What is the best birth control?

Fan Question •
I need everyone’s oppion on types of birth control… What worked for u or what didn’t work. Pros and cons.
I’m having my son in April my 3rd baby and I want to go on birth control for awhile til were ready for another. I’ve been on the pill b4 but I have hard time taking it on time every day even with a set alarm. But that was back like 5yrs ago. Any good suggestions?


I have Nexplanon and it works for me but several friends thay had it caused issuses with them just go to ur obgyn and ask for information and what they think will work best for ur body


I got pregnant on the Nuva Ring. Dont do it. It worked for 2 straight years and then I found out I was pregnant while it was in.

I loved my Skyla IUD. When I was ready to try for another baby, it was easy removal by my OB. I am now pregnant with our second child and plan on getting the same IUD after Baby #2 is born! :blush:

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I had the Skyla IUD for 3 years, had it removed then conceived my son 3 months later. Got another IUD after. I love it, and I don’t have periods with them.

I have nexplanon and I think it’s fine. I couldn’t remember the pill either. I’ve only had 2 light periods in over a year. I’ve gotten some pretty bad cramps with them but usually only lasted a day. No complaints.

I’m on the pill, mylan. And I want to get off. I have a period every two weeks. It’s low dose because I’m breastfeeding.

IUD for the win. I used mirena. No problems for 4 years, took it out when I was ready. After my son was born I went on the pill temporarily while “waiting for the time to get my iud” after my appointment got cancelled. Well now I’m about 35 weeks pregnant… never will I use the pill again

Nexplanon no issues here I love it

Only issue I have with my nexplanon in my arm is the weight gain. Other than that I literally have no complaints and I’m set for 3 years without having to worry.

Depo provera shot worked great for me . I had it for 8 years with my daughter. Went off and switched to the nexplanon then I had weird side effects got pregnant with my son had him and was forced to go back on it

Nuvaring. Used it for 10+ years, between pregnancies. Never had any problems with it

I love the copper IUD it’s no hormones which is good for me because my body hates hormones but I have a friend who likes the arm implant.

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Mirena! 5 years… no periods or weight gain… love love love it…

Pick a time that better fits your schedule such as bedtime. I am awaiting Second Implant birth control grandbaby. Both, Dr said, everything was fine for another year, and within 6 months, she was pregnant.

If you want to take the pill can’t remember sticky note on your bathroom mirror helps :wink:

Condoms, because hormones can have some nasty negative side effects. You dont have to worry about taking a pill every day and it only takes about half a second to put on a condom.

McKayla Cameron any side effects with jadelle