What should I do?

I’m seeing my baby daddy he’s already told me it’s just sex which I understand that and he knows I’m attached to him. I love my baby daddy I really do after all I’ve been through with him I still love him. There’s other guy I’ve been talking to haven’t had sex. My thing is should stop seeing my baby daddy when he told me he probably never wants to get married? Deep inside I really wanna be with my baby daddy I’d have his babies if we got together again. idk I’m sorry idk a lot about the guy I’m talking to. I know some just not a lot idk if he wants to get married again either.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do?

He is using you. If you want to eventually settle down with someone, you need to stop sleeping with your ex.


If your baby daddy said that to you then you should just move on. You deserve better. Of course it’s hard to get over the man you had a child with but he obviously doesn’t take any relationship y’all have serious. As for the other dude, if you’re just starting to get to know him, marriage is probably far from his mine rn but it would be something y’all should talk about before getting serious


He’s just not that into you.
Was a movie wasn’t it…
Find your worth! Xx


Exactly how old are you :rofl:


Oh honey… move on. :heart: if you eventually want something more in life, and he’s made it clear he doesn’t- find someone who will love and cherish you. It will bite baby daddy in the ass one day.

Move on… You’ll never be happy

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You just gotta move on.

I’m sorry but I’m not sure if you’ve ever been showed true love but this isn’t it hunny I’m sure you’re just holding on to the idea that he’ll marry you but let’s be realistic he told you he would never marry you so either you keep up the fwb or move on.

Move on from the Baby Daddy. He doesn’t care about you. He’s using you for sex. Plain and simple. Know your worth.

He said NO, move on.


Concentrate on being a mother


Girl, you don’t need to be with ANYONE. You need to work on yourself and your issues. Baby daddy doesn’t want a relationship, only sex.

It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself of some things. Move on , if he couldn’t give you what you needed the first time then someone else will. It doesn’t sound like he loves you tbh

Save yourself the hurt honey and just move on before you lose yourself in him. Hes using you for easy sex. You need to kick him to the curb and find somebody that actually wants to be with you and invest in you. Eventually chasing this guy will mess you up so bad that your kid/kids will start to catch on. Please for yourself move on already!

Honestly kinda sounds like you shouldn’t be worrying about baby daddy or this “other guy” and instead should take some time to figure out who YOU are and what you actually want and bring to the table.


Do not be FWB with your baby daddy yikes… Especially if there is feeling there. No. Cut it off. You’re only going to get your heart broken


Take a shot every time you read “baby daddy”


How freaking old are you- 12? Good Lord.


Stop sleeping with him…aaannnd worry about Ur child


I can’t believe I wasted my eye sight reading that!!:roll_eyes:


Someone who tells you this is sex only is telling you straight up thats the only option on the table and that doesn’t mean they see you or you see them thats something that needs to be spoke on and he’s clearly telling you he doesn’t see or want a future

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you’re probably too immature to have a serious relationship yet with anyone.


Looks like everyone has the same opinion here. So I will just move along.


It sounds like you need to work on you. Maybe be single for a little bit and get some counseling to help. The child’s father has told you his actual intentions, believe them and move on. And leave this other guy alone until you work on yourself.


100% move on. I’ve been here and done this and it only hurts you they don’t care! Start a fresh for you and your kid/kids!! X


Maybe just worry about being a good mom right now. You have the rest of your life for a man.


You deserve better than that … Don’t let him use you … You’re worth so much more than that … Focus on your child and yourself … Don’t settle … Hugs :heart:


He’s not that into you. You deserve better. Get yourself together for you and baby.


You need to put more value on yourself here. He toldbyou you’re just a booty call. Its not about getting married. I
He doesn’t even want a relationship with you! Take care of your child! Don’t do anything with any other guy until you value your worth and he values you as well.


You should be worrying about growing up.


He has made his feelings perfectly clear I’d move on


I dont have any advice for you hun but-
Its a shame how downright rude and hateful yall are for someone who is asking for advice/support.
Some people don’t have anyone to reach out to and you make it where they don’t want to.

If your still hung up on baby daddy then you need to stop stringing new guy along. Sounds like you need to be alone and focus in yourself and your child.


