What pregnancy problems casues difficulty breathing?

Anemia…I suffered from it all 3 pregnancies. Hang in there!!!

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Please get checked with a cardiologist asap. It might be a case of mitral stenositis .

Had shortness of breath and I was very very short of iron!

You should consult your physician i wouldnt recommended fb for serious questions as these

My friend had a heart issue…I would check with the doctor

Call your doctor. Could be and couldn’t be something serious. You never know.

Kapag busog ako…at kapag marami nainom na tubig…

It may be completely Normal to be honest

You should probably ask a doctor a question like this.

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Go to doctor, could be a blood clot near the lung.

High.Blood pressure. High heart rate. I had it with my son

The baby gets large and compressed the lungs. Very common.

All apart of it sucks but it will pass

I experienced this, just baby pressure

It stopped once I gave birth

my God call ur ob they have an on call. they will advise you check you or send you to the er if necessary

Call your doctor and consult with them.

Happened with both of mine. Please do speak to your OB/Gyn to make sure you’re ok.

Asthma too worse and allergies

Ur uterus shifts upward n moves the organs…m having it too…finishing 6months this week

More blood volume for your heart to pump

Contact your Doctor. Please don’t rely on people’s “opinions”.

It’s part of being pregnant

It may be the way the baby is laying.

Pregnancy IS the main problem :joy:

Baby crowding the diaphragm

Cardio myopathy, I had it post partum

:astonished::astonished:This us definitely a question for your OB or Midwife!!

Baby too big try laying on left side

Tell your doc your symptoms. Having trouble breathing don’t sound good

One word…pregnancy…lol

Baby. Baby causes that

Baby squishing your insides…?

Acid reflux can trigger breathing issues

Umm it’s called the unborn literally sucking the life out of you… I could NEVER breathe

You could have low iron levels. You will be checked for anemia, but let your physician know and they could test you early!!!

Depending on how far along you are and how big the baby is, the position can push on your diaphragm. I have asthma and one of my babies sat up very high even up til birth. In cases like that theres nothing to do unless you can somehow get your baby to wiggle down a bit. Mine would always move back up a few minutes later. She was stubborn and bad enough that she broke my rib and had me pass out while pushing.

Talk with your Dr., for me, I was severely anemic which caused shortness of breath.

Experiencing the same thing and wearing masks makes it worse Ive almost passed out numerous times going food shopping it sux

Pressure on diaphragm

My husband and I got separated when i found out he was having an affair with another woman, when i confronted him, we had argument and he broke up with me, i tried all i could to get him back but all to no avail. I cried all day and helpless looking up to God to help me with the problem in my marriage. All I need is my marriage to be restored back, we’ve been together for years and he has done nothing but cheated and lied to me. but I know it’s something that can be fixed I still love him the same way when I first met him. However I decided to seek help from Priest Andrew, he reunited my marriage back together as it was in the beginning. now my marriage is perfectly fine and I know there are lot of people out there who have different kind of problem in home, marriages and relationships. Here is Priest Andrew email: priestandrewcureservice123@gmail. Com
and whats app him +2349064356977

Tell your doctor. Please

Rise in blood levels

Check for covid please

What Jayne Gehlhar Beauchaine and Leigh Barr said

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I’m not any kind of health worker, but I did have a friend with that problem years ago. turns out her heart wasn’t pumping blood fast enough for oxygen to circulate correctly. doctor had to give her meds and put her on bed rest for awhile. either way go to your doctor, not something to mess around with.

Call your doctor and tell him about the SOB or better yet call your ER and speak to the DR there and I would also suggest you go in right away.

Better to be safe than sorry thus a professional assessment is indicated.

The larger the baby gets the more everything is compressed. You have less lung capacity. You could talk to your doctor, but in the meantime take it slow.

Pleaseeeee tell a doctor !!! I had this issue early on and they thought I had a PE in my lung !!! Also ran hwart checks baby was putting wayyyyy to much stress on my body and damaging my organs !!!

Typically it’s because baby is on your diaphragm. Plus your blood volume increases because of baby. Currently on my fourth, I know this issue inside and out and it sucks but baby does move and you have those days of relief and then baby will move right back.

If you have pain in your back it could be a blood clot. Which is something I experienced during my last pregnancy. Otherwise, that baby is pushing up on every single organ there’s just not enough room haha

I was severely anemic, which caused shortness of breath!

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I had it bad with my 2nd. My GP eouldnt give me a jab because she was so worried about my breathing. Sent to hospital, lots of scans like CT scan and nobody could see any problems. They said it could be the way baby was sitting so was sent to maternity and they scanned and couldn’t see a way the baby could be effecting breathing. I was hugr though and had had a mini stroke a few weeks before so mighy have been a side effect from it. Once baby was born i was almost back to normal but even now im out of breath quicker than usual even with loosing all the baby weight pretty quickly

I could hardly breathe when I was pregnant with my boy …honestly the bigger they get the harder it is to get any kind of oxygen

Could be a whole slew of different reasons you need to talk to your doctor about this not ask people on Facebook. Or ask the other mamas you know about it. Those are some the 2 best people to ask questions of when you’re pregnant

yes after 6 months n when i sleep straight in pregnancy during nite time…i hv shortness of breath n is hanged cant move or shout …

I ended up with high blood pressure which made it hard to breathe…i was 37 1/2 weeks

Very low iron levels cause tiredness and short of breath

Must be iron deficiency

The baby is pushing your diaphragm. It’s very normal not to be able to breathe . Depending on how far along you are

Calypso Hall I didn’t know that