What is the best age to start potty training?

How old were your sons when you started potty training??? My son is only 5 months, I just want to be ready… I heard about early training starting at about 1 year. And I wanted to know how many tried and succeeded or if it would be better to wait???


Lol not even kidding when I say this a social media friend I have she started putting her daughter on around 9/10 months I guess when she could walk, she’s now potty trained at about a year and 4 months I am not sure about bed time tho


Let him show signs of wanting to use the potty! They need to be ready on their own. My nephews used to aim at cheerios in the toilet. :slight_smile:


Most start around 2 tho being honest and real based on what I see but you start when you feel you want


I potted trained all mine when they turned 2. But mine was ready. Some take longer then others.


I let my boys lead with it. #1 was easy but for #2 they were usually just under 2 before they started really understanding.

My girls were easier. They were pretty much potty trained by 18 months.

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It DOES NOT matter when everyone else started. It MATTERS when YOUR child is ready on THEIR own time


But with that being said. Most boys arent even fully ready or interested until aged 3


Seriously?? They will tell you when they are ready!! Stop trying to rushing then for every thing


My daughter is going to be 3 and is not ready whatsoever…every child is different.


Around 2 is when you start but it all depends on the child

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My Dr said do not rush your child. Setting them up to failed. Children develops at certain stages. Like sitting up walking talking. Had a friend rush her daughter she ended up bed wetting all the time until way into her teens.


I started sitting my children on the potty seat/ toilet as early as 6-7 months wether they went or not it was practice and they for the idea. They started going in the toilet eventually. My oldest was potty trained the earliest by 11 mos. My others ranging from a year to two years


My daughter i started at 18 months and she was done potty training in maybe a month or 2. My son will be 2 in a few months but we haven’t started yet. My daughter showed us that she wanted to go potty and my son doesnt really have an interest. We will start sometime around 2 if hes willing


My oldest son was potty trained at 2. He was ready at about 18 months. My youngest however is gonna be 3 in July and isn’t showing any signs yet.


my son was 3 and it took him a month to get potty trained.

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If you start them to early it can back for on you,I learned that the hard way with my first, around 2 and take it slow don’t try to rush them to start with. Some do it early some like to wait all kids are different

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My parents did it with all of us around 1 year. We were all potty trained in a day. It was stressful for my mom that entire day but afterwards an enormous relief.


My son is almost 2 and is now starting to show interest in the potty. I used to work at a day care and parents would push to have their children potty training at 1 and it was almost traumatic to the kids. If they aren’t ready and your forcing them to it’s not going to work out well. Every child has their own time to do certain things just pick up on their cues and teach along the way but don’t push it. With my daughter she would come into the bathroom with me and I’d tell her what I was doing but never pushed her to do it.

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Rule of thumb … when they can tell you they pottied then it would be time … most one year olds can barely speak


My son (he’s my first) was completely done by 2.
We made a game out of it. (He made bubbles for grandma)
Try not to start him too early. It will become a struggle and you will become discouraged.


My son started walking at 11 months,he showed signs of holding himself (his privates doing pee dance) so I slowly started the potty training. . He was fully potty trained like 3 months later (he was my second born) my first born didnt even walk until 16 months (do to eclampsia) so all kids are different. And let them decide

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My older daughter was potty trained at a year old. My grandmother didn’t have to potty train my uncle her went on his own at a year old. My mother was just shy of a year old and I was nine months when my grandmother potty trained me. I would try by a year old. Most kids are different. Some are late bloomers some are early birdies. It doesnt really matter. But when the time comes I will forever stick with stickers and cookies!

I waited til he told me he wanted to go by going pssssss and pointing to the toilet. He was about 20 months.

I tried at two but my son wasnt fully potty trained til 3. I tried different methods but honestly he went free steps back when I pressed issue too hard then one day on his own it just clicked and he didnt even have night accidents he went before bed and when he woke up.

Introduced going potty around 2. He had no interest until he turned 3 and he was potty trained pretty quickly. 3.5 now and completely potty trained through out the day and night time.


My aunt started with her son at 9 months. Have dad start bringing him in the potty with him so he gets the idea as he gets older. You can too. Honestly u can start anytime u feel ur ready. Like if baby is walking. If still crawling I wouldn’t. U can always start but don’t stress if you don’t start seeing results quicker bc u started earlier. Repetition is key. And making them aware to it is a start.
Just once u start remember to keep at it. No point in stopping once u start. Kids will learn in their own time. But practice makes perfect. Also try not to feel discouraged if u start early and aren’t feeling like it’s working. It will it just takes time. Some kids jump on it and learn fast others take their time with it. Potty training is just one of those things. Takes time.


