What to do about a picky eater?

Hi! I’ll make this short and simple, I’m having a difficult time with my daughter when it comes to food, she will eat any snack in the world, but when it comes to “real food” she only wants eggs. She’ll eat different things here and there, I give her options and I take my time with her, but she mostly rejects everything I’ve tried. I need help!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What to do about a picky eater?

I have a picky eater as well!! I do not force anything on my son, because he will throw up…so I let him decide when he wants to try new things!! He will eat eggs, as well, and chicken fingers, pizza, bread by itself…and thats about it! I just make sure he takes his vitamins!


My kids are given a breakfast lunch and dinner that’s that. I don’t make anything extra if they don’t like what’s served

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What works for me is either me or dad will eat with him. We take bites then let him take a bite. Or we let him feed us. Then he eats after we take our bites.

With my son I slowly started not buying snacks. I put more fruits and veggies around. He would get hungry and find we didn’t have a snack to grab so easy so he started grabbing bananas, apples, oranges…


My 10 year old is picky but I’ve very picky too so I know where he gets it from.

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She will eat different things when she’s ready

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As a picky eater myself I can tell you don’t force anything. Most of the time “pickiness” is from textures or intensity of flavor. Be thankful that she will eat eggs and is getting protein. When you eat ask her to take a no thank you bite of what you make. This will slowly introduce new foods without being forced to eat a whole plate something that repulsed her. Eventually she will grow to like some of those things. And pushing will only make her hate it more. Good luck.


My son had feeding therapy. It takes at least ten times of offering something for many kids to try it. Put it on her plate or a plate next to her. After a while, ask her to touch it or kiss it. Another time, ask if she’ll try it. Just keep offering. Never force, fight or withhold preferred foods or you’ll set her up for major food aversions or an eating disorder. Meals should be fun not stressful. She could have sensory issues with the taste or texture of some foods. As adults, we don’t force ourselves to eat food that makes us gag or feel sick so we shouldn’t do that to our children either.


Don’t feel bad my son has been on an oatmeal kick for month’s

Try no snacks or treats until the meal is eaten. Don’t even bring snacks into the house. They will eat what’s available to them!


“This is supper, eat it or do without.” That is how we grew up. Worked well. You have raised a spoiled brat.

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You are just reenforcing her by giving her options.
At dinner my son will throw a fit tell me oooo I’m not eating this. All I saw is okay… I don’t feed in I don’t give options because then I’m just showing him and my other kids that they don’t have to eat what is made if they throw a fit.
I always make dinner with at least 1 thing he like and the rest is not my problem. Also snacks I offer only healthy options and he’s only allowed what I put in his snack box… oranges, apple sauce granola bars. But your giving her options and she knows that will get her way. So if you want it to stop don’t give her options. Because then you’ll have a picky eater and always have to make more then one meal to accommodate her because she won’t try something new.


If you keep providing snacks she will keep wanting snacks. Stop buying them and only have healthy food/snacks, when she’s hungry enough she will eat what you have

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U WILL EAT THIS OR STARVE jeez so many spoilt brats and snowflakes these days


Offer her the same meal that you and your family are eating (in smaller portions.) Don’t make her sit at the table until it’s done and don’t offer bribes. If she gets hungry later, offer her whatever she didn’t finish from her plate, instead of a snack. Worked every time for us.

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Hey, at least she likes eggs, it’s a great food!

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Have at least one thing at every meal that she will eat. Offer new things but don’t force her to eat it. My son had oral sensory issues so it was hard to get him to eat much. Dr suggested a multi vitamin & pedia sure supplements. He’s 22 now and eats just about anything!


I trade junk food treats for eating healthy… ex: you want chips, you eat a couple of slices of apple first…. You want a cookie, you eat a piece of green leaf lettuce first
This works for me


I used to chop up veggies and other things real fine and hide it in my kids food. I was lucky she really liked tuna and mayo so it was easy to hide

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When my son was younger I would take him shopping with me and let him pick something new to try. This allowed him to see it, touch it, smell it, ask questions about it. We started with new fruits and veggies. I also let him help prepare the food. Small age appropriate task and messy tasks were always his fav. This let him see what went into the meal and it gave him a sense of control about what he was eating and pride because he helped make it. Today he will try about anything I put in front of him. He may not always like it but he has found so many things he does like and is one of the least picky eater I know.


my son is a very picky eater, he doesn’t have a lot of safe food so it gets hard. what works for us sometimes is me taking a bite of food and saying “mummy is eating this tasty food, don’t you eat my tasty food” which instantly makes him want what i have, then he tries it. just keep offering new things, try not to stress too much because kids pick up on it and react badly to it. and i will always make my son another meal if he doesn’t want what is first given, he will never be left hungry. i don’t care if i have to make four meals, taking care of him, making sure he eats is what i’m here for.


