What is the best breast pump?

Hey mom’s I need a breast pump what is the cheapest one? Don’t have money for anything expensive!!

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Your local wic office , Medicaid, and even your local hospital will supply you with one if you tell them you need it

Honestly you don’t want to buy a cheap one. It may be better to rent a more expensive if you can afford it or look on Craigslist. If your close enough I may still have mine. Send me a pm and I’ll look

Check with your health insurance…mine covered the breast pump as if it were a prescription, I paid nothing for it.

I love the Lansinoh hand pump, it’s only $30. The one from insurance did not work well for me

Insurance should cover one

If you have insurance you can always get your doctor to find one that your insurance covers…thats what i did

I brought one from Argos for less then £20

Go through ur insurance ull get one for free

See if your insurance covers one through aeroflow. That’s where I got mine for free when I was pregnant


I also got mine for free through aeroflow, insurance covered it. They even sent me new parts a few months later. Totally covered by insurance.

See if your town has a local mommies group and if anyone is getting rid of one. I always see free ones or cheap ones being passed on in my local mommies group

Rent one or talk to you insurance bc a cheap one don’t do the job like a good one does

Many insurance companies will provide one free. Worth asking about. It’s how I got mine.

Your health insurance can get you one