What causes white discharge?

quick question and it might be TMI in advance, but I had a D&C done February 15 2022 and I just got done with ovulation. My question here is I was at work and noticed my underwear felt wet so I go to the bathroom and I had white non odor creamy feeling discharge on my underwear. What is that from?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What causes white discharge?

It’s normal … just something the body does

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It’s normal especially after ovulation


It’s normal. Your discharge is supposed to be white or clear. Any other color, you should see your Obgyn.


Unless u have a yeast infection or vaginosis? It sounds normal though.


It’s a gift from the vagina gods, we honour it by eating it.
Jk! sounds normal

Could be yeast infection too


Sounds fairly normal to me, and as long as it isn’t foul-smelling, and you’re not having any other unusual symptoms (burning, itching, needing to pee more frequently, etc), I’d err on the side of not worrying too much. That being said: When in doubt, get checked out!


Check with your doctor. You could have a yeast infection. Or it could be bacterial. Again, check with your doctor.

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It’s normal. As long as there’s no smell to it and as long as you’re not itchy down there either.


Sounds like a yeast infection

get some yeast infection medication

I’m sorry for your loss. The discharge is normal, it ‘cleans itself’ as long as it’s not smelly, or discolored. But definitely see your gyn if you’re unsure


Could be a yeast infection I would call your obgyn

Why are you asking on Facebook, call your doctor


It’s called being female :joy:


Did you feel your panties?
If it was slightly oily then it was a yeast infection treatment, if it wasn’t and skin like then it was a past vaginal skin shedding, if it was mucus like then that was activated by your own bodies food allergy, and if you later have a slightly darker discharge then that is all the above with the exception of the yeast infection cream.

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Good lord, seriously…on FB?..do u not have any friends…:roll_eyes:


It’s yeasty if it’s like cottage cheese, peeps.

Discharge like watery glue or milk is utterly and completely normal. It happens after ovulation and before a period. It can increase if pregnant, but otherwise just happens :man_shrugging:


Ahh. You. Need. A gynaecologist. To refer to.

Sounds like normal discharge to me


First and foremost, Please stop shaming this mom for being concerned and asking for advice. That’s what this page is designed for even if it’s a little much, we are all women and have experienced something like this at some point. Anyways, for the person asking, as long as it’s clear and non odorly, I would assume it’s normal ovulation discharge. However, if it continues, then don’t hesitate to ask your OBGYN!!! Happy sharing you guys!!!


Thrush sometimes causes a white thick discharge

Wear a panty liner to get a sample, put it in a ziploc bag and check with your obgyn.

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That’s clit-ty litter :joy:

Call your Dr if it’ll make you feel better

Its just your body doing its thing .
Discharge right after ovulation is normal , if it gets a smell or color , call your doctor . Otherwise you have nothing to worry about :sun_with_face:


It’s probably just regular discharge. If it’s stretchy it’s a sign of ovulation. If it has a pungent smell you may have an infection.

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Sounds totally fine, Mama! When I was TTC I read all kinds of articles on discharge and you’re just fine

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If your on this mom page and seriously cant handle this honest question that is a normal bodily function, go be a Karen somewhere else.


Discharge during/after ovulation is normal
If it develops a smell or changes in color like turning yellow or green its a concern


Some of you women are hateful humans. What is it that your so unhappy with your lives that you sit around trolling these support groups for women that you have to Shame them about asking a legitimate question about female health just so you can make yourself feel good. What it really makes you is a horrible trifling female that deserves no one to be there for them. Get off this group and stop bullying and Tearing down others why not try lifting each other up and showing support and understanding. And grow up and have compassion for others.


I was always told growing up that a woman’s body is similar to a self-cleaning oven. Unless the discharge has an unpleasant odor, or burns and/or itches, it’s just part of the cycle of the uterus cleaning itself.


It is normal. Its because your vagina self cleans. As long as no odour or itching or anything. It’s fine or odd color

Its normal all the way through ovulation hun, there’s different thicknesses and colours depending where you are in your ovulation. Totally normal, I wouldn’t worry about it, and for all the people who are mocking this lady, grow up. Maybe she hasn’t got anyone to ask :heart:


As long as it doesn’t have a foul odor, it’s normal.


Very normal.
Now that I’m off birth control, my discharge is literally how I track my cycle and prevent pregnancy.

I was 26 years old when I learned about this & I was :exploding_head:

As long as it doesn’t have an odor or color you should be good!


It’s normal. It’s your body cleaning itself. If you e not noticed it before it maybe you’ve not created enough to lose any to notice but as you’ve just had a procedure there, you maybe over creating to help your body heal and clean


It’s normal sweetie, worry if it smells looks greenish or yellowish in color smells or looks like cottage cheese. Other then that it’s how your body cleans it’s self.

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Completely normal discharge

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That’s normal unless it’s got a bag smell you’re ok
I always wear panty liners because some days I have more discharge than normal especially around ovulation time


It’s your body preparing to get to pregnant. The discharge is your body lubricating itself to accept sperm and aid in fertilizing your egg.

It also happens in early pregnancy and while ovulating. How far along were you?

Ovulating can feel gross but it’s totally normal :blush:

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It’s from being a woman…


Totally from being a woman. I can’t stand the wet in my undies so I wear a panty liner.


Quick little lesson on discharge…it’s completely normal!! If you have a normal cycle, and pay close attention to your discharge, you will notice the pattern……dry/minimal discharge right after period ends, changes to creamy white, then slimy clear (ovulation), back to creamy white, then dry again before the start of next period. Vaginas/uteruses/hormones are amazing at what they do!!


Why do people come to the internet with this when you can call the DOCTOR that did the D&C in the first place. Ain’t nobody more qualified to answer that question.


What your describing(white/creamy) is usually what occurs right before ovulation, clear stretchy cm indicates ovulation. You need to learn to track your CM and cervical position to better understand your body.


It’s normal due to you just ovulating.

It’s normal sign all is good inside

Ovulation causes that it’s unpleasant I wear liners for that reason


I had a D&E hours before my 40th birthday in December. I clearly remember about a month later having the exact same thing happen to me… only it happened while I was asleep. I woke up to it. I called my OBGYN and saw the doctor that day. Was told it was completely normal. They even performed another ultrasound to ease my mind. I have never miscarried before & I was overly emotional about every little thing going on with my body. On top of that, they found that I had fluid and tissue left from my D&E before the episode of mysterious, odorless white “stuff” & explained that it was my bodies way of cleansing itself. I couldn’t bare to read the comments after I read the first one…. I’m sorry people are being cruel to you.


completely normal. Clear discharge is usually occurring at the stage of ovulation. You can download apps to track your period and it tells you when you’re most likely ovulating. I have a app called clue. It’s really good in keeping you clued up about your body.

Wesr a panty shield…

It’s normal. It’s just non fertile discharge.

Everyone here saying it’s normal… yes it CAN be normal but it could also indicate thrush.

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It’s normal ! That happens after ovulating