Hi guys! This might be a long post, but please read and help me with any advice! Ever since I can remember, at a very young age, I’ve always had some type of smell/taste in my mouth, I never thought anything of it, but as I got a little older (middle school), I noticed my breath doesn’t smell normal and the bullying started as the years went by the smell got worse in my 20s I decided to go see a specialist did a lot of blood work check up everything came back normal! Dentist visits every six months, no gum disease, no cavities seen multiple dentists all say nothing is wrong at all! Next, I went to an ent sinuses look fine, but I still did a sinus surgery just in case nothing changed so then I decided to get my tonsils removed went through hell with recovery prayed and prayed that would be the solution to no vail halitosis was still there went to a gastro doctor I do endoscopies every year everything is normal no stomach bug digestion is fine all look normal! I take probiotics/prebiotic to no vail! I even cut out all dairy meats was vegan for three months, and nothing, absolutely nothing, not even a Lil bit of improvement! I struggle daily with this. I brush floss daily. My teeth are perfect. I Don’t know what else to do! I’m older now, in my 30s, and still struggle. I still get bullied even as an adult! No social life at all. My heart is shattered. I Don’t know what else to do. I have tried everything. Every product out there went to every specialist, and no one seems to know what’s causing this bad breath! I’m in deep depression, had to drop out of college, And can’t even work because I get bullied, made fun of, and people think I just Dnt brush my teeth. Please any advice any tips would be greatly appreciated! I would’ve to wish this on anyone! I also drink plenty of water and am very fit! If anyone can suggest anything plz let me know!
Parasites!!! That was my problem years ago!!
Just a thought… but i think bad breath can be a sign of diabetes. Have you ever had that checked out?
Have you tried brushing and scraping your tongue? A special instrument can be bought at your local drugstore. That did the trick for me!
Do you smoke? Do you drink coffee? Are you stressed? Is it gingivitis? Do your gums bleed when you brush them or floss?
You could have a broken tooth that doesn’t hurt but smells real bad.
What foods do you typically eat
Have you been checked for h. Pylori
It could be a stomach issue
I can’t help you figure out what’s wrong but I will show you something that works amazingly
Try being checked for diabetes…
Ppl with diabetes have a funny smelling breathe…
Sounds like a gums disease
I am a dental assistant doll and you need to go to the dentist you may have periodontal disease that causes bad breath
Are you sure your brushing your tongue properly?
What does it smell like? I took my daughter to multiple doctors from 9months old because her breath always smelled like vinegar… they always said it was nothing… she was diagnosed with diabetes at 5.5yrs old
What about adenoids? I had horrible smelling breath as a child because I was a mouth breather. I had adenoids removed to help with the mouth breathing and the bad smelling breath went away.
Try a Tongue scrubber on Amazon. I have a metal one.
Use a tongue scraper.
Those tonsil stones are a cause for bad breath.
In her post she said she goes for dental checkups every 6 months and doesn’t have gum disease. For the people suggesting gum disease read her full post. It has to be something else. There are tons of different things that can cause bad breath.
Does the dentist smell it when he scones you? What do they say about the small?
When was the last time you did a complete body cleanse? Your liver kidney colon etc? Read up on The Master Cleanse try it for a couple weeks…. Check your acid and ph balances….it has to come from the gut…. Slowly add back a keto diet possibly? Just some thoughts
Are you a night time mouth breather?
I’ve heard that people with bad kidneys have a very weird smell to their breath; maybe get that checked out…?
I love Therabreath so much
Have you been checked for stomach ulcers?
I like how there’s a ton of people on here telling her to clean her tongue. Do you all really think that after all this time, she never thought of that? That all the dentists and doctors she’s seen have never mentioned it? Thank god for facebook, now she knows to clean her tongue.
She had her tonsils removed and goes to the dentist regularly y’all.
I am so sorry you’re going through this, reading this really breaks my heart for you. My mom suffers from bad breath. She has diabetes but I am honestly not sure if that is what causes hers. Some medications and Certain medical conditions can cause bad breath. You probably need a broader search for other diseases and conditions that could be causing it.
Sometimes it comes from your stomach. You probably need a good probiotic.