He’s using you . Walk away sis

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Honestly you need to mature more for a serious relationship. Your kids come first please raise them :smiling_face:


By the sounds of it you’re very young. Anyone just entertaining the idea of staying with this guy is seriously looking for trouble. By the sounds of it he made it very clear that he only wants sex, anyone can give him that. He definitely doesn’t see marriage in the picture. Why would you want to stick around for someone where there is no future for you. He also probably wants you around so he doesn’t have to pay child support. Please do yourself a favour find someone that truly loves you. Life is far toooo short. Take your child, get your child support and move on. :triumph:

Go have sex with someone else he is not worth ur time

You’re a booty call for your baby daddy. That’s it. If he flat out told you it’s just sex and he doesn’t wanna marry you, so if you continue with him, all it’s ever gonna be is sex. And you can’t get mad about it, because it’s not like he’s stringing you long, he’s been honest. As for the new guy, if you don’t know a lot about him, you shouldn’t even be thinking about marriage. I personally think that maybe you should be by yourself and focus on your child and yourself because it seems like marriage is your biggest concern.

Girl move on from him! He doesn’t want you. Stop :stop_sign: hurting yourself this way because it’s not healthy


How will you feel when you see the babies daddy giving another person all the love you are giving him? You are also teaching your child how people treat each other. This isn’t a good relationship, and you definitely need to stop letting him using you…


Focus on you and your child(ren) FULL STOP.

That means stop having sex with BD, stop dating. You’re attached to BD because your sexually involved with him. Focus on you and your children and hobbies and/or your career - and the right person will find you.

First off, he already said it’s just sex to him🤷🏻‍♀️ and second, it sounds like you need to really work ok you and your own self worth.

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Why do you want to be used.? I would be trying to figure that out before any relationship.


U need to stop sex with baby daddy ur not a booty call and move on . Let him go not easy but u can do it

Move on don’t be stupid !


Move on hon. And focus on yourself and the baby. The right man will come along and it’s best if you’re on your two feet when he does show up

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You’re giving him his cake and letting him eat it to.


Having kids with someone will not make them want to be with you if they don’t want to be with you. You’re allowing yourself to be used. You and the kids deserve better.


He’s made it so clear on what he wants and it’s not you it’s sex. Have some self respect (not being rude). You have to focus on moving on he doesn’t want what you want it isn’t going to work. And having more babies isn’t going to keep him around x

You will always have an attachment to your child’s father. Regardless of your relationship. But it’s pretty clear he said he doesn’t want to be with you so at what point do you move on and stop torturing yourself? Giving that other guy a chance might be worth it but you’ll never know if you keep hanging on a man who doesn’t wanna be with you


He’s that way because he knows he can be. Put yourself and your own self respect first. Never be second to anyone.


You need to focus on you and your child


I’ve been in your shoes before. For everyone telling her just move on and don’t be stupid it’s not as easy as it sounds once you fall in love. I know what it’s like to be that attached to someone that you have a child with, you probably have a fantasy in your head about you guys finally being a family and living happily ever after. From personal experience, the only thing I can tell you is to pay attention to what he is telling you as well as his actions. If he can’t even show you the same love you show and tell him that that’s your answer. Just be coparents, completely cut off sex with him, and move on. You are hurting yourself more by staying.

Let your ex go. He let you go. Why are you staying around if he just wants sex? If you think he will want you back when you’re giving it up to him, wrong. I believe if you show him the strongest version of yourself by focusing on you, your child, and being independent alone he would maybe reconsider. What you’re doing now is setting yourself up for more heartbreak. Easy question to answer. Leave his ass and focus on yourself and your child. When the “one” comes along you will know. We have one life to live.

And btw when he said he probably never wants to get married, imma be honest with you he is lying to you. He just doesn’t want to marry you. He is using you because he knows you will always be there to take it. Just focus on your kids and when the time is right, the right person will catch you by surprise


Why you allowing yourself to he used :woman_facepalming: hes probably doing the same with multiple women & it’s not healthy for you child either, get a grip of yourself & move it… harsh but true.


He told you that is just sex meaning that you’re not even with him in a relationship and you’re upset that he doesn’t want to get married but you’re okay with the fact that it’s just sex… Sex is not going to make him fall in love with you the child that you had for him did not make him fall in love with you… Leave him and do some healing

He told you it’s just sex he doesn’t see whatever future you see he wants the free goods. Stop seeing him & move on.

