If someone filed for taxes excluding their child’s father because he owes a lot to child support but only pays every other month. Is it wrong to file the taxes without that person even though they are technically married but been separated for almost 5 years?
Just cause you’re married doesn’t mean you have to file together. You can file separately
Can be married and file separately. Separated.
Read up on it before you file. I think filing separately used to drop your refund deductions and such. I could be wrong because it’s been a while since I’ve had to file with anybody. Plus if you have been separated for 5 years and he’s not in the household he’s not contributing to so neither one of you are supporting the other. Be careful with back child support they can take it all from you unless you file a grievance with it. If that child support doesn’t belong to your child.
You don’t have to file with him. I have been married 7 years and have never filed with my husband cause the same reason but also he doesn’t work a regular job. if he doesn’t live in your household you can file head of household.
You give up your EIC if you file separately.
If you file separately you lose your earned income credit. I use to do so when my ex and I were married because he owed back child aupport and I didn’t want them going after my taxes. It sucked though
You file as seperated.
So you do married filing separately.
You have to file head of household.
Use your tax return to divorce him since he’s obviously a dead beat.
Married people only have 2 tax options. Either married filing jointly or married filing separate. If any one of the two parties files married filing separate then the other is obligated to as well. Under some circumstances a person maybe considered single for tax purposes if they have a valid reason such as spouse in prison or cannot be found. Keep in mind that married filing separate does take away alot of credits you could earn if you’re filing status was head of household or anything else.
Before you file please go to the IRS website and educate yourself. If you decide to file married filing jointly make sure to include a form of innocent or injured spouse. Each one offers protection from your spouses debts such as tax debt or child support. Meaning with this form you are NOT responsible for paying any portion of his debts with your refund!!! This means u keep what is rightfully yours.
Yes it is wrong turn him into the It’s and you claim the kids
I know in Ohio they have a paper where you file together and then the parent who does not have the child support responsibility fills out the paper proving no responsibility and they would get their part of the return
Idk if it’s because I proved I had a restraining order against my ex when we were still married but I was able to get the credits for my children when I filed marroed but seperate. I was just told I wouldn’t get the credits for being married and I didn’t care bc I didn’t want anything to do with him. I was able to use legal aid to divorce him. He didn’t show up to a single court date and I was still able to get my divorce.
You can be married and not file jointly.
I have for 12years.
Well… They could’ve filed jointly and she could’ve just claimed innocent spouse and then nothing in their taxes would’ve came to you. Is he not going to file his taxes at all? Cuz that’s the only way this could really be a bad thing.
“Injured spouse” situations call for married filing separate— if there’s a major financial disparity it’s usually more beneficial to file separately
My ex hubby and i filed like that every year we were together because of child support
You can file a injured spouse form and they cant touch your income tax
If you haven’t been together I’d file separated but if you are still married they can take your taxes for his childsupport if he is behind. they did it to a family member even when they did them seperate and lived in different homes
Can also file as injured spouse. So it won’t affect your portion, just his.
File, married filing separately
Married filed separately. I don’t think she can file as head of household though. If they’ve got a legal separation date, I think there was a way to file as single.
You can be married and file separately.
Since you have been separated for 5 years you can file married filing separately then answer questions and wnd up with a different filing status so you wont miss out on credits that you wouldn’t get filing separate. You could file together and fill out a injured spouse form that seperates your refund from his so your portion doesnt get touched for his child support. But i woul file seperate. And file for divorce.
Married people can file separately
No its not wrong they can file however they want.
Best advice is to go somewhere other than Facebook. Consult an attorney.
Yes you can file injured spouse
You can be married and file separately. She can also file an injured spouse so they don’t take her cut…
Just go file for divorce, boom easy answer
Just pay your child support; it’s the right thing to do for your kids. Tax problem solved
File married injured spouse. My brother and sister did that for years so they couldn’t touch her tax money for child support.
If you’ve been separated for 5 YEARS then yes. It’s fine.
The criteria is a little strange.
Typically married couples have to file jointly in order to receive all of the tax credits.
However, if you’ve lived separately for at least 6 months then you’re considered “legally separated” and no longer required to file joint in order to receive tax credits.
I went through this in 2015 and 2016…We were separated but not divorced.
But because I’d lived alone…paid my own bills and supported my child for more than 6 months of the year my tax status was allowed to reflect that.
Edited to add.
At one point I was audited and I did have to prove that my son had been with me for 6+ months. So make sure that’s something you’re able to do just in case.
No you can file separately
You can absolutely file as head of household as long as you match this criteria. I’m not legally divorced yet but have been filing this way for 3 years without an issue.
Married but separate, legally separated, is how you want to file
If your legally married to someone who owes a debt and do not want it to affect your return, file an injured spouse form.
You can also file injured spouse
You can file separately but there’s a penalty, can also file injured spouse if together then they don’t touch your federal but might take your state
File married, but separated. I was married and they took ALL of my taxes to pay his back taxes it was not my debt and he’s a POS as is. He now owes me the 20k+ in back taxes I paid through our divorce
My STBX husband forged my name illegally for 3 years amending taxes and putting it all in his pocket.
people who are married & living together, can file separately
Even when I was married we filed married filing separately. You don’t have to file together especially if y’all aren’t together. file your taxes and claim your children.
If you’re married but separated, you wouldn’t file together anyway. If you maintain your own home, you would file head of household and claim the children.
In stead of asking Facebook, call a licensed CPA or any tax prep services and they will tell you everything you need to know within the legal limits of the laws. IRS is no one to take chances with off of advice from total strangers.
Make The Call… The Call Is Free…
No, your file Married, Filing Sepetately.
Have you not paid taxes since being seperated??? They ask this every year & I’m happily married.
You file separate taxes
In Pennsylvania you can file married but filing separate. You do not HAVE to file married. It is not a law. You would receive the best return filing married but you are not required by law to do so. My husband and I file separate due to me having student loans.
Yes it is legal to file taxes independently of your spouse
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You file injured spouse if you file jointly
Get divorced it will make tax season easier, you can also put in a schedule where he can claim one child every other year be specific he can claim on odd years for example.
Never miss a year of filing taxes if you don’t file it sends a red flag the following year when you do file