What to do about my ex?

My ex left me last week after years.

Now I get that he says no hes not coming back and hes confused and going to counselling to sort himself out. He refuses to change his ways as hes just like his dad. Who died 6 years ago and I feel like hes keeping his dads memory alive by being this awful way…or am I just being an awful witch!
But hes acting like nothing has happened. Hes off having this new life in another town because of his work commitments. He has a new set of male friends who I feel are rather toxic as he was never like this before he started hanging out with them. Hes always been a bit of an alpha dog and needs that attention and praise from others…
I’m trying to move on and grieve that our life together is over. He messages me all the time about what hes doing and calls me to chat…
he commented that I changed the house around and that decorating again, which he would never let me do…we have a child together and i have to see him at least once a week…
I’m not sure what I’m looking for here but wondering if anyone else went through this and how did you move on… I don’t have many friends that are not his friends too… I have no family apart from his, and no one else to ask