I started all 3of my boys when they could walk usually 11 months to a year just to get them used to it so they weren’t scared of it. Didn’t really have expectations of them actually using it until about 2

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My son is 2 and he tells us when he goes in his diaper so we are actually going to begin this potty training thing this weekend. Kids will do things at there own pace so I wkdnt push to hard on it. Getting familiar and practicing is a good way to prepare. But when there ready, they will do it. And when they do, celebrate!

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My boys began at 1 year and were potty trained by 18 months both night n day. My 3rd though is three now and autistic so he is taking a bit longer.

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My son was 2 months shy of turning 4 🤦 we started trying at 18 mo 🤷


My son is 2 and we started Jan1st and hes really getting it now started going with out any help but really all kids are different and ready at different times
We started our son very slow… Showed him the potty, then got him to sit on the potty then intorduced it with no diaper on… Took him a while to start to just pee in it but it got easier and easier now hes just about all day time potty trained. Ps I would suggest not using pull ups or diapers strait to undies the wet uncomfortable feeling will encourage him to get to the potty more often … Thats my opinion though. Good luck

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My son was 2 and potty trained in 2 days… My second is 2 today so we’ll be starting him soon too


18 months for both my daughters. I used the 3 day potty training method. I have a son on the way and praying he will be the same.


We started training my daughter once her bladder was strong enough to hold her all night. Once we had consistent dry diapers at night we started which was right after her 2nd birthday. Within a few months was potty trained.

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I got my son completely potty trained a week before his 3rd birthday. Started about 4-5 months before his birthday

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My son was potty trained by 14 months. I started introducing the potty around 10 months. He thought it was hilarious to pee and poop in his little frog potty and I gave him treats or rewards every time he went and made a big deal about it for him like did a potty dance and sang a potty song that I made up :joy: he still sings the song sometimes when he goes potty.

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Started at 2, my son had issues with the whole pooping and took tell he was 3 and a half to be fully trained. But never had a accident in bed ever. My daughter was fully potty trained by 2 without hardly trying.

I started as soon as they could sit.

As early as 5 months. I would wait for them to make the poop face. Run to the bathroom and sit them on the potty. Fully clothed diaper still on. Me holding on to them to make sure they don’t fall over. Then I would cheer for potty on toilet!

As I got them ready for bath time, they would sit on potty. And pee sometimes even poop. With my first two, by the time they were 20 months they were fully trained. Day and night trained. We had several accidents and some regressions but we were consistent. You shouldn’t start this unless you plan on keeping it going.

I’m doing it to my youngest now he’s 17 months and can hold his pee for a really long time. Just doesn’t know how to release voluntarily. I don’t make a big deal if he pees on his undies. You’re not suppose to. My goal is to help him hold it. Peeing on the toilet comes with time.


Neither of my sons trained before 2. We started at about 18m and 1 was fully trained by 3.5 and one os currently 2 and has regressed again. My daughter was trained fully by 3


Heard my dad and his siblings were potty trained before a year old. My son was before his 3rd birthday.

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When they show an instrest in it really. But you can always by a potty chair and take him to the bathroom when you go as well.

My daughter started around 1 but I’ve heard girls and boys are ready at different times

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2 to 4 years start potty training.

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Every kid is different my oldest of 7 was 2 my youngest was 5 before je was completely trained

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Every child is different. My son was daytime potty trained by 18 months, but I was a very vigilant stay at home mom. We pottied every 30 mins and he went naked often. He made a connection between that warm stuff coming out of his ting ting and the sensation in his bladder around day 2 at 15 months old.

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Research elimination communication!!If you want to start earlier!


My son is three and I just started trying. He’s not digging it too much. You’re best to wait until they’re ready because they’ll just get it. Your kid, so do what you want.

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Summer is coming let him pee outside until he gets the hang of it or let him follow daddy in.

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My son is 3 and is terrified of the toilet, thanks to his great grandmother for forcing him to sit on the toilet while he kicked and screamed. Needless to say she’s not allowed to be with him unsupervised anymore. I have tried but he won’t even go near it and had nothing to do with the small potty. It’s been at least 6 months.
Every kid is different and ready at different times.

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I started all 3 of mine at about 18mos.

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My sons 2 and not interested so good luck

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I have daughters but I introduced the potty when they were 1 … just making it a game and fun to sit on it and such. My oldest was 3 time she was fully potty trained my youngest was 2 and she was fully trained. :slightly_smiling_face:

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We started at 2. This is when he showed signs he was ready. At 2.5 hes fully potty trained with the exception that he let’s me know last minute. So everywhere we go we “try” to potty before we leave to avoid accidents.

