What should I do about my job?

I’m struggling. I work full time and I’m a single mum, I have over a 1 hour commute to work there and back every day. I keep doing things wrong at work and I’m certain that I will be heading for a warning from my boss soon.I feel like I’m sinking as I won’t get better money anywhere else if I leave. Does anyone have a similar experience/situation please, I really feel like I should just leave my workplace as I’m pissing my colleagues off aswell as my boss! I don’t do things wrong on purpose there’s just so much pressure from every angle!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do about my job?

It’s definitely OK to look for another job while you still have your job or even maybe think about moving closer to your job if you feel the need to keep that job


Honestly can you afford to change jobs? I agree look now but I wouldn’t quit until you have something


You work for god, not people :heart: follow your instincts and trust that the outcome will be better than what you’re dealing with now.


With the money you’ll save in gas if you work closer to home you may be better off with a new job…


Reach out and ask for extra training or extra help first. If you like the job. If not there are TONS of other jobs and opportunities elsewhere. But if you aren’t wanting to change they should respect you asking for help or a refresher. Ask for positive constructive criticism.


Im in the same predicament, although I live 30min away. Luckily, my job has different facilities they can transfer me to, so I requested a transfer. Download indeed and keep an eye out for jobs while you work there.


Why is this funny ppl literally laugh @ anything


Dont quit until you have another job lined up. Maybe you need to work in another kind fo job besides this one


Where do you work and live?

Yes start looking for a job closer to you, most likely your messing up due to the stress you’re under, being a parent isn’t easy especially a single one. Just know you got this, it’s hard now but it will pass and get better.


You could always search for something else while you still have that job if you feel things are going downhill. Bonus is you might find a shorter commute too!

It’s okay to look for another job, but have you thought about going to speak to your boss first and asking if you’d be able to get additional training so you can perform better?

Honestly is money everything? Id rather find a job im happy in x


Do your best if you aren’t sure ask.Stress can cause you to mess up.Don’t quit til you have another job.

Ask for more training. If you keep making mistakes show that you want to get better

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You need help. Ask for help.

This is an employee market the jobs are plentiful and if you are willing to work a lot of employers are willing to pay. Get yourself on indeed and find something closer that works for you.

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I wouldn’t give up, but if you continue to do things wrong, maybe things are too much for you, So find another job that is a little closer to home, so the commute isn’t; the problem

There are better jobs out there

Sounds like you already know your answer. I’m sure you could find a job closer to home, everyone is hiring these days. You will save gas, wear and tear on your car and will be doing Yourself a favor. Start looking closer to home here is a site that is great to help find jobs near you, go to indeed.com hope you find a better way in your life. Praying :pray:

Talk to your boss. Ask for a lil help

I was going to quit because I was overwhelmed and my boss didn’t want me to go. He offered me a chance to work from home. I know it doesn’t work for everyone but it was the best thing that could have happened. The stress from the commute alone has helped me. This helped me save money from gas and food. It also has helped me be more healthy. I would sit in my desk all day and not move in the office. Now during breaks I’m walking and I haven’t ate any fast food crap in weeks. I was eating so much of McDonald’s in a hurry to pick food up.

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Talk to your boss, ack that you feel like you’re upsetting a lot of people and want to know how you can do better and implement that. If there are things you’re aware of hindering your performance adjust them if you can or talk to your boss about a better approach. I also agree with others on the thread, maybe you can find something closer too in the meantime.

I thought that i was sacked but spending the last year at home has helped my mental health so much.


Maybe you should consider trying to find a job closer to home. With the price of gas nowadays, it may pay you to drive a shorter distance to work. Also, you could pay your sitter less because the sitter would have your child(ren) a shorter amount of time. The new job may offer better training so you feel more confident on the job and aren’t as prone to making mistakes. It’s worth a try.

Don’t stay somewhere just because. Start looking NOW. A new job will probably improve your mental health. I just went through all of this. Hang in there!!

Maybe you are being to critical of yourself. Stop. Ask your boss if you can have a talk about your situation. He may be quite happy. with your effort


First off you’re human & allowed to make mistakes… it’s all a part of learning so don’t be so hard on yourself. Ask to be re-trained asap! Don’t quit unless you already have another job in the works. Good luck!

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As far as looking for a new job, only you know if that is a true option. When looking at salary, factor in cost to commute to current job, deduct from your salary now and that way you will know the minimum you can accept. Time is money. Less of a commute may lead to better performance.
Talk to your boss, explain that mentally your are being pulled in in every direction and you recognize that it is impacting your performance and you are looking for suggestions. Most, not all, are willing to work with you on. If you feel thst your co-workers are getting upset, maybe ask for a quick meeting where you can explain that you recognize the errors you have been making, you feel overwhelmed and you are looking for ways to create a better work/life balance which will lead to better performance. I have found that when co-workers own their short comings, co-workers are more likely willing to help, offer suggestions, etc.
is moving closer yo work and option?

You need yo take of yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally… you cannot pour from an empty cup. I know it is tough when you have littles but it’s a must for survival. Drink lots of water, deep breathes… find what you need and make you a priority do you can be the best version of yourself.

You might think about babysitting
No daycare for your kids
And get a lot of deduction on taxes

Maybe think about how ur functioning now
Is the pressure of the situation impacting on ur mood/anxiety?
This will affect ur work

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This sounds like you are unhappy and it’s not a good job for you… Maybe try finding something in the child care industry that your kids can come with you and you can earn money at the same time and save gas

Start looking for a new job closer to home with better pay don’t quit the old job to you get a new one

What kind of job do you do? Is there a way to fix what you’re doing wrong so that you understand better or some kind of re-training you could do? Maybe that would help? There’s gotta be a way to fix what’s going wrong… then it’s a win for you and a win for your place of employment. Just a thought. Keep your head up. Better days do come.

May sound crazy to some, but the devil is def attacking your life and some how you gotta defeat what’s going wrong without giving up no matter how hard it gets. Pray and rebuke the devil daily and somehow pull your boss to the side and have a talk with her. Tell her what’s going on and to give you a chance to pull it together. You have noooo idea how much you can fix letting the only person who matters right now in on your issues.


Who is working against you ? Sounds like no one is helping you get adjusted to new job which most HR requires. Are you sure your not working under hostile environment?

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I had a job like this back in 2014. I was very distracted due to personal issues and I kept making mistakes. They eventually let me go. Get your ducks in a row and start looking first. Remove distractions from your work day as much as possible. Mine was my phone. I tried to keep it in my drawer but I just kept taking it out. Use your morning commute to set up your day and clear your head. Remember you are the one supporting your child. You have to go into that job and kill it for your child. Best of luck to you!

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I am in a similar boat as in I feel as though I’m drowning every single day. I too am a full time single mum who works. I drive around 3 hours each day just to get my kids to school, myself to work and back again and I know how the pressure of keeping it all together when you have no-one to help you, it makes you a complete ball of anxiety and stress that results in a lack of confidence in everything you do.
Firstly, please know you aren’t alone. Secondly, at work, I am sure you are so used to trying to just hold everything together yourself and are so terrified of doing the wrong thing that you find yourself doing just that. Pretending everything is OK won’t help, you have to ask for help. Have a meeting with your boss and tell him what you need further training in. Look for another job in the meantime just to give yourself options and so you know you have a backup plan. We single mum’s have very little power and no backup. Giving yourself options changes that and in turn will help your confidence which will result in a better work performance. The fact that you reached out shows you are still fighting, so keep fighting mumma. It’s not an easy path so please take it one step and one problem at a time. Big hugs x

It might be time to consider a new job, something close to home that you can do without a problem. Might pay less, but be less of a hassle. Two hours travel to work gets expensive, and hard on the system


Get a job closer to home

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I raise two little boys and I have always worked for the last 10 years I pushed my self to be where I am at today! My mistakes and learning new things from how my supervisors did things or others helped me a lot! Ask questions learned from my mistakes! You can look for a another job that is closer and that will train you! Your probably over thinking the situation at work really if you still have a job till now and you know you made mistakes but talk to your co workers or your boss on a professional level how you feel and what you can do and what support u need to get better!

Maybe talk to them and tell them what you are struggling with and ask for more training. Otherwise, maybe look for something closer to home

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Wow…I have been there. First…take a night after the kids are in bed or if you can have them spend the night somewhere and just relax and pamper yourself. Doing that seems to remind me that I am a human being who can make mistakes and at the same time realize they do not define me and who I am or what I am capable of. I sometimes have to fix other people’s mistakes at work just like some have had to fix mine. And that’s ok. I need to take care of me because no one in this world can keep going full steam while neglecting themselves and not finally explode or implode or just crash and burn. From there step back and look at everything and take note of the areas that cause the most stress. Figure out how to improve those. I can point out that some is that commute, probably don’t have any time to take carenof anything with that sort of commute let alone have time to sit down and enjoy your child or children and relax. Your body is stuck on go and then a sudden stop to sleep. I bet you don’t sleep well either. Which will run you down and stress you out more. It shortens your fuse and even little things weigh you down while your drawing under the big things. And here you are where you are at right now. On top of everything else you have going on that is outside of work. I also suggest a therapist that can help you navigate stresses and help you find solutions on handling stresses. Your brain affects you whole body and negative impacts on the brain transfer to the physical body. Medical and scientific studies have proven this. Give yourself grace. I’m sure you give it to others…give it to yourself as well. You deserve it. Find another job closer to home. Shoot…many jobs offer remote positions and will provide the equipment. Now your cutting out the commute along with whatever travel you do for childcare. You’re cutting out gas. You’re cutting out cash for lunches. You’re spending more time with your family. That will probably help with the bigger chunk of your stress right there. You can do this. You got this and I promise there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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Whoa! Girl, you need to stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, hold your chin up and stop walking around like a whipped dog. Find the fastest, hardest worker on your team/shift and mirror them. It’ll take time but you’ll get better and faster. How do you think people ascend and excel in sports? They compete against others who are a little better than they are which allows them to continually evolve and excel. Find a mentor at work. Ask your Supervisor if there’s a Mentor Program. Whatever you do, do not walk around with your tail tucked between your legs. You’re not doing yourself any justice like that and you’re making yourself an easy target.


Find a job that is closer to home thst commute with these gas prices is not worth the extra income. Take the time to figure how much of your pay is going to gett3to and from work and that ectra time for daycare.

I work full time with 3 kids… I drive 1 hour 10 mins one way to work.
To me your situation is not the problem it’s your mind set.
If you can’t change your job… you need to change the outlook on your job. Think of whats positive about your job and focus on that only. Talk to your boss. Like hey my work is off… I’m struggling alittle right now but I need this job and I plan to do better.
You obviously have a decent car to be able to drive that distance everyday or the one you do have is doing good for that distance. You have childcare for your kid, obviously.

My situation is similar to yours and I’m happy to drive this distance of over a hour (quiet time) I love my job because I make better money than close to my home.

If you can’t change your mindset you’ll have to change something in your situation… job or move.

Listen/Watch some YouTube videos: Abraham Hicks!!! She will help you. She’s helped me a lot.

You got this girl!!! :heart::heart:

Message me if you need to talk or keep in touch


Maybe talk to your boss about it

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Lol never quit a job, let them fire you.


I’ve learned no job is worth the extra stress. Keep looking for something better. Something that you love.Best of luck.


You have income now. But if you leave now, you won"t be fired.

Sometimes taking a pay cut is worth the reduced stress. I wouldn’t quit, I would let them fire you because at least in the interim, you should qualify for unemployment. In the mean time, keep looking for new positions. Check on Indeed. There are some legitimate work from home/remote jobs.

If you’re a single mom, you should qualify for benefits and assistance. I would look for something closer to home and less stressful and then apply for any and all community assistance you qualify for.

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I call in all the time bc he don’t have proper child care, im scared of getting fired and not being able to find anything else bc I love my job. Life sucks this year for me

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Talk to your boss about your performance and be honest about your frustrations and see if your boss can get you more training or time to improve. Do not sign anything admitting that you aren’t performing etc.
Don’t quit!!
Let them fire you if that’s what it leads to. Then you can apply for unemployment and you have financial support until you find a job.


l get paid over $ 185 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17931 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This. https://DollarWizard47.pages.dev/

If you can’t do the job you need to move on

Ask if you can work from home 2-3 days a week. Still take the child(ren) to daycare on the days you work at home. If that’s not possible, then you may need to move on to a job closer to home with less pressure. It may mean a cut in pay, but in the long run it will be better. I don’t know where you live but in Michigan there is a program (based on your income) that will help you pay for daycare, paid directly to the daycare, as long as your child is in a state licensed home or daycare facility. They even paid for formula when my son was a baby. if you have to take a pay cut this will help a lot with your finances. Plus if you are closer to home you will be paying less in daycare too.

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Ask for help. If you don’t know what to do or how to do something at work talk to your supervisor. They should respect that you want to learn and are trying to do better, and it’s better than doing it wrong and getting in trouble. Being a single mom is super stressful because it all falls on us and it’s a to. If pressure not to fail! You aren’t alone in feeling that way.

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There’s so many resources for single moms. I’d leave the job, enroll in school, apply for cash assistance immediately and get childcare assistance. And use the tools that are there to help you to do exactly that - help yourself and give your child better.

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If you are struggling with performing certain tasks, speak with your supervisor and ask them for additional training. Let them know have questions about certain tasks and they should be able to go over those in depth.
I commuted daily before retiring and used that time to listen to audiobooks a lot of times or podcasts. I took advantage of the quiet time I had going to and from my office.
Best of luck to you!

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So is it daycare? The job? Or the drive? You have to do your job, maybe you should take time off to find something closer or destress!

So you keep doing things wrong but not on purpose…This sounds like a training problem to me :thinking:…start speaking up when your not sure how to do something and ask to be shown how to do it correctly if they refuse to then they can’t very well be mad if you don’t do it to their standards :tipping_hand_woman:t3:.


You sound very overwhelmed mama … Take it easy you are doing the best you possibly can. Maybe speak with your boss and colleagues or maybe really think about if this is the right job for you mentally not financially. Wishing you the best!! :heart::heart:

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I can relate a lot to this. Definitely find another job. One that seems to be more understanding of your family status. Consider working in childcare or in the same school system as your current children.

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Same. Single mom working full time and hated this job at fort. I couldn’t get the hang of it BUT IT GOT BETTER!! Keep going!!


Ask for a refresher on your training. Most places appreciate this


Look, and find better and closer. Leave, know your worth. Your not happy.

Ask for advice how to change things

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That’s why anonymous posts are useless. Way more info is needed. I would say in most cases it’s your supervisors responsibility to get you on the right track and help you fix what you’re doing wrong. But without knowing the specifics no one can really answer this.

If you don’t love it… leave it. Your happiness is more important


Express your concerns to your boss. Tell them that you don’t want to lose your job but that you are struggling with a few things. Ask for help when needed, Ask to be retrained. If you continue to still do things wrong then move forward and find another job.


I would look for a job with comparable pay closer to home. You could work those extra hours instead of driving if the pay is a little less. Good luck. It sucks to hate your job.

I’m in the exact same predicament. Maybe start applying at temp places right where u live cuz with all the added time u spend with ur commute comes the dreaded mom guilt​:sob::broken_heart:. And our kids need us especially when we’re the only one. Idk what kind of work would u enjoy doing??? Maybe even start a new career?? If ur able to make these big changes I think your kids will be Happier and even feel safer that moms working in town. I’m gonna pray for you n ur Family. Their only young for so long. Find your Happiness n they’ll b Happy​:heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


I know money is a necessity, that being said so is your health/mental health. I’d find a more suitable job…hopefully closer to home

Nobody is perfect, don’t be so hard on yourself.

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Do u have any vaction time off from work I would suggest use it to ur best advantage give urself some self care and time to distress urself

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Maybe ask for help or instruction at work before you quit

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Keep doing the best you can while putting in applications on indeed. Ask for the $ you need/expect and pray God opens doors for you.


Do you need more training? Ask for it. Why do you think you are making mistakes? Tired? Is the job something you don’t understand? How long have you been there? Without knowing all of this then we really can’t offer any advice.

Start looking for work closer to home. NOW

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Just be honest with your colleagues and boss let them know just how much you’re struggling and that you need a little help I’d expect they’d be understanding and less pissed off at you


Ask your supervisors for support and training for the things you are not doing correctly. Find a mentor at work. They hired you for a reason. Do not stay if they do not support you.

You are not alone. Many are feeling overwhelmed during Covid. We are disconnected and it is affecting our mental health and well being.

Start looking at Indeed, every other job site your are aware of, and at sites where you’d like to work. Start searching for job fairs. Even if you have to take a pay cut, the savings on gasoline might make up for any difference. Short term, higher prices are here to stay.

Do you have friends at jobs where you’d like to work? If yes, ask them for referrals. With so many looking for work, a referral seems to be a better way to get access to that first interview.

Unless your coworkers are having to take over your workload right now, keep your head down and work on your assignments. If your stress means your workload is being reassigned, perhaps ask peak performers for organisational tips - if you think it might help.

Are you able to take a day or a couple of days off to go and do something with your family? A day at the park with pizza? A day at the beach or mountains with a picnic lunch? Anything that can take your mind off work. Consider it a mental health day.

Ok. Sit down as this next part might not be your thing but consider counselling. Many still do tele health appointments. Sometimes simply talking through the issues can help. Sometimes a small dose of medication can make all of the difference in restoring your self-confidence and allowing you to relax and re-focus.

While it might not make you feel better, you are seriously not alone.

Start looking for a new job.

Do you have custom service experience or are you basing that on what other people have told you? I would research the company and see if you can get some feedback from current or recent employees. If they micromanage you to the minute, it’ll probly add to the stress but if they’re more of a laid back company, it’ll be easier to manage stress and burnout. Do they offer benefits like vacation time, which can also counter burnout? There are a lot of things to consider

Customer service is a tough job and burnout is a real possibility

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I believe the po offers a great benefit package. Weigh all of your options.

Customer service SUCKS! stick with the PO you can get great benefits once you go full time. Stick it out


stay with your po job, you dont want to work in customer service , people are awful sometimes

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The post office has room to grow plus great benefits in medical and retirement. Good luck.

It’s a remote customer service job. So you’re answering phone calls, helping people with issues? Sounds pretty easy to me. Should free up more time. You can work from anywhere.