What is a good name that goes with the middle name Viola?

They should use Viola as the 1st name! It’s so pretty and uncommon now a days. Alas I can’t really think of any. Hope yall find a beautiful nane

Clare or Anna Oliver

Emmeline Viola can call her Emmy for short

Lily Viola, what a beautiful flower

Cello, Bass, Violin, Rosin, Bow…

My Mom’s name is Jennie Viola.

I know it’s common, but my brothers name was going to be Hannah Viola if he was a girl and I always thought it was a really pretty name

Elora Viola (could call her EV (Evie) for short), Genevieve Viola is beautiful too, someone else suggested that. Genevieve was my grandmother’s name so I am partial.


-Constance Viola
-Cecilia Viola (this was my great aunts name. We called her Viola)
-Lillian Viola

  • Cecilly Viola
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They use to say if it’s three syllables then other names should be one or two so it sounds right. I like Mary Viola


Rose can be middle name for almost any first name

Mia Viola, or Viola Dawn, Harmony Viola, …you can use Viola as the first name but USE the middle name.

Amelia Viola or Bergan Viola and then Layla or Brylee Viola.

What does the last name start with??

Aria Viola
Sage Viola
Elle Viola
Gwendolyn Viola
Meredith Viola
Madalyn Viola

Gloryana Viola… perfect name, thanks to the Lord, for his blessings on you both… good luck

My girl name was Ephany or Evelyn. We ended up with boys.

Viola Viola!! I love you this!

my name is Judy Viola

River, Augustine, Pearl, Emerald, Ophelia
Ruthie, Eleanor,

Keanna viola is pretty

I think Mini Viola is cute

It should end in ‘a’
Aisla (ay·lah)
Priya (pree·ah)
Keiva (or the proper Gaelic spelling of Caoimhe)

Josephine (Josie for short)

Evelyn Viola, Isabelle Viola

Ruby Viola or Rubi Viola

Bridgitte meaning strength and wisdom…may she grow up to be the strenght of this new world we live in and may wisdom be her travelling partner i order to make good choices…

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I have never met anyone or heard of anyone with my middle name for a first or middle name. It is Orleana

Leilani, Heavenly child in Hawaiian or Kai’aina , the ocean and the land.

My sister got my both my grandmothers names ( Viola Mae [ Barbara Viola ] [ Charlotte Mae]

My grandmother was Barbara Viola.

Our daughters middle name is violet. Her first name is serenity

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I have a cousin with the name Viola Marie. But never imagined Viola as a middle name lol

Teigan Violet, Sage Violet, Serenity Violet

My mother in law’s Hazel Viola ???.

Evelyn viola… so pretty
Emily viola
Annabelle viola
Avery viola
Jessie viola
Kaytrielle viola…gorgeous!!

My daughters mn is Violeta-Fleur first name Evangeline

My grandmother’s name was Christine Viola

Chanel my cousin name is chanel viola

Thilana Viola…

Thilana means musical instrument or you can choose Kilana Viola

Chelsea Viola
Clair Viola
Selene Viola
Aubrey Viola

Jasmine Viola, Katherine Viola, Lily Viola would be my top 3 picks.

Lucy, Veronica, Vivian, christy, Layla

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Ava, Seren, Tilly, Kallie

McCarley Viola
Jaiyana Viola
Vivienne Viola
Savannah Viola

I think a 3 syllable first name sets Viola off

My aunt was viola Virginia

Carmen viola
Genesis viola

Whats the last initial

My daughters middle name is Violet her first name is Ivy

Miracle, Faith, Grace :two_hearts: