What is going on with my son?

So my son is just over a year old and up until about a week ago he was eating and drinking loads but this week he seems to have gone off nearly everything he normally likes or doesn’t finish something he would normally finish. He is pooing more than usual, but hasn’t been ill or sick recently and his hands and feet she always cold even when they are covered up.
He whines alot more too which is unusual. He isn’t my first I have a teenager so little out of sorts here, any help or advice would be great TIA


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What is going on with my son?

Maybe teething (back teeth)

Teething was my first thought as well.

Teething, growing pains? Take to doctor to have a check up just in case.


Could be a growth spurt, children tend to slow eating and then pick up eating again by 10fold when they hit a growth spurt


Definitely sounds like molars.

Never hurts for a check up. Def teetering makes the eating symptoms but the pooping and cold hands feet shouldn’t be teeth i woudlnt think

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Teething or possibly ear infection. My kids would always pull at or put their hand up to their ears and were a bit fussy but did not always have a fever.

I definitely say growth spurt. Both my boys(8 and almost 2) do this also

Kids are weird. My youngest is 14 months and some days he eats EVERYTHING, others he wants nothing but boob… Its a hit or miss

1yr old molars are coming in. He’ll get more at 2, 6 & 12. :slight_smile:
Grab some lavender lotion and massage his arms & legs after bath time to help blood flow for warmth.
Keep in mind, his tastes will also be changing. He’ll love, say, bananas for 3 months, then… He’ll hate them. Lol. Totally normal.
If he spikes a fever that Tylenol & Motrin don’t bring down, take him to the Dr. Babies get colds & viruses too. :black_heart:

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Take him to the doctor. No one on here is qualified to give you what you need.


Ask his pediatrician not Facebook .


Low adrenals can cause cold hands and feet. But, he may be teething. My daughter had several come in at once …4. you need to talk to his Dr. Tell him all this. Maybe ask for blood work to check vitamin levels. My nephew was born without iron in his blood. Made him very sick. God bless.

Molars I’d give some motrin with a snack or milk and then about an hour later feed him lunch or something and see if he eats better with less pain… that will tell you if it’s teeth related as far as eating

Teething would be my guess

My son would eat like a machine and then stop after a growth spurt, teething is always an issue at that age. If he was recently under the weather that won’t help.

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Children go through periods where they eat a lot then eat almost nothing. If he is not hungry offer him a fruit or a Drink with protein in it don’t force food that’s how Obesity happens and make sure you keep providing it also keep in mind taste buds change in kids every few months

Teething!!! Sounds similar to my now 2yr old, every time he grew in new teeth, he would hardly eat at all. Poop constantly which isn’t unnormal for him. Soon as the teeth broke through, he’d be been to eating like always.

Go to a doctor!! :woman_facepalming:t2:


Take him to the doctor just to be sure everything okay

Teething would not cause cold hands and feet

Teething would to me would be more like runny nose on top of all that…

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This sounds like he’s getting his molar’s in hopefully. You could call his pediatrician and get their opinion.

He needs to be seen by a doctor! I was the same way at the beginning of this year. Dr put me on blue iron pills by the time May got here I was short of breath, so swollen with fluid, and the pills wasn’t helping at all. I was freezing cold especially my feet. It was May and I was soo cold I had to have the heat on for me and ac on for my sons. I almost collapsed at home n had to be rushed to ER I was hospitalized for 12 days, had to have 2 pints of blood transfused, diagnosed with chronic kidney failure, congestive heart failure. Not saying this is your child’s illnesses but at least get the chills checked out. :purple_heart:

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Molars are coming in.
It’s possible for them to be more susceptible to catch a cold during, it would not hurt to take him to the pediatrician.
Feel better soon!

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Growth spurt. Don’t force him to eat let him snack and eat when he wants to.

Not being rude by no means but I have seen people’s comments not just on this post that they are wanting to bash people for asking a question. Like get real people this is supposed to be a dang support group. Definitely not supposed to be a group where you bash mommas for asking a question. Maybe they just want your advice because they might be new at being a mommy, or maybe they have been out of the ball game for a little bit. Like come on now get real. If you don’t like it you can take yourself out of the group. Sorry just had to rant for a second. Thank you.

Sounds like either teething or he picked up a minor sickness over Thanksgiving. I would check his mouth for signs of teething and if nothing is seen, check in with his doctor.

He may be going through a growth spurt and that’s why his eating habits are weird and why he could be whiny, growing hurts. He also could be getting molars. My hands and feet have always been cold to the touch but it doesn’t make me cold. Doctors have always told me after they have run tests that it’s just me.

He’s either getting a cold or teething. It would be best to have a Doctor take a look.


Call his Dr to have him seen. :heart:


Take the baby to the Dr. I’m not being mean when I say this but FB isn’t the place to get advice on subjects like this,


Its a phase… it’ll pass

I’d recommend getting his iron levels checked.
My 15 month old is going through something similar, and he was just diagnosed with anemia

Teething most likely

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my daughter went thru a phase where she would only eat dry cheerios and tuna and they had to be on the highchair tray

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Probably teething! They run low grade temperature, and have a clear runny nose! My granddaughter is going through the same thing and she is one! Call pediatrician and see if you can give Tylenol for the pain and will also help him sleep!

My 8 month old was like this when he had covid :woman_facepalming:t3: completely of his food or will have a couple spoon fulls, he never use to cry/winge and that changed

If not teething, it could be a mild virus. Keep fluids up and just keep an eye. If you get concerned, book in with your GP :heart:

Have him tested for covid.

Have his iron levels checked by his doctor. Cold hands and feet can be a sign of low iron. Could also just be his normal but doesn’t hurt to have it checked. Could be getting sick- some of my kids go through signs like this right as there getting sick. Could also just be a phase as well. All 7 of mine have gone through similar eating phases.

How about ask your Doctor to examine him as u will get 100 different opinions :wink: