What should I do about my daycare childs behavior?

Sometimes is just not a good fit. It’s ok to give notice so parents can find alternatives for her care. It’s going to be too much with a newborn to care for on top of the other responsibilities to run your in-home daycare. Some kids benefit more from a private nanny 1 on 1 type of care. This kiddo may be one of those, or she has to be in a super small in-home daycare with just 2 or 3 kids. When it doesn’t work, it is time to pivot, adjust and find what works.


Take some extra child care classes to further your education on dealing with these types of kids.


The behaviour sounds normal, shes a baby fgs


Not every child you watch is going to be a good fit. It’s OK to give the parents a couple weeks notice to find another place and make other arrangements. She may even benefit from a nanny. Maybe someone who can give her that one on one attention for a while. You can only do so much when you do have other kids to watch as well that require attention. Don’t beat yourself up it’s all OK. This decision isn’t just about what’s best for you but what’s best for her. And I know you understand that and that’s what you’re trying to do.


You put them down for a nap at the same time but all children are different and maybe don’t sleep 2 hour naps. Why don’t you play with her 1 on 1 whilst all the other perfect children sleep for 2 hours. You are in fact a child minder and why should you get a 2 hour break everyday if your paid to look after them the whole time they are with you


Pick a date and tell the parents sorry after that date she can’t come and for them to look for another daycare for then. Explain situation again and that you’ll have a newborn soon and don’t want to overwhelm yourself. :woman_shrugging:


I notice that when new infant/toddlers join our playground group, it can take 3-6 months before some of them are relaxed and confident enough to leave their caretakers feet.
It’s probably good for you to get experience with a needy child, too. Otherwise too many parents with “easy” children think they have all the answers, when really they just got lucky to have children with easy tempraments.
Keep working on it. You’re growing too!
But if after 6 months or so things haven’t improved, it just may not be a good fit. At least you know you gave it your best effort.


Give her parents notice and tell them they have to find another daycare. She’s 1 and an only child so she probably doesn’t act this way at home because she is the center of attention. Don’t beat yourself up over the situation. Her being there is not a good fit. Maybe her parents can go through a nanny service or find someone that who will babysit her that doesn’t have other kids.


She’s 1!!! It’s not a conscious decision to obtain her way by throwing a fit. It sounds like she has some separation anxiety.


I’m sorry but for all you that say this is “normal” behavior for a one year old it most definitely is not. My one year has never acted like that,shoot all five of my kids never acted like that. I’d tell the parents it’s not working and they need to find someone else. You have enough on your plate, you don’t need a child so young that’s acting out so bad already to add to it all. The parents need to do better in my opinion.


I dont think it seems out of the realm of normal behavior, but if its not a good fit for your daycare, i would tell them that they need to find another daycare once you go on maternity.


I say… Let the parents know your giving them 2 weeks and you will no longer be watching the child


Maybe she is having separation anxiety for her parents :baby:


Not every family will be the right fit for your dayhome, and not every dayhome will be the right fit for every family.

The best thing you can do for the child is be honest with yourself about the situation.

Then be kind, and be honest with the parents.


If the parents don’t recognize and help fix the problem. They would be more than welcome to relocate her. Take a video of her and show her parents to let them see it for themselves.


Not all kids are perfect? Ffs she’s still a baby.


I wouldn’t baby set her. Tell her parents they need to find a new setter.


Did daycare for a long time. Sometimes kids just don’t mix. I would try until your materty leave then if it does not change give notice.

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I babysat for a girl a few years ago, she cried all day no matter what I did sometimes its just separation from parents if it’s not working don’t feel bad if it’s not the right fit for you or the child. I tried everything distraction, games reading, nothing worked.


We’re is your daycare located?

I mean, she sounds like a 1 year old. She’s a bit clingy & only naps for an hour. That’s the negatives I got. I’m confused by the issues?


If she hadn’t adjusted within 3 wks and is still disrupting the other children during quiet/nap time, I’d have already kindly let her parents know she can’t come back to my place. I can’t allow the majority to be disrupted by the one.


The amount of lack of reading comprehension on this post is concerning…at no point did the poster express any problems with the child, accuse the child of any abnormalities, or even really say anything negative about the kid. Y’all can read the words but really don’t know what you’re reading


If she’s not a good fit for your daycare then there are plenty of others for her parents to choose from. It happens , it’s life. Just give her parents plenty of notice explaining you’re having a baby and you need to cut back on the number of children in your daycare.


As a daycare provider, sometimes a single kid is just not a good fit for you or your daycare. Not everyone is going to work out and be able to adjust. I would give them 2 weeks to find new childcare as it seems to be not working out. Little one may be overstimulated or stressed and need a more one on one care.


I would tell mom she had to take her somewhere else! You don’t need that kind of stress and you’re getting ready to have a baby!


I would give it a couple more weeks.

To me it seems like she is used to being held all of the time. I would ask the mom about it. And like others suggested tell the parents they need to find another daycare. I also suggest setting up a camera or two so the parents can see for themselves what she is doing, they likely don’t believe you.


Don’t look after kids and be a daycare mum if you can’t deal with children like this aswel as other.

She’s a 1 year old. They are clingy , if she doesn’t do it at home then you KNOW it’s because she is away from her parents.


Sounds like she needs a sitter that doesn’t watch so many other kids, maybe just 1 other same age child.


If your not happy then I’d give notice to her parents. I’d be so upset if someone was not enjoying my son in their space I wouldn’t want him going there if his daycare provider was saying he’s an issue.
Obviously it’s not a good fit for you or for child in question. And that’s ok but please don’t watch her anymore if your having issues about her clingyness. My son’s 2 and still clingy to me and his dad.

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I wouldn’t keep her anymore. Doesn’t seem like a good fit to me.

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I would speak to her parents letting them know that you have given it time and your daycare just isn’t a fit for her, and that this shall serve as notice that they need to seek care for her elsewhere. (Send a letter, follow up with a phone call)


My question to some of you is this provider supposed to sacrifice the needs of the rest of the children just to meet the needs of one. The other children need their rest and attention as well. She sounds like she has tried to work it out. She has spoke to the parents who have not helped with a solution. I think it’s time to tell the parents that they need to find another caregiver.


How about quit or tell them she’s not welcome anymore.

You needed the internets help for this….


For the child’s sake please tell the parents to find alternate care so that the baby gets the attention and love she deserves.

Careful what you put in the universe, esp while pregnant


Not being rude by any means at all and no you are not a terrible person for having these opinions. But she is still technically classified as a baby…she is only 12 months old, she hasn’t even grown into a toddler yet. She still has learning to do because well she is a baby. The way you are describing the situation if you didn’t say she was 1 I would have thought she was 2 or 3…lol they are a bit high expectations for her age group. I’d let the parents know to find another place for her tbh. But definitely wouldn’t take on anymore children under 3 in the future.

No offence but this is really p!ss poor of someone who is an early childhood educator. It’s actually shocking! Like the child’s separation anxiety bothers you. Tried wearing a baby carrier? Provide some stimulating activities as what you and the fam are doing isn’t working. Look more into separation anxiety and what caregivers can do. Is there something they could do before daycare, sing a beautiful song all together when you first arrive (my kid sings the good morning song when she first walks into daycare pretty much every day)
Give notice to the parents if you can’t figure this one out as it’s not fair on the child he or she is only one what a little bubba :disappointed:


What’s going in in her home that she’s sooo clingy to you :thinking:


I would tell the parents to find another sitter. There are a whole lot of reasons that you should. I applaud you for at least trying and not abusing the baby. Definitely should let them get another sitter. I’m not being mean in anyway either.


None of that sounds problematic for a one year old. Lol.


It sounds like she is coddled or has separation anxiety and the parent isn’t going to see anything or believe it because they add to the problem. At this point you won’t prove it and keeping her negatively impacts you and those other kids. Tell her parent you cannot take her anymore and tell them her behaviors that lead to this. Any negative response tells you that you did the right thing. You have to think about what’s best for everyone including all those other kids who you can’t give any attention when this is tantrums soak it up all (witch is the intended outcome). My sister left me with my nephew and he was this way, he stated like this til almost 3 clinging screaming to her. Then he’d be violent with me and the other kids including my infant son because he was mad he was left with me. Take no chances. Your baby will be smaller, you don’t want this child seeing your newborn as a threat to their attention because they WILL EASILY hurt them while you’re distracted with others. Don’t put this to the test. Get rid of her now

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Every daycare my daughter went to we visited for a few hours during open hours. That way my child could see what was going on and we could see if she meshed with the other kids and the provider as well. All the providers also encouraged us to stop in unannounced anytime to see how things actually are when they’re their not just at drop off and pick up. These providers were in Texas and California from 2015 to 2018. Are things different now/in other areas???

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Omg you would give a puppy longer than this, to get used to their surroundings!!! She has only been on the earth 12 months bless her. For her happiness and wellbeing, I would suggest to the parents, that she she is not settling and to find alternative care for her.!!! You obviously are not committed to going the extra mile with this child, life can be scary who you trust and leave your children with.


I’m kind of concerned that your asking professional questions here? Maybe ask a mentor or supervisor? Someone who’s actually qualified to assist you with someone’s child.


Why wasn’t this addressed in your child development classes or whatever you took to get your degree? You’re a professional. Act like one.


She spoiled …she doesn’t do it at home yeah ok… You can train her or tell her parents this the last week you can’t handle it

Stop forcing an innocent child to be something that they don’t want to be.

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As an autistic woman who was not diagnosed until 35 years old, to me that sounds like undiagnosed autism in a young girl. I would look into how to deal with high functioning autism and try those methods. If that doesn’t work or you are certain she displays no other characteristics, read (or listen to the audiobook) “the strong-willed child”. It is very helpful for dealing with these situations and helped me correct some very unpleasant habits of not only my own child but friends and family members as well, since I was able to offer them this resource and it worked for them as well.

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It’s only been a couple of months and she’s only a year old, maybe give her a little more time to get used to the routine.

Some of you people are so cruel and until you have been placed in a child providers shoes you have no right to shame this lady she can’t just focus on one kid when there are ten plus kids a couple months should be plenty for a child even as young as one to adjust but this little girl is used to having her parents to herself so even at daycare she wants one on one constantly. Which you can’t do in a daycare environment. So give this lady a break and my encouraging words instead of breaking her down. Some of you are just plain A** holes.


Also read the Out of Sync Child

I’m thinking the parents should spend some precious little time, and understand where their Lil girl is mentally and physically with others

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Maybe she needs a smaller child care and just isn’t a fit for yours.

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This isn’t a good conversation piece at all. There are People that will read this and it can disturb their peace of mind. A Person leave their Child with a supposedly professional. While scrolling on social media. The Person watching your Child is asking the audience for advice. It’s just not a good post to gather opinions back and forth etc;. People don’t want to see this when their Child is in the hands if others. (Paid Professionals). Pick another topic!