What do I do when my job is offering unsanitary/non-private space to pump for my 2 month old?

Put a sheet over you or sit in your car maybe


WHIP THOSE TITTIES OUT WITH PRIDE :ok_hand:t2: they will soon find private room for you :rofl:

Employers are also required to provide “a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk.” See 29 U.S.C. 207(r).

Contact HR dept and file a formal complaint!


Is there a managers office ? You can ask to pump In there


Bring a small stool to work and sit on that at the bathroom. Work with what ya got it’s really not that unsanitary. And if it is bring it up to your boss for having lazy ass people

We had an employee at my company at a store I was in that we offered her our office; albeit there was a camera, but she faced her back to it. We made a sign to put on the door so she wasn’t disturbed during her pumping sessions. Breastfeeding mothers really have it rough in the workforce. And to those saying she is entitled…all she wants to do is feed her child. It’s a shame other women are bashing women. Society is so ugly.

I’m actually nervous about this too since I work at a private school :grimacing: but since I really love my job I was looking into one of those electric hands free pumps that I could use while working with the kids (if it’s quiet enough like it says it is​:crossed_fingers:)
That might be a good thing for you to look into as well if possible


I find this funny only because of my post where everybody got mad because a girl had her breast out to “feed her baby” in a restaurant and y’all got mad because it’s ok to feed your baby when hungry… If it’s so normal, why do you need such a special place to dispense food for your baby?? Go to the lunch room… such double standards where everybody wants to be treated “equally”


You might have to seek other employment. Ive seen their stores and they have no space yo build a nursing mothers room. I do not see them adding on to the building.

When I was working in a tiny building and they didn’t know what to do about no bathroom …I took the manager office and told him to bad so sad amd printed the laws about a private section FREE FROM EMPLOYEE INTERRUPTION.

I also got Intermittent FMLA for the Mastitis that happened when we first had a few delays and so when I did have issues with engorged and fevers I was protected (clots kill people amd mastitis is a real infection)

You don’t need others to agree with you. Who cares if some Woman don’t care that we have fought for the limited rights we have now (need more!!)

What you need is confidence and ammo. Print and read the laws and give them to your manager. Breastfeeding laws are in place because of discrimination against Woman in the workforce.

I don’t care “who made it work” we use to live in caves. We have evolved as a society to understand how to advocate for ourself. Go get them girl. Sometimes we have to pioneer so it’s easier for others the next time :timer_clock: :confused: :orange_heart:


How many hours a day do you work?

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There’s a ton of suggestions here for how to “make do” but that’s ridiculous you shouldn’t have to make do because it’s against the damn law! You need to demand a place to pump that meets the LEGAL requirements for pumping mothers and if not you should report them and start applying to other jobs. Maybe get a print out of the law and standards and hand it to the manager. You deserve to have a clean private place to pump and we as women and moms need to demand this from workplaces, not adapt to them breaking the law. Stand your ground! Good luck!! :purple_heart:

That is your RIGHT and they are in violation of the law. Obtain a lawyer.

I had to pump in the backroom which did not have a door. I didn’t have the option of the bathroom because there was no plug.
I had coworkers walk back there, the owner walked in on me, and the occasional customer who didn’t realize it was the backroom.

Wear a tank top and then an over shirt. Slip the tank top down, the top shirt up, and then slip the breast pump over your nipple. It provides privacy.

You don’t need your entire breast out to pump and once people see what you’re doing, they wont look and/or even want to be around due to awkwardness lol.


Wait I thought there was years of fighting and “my body, my choice” to be able to feed and pump in public without being ridiculed, that’s changed again?? Sheesh can’t keep up with all the demand for changes just to change back again :person_facepalming::roll_eyes:


It’s called a nursing cover or recieving blanket.


Not that it’s a perfect option, but they have small “pop up” changing/ shower tents (I don’t know what the real name for them is) but pop it up in the break room and fold it back down. It’s not ideal, but might be the temporary solution to dry somewhere you like working until they figure out a better way to accommodate nursing moms.

Depending on what country you’re in.
In US, by law…employers are required to provide you a space that can’t be your car or the bathroom. It’s your right and they’re violating it.
Ask to speak to HR if they don’t do anything, contact department of labor and report that your employer is telling you to pump in the bathroom.


