What should I do?

Same thing happened to me… and he even told the one chick that our daughter was his neice… I stayed until I got accepted in low income housing and as soon as I got a place… i moved myself and my daughter out of there asap! You can do it mama! If you need anyone to talk to you can private message me cause I’ve been threw it!

Essentially it’s up to you and what you can live with. Me personally I am in the same situation for a long time. I wish I would have left and never chose to come back with his promises of change.

Couples counselling, need to be open and honest, if he says no, then he clearly doenst see an issue with his behaviour.

It’s HARD!! I mean it…even after when you want to start dating again it will be hard! I had nothin and took all my money and my son and stayed with my mom until I had enough. Full time Nurse…young mom!!Getting a sitter was HARD even though I had my mom I felt like a burden. I moved on…only to fall for a well hid addict. Took care of 3 by myself!! But I’m Better off now…better than ever. But I don’t want someone to ever say they can’t. If you put in the work and are willing you can baby girl. You are worth it.

Sounds like my ex husband…EX. I could have written this. I’m a single parent of 3 and life has been amazing since I left him. Cherry on top I found an amazing man

Sounds like he’s not really gonna change at all. They never do really. Protect your heart. Get prepared and try to leave. He’s gonna make it had with lots of great word and stuff, but you’ll never really trust him again. Good luck to you. Protect your heart and your babies.

Your man is a hoe and he won’t ever stop! If you don’t leave now, you’re gonna catch something antibiotics won’t clear. You’ll never be happy and feel confident in your relationship. You’ll always feel insecure, like you’re not sexy enough and that’s why your man strays. Before you know it, you’ll be mad at yourself for wasting your prime on a man that didn’t deserve it.


Honestly… RUN, and run fast. He won’t ever change.


If you don’t know what to do you obviously enjoy being abused.


Love yourself more than you love this man. It’s not okay. Don’t let him make you feel it is.


Get the lie detector idea out of your head. Not realistic. He’s already proven he’s lied. You want to spend more money you don’t have, that could be going towards an apartment or house of your own, just to find out you were right? Leave and file for child support and other government assistance. That’s what it’s there for. But now you have to do it instead of just complaining about it. You already know all this.


Personally, I could not live like that. It would eat me alive. It’s never too late to start over. your kids come first and they need a happy mom! As far your stepdaughter, I understand that it makes it harder for you but the kids will still have each other.


A man that truly loves you and respects you would never do this. It doesn’t matter what the excuse is, this was intentional you don’t fall into someone’s DM on accident


Just be glad you’re not married. Get out now he won’t change


Change the locks and put his bags on the doorstep! Nothing will change except maybe you will end up with a disease you cannot cure!

I stayed until I had all my ducks in a row waited for perfect time and bounced. Like no not acceptable at all. If you are not happy the babies are not happy they know something is up because of your emotions. He will continue to lie and hurt you run as fast ask you can.

Start saving and planning…thats what I say…its damn tough out there…sounds kinda shitty but I been there…I struggled and cried not being able to provide the basics…especially with the way rent is in some areas…sounds like he just wants his cake and to eat it too…only sorry he got caught…hope the best for you n yours…

I personally went through something just like this. He kept messaging a lot of females about meeting up and wanting specific things from them. He kept saying he’d stop and I obliviously stayed thinking he would cause he seemed sincere and even cried. It never stopped, honestly just got worse. The trust was already gone anyway and I ended it when I finally caught it being physical right before 3 years. It’s not worth it hun. Know your own worth and don’t let yourself go through this. It’ll be hard becoming a single mom but do what’s best for you and the kid(s). You gotta be happy for your kids and staying with him and not trusting him won’t help you be happy. Trust is important in a relationship. Looking back I can’t believe I let that happen to myself and I wouldn’t wish any of those feelings I had on anyone.

Get rid of him he will never change


You don’t need the lie detector test. You saw what you needed to see . That’s disturbing and you need to leave him. He doesn’t deserve you.


