What should I do?

I just found out my sons dad abused my daughter for 2 years. We are no longer together. We haven’t been for over a year. Only my son is his child. Do I let him still see his son? Their is a 9 year age gap… I hate him and this is extremely Difficult. Deep down I don’t think he should see his son. But I’m also very angry and hurt for me & my daughter. So I don’t want to think off of emotions. Please help me. Again please be kind. This is very new & hard to process.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What should I do? - Mamas Uncut

Call the police. Make a report and keep your son away from him. He should be in jail


I don’t think he should. Who is to say he won’t abuse your son?


No. He could have or potentially abuse the son.


U need to get child services involved on him. He shouldn’t be around ANY children not even his own. He shouldn’t be around any child ever


No. That sick fuck shouldn’t be around children at all. Go to the police NOW

Yessss please report him YOUR daughter needs Justice and sorry but I agree with the women what if he would do something to your son better to be safe the. Sorry


Turn it in they will handle it

Honestly, no because he could do the same thing to his son sadly. By abuse I am unsure what that means if it was sexually I hope you reported him to the police and take all the proper routes. He is a Pedophile and should be around no children and if it was physical abuse by slapping beating etc I would still see what you can do so he doesn’t do it to other kids as well

Your daughter needs to be safe. Report him for abuse


Why isn’t he in jail?


He needs to go to prison :unamused:

You need to report him to the police and put in him jail. And no do not let your son be with him


Why aren’t you calling the police? My first thought


Well first thing you should do is call the police

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I wouldn’t let him around any children. He will just abuse them too.


It should be reported to the Police and the outcome will determine visitation by the courts.


He should pay for what he did to your daughter!! In my opinion, you’re not emotional enough because the police would have been the first thing I did after finding out.


Report this! Let the courts decide


He shouldn’t be seeing anything but a jail ma’am, what are you talking about right now?!


He shouldn’t be around any kids ever again


Absolutely not!!! This needs reported to the police…


No way. It’d be putting ur son in potential danger


You’re really posting this on here? Um no. He should not be around ANY kids. And you need to turn him in to the police! Can you imagine how your poor daughter is feeling?!


He did this to himself. Once he is behind bars you can then decide if you want your son to have a relationship with his dad.


Call the cops now …get your daughter therapy and your son is not safe just bc it’s his kid. You may not know this but sexual abuse is not about sex it’s about power.

If your daughter is able to speak out, I’d file a police report. You didn’t say how old she is. Hopefully she is able to tell law enforcement about the abuse in order to protect her brother. Blessings to you and your children.


Call the police. Now.


This shouldn’t even be a real question. I hope the admins reported this.


He shouldn’t be around no kids, turn him in.


Phone the police and don’t let him anywhere near your daughter or son… Any action thereafter will determine if he can have supervised access to his son but personally I wouldn’t have him anywhere near you or your children and hope you all get the support you will need especially your daughter.

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No please take him to court & show your daughter how to take care of herself when she’s abused.


Just remember if you do report it to the police you will be held accountable as well even though you didn’t carry out the abuse yourself. Cps will be at your door too and investigate you, remember that. You can be held accountable for not doing anything about it until now. I know it’s messed up but that’s how they work I’m just giving you a warning. They don’t just go after the bad guys. They go after all parties and parents “involved”.


No!!! He should be in jail not around another child. This would not even be question if it were my children

You need a police report. He cannot have access to his kid or your daughter. He cannot go to your sons school. He is a PREDATOR!

Report report report do not let that man get away with this u have to protect ur kids!!!


I’m slightly torn on this. Obviously, anyone who abuses kids, whether physically, emotionally, or sexually, is a piece of crap and needs to be dealt with accordingly. But my ex grew up in a house like this. His stepmom physically and emotionally abused him and his brother - her stepsons - for years but never laid a hand on her own kids. They got the royal treatment while my ex and his brother didn’t get food, got locked in the back yard when they were small children and not allowed to come inside, had to sleep in the garage, got whippings with switches, etc. Eventually they escaped and the cops were involved. But we’re talking 40 years ago almost so DHS did nothing with the other kids in the house because they were hers and weren’t being abused. They ended up divorcing, but again, she treated her children as a loving parent. Your ex may never mistreat his own son. So he needs to be dealt with accordingly, whether that’s the law or whatnot. I wish you the best of luck in sorting this out.


You need to report this to the police department asap. He shouldn’t be around any kids.

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He should be in jail, no where near children!


Keep your children far away from him and get to the police with your daughter and son accusations NOW.


Uhhhh contact the police… I understand that you’re concerned about your son but you need to get help for your daughter ASAP. Get a lawyer and file for sole custody.


You need to get the police involved hun


for starters you better call the damn police!!! and if you haven’t shame on you as her mother.

Turn him in he should be in jail


Think of your daughter, what she’s benn through! Throw his ass in prison!

the hell :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: no he wouldn’t be able to breathe around my kids


Your daughter may not want to press charges for a variety of reasons. Check with her first. DO NOT let him visit this pedifile. If he pursued this tell him why!


Police CPS charges PERIOD


Report him! He won’t be allowed around your son.


I think this is a question for your daughters counselor and therapist and law enforcement. So many prayers for you and her💕


Is this a real question? Why would younput any child in the hands of a child abuser? Call the police. Have him arrested.


You should report him now!

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You need to go to the police immediately. He is a threat to your children.


No, he should not see him. And. Please, please, please file a report. Your daughter has to live with this for the rest of her life and that POS should not be walking free.


Report him and allow no contact

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Report the molestation he won’t be allowed around his son or any other child

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You called the cops and made a report right?

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Call the police and make a report

You never know God forbid but he can also abuse your son as well … your x is sick ! F him report him !