Keep working on showing her new food, encourage her to try new things by trying new things in front of you.

An almost 45 year old very picky eater working on eating new things and wishing my parents gave more effort to getting me to eat new things.

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you should follow kids.eat.in.color on IG. she has alot of tools/ tips for picky eaters

Stop buying snacks and fill the Fridge and cupboards with whole foods instead .


Cut off all snacks then. She will eat when she actually gets hungry.


Picky eaters tend to grow out of it
Go gently and when she wants to eat introduce her to the foods


Stop feeding her snacks. Kids are picky because parents allow it. Stop giving her snacks and (be the parent) make her eat a bite of everything on her plate. It’s not a bad thing and won’t lead to eating disorder. It’ll lead to her learning you’re the parent and she needs to eat.


I always offer one safe food with new foods and I offer that same new food for a while. All while changing her safe foods. My daughter has a g-tube and is in feeding therapy. We don’t force eating by mouth and we don’t force her to eat any foods she doesn’t like. Also no food is considered bad or good.

“tasters club” my local elementary school does it for the kids. They get to try new things together and work towards goals. Small rewards after trying so many new things. When we were on lock down I let them make club shirts and do little videos for proof they did it when they went back. It didn’t count in the club by any means but it kept them going. Maybe you could try it


Only give her healthy choices. I promise you…when she’s hungry enough she’ll eat. It’ll only take about 3 days.


Girl I’m lucky if my kid eats 3 crackers and a piece of cheese in a day. I’d sing Glory Hallelujah if he even licked a grape. My daughter before him loved fruits, vegetables, seafood…she was eating raw onion and shrimp soba by the time she was 4. There was nothing different in how I raised them. Just keep showing her the good foods, make them available to her. Don’t make a big deal about it, she’ll eat when she’s hungry.

Oh and for the snarky bitches being really rude about it, ignore them. I get flack too. We can only do what we can do, and your baby will be just fine.

She will eat when you stop giving her snacks
Obviously she has never been hungry


Tell her dinner is a snack

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Cut out some of the snacks and don’t offer her eggs as much, try other proteins

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I thought my mom was crazy(she was) but she said let them whatever they’ll eat (for the most part) cuz 5 min later it’ll change & so will the new obsession… ive personally seen kids go from wanting nothing but banana to potatoes in any form, then back to the banana in about a week… :flushed:

My son lived on weetbix and two min noodles for years.He’s now an adult and eats everything.Get some kids multi vitamins and try not to stress.Also try cutting out snacks so she’s hungrier as an option.Good luck

I have always been a very picky eater, I’m 63 and not overweight and have good BP. Be picky, there are good & smart choices out there. My dad hated that about me a degraded me every time it came up, but I held my ground. His health issues and death were directly related to clogged arteries from eating garbage health wise food.

I have a 8 year old son who will eat everything Italian pizza pasta . . . Chicken pork chops . . . But he tries to fight with me anything green broccoli green beans peas . . . But will eat slice carrots and corn and some cheese . . . But what I try to do is ask him to please try at least one bite and finish it . . . Sometimes I try to make two dishes of the same meal but one with the food I know he won’t eat but I will and one with out the veggies I know he won’t to see if he notices it or not

That being said I also have a 9 year old son who will eat everything I put in front of him so it depends on the person Hun

We are a family of 4 so no food gets really wasted in our house plus we enjoy leftovers

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How old is ya daughter

I didn’t give my kids any snacks until they ate 3whole meals a day, once we got a routine down with meals, we threw in snack time in between. Try throwing some actual ingredients in with her eggs(cheese, meats, veggies, etc…) She will eat once you cut off snacks and she is hungry enough…

We have a one nibble rule. And that nibble doesn’t have to be swallowed or even chewed, so it’s super low pressure. Also since I love zucchini and she clearly hates it she doesn’t have to try it Everytime, just if I try something new that I think she might like (still haven’t found a way she likes :bowing_man:). And sometimes she gets to pick the new thing we’re all trying, she enjoys watching us not like foods :rofl:. After she tried 2 or 3 things she didn’t think she’d like but she actually did like she was ready to try anything.
But of course if it’s being more than just a picky eater then that needs to be addressed first. Sensory issues, autism, pediatric EDs exist, ect ect. So like if you think there’s even a chance may be more then talk to your ped about your concerns.

Why is okay for the adults not to like something and they wouldn’t eat it, but with kids it’s different. I say BS.