I have been separated/divorced 4 years.
My ex has two more kids with the lady he left me for (we both have made mistakes) and has three kids with me. We were high school sweethearts.
Still, 4 years later he won’t leave me alone. I’ve tried everything to get him to stop. In the beginning him and her would post horrible things in social media and it hurt a lot to see. But he would also act different when she wasn’t around. To this day it doesn’t hurt anymore and I just laugh it off when she posts drama that isn’t true and a lot of people are seeing the truth now. But she’s so blindsided by the way my ex is. There has been plenty of proof that he’s not good to her but he finds ways around blaming others and making himself look good and she believes him even with the proof in front of her face. He complains constantly to me about her. Tells me every time they fight and how he’s sick of telling her what he’s doing. (Part of me thinks she believes the truth but just can’t come to terms of it). Tells me he wants to leave but waiting for her to make an mistake so he can blame her for why he left. I told him he has to let go of me numerous times. He’s come to my house numerous times before work and tries for sex and I turn him down and well that’s makes for a very rough day of him being mean. (Claims he doesn’t get it from her nor wants it from her just me- if you think I believe that, trust me I don’t). It’s hard for me to find a relationship or date cause he’s always on my butt about it. Which I don’t care cause I still go on dates. But then I get constant calls and messages from him calling me a bad mom cause I leave my kids. Threats he’s taking me to court cause I pond my kids off on my mom (which my son has stayed one night with her in these last two months). I’m with them every single night. He barely even takes our youngest. (The other two just don’t care. They are older). When asked if he would it’s a fight. Then he makes excuses for the other two he has with her. So if I did something literally once a month, I’m a terrible parent. But part of me thinks that she’s part of the reasoning he doesn’t take our son just because of the constant posts about me. I try so hard for my kids and my youngest is starting to see what’s going on. He gets so mad and so upset when his dad promises to do things then ends up breaking the promise the day it’s suppose to happen.
So my thing is, I’ve called the cops on him numerous times about his threats and not leaving me alone. They tell him to stop. I don’t want to get a restraining order cause that’ll just hurt the kids even more and he’s not physically hurting me. Mentally maybe. But I just learned to brush it off.
You should be able to get him for harassment. With that you might be able to get order of protection. I had almost do this with my ex husband. He get drunk or high and start messaging me or my kids at all hours. Best of luck .
Maybe I’m out on a limb…but seek and suggest counseling. You are coparents. Neither SO should have an issue with it and could even be included. This is toxic behavior to you both and your babies.
Ask his wife to tell him to leave you alone. Tell her im not going to have sex with him which he keeps asking and also tell him to stop coming over to my house. Lol
Sign harassment complaints against him! This is outrageous!!
You’ll have to get a restraining order. He thinks he owns you. It’ll never hurt the kids. He can see and talk to them perfectly fine through court appointed go betweens.
Sounds like a narcissist
First off DONT OPEN THE DOOR !! Wtf second record his ass hitting on you and all the bs he talks about his wife . She’s stupid and needs to be hit smack right in the face with his bs lies . As for kids don’t say anything that he might take them if he shows he shows . Last GO OUT AND HAVE FUN !!
I think you’re still hanging on to him. If it’s so if you get a order it’s going to make it worse. Dial down the drama for your kids. Pick a neutral place for meetings. Keep him out of your house. Prayers.
So you rather deal the drama then be happy? Get a protection order or file harassment charges against him. Stop letting this man dictate your life. He can try and take you to court but a good judge will see right thru the bs. It’s up to you on what you going to deal with and if that’s drama then be it but if you want to be happy and not letting him dictate your life then you need to put a stop to all of the bs.
Video every encounter he has with you
Seems like you’re ok with this. Surely you can see how toxic this is. In what world would an ex who left you for someone else would he stopping by with sex requests etc! You are allowing this! Get a protection order!
Talk to a therapist about what’s best for the kids. The social media posts must stop because before long your kids will catch wind of it (perhaps by overhearing another adult repeating it). If you have joint custody, exchange the kids at a neutral location, instead of one of your homes. Plenty of parents do this in parking lots.
Also, is your ex possibly a sex addict?
Sounds like he is stalking you
I’m with everyone above ^^^ same thing I’d say.
- File harassment charges and get a restraining order.
- Change your phone number, email and block him on everything.
- Get that thing where to communicate with you about the kids it goes through the court first so there’s a record and he can’t contact you directly.
- Go back to court and get court supervised visits only, citing the harassment. That way there’s also a record of how infrequently he sees his own kids with you.
- If he comes around you, call the cops and film him but do not answer the door.