Your over thinking it. You pump where ever you would eat. Simple. No need to cover up but by all means if you need use a breastfeeding cover, yes you can pump while wearing one, just like your baby eats while you wear one. If need be go on market place get a privacy partition that stays at work, make a sign that says “Bare boobies. Don’t enter.”
Also you can pump farther apart and for longer (to be less hassle). Your milk will be fine. There are pumps now that are cordless, and are not noticeable that you could use while working, still pump with a full size pump during lunch. Pump while you eat…ect

Some places really don’t have any place for you to pump. You pump in public area and cover yourself with blanket or cover. You can go out to you car or you have to find a way to get creative.


I went to my car :woman_shrugging: all this whining about equality and all yet…
This is why I weaned at 3 months. I went back to work and she was good.


Pretend you’re going to a friend’s birthday party at the park, the bathroom is disgusting, and you don’t have a car to pump in. How would you solve that?

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I would go to my car or ask for the managers office. A closed space. I’m sorry you are going through this. I would just try to work it out with the GM.

I feel your being a bit dramatic my dear if you’re out with your baby and they’re hungry you’re gonna whip it out wherever whenever and whoever sees will see, if you yourself don’t know how to be discreet about it🤦🏼‍♀️


I had a cover and pumped in my car. My company offered me a bathroom or a pop up tent thing. They are required by law to provide you breaks as needed to pump and a private space to do so.

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I would suggest you speak with the manager and have a door put in the break room. If they cannot do that, I suggest you use the break room. It’s not like you’ll be completely topless while pumping, you would be covered. And if other people feel disgusted by it then screw them, Brest pumping/breast feeding is normal and a part of life.

Instead of acting entitled, look at the many options available and meet your workplace half way. There are a ton of things available for you to buy to keep your breast hidden while you pump, you can disinfect the bathroom before you go in to pump, you can ask the break room be unavailable for the 15 mins you need to pump, etc etc etc… it sounds like they are trying to accommodate you with what they have, but you expected them to build you a private room before your return.


How big is this building? Do they have other rooms that they could offer you? If they don’t, then I’m not sure what the solution is.

Eek. I’m sorry for all the shade… you’re entitled to your feelings about this mama!!! There are options out there of different ways to handle this scenario. I would request a door be added. I have always worn a tight undershirt with my t shirt. That way the t comes up but the tank is still covering my belly, then the t shirt acts as a cover. But this is about YOUR comfort and peace level. Dont give up your own feeling because some random people on Facebook call you names!! This is your body, your boobs, for your baby.

What would you have done if your child was with you and needed to feed? My guess is that you would go to the breakroom and feed your baby while covered. I hope you wouldn’t make the baby wait til you got home. Do what you would have done if the baby was with you.

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Not in a bathroom, and not to be disturbed by coworkers


It’s a bathroom, it won’t kill you. Jesus lady your not the first one to pump or change a baby’s butt in bathroom. Your not broken, breastfeeding is natural, cover yourself and stop whining. There are much worse problems out there

Ask your manager if they would be willing to eat their lunch in the bathroom? You are preparing food for your child the bathroom is not a place for that. Is there a cubicle or changing room somewhere with a door that locks. Can they create a space for you? I think they could do better than the bathroom

Wow all these comments are disgusting. First off, it’s the LAW to have a private space for someone to pump. And overall, why are we telling a mom who wants to continue her breastfeeding journey that she’s WHINING & COMPLAINING??? Why not uplift her, give her support, and show some kindness during this situation. I can only imagine how you speak to your children with all this dismissive behavior. It’s disgusting.


Start popping those bad boys out for the office to see. I’m sure someone will be offended, they will find adequate space after that… and real fast!


It is also not legal to have a camera in your break room… So it sounds like your employer has multiple issues going on…

My coworker was allowed to use our general manager’s office because there was no camera and it was private


Ladies. Legally they have to give her a private place to pump. So it doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do. She can call corporate. Don’t be mad that you didn’t stand up for yourself.


As I read this with my full titty out :joy: anyway honey I would take the break room if you’re uncomfortable with having your full titty out bring a cover or you could invest in one of those pumps that you stick in your bra so don’t even tell what’s going on

File a lawsuit immediately if they don’t accommodate you.


Ignore the idiots that think you’re entitled. The law is very clear, they have to provide you a space to pump that is private, and not a bathroom. Know your rights, girl.


I always pumped in my car. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Some places require a reasonable accommodation form be filed. Either way it’s a law and you have a right to a clean private space to pump. They need to accommodate you. Period.


