What is going on with my husband?

I’ve been with my husband 10 years, married for 2 years. I knew my husband wanted to go visit family this weekend and I have no objections to that whatsoever. He failed to tell me his best friend would be dropping him off at his mom’s house. I was under the impression I was taking him since we only have one vehicle and I needed to do some things today. The issue with this is where he is going. His mom lives in a sketchy neighborhood. He knows most of the people in this area. As a matter of fact, on Thursday he tried to call a girl on messenger that frequents that neighborhood. I asked him why he would try to call her and he acted like I was making a big deal about it but never really answered me. So anyway, I find out his friend is taking him literally less than 3 minutes before he leaves. It was actually when his friend pulled up in our yard to pick him up that I found out. His excuse was he thought he told me. Let me also add in yet another reason I feel some type of way. Last night I asked him if he could get the trash together in the garbage can today and also get the trash up outside that a dog got into and he said he would. It’s his only “chore” for the week, every week. He didn’t bother doing anything before he left so I just done it while having a torn meniscus in my knee. He’s going to act like I shouldn’t be pissed off, but we usually have great communication so this is really making me feel some type of way. How would y’all handle it? Am I wrong for feeling like he failed to hold up his end of being a husband today?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is going on with my husband?

U worried about the trash boo? Really ?? Cuz that whole mess of his calling some random hoodrat is :triangular_flag_on_post:number 1. Calling his homeboy to pick him up and give him a ride is :triangular_flag_on_post:number 2. You called him out on his bs and that’s why he didn’t do his chores…I think ya man child is up to noooo good!


He was gaslighting you when you asked about the call to the girl. He’s into no good. I wouldn’t believe him about “visiting his parents”. It sounds like he’s past of wanting to help out around the house.


I would of left that trash right where it was! See how long it will take him to pick it up and take it to the trash can! I ask 1 time if it doesn’t get done it doesn’t get done! I give him time to do it then I call and pay someone! Maybe you will need a cleaning surface in a few days help you out!!

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Hes cheating, if not sexually, hes doing it emotionally. Time to go to mommas house, instead of believing him. Hes up to no good, ur gut dont lie.


Omg he’s a grown man so doesn’t do chores an you sound like his mum

Go to his parents house unannounced and you’ll find ur answers.


Sounds like he’s not holding up anything. Tons of red flags call mom and ask how his visit went with her. Bet he wasn’t there!!


Stop wasting your time and dump him

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