- His relationship with his new wife and what she decides to do about it is none of your business. You have no reason to contact her. Hope you do NOT enjoy the attention or drama or do anything to encourage it. If you do, work it out in therapy.
- Get counseling for you and your children. Sounds like you’ve all been through a lot. Do NOT underestimate the effect of it all on your kids. The sooner you can all learn to deal with everything in a healthy way the better.
- Get new hobbies, make new, fun memories with your children. Continue to focus on them and put dating second. You said you and your ex both made mistakes in your relationship. Do better in the future. I hope the reason you make changes is for the betterment of all and not just because you find it hard to date. Thoroughly research any man you go out with on the future, be safe, and do not introduce your kids to him until you have been in a monogamous relationship for at least six months.
I’d suggest court-ordered counseling for your ex, but who knows if the judge would grant it, he’d probably blow it off anyway, and you might have to pay for a lawyer’s time, but it’s something to think about.
You want some real advice then listen to the people telling you to get the restraining order other wise you are enabling this behaviour.
File charges. Then tell him unless he is contacting you about the kids, he doesn’t need to contact you. If he is so “unhappy” in his relationship, he can leave instead of crying to you about it. Its not your fault. Besides, why would you wanna hear about the issues he has with the woman he cheated on you with?
Why are you allowing this? Why are you friends on social media? Why are you not telling his wife that he tries to have sex with you? You allow all of this! You call the cops but do not press charges and follow through.
Here’s the thing… he’s the father of your children, but he’s your ex. This is going on because YOU allow it to go on. It’s not your responsibility to worry about his relationship with her. Put your foot down! He doesn’t need to come to your house, at all, ever. Start meeting him in a public place for pick up/drop off. Change your locks and keep your door locked so he can’t just walk up in your house. Make it clear that, unless it’s directly about the kids, there is zero reason for the two of you to communicate. As for social media, I can’t think of ANY reasons for you to be on his social media, or hers, or have either of them on your social media. Before you say it’s because of the kids, no, it isn’t. He wants to see pictures and know what’s going on with his kids, let him take the pictures and ask them what’s going on with them.
You’re a stronger woman than me, because if that was my ex and that’s the bullshit I was dealing with, I’d have caught a charge by now.
He is a little boy who just wants to play games. As long as you allow it, it will continue.
Young one - he will only get worse- your children and your safety are at risk. He will continue until you take charge of your life.
The question should be why not treat you like he is treating you? You’re allowing it. You’re enabling it by proving to him and your kids that you’re a door mat….if you were a guy I’d tell you to grow a pair but you’re not so grow some self esteem and show yourself and your kids enough respect to not allow this behavior. He may not be physically hurting you but he is emotionally killing your chances to move on and mentally teaching your kids that disrespect from a partner is okay. So grow a pair lady (pun intended) and kick this lying, cheating, less than a man, dirtbag to the curb…or not
My ex is the same. He’s a narcissit
You need to stop enabling his behaviour, its been 4 years and he has more children with another woman stop feeding into his drama and set boundaries because you are also leading him to believe that he may still stand a chance with you. let him know that you control you, if his so concerned that your a “bad mum” by letting your child sleep at his grandparents house then he needs to step up and co parent his threats are empty, call him out and watch him back away. But STOP putting up with his crap you and your children deserve to be drama free and you deserve a relationship. BLOCK the drama on social media why are you even buying into it to begin with? they are wanting you to react. Time to put the big girl pants on and cut him out except for contact regarding the children there should be no other contact. SET CLEAR BOUNDARIES
how about not responding at all when he calls or texts or block him while you are out then unblock when ur home. When he shows up tell him leave or I’m callign the cops. Unfriend him and her on social media…why do you care what they post? Man up and get the restraining order, these controling men depend on women not holding them accountable for their actions.
Continue to complain. Take him to court. Get a restraining order. Unfriend him and change your phone number.
Just because he is not touching you does not mean he is not assaulting you. File the order, take care of your family and your mental health. You deserve respect!
Honestly it seems like you like it . There is no reason to be on their fb page or talking to him about anything other then the children you have in common. I think it gives you satisfaction when he tells you that he doesn’t want her. The truth of matter is he left you for her and made more children with her. Therefore some part of him still wants her. Get a restraining order and have someone meet him to drop off the kids . Stop snooping on their fb and move on with your life !!!
You don’t have to brush it off or put up with it. His a dick using anything he can against you to try and keep you stuck and to him. His using the kids to make you feel guilty and then, trying to put you down as a way to control you.