You can easily go sit in your car and do it as an option. I don’t think they have to make a separate room special for you. They gave you options, but you don’t like them. It’s easy to cover up and pump or just go in your car and do it when you are given the time to do it. Why make it into something bigger then it needs to be. Be resourceful.


Point out its a legal requirement. Of course, if they wish to offer you full pay whilst you stay at home, you’ll be fine with that too…

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I’m sure you’re the first one that has actually asked for a place to pump and they weren’t prepared for it due to that. Maybe try to suggest different places that they may be able to provide. The security office or the managers office? Maybe an employee bathroom that is seldomly used


talk to their corporate. Its law.

I worked at a convience store during my 3rd pregnancy and when it came time to pump, we had a very small back room that qhile had no privacy, was literally the only option other then the bathroom. But we also only had the one bathroom before our remodel. So I’d be in there for 20 to 30 minutes and if someone came in needing the restroom then I was being a bother. So they put up a curtain for me in the back to use so I’d have at least a lil bit of privacy.

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Pump w/o having your breast exposed?


I’d whip it out at my desk if that’s the case. Cover up and screw them. I wish it were that easy. I know pumping is a private process. Welcome to America. We have no regard for important issues.


Call HR immediately so not ok! The legally have to give you a private space other than a restroom to pump!

Depending on your states laws that could be illegal. In my state that’s illegal.

I am sorry in 2021 that this is even an issue for a mother. Im also sad that people think it’s sanitary to do this in a bathroom. It is the law that you are given a clean private space and I hope they do this quickly for you.

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I’ve pumped in an open basement with no door at one job, a trailer at another .


Just give the other employees a heads up or put up a sign. You don’t have to take your boobs all the way out to pump :woman_shrugging: the way to normalize it is to be open about it

Why can’t you cover yourself or go to your car? Are they supposed to build a room just for you? Not trying to be an ass, just don’t understand why this is so hard? What’s the difference in breastfeeding in public and pumping in public?

I worked as an inventory specialist for an auto parts store. They didn’t provide shit for me, instead, I went to the dollar store & grabbed a couple shower rods & a couple shower curtains & created my own private space. I also put headed a power converter for my vehicle so I could pump there as well.

Maybe you are the first person they has actually asked so they weren’t prepared for it try to suggest some other spots like the managers office. Also maybe invest in a hands free portable pump. I’ve had a few coworkers who have used them. They just sneak into the bathroom and slip it on real quick then just walk around or eat their lunch while it just pumps for them. They’re actually pretty cool lol. Wish I had it when I had my kids lol


Here’s the thing. You can’t expect them to build a room just for you. If they don’t have a space you should be allowed to go to your vehicle and do this. You can purchase privacy coverings for your windows. And lock the doors. Would I do it. No. But I would have had this planned out ahead of time. Knowledge of my work space having a private room with a lock.

Possibly one of the offices? Which is what they should have offered. But yeah, originally I was told to use the bathroom, which is gross. But I also work in a man driven factory setting. Cover yourself with a blanket and talk to coworkers. “When this chair is in the doorway, I’m pumping”. More then likely you will find that your coworkers are more than ok with giving you some privacy.


i would set my self up in my car if u drive to work :slightly_smiling_face: much nicer anyways


First women complain about breast feeding being looked down on in public places next they are complaining that the given space to pump isn’t private enough? :woman_facepalming:


WHat kind of accommodations were you expecting, you know what’s available, you knew what you were coming back to and could have prepared yourself better, like hands free pumping, or in the car, just in case the accommodations weren’t up to your standard. Maybe suggest what you would like for them to provide so they know what would be comfortable and satisfy you.


Not that they shouldn’t give you a proper space but until then is your car not an option…if you have one

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Cover up while pumping


It’s pumping its natural. Bring a blanket to cover if you’re uncomfortable


Take it to Human Resources or health and safety


In a pinch a pop up shower tent is great.
Not something you should have to provide but it’s a good idea because it fits a chair very well.


Im not sure where you work but maybe use a corner of a stock room and have them set up a partition for privacy.

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They only have to provide a private place to pump for a certain number of employees. Apparently you work for a company that do not have to provide a place.

There is a law for this. The have to provide a private and clean space as long as they have over 50 people working for the company and they can accommodate it. So if they say you can pump, they have to provide a private and clean space.


Do you have an HR department?