Two choices, live separately under the same roof. No benefits. Leave. Ask a woman’s shelter. Go for support and alimony

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Leave. Him.

I’m not sure if this page runs like “theme weeks” or something, but this seems to be the theme this week.

If it has been going on since the beginning of your relationship, it’s going to continue going on. If you forgive him, all that does is show him that he can continue to do what he wants and an “I’m sorry” will fix everything. As for the kids, if he has a child from a previous relationship, and children with you, those kids will still see one another… as long as he isn’t a dead beat dad. The trauma of being lied to and cheated on, will ultimately do horrible damage to your self image and mental health. Leave. Now.


He has already lost all respect for you. Things won’t get better they will get worse. Demand to be treated better as you deserve better!!! I left when I wasn’t in a position to and have had no regrets. It’s not easy but damn it’s worth it

Run. For the sake of you and your babies, run as far and fast as you can.

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Leave and never look back at the loser.

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Sweetheart life’s far too short to hang around with a person who lies to you The children will be better off as you’ll be happy with a fresh start to change your life You need to move on and don’t look back.


Run away now. He is is unworthy.

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Talk to him !!!
U have kids
I always first think about my kids and how something will effect them
Everyone making mistakes talk to him be honest and tell him how you feel about it
If he love you and u love him everything is possible
Always learn to forgive and we can’t be selfish when kids are involved
No one is perfect!!! Good luck and hopefully you will not go through this ever again

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Not gonna lie, I didn’t read all of the post. Leave!!! It doesn’t get any better… Only worse!! Trust me!! Even if he does stop, it eats you up inside for years!!! Make your escape plan and get out.

Girl, leave. He’s already cheated and doesn’t plan to stop. ‘‘staying for the kids’’ is toxic.

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He’ll never stop. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for the kids. You sound like a great mom so they will be absolutely fine. By staying you’ll be teaching your kids to do the same and expect the same in their relationships. Remember that whoever he ends up with will have to endure the same behaviour at some point.

Do what you think is best, if your relationship is worth saving and you want to stay then work it out. He may never do it again people do change and if he truly loves you and the kids he most certainly can. If you’re done be done! All your call dont let anyone else live your life for you! Half of these people are probably unaware but im sure they have been cheated on too! It takes 10 minutes to cheat!

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Stop ignoring the red flags, dump him


Although it will be a big adjustment it will be harder for your kids if they pick up on how he is treating you and you don’t want them to have him as a role model, do you?

My opinion, if they say they want to meet up, they want to meet up! Even if they don’t go through with it they thought about it and that’s enough. IT IS STILL INFIDELITY! :woman_shrugging:t4: Also keep in mind, he did alot of this while you were carrying his child, that is a different kind of hurt that will never leave you. Then the fact that he went out of his way to create fake accounts in different names is very telling. He won’t change, you need to make arrangements to get out of that relationship. Do not stay out of fear for the future, things can’t possibly be worse than living with a liar and cheater. Good luck!

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If he’s chatting with girls, talking about wanting to have sex with them, and looking at escort pages, he’s ready to cheat if he has or not yet. I would never be able to trust this guy, nor would I want to. He’s being doing this sort of thing the entire time you’ve been with him, so everything you know about him is fake. He’s a sneak. I would leave. It may be hard at first but you’ll not have to worry about someone sneaking behind your back!!

You know what…?? LEAVE. At the most he’s going to kill you with his promiscuity. At the least you’ll get something that you can’t get rid of… you have kids. Don’t stay with dirty community d.

Literally to a t dealt with this same exact thing and it happened the same exact way. He never stopped, just got better at hiding. Leave now or you will continue to be hurt.

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Sorry this has happened. If you can not stay then get a family law attorney and find out how much child support will be and whether or not if you can get alimony. See if the house will be yours. If not find the housing authority in your area to get help. Get a job but look for one that may provide child care. You have alot of avenue’s find the best one for you and your little ones. Good luck and God bless.