Best breast pump recommendation?
I really like the Haakaa breast pump… not so much a pump but a milk catcher. You put it on the boob your baby isn’t feeding from and you catch the letdown instead of letting your breast pad get it, you can get anywhere from 1-4 ounces and do zero work. It’s awesome!
I use Ameda with my last baby and loved it
Loved my haaka, was easy to collect a stash during the night on the opposite side from where baby was nursing. I also had the ameda finesse and it was AWFUL. Luckily I was a stay at home mom and didn’t need to pump for while I was working or anything
I had the Spectra s2 and loved it!
If you want a portable pump I’ve heard great things about the Spectra s9 and Bellababy
I loved my Lansinoh. It was gentle and didn’t make me sore but it was strong enough to get the job done.
I currently have both a medela and a spectra 2… medela parts are easier to get, but I love the quality of the spectra. My motor on the spectra went out after 2 months being back to work. THIS IS A COMMON ISSUE! Which is why I now have a medela. I dropped money for a pump while I waited over a week for Spectra to send me a new pump. Both get the job done. The medela has a battery operated cord along with a wall charger which makes it easier to tote around and is very portable. The spectra does not. It’s meant for being in one of spot and not moved.
If I could go back, I would have looked into getting the Spectra 1, which I believe is battery operated which would make it portable.