Mine were both 2 but not FULLLY until about 3

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Don’t force it, there is no age, there ready when there ready. My oldest son was 11 months, my oldest daughter 3, my youngest son 2. And my 1 year old sits on it but that’s were we are at right now.

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My boys where way easier then my daughter’s

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2 is a magical number

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I would start about a year old but dont expect it to happen magically. I started when my son was 14 months and hes 2 1/2 now almost potty trained 95% . The only time he wears a diaper is at night and in the car or nap time bevause if I wake him up…hell stay up lol

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Both my children were trained by age of 2 . Very few problems . Leaving it too late creates problems.

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My son was potty trained by 12 months old


My son is 1 just this may 3rd and also took his first steps just 3 days ago and I bought him a potty. He’s peed once we don’t force him I try to make it a fun thing. His sister was 2 when she started seriously potty training with no prior introduction. She still has morning accidents bc she won’t get up and out of bed. we took her every 30 minutes in the beginning. Then when we gained trust with each other it was every hour. Wed go back to 30 if she had an accident. Pooping of course was the hardest part but she had diarrhea one day and just let blow in the potty lol and that sealed that deal. I’m expecting my son will Excel as he is such an easy kid. But who knows this could be the thing he doesn’t nail lol either way patience and a watchful eye are necessary. Learn their cues. My daughter would hide and squat to poop especially behind her bed. We moved her bed and if she tried to walk away quietly she had to go potty first. Sticker chart and m&ms help too but then she’d squeeze what she could out for a candy :rofl:.

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3 and a half years. Gave up diapers during the day and at night! Learned to ride a bike on same weekend!!

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I started while mine was still crawling, got potty chair and took them with me when I went, pulled diaper off and sit them on little one while I went , said stuff like listen can you do that . or showed them and did the see thing . by the time they was walking good they were potty trained. Only problem son liked to pee outside and around corners where no one could see.

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On their second birthday for the first 2. The third potty trained himself shortly before his 2nd birthday.


Between 2- 3 years old


I started at 11 months! The earlier the better! SERIOUSLY


Ummm… depends on child. Each one is different. My first son was completely potty trained by his 2nd bday. My second is 4 and still has accidents. I let them lead. I know that they’re human and they won’t be shitting their pants at 10. And if they are, then I’ll deal with it then. Maybe too laid back? Idk. Don’t care. Let your baby lead you. Don’t lead them or you will fail, guaranteed

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All depends on your child I have a almost three yr old who is in the process of being potty trained and a 4 1/2 yr old son who just got out of pull ups. Both of them I started early and all it did was pro long the process. Waiting is better .

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Started introducing at 12 months or so, just for fun; Daughter trained by 18m, son was a little over 2…Just takes patience, determination and a whole lot of positive words of encouragement❤️ Good luck, when the time comes!!

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If your baby is meeting and exceeding all milestones start potty training around a year. Both my boys were potty trained around a year. But they were both very advanced for their age.

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I EC. earlier the better. Baby is always ready to not sit in their own filth!

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My daughter showed signs of wanting to toilet train at 1. But she wasn’t fully trained till 2 and a half I think.

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My son is one and he hasnt shown any signs of being ready yet 💁 every baby is diffrent

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Mine was fully potty trained by 18 months. We started around I’d say around 1 and he did real well and then officially 18 months was no more night diapers

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Started at 1 with both my boys and it went great. No bed wetting there

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my first was 4 when he started potty training… my other son was 3 when he started and my other was 2… which I’m still currently potty training the 3 and 2 year old… since they are only 11 months apart. Always introduce them to the potty once they are a year old… good luck once the time comes.

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It’s best to wait when your child is ready. If not, then it will be difficult and ready to pull your hair out lol.


We started at 22mo. Took her a couple months but she got it. Still wore a pull up at nap and overnight for 6mo after.

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Honestly it’s whenever the child is ready… my son is 3 and I’m still working on getting him 100% potty trained it’s best to wait until the child is ready less of a headache/stress for both u and the child


My son was 3… never had any accidents or wet the bed.

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I wish someone could help me. My little is 17 months old and he keeps taking his diaper off and I have tried the potty but he will not do it

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At least wait until he is walking and waking up in the morning with a dry diaper. A dry morning diaper usually means that the boy is holding his owe at night.


