then a week later get it for a week, then 2-3 weeks later again lol.

Weight fluctuations
Unbalanced hormones
Birth control
All can affect periods

Probably cysts or polyps. Your ob/gyn will be able to let you know.

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Cysts can make you bleed between cycles.

I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and that’s is how it started out for me with just 1 cyst on my left ovary at age 31 and now I’m 34 with PCOS…
Just my opinion though…

I’m on day 58 of my period. I have pcos so my periods have been irregular for awhile. Blood work showed all to be okay, just have to wait it out :disappointed:

Could be a million things. Go to your gyn. I have an under active thyroid that causes mine.

You’re not an old lady and if you’re sexually active get a pregnancy test and an ovulation test.
The pregnancy test is to see if you are pregnant and the ovulation test is to check your hormones and from their you can calculate the next mental cycle…
You need to make note of how long your mental cycle normally is.
Also make note if it’s usually always light or/to heavy.
Know the start of the cycle and count the days to the next start of the cycle.
Also know your fellow family members cycle this will or may at times clear up some confusion.

Every period I’ve had i always have golf ball sized blood clots :woman_shrugging:t2: after I had my daughter 4yrs ago ill go back and forth between super heavy and just spotting. But I’m used to huge blood clots and cramping so bad I can’t move

You need to go get checked out sweetie. We don’t know your medical history. - children?- family case history. :v:t4::heart::rose:

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I would go straight to your OBGYN. Something is off and you need diagnostics.

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It can be a myriad of things. Mostly non serious but needing attention.
I’d be seen before June 2nd. Tell them to call you if someone cancels.
Also, keep a journal of your period. Write everything down to take to the Dr so you don’t forget anything. :black_heart:

I went through this and ended up on my period for 9 months with just a few days off here and there, I had HUGE cysts lining my uterus. It only stopped once they finally burst.

You need to go to the obgyn it could be a number of things.

This is exactly how a really good friend found out she had cervical cancer. Irregular periods with heavy bleeding and blood clots are not normal from some. Especially when there is a change.

Good question see your doctor

I had this happen I had 3 periods about every 6 days in one month. I went to my OB and everything was normal. They switched my birth control.

PCOS, endometriosis, early menopause, thyroid, diet, hormones etc… honestly there could be tons of reasons. You could request having Bw and or u/s ordered so you can have them done between now and June. That way if there is an issue they will address it right away. Or I’d request a sooner appt

I had regular periods at first then as I got older the become irregular and started to be about every two weeks with terrible cramps! Turned out I had a dermoid ovarian cyst that was causing it!

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Consult a gynaecologist!

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Polyps in the uterine lining can cause irregularity and excessive bleeding. I agree with Polly - don’t wait - you also might have them check for anemia.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11388 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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