Maybe some food / spices you eat regularly. Just a thought
Do you drink alot of water?? Water helps to wash away toxins that build up in the body. Try drinking 2 litres a day. Dehydration makes you smell period. Concentrated toxins in the body.
Do you suffer from stomach problems? Acid reflux? If so, you might want to get tested for H Pylori. It’s a nasty virus of the stomach lining and has been associated with Halitosis. Do some research on it. Good luck!
There are spots in back of mouth that food can get stuck. Also there’s this type of fungus that can grow on your tounge. After I got my tooth removed there’s still a smell
People really need to read the entire article before commenting.
A teach at my Kids school had that problem. She said it was her stomach. I am sure the Dr would have checked that
I just researched this link and I’m unsure if you’ve checked everything off these lists but could be helpful.
I would just recommend going to a new doctor/dentist not telling them anything and see if they notice something others haven’t or if they ask if you have questions when the visit is ending, bring it up and let them know the severity. Maybe they’re not running the right blood panels or doing the correct culture.
Could just be dry mouth ! Try products for that like biotine
Tonsil stones can cause bad breath.
She had her tonsils removed so that’s NOT it!
Other chronic conditions: While halitosis is most often linked to something happening in your mouth, it may also be a sign of gastric reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney disease.
I got this from the Mayo clinic website
My cousins daughter had shoved a bean up her nose when she was small, mom did not know. She had very bad breath doctor finally found it after years of it rooting removed it solved the problem
Do the nettie pot everyday it helps
Sounds like tonsil stones
Digestive issues. Poor gut health?
Could be something wrong with your esophagus flap.
If you are as perfectly healthy as you claim then this is impossible. Bacteria or dry mouth is the ONLY cause of bad breath… you state you have had this your entire life, and seen multiple specialists that cannot find anything wrong. I suggest a psychiatrist as this is the only docotr you haven’t seen.
What about ur tongue, check for white stuff on ur tongue ,could be oral thrush
Stomach acid can cause bad breath
Acid reflux, high sugar diet, high protein or low carb diet, medication, dry mouth, also certain blood disorders. These all are possibilities.
Sugar causes bad breath
I can tell who actually read the post and who just jumps on with verbal diarrhea. Read the post first ya’ll…
Periondental gum disease, gingivitis
Drink water with fresh mint leaves in it.
Could be stomach acid.
Go to a teaching hospital or clinic. They tend to work a little harder at figuring things out. Obviously the plethora of doctors you’ve seen are missing something. A fresh look with multiple people looking might figure it out.
Check for tonsil stones
I have one suggestion. Buy some parsley oil pills and eat raw parsley and mint
Keto diet causes bad breath too
Maybe try not be to healthy
I could be wrong but sometimes halitosis just happens though I did read that dry mouth, kidney or liver disease can be a cause so I’d check for those. They make a mouth wash for dry mouth. You could try that and see if it helps. You may just have to get some breath spray and use it throughout the day.
Diabetes? I know the op said she is very fit and eats very clean and was even vegan, but over eating and a high sugar diet doesn’t always cause diabetes. She could have Type 1 diabetes that went undiagnosed. Normally the symptoms are severe enough a diagnosis is made early, but maybe not for her. Checking her A1C isn’t hard or expensive. It’d be worth looking into if her doctors haven’t already ruled it out.
Gut health… Fix your gut. Chlorophyll, start taking this… It comes in a pill or liquid form.
Getting a tongue scraper because bad breath can be caused by bacteria that builds on your tongue. Especially at the back of it. I got a few metal tongue scrapers off Amazon for like $10 or less. It has helped my breath and my hubby’s breath. If you already do that yeah try finding a teaching hospital as someone mentioned
Tonsil stones are in the back of ur throat and it does affect people who still have their tonsils. Very bad smell
Heart condition. My heart doc told me it had something to do with mine? Especially since you have checked everything else
Could be an emzym issue…
Brush your tongue. That was the cause of mine
I don’t have any experience, but if it was me, I would see a different gastro to get a 2nd opinion. And don’t let your dentist off the hook that easy. They should be going out of their way to help you until this is solved.
Bezores can cause you to have horrendous breath. When is the last time you had an EGD. The only way you can have one removed is by being scoped. Pre and pro biotics are not going to fix this if it is a bezore. I worked in GI 15 yrs and although not common they do exist.
Chemical imbalance. When my husband’s medicine changes to generic or different manufacturer, it often causes it. Need to see biochemist vs. regular family physician. Keep trying researchers.
Try the Medical Hub on Facebook. Awesome group! Maybe someone there has something similar
You’re not alone. I have this issue sometimes/a lot of times. My mom had it too. My daughter’s do as well. I feel like mine comes and goes. I will be fine and then get a weird taste in my mouth and then the stank comes. So frustrating. I’ve spoken with dentists and doctors as well. I am an oral hygiene freak because of it. I kept a small bottle of Listerine in my purse. When the taste would come, I’d use it. Seemed to help. I also floss every single day. Seems to help, but still not cured. Hang in there.
are you diabetic or hypoglycemic… Im hypoglycemic and always have a kinda sweet taste in my mouth also do you suffer from acid reflux/heartburn at all because that can cause bad breath also
Periodontal disease
Could you possibly have tonsil stones? My brother had this issue and he ended up having massive tonsil stones
Unresolved GI issue? Get a tongue scraper, prescription mouthwash (they have special mouth wash for breath issues) Use often, and OIL PULLING (done correctly).
Could be tonsil stones, and your tongue, that’s where all germs come from
Try brushing your tongue when brushing your teeth daily. Germs get on your tongue
Reaction to certain foods?
Medicinal plants such as frankincense, oregano, clove East fluffy clove, ephedra, parsley, rosemary and others are the most important medicinal plants to eliminate halitosis. Probably these medicinal plants have the essence and aromatic oils and are effective medicinal materials to eliminate halitosis.
Keep a container of salt in your bathroom and gargle salt water every day.
I completely feel your pain because I am living the same nightmare. Mine began when I was 25-26 years old and I’m 34 now with no answers. I’ve been to dentist-teeth are clean, no cavities, gums are healthy. I’ve been to a GI specialist and have had multiple colonoscopies and EGDs with biopsy’s and lab results came back clean. I’ve been to an ENT specialist as well and everything looked good but I still had my tonsils removed just in case and that painful process didn’t help at all. I’ve had blood work done to check my liver/kidney function and all was normal. I haven’t visited family in years and my social life is non-existent because I am so ashamed and insecure, it’s crippling. I have family members that live right down the road from me and months/years could pass and I won’t visit because it’s embarrassing. It’s overwhelming when people look at you like you have 10 heads and they can’t get a sentence out without choking and coughing trying to discreetly cover their noses. I feel like a monster.
Is there something you eat a lot of that is causing this?
Could be tonsil stones !
Not sure if you’ve ever tried Liquid chlorophyll but it is an internal deodorizer and is supposed to help with bad breath and body odour.
Tonsil stones. I noticed I had them in high school, I still occasionally get them …
Cucumber is meant to neutralise the bacteria that cause bad breath. Other than that all I can thing is to just chew gum whenever you’re out x
Do you brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper?
Could be Tonsil Stones. I’ve had them since I was a child. I have bad breath no matter what I do. It’s very embarrassing.
Rinse with lemon water constantly and try using turmeric in your diet. Any facial piercings by chance ?
Do you have stomach ulcers?
I know this sounds gross but I had same issue and an old lady told me to brush my teeth with baking soda from the box and add tooth paste
I know you mentioned seeing a GI. Have they ruled out stomach ulcers??
Ketones. Are you hungry alot of the time? If so, keep small crackers, or some kind of one bite small snack on hand, doesn’t matter what it is. Ketones make your breath diabolical. Used to happen to me too, before I realised it was ketones…
Have you been checked for candida?
Try this…it kills sulphur that causes bad breath. I recently started using it and love it. I have lower braces and my mouth dries out alot so I feel like I have cotton mouth sometimes…but as far as breath I can tell a big difference use after brushing at night and in the morning. Also I suggest brushing with baking soda right out of box. Wet brush and dip in baking soda…ph balance with help…rinse with peroxide too if the mouthwash doesnt help…I feel confident it will. Good luck…
Have you been tested for this? ‘Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. It’s also called “fish odour syndrome”. Sometimes it’s caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn’t always the case. There’s currently no cure, but there are things that can help.’ May be a possible cause?