If a guy made babies with you and doesn’t want a marriage and labels you “only sex”…you move on! Value yourself!!!

The excessive use of the word baby daddy though…


What the hell did I just read


You need to work on yourself and focus on your children. He already made it clear to you that you are just an easy lay and thats why he keeps messing with you. Nothing you will do can change his mind into wanting a relationship with you. Make your self not available. Maybe work on some education as well because your grammer is freaking horrible. Looks and sounds like a 13 year old wrote this.


Really , move on :woman_facepalming:

Oh my god… SHUT UP LIKE :joy_cat::joy_cat: it’s not all about you

He’s using you for sex. Stop sleeping with him.

Put the baby back in your womb, you’re too immature


Is this the kind of relationship you want your children to think is normal? If not I think you need to reevaluate what you’re showing them.


PLEASE learn to use contraceptives if you are having sex with anyone

Uhh and what’s your question?? Lol you need to love yourself jezzz… you clearly have no respect for yourself.


You need to work on you and your children first. Her has made it clear he doesn’t want a relationship, but by continuing with the sex your only fooling yourself into thinking he will change. Girl move on and make yourself unavailable to him. The feelings you have for him can easily be found by eating chocolate. He not worth your time. Build a life for your kids and tell him to kick rocks without socks.

If that’s your priority, don’t have anymore kids


Your creating such a problem for yourself. He told you it’s just sex if you can’t detach your emotions cut it off. If you don’t you’re gonna be real hurt when he finds someone who isn’t just sex to him and he cuts you off. Why are you even worried about if the person wants to get married when you are in a dating stage? Date, go out and mingle, stop focusing on that sort of stuff until you know you are good on your own.

You need therapy and to focus on your kids… jeeze lady put the boy toys away and be an adult.


I would move on. BD is just using you as easy P****. Girl know your worth. Leave him a lone and get to know the man you are talking to before you end up having sex with both and end up pregnant with either BD or the other guy and don’t know who the BD is. This behavior can turn into a big mess.

Step 1. Go get vibrator
Step 2. Use it so you can realize you can give yourself the only thing your baby daddy apparently can offer you (might even feel better :joy:)
Step 3. Now that your not thinking with your kitty realize your worth
Step 4. Get some counseling
Step 5. Work on yourself and your kid/kids further plans without including a man
Step 5. Once you completed step 4 and have completed some set goals start dating again (NOT your BABY DADDY) he doesn’t deserve to be in between your legs if that’s the only thing he thinks your good for! In closing know your worth you are a strong mama that doesn’t deserve to be treated like a cum bucket lol…there’s real men out there that will treat you like a queen you just got to stop letting the :clown_face: get in front of the :prince:!!!

WTF :unamused: did I just read there just using you for sex there probably do it to other women as well watch out for STDs your being selfish and not putting your kids first. I wouldn’t ever put choice a guy over my child just so I can get laid. Stay away from the guys and focus on your kids .

Don’t let a man take your mind off that what ever that is , happen to me once

You really need to take a break from men and " baby daddies" and work on yourself and your small family. Focus on yourself and your child.


Just the term baby daddy makes me cringe. Heaven help the children born into situations like this.


Well he already told you he didn’t want that. So your wasting your time and body. He’s definitely using you. Hopefully one day you’ll wake up and see you deserve better. Trust me theirs plenty of men that want to get married and that will give you the world. I know its hard to let go of history but you deserve better. :purple_heart:


:woman_facepalming:t4: what is the point?? What’s the question?

Stop calling him baby daddy and call him the father of your child. Use grown up words and see how the world changes.


Listen to his words. You deserve better. That’s called infatuation not love.
You’ll be raising your child alone

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It’s clear he’s using you for sex and thats all you will get. He said that. What’s hard to understand? Yiu have 2 choices. Keep doing what you doing. Getting no where. Or leave him alone and wait for someone who wants all of you. Not just your lady bits.

He already told you he only values you for what’s between your legs, not even as the mother as his child.

Let go, move on and find someone who will marry you


Lauren Andrew this seems healthy :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Try & be on your own, be a mother & stay away from these ‘boys’

He clearly stated how he feels he isnt sugar coating it, i think your brain is just thinking otherwise. Before you overthink the situation; leave or you will hurt yourself because he told you the deal youre the one caught in feelings.