What should I do?

So your mad about soccer so your response is to take away a great education from him??? I mean let’s be honest private schools usually provide a better education than public schools. Also you could always tell him if your not doing soccer than you need to choose another activity if the main problem is you want him involved in something extra. But I mean let him choose what it is can’t be soccer or your going to public school that’s petty.

As a mom who is paying for private school, if she put him in this private school because of a good soccer program then YES I would be upset. My child is in private because It’s smaller classes, so he can get more one on one with the teacher. And the schools around here just suck, they’re awful. So me personally? I wouldn’t be upset over soccer. But I see where she would be if that was the point of the private school. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Um…its not about you…so…get over it. Don’t force your failures on your child.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

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Find something your son enjoys to do. He could have grown out of soccer.


Wtf. I’m so confused. Are we talking about his life or yours? Did your parents make you quit soccer or something? Lol


Let him do what he wants?


Its his life not yours, helicopter mom much


A) I doubt it was his decision to be in private school to begin with so why threaten to remove him for something he IS actually making a decision on and being independent in doing so.

B ) maybe it’s the teams and/or coaching he hasn’t liked in all the prior sports/clubs.

C) education is more important then extra curriculars, if he’s getting a good education and doing well academically, what’s the issue?


We’ve go through this every couple of years. You could let your son know that he doesn’t have to play soccer, but regular physical activity is mandatory, so he has to play a school sport, join a rec team, join a gym, take a class, etc. Before he is allowed to quit soccer he has to let you know how he’s going to check the physical activity box. Sports is a HUGE commitment and VERY time-consuming for players (and parents). He probably just wants some unstructured time in his day to hang out with friends. Kids need that.

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I sometimes can’t believe the shallow responses. I understand your frustration. You’ve put a lot of effort into helping him develop skills beyond the bare minimum but he keeps dropping out of everything. You are his mother and often need to save him from himself. So it’s also about you. You also have to buy new kit every-time he changes his mind. Does he lose interest because he feels he isn’t having much success at these sports? Is it because he has no friends doing that sport with him? It’s really good to teach him to stick with something. Extra curricular activities are so important. Maybe some incentives for achieving certain goals?


I think you’re being a controlling wench


Kinda selfish do it my way or u can’t have this education, go ahead, see where it gets u


Maybe its u and thats why he doesn’t want to play


Let him take a break. He may want to pursuit other interests.


Maybe another outside activity… boxing, karate,

If he drops soccer he needs to find something to replace it! Job etc and still maintain his grades!

Happens to most kids when they hit high school they are burnt out from play since they were little it’s not fun anymore. So you just had him in private school for soccer not his education? You sound selfish let him grow into his own person why force him to do something he is no longer interested in?


Let him be a kid - - it sounds like YOU are the one who needs to do something. Ask him what HE wants to do - - -

Some kids just do not like sports

My rule is I don’t care what you want to do. But you have to do something. Sitting home and being on video games or a phone isn’t life.
So my kids have to do an extra curricular.
I like what it teaches them. I don’t care if my kids every learn to play soccer. But being part of a team. That’s important.
So physical activity is important. I agree. But not all kids are athletic.
But my rule is still something. I have one in orchestra. I did the speech and debate team. I have a basketball player and a track guy. I don’t care if it is speech or the robotics club or band. But they have to choose something.

Interests change when growing up, and you’re going to pull him from school because you’re angry and upset???!!! Who’s at school again? Who’s life is it?? Let him live his life with his own interests not yours!

Narcissistic attitude. It’s not your life. He’s burnt out. Give him a break. You sound like the parent that goes ape shit during games if he misses.

Let your child figure out who he is!! Sounds like hes been living for you.