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Man… A lot of these comments do not pass the vibe check. Women support other women…


That’s illegal for them to offer a bathroom or a room with no door. Keep records of what’s been going on when you bring this up to them. They have to find a place, even if it’s temporary. An office, storage room, or any other area unused by people that has a door. They’ll just have to move some stuff around and place a flat surface for your pump to sit on. If they refuse to accommodate your request for pumping, then contact HR. If necessary, get legal help. And companies with less than 50 people can still get in legal trouble if they can’t prove that it would cause a true undue hardship. It would be very hard to prove that in court. I’m sure companies would rather solve the problem with you and Avoid a lawsuit.


Ask to use an office you can close the door on.

I had the same problem. Ended up sitting on the bathroom floor pumping for 12 months :roll_eyes: nothing I could do because it was a small company

I too had the same problem. I just pumped in my car, put up privacy coverings over all the windows, started the car, put on my music and used the car plug for the pump. I loved having my own space like that! By law, if u need more time to pump that is ok too! It took me about 25 minutes instead of 15, with set up and setdown and all.

Can you go to your car and pump? Sorry if that is insincere, I breastfed both of my kids but also stayed home until they were two. So I’m not up to date on work protocol and breastfeeding. Someone should have an office you could have privacy in.

I went and pumped in my car on my breaks.

According to federal law, employers are required to provide a place that is not a bathroom and completely private for the person to pump. They are also required to let you pump as often as you need to for as long as you need to to keep your supply up. If they are not doing that you can call us department of labor and wage division. 1800-487-9243, not 100% sure this is still an accurate number but it’s what I found. That is for hourly employees. Now the space doesn’t have to be dedicated to pumping but needs to be accessible whenever you need it.


It’s law in all states that your employer must provide a sanitary, private location to express your milk.


I pump in my car :woman_shrugging: there isn’t many pregnant woman that work where I work, or moms that breastfeed so I wasn’t going to except them to have a whole private room for me.


Do you expect them to build an extra room on to the building ? I Mean come on if you worked there for 2 years you already knew what your option were so I’m seriously asking what did you expect them to do for you? And yes I pumped(in the bathroom or my MFRS office with door closed and breast fed too.


I did in bathroom worked hospital hectic place when I could I did did what I had to do for my child and to keep my job I don’t think it’s on our employer it’s on us do it for kid s

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They should dock pay for going out to car and pumping it’s not fair to coworkers or business owner cause you had a baby I work in. Govt building we have a super nice private room with a fridge but we have no mother’s there.work something fair out with boss I’m sure you can come to a reasonable to both of you

Someone needs to invent a pump you could use under your clothes! Is there someone’s office you could use? This just stinks!

When it’s time to pump, tell them you’re going out to your car to do so. Don’t make it a question. You can put up one of those screens in the windshield for privacy and it’s not unsanitary.

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I worked at save a lot and they made me pump in the employee bathroom on my brakes. No extra time. The Breastfeeding Consultant told be I should say something so I doesn’t happen to more breastfeeding moms. I didnt. But here we are same story different job. That was 6 years ago.

This situation is why I quit breastfeeding my first.

My factory it’s the bathroom or the conference room. I’m night shift so no office ppl.
Another factory samething alot of the girls did their car.

I was offered this same and settled for my car in private because I loved my job but othwr places are deffinately more willing to accommodate women for this even making store renovation and changes to adhere to women’s needs and Right to a SAFE CLEAN AND PRIVATE AREA to pump and the adequate time break to. Its the law in all 50 states i believe


We let them use personnel office or fitting room

File a report with the labor board. Before you do so… put it in writing and submit the request to HR that you need a private space to pump that is not a restroom… time accomodations… and access to an outlet and that the room is also in close proximity to your work station as is required by law. If they deny the request… document where you’ve been asked to pump and submit it to the labor board. This is a major lawsuit on them as they are not properly following state law. I had this issue with an employer and when I reported it… I had no case since there was no request in writing to HR showing I made the request for accommodation. They will have to create a private space that meets the requirements… or be fined. I went this far with my former employer because right as I resigned… 3 mothers went on leave and they now have 2 pumping locations that meet the state guidelines. Factory setting… office setting etc…there are no exceptions.


Call corporate office

I’m not saying it is right but they are not required to give you a space to pump. I had to go to my car on my breaks and cover up.

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Do you not have nursing clothes? Or use a blanket

That’s against the law. They have to offer you a sanitary and private place to pump.

I pumped in the bathroom all through college. Do what you have to for that sweet milk.