2 but he’ll be 4 next month and he’s afraid of the toilet and bath drain. Tells us that’s why he won’t use the potty (we tried toddler potties) and he will literally jump out of the batg sometimes crying if you start letting the water out or if he accidently does.
He won’t tell us why he’s afraid of them currently (used to be aftaid of being sucked down ut now he says he doesn’t know that he’s just afraid.) I wanted to send him to school this fall but doesn’t seem to be in our favor.

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I waited until they started waking up from naps dry and later overnight dry.

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We didn’t start actually trying to potty train until he was able to hold his bladder and go all night dry.

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It wont matter how early you start, its nit gonna be done until they’re ready.

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we tried when he started walking at 13 months, he’s now almost 3 and has been partially toilet trained, fully day trained but haven’t started night training yet. we waited until he was ready rather then pushing him because he wasn’t interested, he did it on his own terms.

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I started teaching my daughter the vocabulary first…she went into the bathroom with me and I’d point to the potty and tell her what it was called.
After that I worked on telling her pee and poop goes in the potty.
She’ll be 4 in October and we’re still not there yet…but she tells me more and more often that she needs to go potty.

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My son was potty trained by 2 and my daughter, by 2 and a half.

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My son was potty trained at 18 months. He did not like to be dirty or wet.

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Always let him in the bathroom with you so he’s never scared of the potty it doesn’t hurt around 1 to start sitting him on it just to have him sit and know he won’t fall in. Get a child’s potty and keep it in the living or wherever you spent most of your time everyday. I started around 14 months with my son actually putting him on the child’s potty every 20 minutes let him sit for a little bit reward him even if he doesn’t go but just for sitting and if he does go make a big deal. Use pull ups at night until he wakes up from naps not wet. If you can stay home for 3 days and have him in underwear that’s the best way. It’ll be messy but worth it and saves a ton on diapers

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My son is 3 1/2 just now not having accidents. He had zero interest. He did great with peeing never even had to teach him to aim. Pooping was the issue he HATED pooping in the potty said he didnt like it cause it was gross Haha he always tells me “mommy I’m sick of poopin” I said well too bad kid you poop everyday for the rest of your life :joy:
My daughter is 2 and already peeing and pooping in potty. I was told boys take longer, most boys. Idk depending you have the time when they are very young to constantly put them on the potty. I never did.

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Honestly. I watched a 9 month old girl essentially potty train herself. Grandma jokingly tried to get her to use a potty to show her son it wasn’t scary and ever since she refused to pee or poop in a diaper.
My friends almost 2 year old boy has been basically potty trained since he was 1. Still has accidents and stuff because he’s only almost 2 and likely autistic, but it’s possible when they’re young.

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My son wasn’t potty trained until he was 2. Once they start saying things like “change me” “I pooped” it’s time, for sure.

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A new baby came right around the 2nd Birthday for my first two boys so I think mine were probably a bit later than most. I guess I started after then new one would settle in. By age 3 each of them was trained. It’s all kind of a blur. 3 kids and a miss in 4 years.

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We tried around 16mo and he had 0 interest so we dropped it. However, we let him watch us go to the bathroom and explained it. Then one day while cooking, he was between 18-19 months old, he came in yelling teetee(which he always said AFTER peeing in his pull-up) so I told him “Wait a sec and I’ll change it” he pulls his pants down and starts peeing on my foot and the floor. Got him redirected to a potty chair and ever since he has been going in our toilet, standing on the rim of the toilet. He’s now 2 months shy of 2 and he is fully day trained(pee and poop) and some nights he holds it til morning. Just give him time, he’ll let ya know. Our first sign was freaking out when he peed in his pull up. Second was showing a new found interest in his “weewee”. And our final straw was him not wanting to wear pants or pull ups then that fun night of pee soaked floors. Don’t give up, my MiL son was 4 before he got the hang of it. He will get it when he is ready. Best advice, don’t get to worked up or frustrated about it. I’ve learned to sit back and not force anything, my son is very independent and headstrong. If it isn’t on his time, we both get to frustrated and it don’t work.

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We started at 2 but it was a waste of time. He didn’t potty train until he was 3 1/2. Peer pressure from preschool was finally what did it. Trust me you are sooo far from that right now.

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My daughter showed signs at 1 and we tried but she just wasn’t ready and then at 18 months she showed signs again but we worked with her on it for a few days and then had to get induced with number 2. Now she is 2 years with no sign of wanting to potty train any time soon.

Mom of 5… Average is around two years old however every child is different and may be older when they are ready. One yr is typically pretty young to begin! If you try to soon they may end up having problems and fears with it. This is something you just can’t force, no matter how much you may want it😉