If you take this to court and he is convicted of sexual abuse of a minor, his right to be around children will be revoked in order to prevent him from doing it to someone else. This shouldn’t even be a question. Keep him far away from your son.


Why come to Facebook and not the authorities. Protect your children for crying out loud.


Call the cops and no he should NOT see him

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Umm contact the police and protect all the children smh


This happened to my kidswith their own dad, keep them far away!!!

HELL NO. REPORT AND KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. If he did it to her whose to say he wont do it to him


No reason to allow a pedophile around any other child!


I’d do anything in my power to make sure he was never around my children again


He should be reported and your daughter should get some therapy

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Do you seriously have to ask this its obviously a big NO…and i hope your gonna press charges on this man for abusing your daughter…do not brush this under the carpet be your daughters voice

Let law enforcement handle this. Do not ask your daughter any more questions. Call your local police or sheriff’s department. Find out if there is a Child Advocacy Center near where you life so be can be seen. A physical exam won’t be done this far out but she will get the counseling she needs by people who are experts in their field. Your momma’s instinct about your son is spot on.

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If you don’t/haven’t reported him to the police, then you belong in prison with him! Reporting the abuse needs to be your first step. Stand up for that little girl or she will resent you and anyone else who knew and did nothing. Show her the proper way to handle these situations so she can properly protect her own kids someday too. It starts at the root! She may also need some mental and emotional help to work through everything. And no, your ex husband should not be around your son or any child ever again.


First off, I want to speak to your emotions as it doesn’t seem anyone is really doing that. I am so sorry you and your kids are going through this. I can’t imagine the pain, confusion and betrayal you are all feeling. I would file a police report for your daughter, and keep your son away. I would also file a case with the courts for custody of your son. If you just keep him away and your ex has parental rights, it can cause all kinds of court issues for you if your ex takes you to court for contempt. But if you file with the courts you can obtain temporary sole custody while he is being prosecuted for what he did to your daughter and you will not have to deal with being in contempt of court for keeping your son away without any legal actions.


Press charges immediately!! Call the police, and file a protective order, DO NOT allow him anywhere near your son.

Hell No!! I personally just went through this last year! My biggest nightmare. How could you ever consider letting him see your son? He lost that right when he touched your daughter. The juvenile courts took my sons fathers rights away! Took him off birth certificates too! He lost his rights to be their father when he hurt my little girl! Also i called child protect services and the police to report it Immediately as i advise you to as well. I wouldn’t let this info go silent. Not sure who you are but you can message me. I understand all your emotions and what a terrible situation this is. Im sorry you all are going through this.


I hope you told the police already. And HELL NO!!!

As someone that was the victim of sexual abuse for years, I’d report it. Other people are at risk. You should consider putting your daughter in therapy as well, because this can cause a lot of serious mental issues. For example, PTSD. I hope your daughter is okay and I understand that this is a very traumatic event for your family. Hope all is well!


He shouldn’t be seeing ANY CHILD… he should be in prison!!! Or dead.


Wait your actually asking the question? He took ur daughters innocence!!! How do you know he won’t do this to your son. And tbh you should be either reporting him or getting the shit beaten out of him. Protect your kids… stand up for your daughter brushing it under the carpet as a mother is both disgusting and damaging for your daughter. He’s abused your daughter asking if he should be allowed access to your son is just ridiculous answer is NO anyone who needs to ask this seriously needs to rethink there priorities. Just wow

Hell no!!! Have the police been involved?!?! Only son or not!! Do you want your son to grow up thinking that’s the way a father loves!?!?!? Patterns are a beatch to break!!! Dont let that man around your babies period!

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He shouldn’t be around any child. He should been in jail


Your children should be your first priority. Having gone through this myself I can tell you that at 49 years old my daughter is still suffering from his abuse. She is medicated and under mental care. Report this immediately ,seek help for your daughter and your self. Do not let him have contact with your son! Trust what I’m telling you. I will be praying for your family.


Is this a serious question!!! First off you need to report him!!! And heck no to letting him see his son


See him…shouldnt he be in jail?


Press Charges Immediately!!!

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Please do not let him see your son. You need to report what happened.


Personally I wouldn’t. He lost that right when he broke the law involving another child.

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The only way you can stop him from seeing his son is to report your daughters abuse

Definitely not. He shouldn’t be around any children. And I hope you reported him.

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No. Report him. File charges. Wtf

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How is he not in jail and able to see your son?


Ok I know exactly what you are dealing with and u need to report him because we are our children’s voice and they need to know we have their backs and she came to you and it’s a cry for help now she is ready to come to you for it so you need to help her anyway you can with therapy and report him to the police I know what ur emotions are going thru as I had to do this last year to protect my children from their older brother again all my children and I had to report one of my very own kids to protect my other kids this piece of shit is just a sperm donor no adult should ever get away with hurting a child

Did you file a police report? I don’t think you can technically withhold your child without proof. I’m sorry you guys are going through this.

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Im sorry your going through that. He should be in jail I would press charges your daughter deserves for you to put him behind bars. I would not allow him to see your son he is not a good father to do such a thing take him to court.

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Why isn’t he in jail?


This shouldn’t even be up for discussion. Report him. He needs to go to jail. What message does it send to your daughter if you’re ‘mad or upset’ but that’s the end of it?!?!


Please make a police report immediately. If he has been abusing your daughter, he may already have or will abuse your son too.

Protect your babies at all costs. He should never be around a child again in his life.


Um I would definitely call and make a report with the cops… and until further notice I wouldn’t allow him to see the son!!

Report him to the cops!!!

If someone has abused a child I don’t think they should be around children. Report the abuse, get you, your daughter and your son in personal counseling and family counseling. Keep your emotions between you, other adults and your counselor. Your daughter has enough to deal with, without worrying about your emotions.