- If he shows up at your house without asking first, don’t entertain him and don’t warn him just call the Police straight away.
- File a restraining order.
- Take voicemails, phone calls, texts. Anything that is proof. Even Police statements saying that they had to talk to him about stopping.
- Get counselling for your kids so they can talk to someone about how they fill also, this can be used in court to show the impact he is having on the kids and how they feel.
- File for emergency custody or custody. Either full or make supervised visits for him.
- Block him on social accounts and block his wife/girlfriend on social media as well. Block anyone that’s entertaining your ex and his partners negative opinions/rumours about you and then tries to tell you.
- Live your life. Go on dates, build a life for you and your kids. You all deserve to be happy.
U need a mediator someone to be the go between for you and him and ya’lls kids. There is no reason for u 2 to speak If it has nothing to do with the care and well being of your children. Let him threaten all he would like your ALLOWED TO HAVE A LIFE AFTER HIM. His problems with her and whatever else in his life is just that HIS PROBLEMS. So stop, take a breath then draw a line in the sand and stand your ground and do it sooner rather then later then go about living your best life js
Set up an email specific for him to communicate about the children and block him on your phone and everything else and only respond to an email if it’s about the children. He will keep doing it if you allow it.
Stop letting him in your house period… that’s your space. It’s been 4 years and you’re still letting him control you.
He doesn’t need to know when you are going out and what your are doing. That’s not his business. Don’t text him back or answer him when he talks about his problems. Those are not your problems. Worry about your kids only… he’s trying to control you still.
Get the restraining order, change the locks, get supervised visitation, just stop dealing with him and let her deal with him by herself.
Restraining order.
No contact unless it’s about the kids. Period. It’s not this business if you go out. Why are you telling him anything? Stop responding. He’s isn’t your man or your family. You don’t owe him conversation. Shut. It. Down.
He isn’t allowed at your home without written permission. When he won’t leave, have him picked up & charged. Pick ups & drop offs should be at the Sheriffs department, not YOUR home. Change your locks. That isn’t hard to do.
Make him listen.
Unless you like the attention… A restraining order won’t hurt the kids. You can stop him. He can threaten you all day but he has zero chance of taking the children.
It’s time you truly let him go.
Yall need to groe up. Why are you even letting him in your house? Block him on everything.
By not getting a restraining order you’re enabling him. It’s like you like the drama
Get the ring door bell and don’t let him in. He cannot not take you to court you have messages documents. Fuck he is weird. U are LETTING HIM CONTROL YOU.
If the cops don’t do it. Then keep going above them. Or tell the wife. None of this is okay… why talk to him about their problems? He is your ex the father. He does not get to say what you can do with your body and your son on your time. Please see that this is obsessive behavior and it will get worse if you don’t make him get in his lane. Your kid already is seeing it. That means something. Let the kid decide. I’d they want the relationship with dad try. If not ghost their ass.
Block them both on social media, tell him not to contact you unless it has to do with your shared children and get on with your life the way YOU want and see fit. Easier said than done I realize but you will feel SO much better without the toxicity. Good luck
Get that restraining order.
First, stop answering the phone. Stop responding to texts. Stop answering the door. Stop worrying what’s on social media. What people think of you is none of your business. The only thing you have to communicate with him about is your children schedule and health. Cut all other communication. No restraining order necessary. Stop giving him access to you.
Please ztop enabling him and stand up for yourself and your kids. It won’t get better if it hasn’t started to now. He’s taking advantage of you and you are enabling the behavioir by allowing him in your space.
You’re literally being too… nice. It’s almost stomach turning to read. Like where are your firm boundaries?? Why do you stay on the phone and listen to him complain about his wife?
It’s gross.
Then at the end you say that getting a restraining order will only make it worse for the kids, but you also acknowledge that your youngest is now getting emotionally messed with by him constantly breaking promises?!?
Get yourself together and do what’s right… or continue living this life and causing drama for your children and yourself. Straight up.
Do not respond unless it has to do with the children. Delete him off social media, his family, friends , etc. if he starts up about what you do on your parenting time just ignore him. Unfortunately your kids are going to learn who their dad really is and it’s going to suck as their innocence is taken in regards to him. That’s his relationship to manage with them. All you can do is teach them healthy ways to cope and if it gets bad enough counseling. Discuss with your lawyer about a restraining order. Document everything. Block him if you have to until he has the children then unblock him until they are back in your care then Feb lock him.
A person doesn’t have to be physically abusive to get a restraining order. Harassment is a reason as well and with well documented police reports it should be easy to get. I’d try and get one on the wife as well since she likes to post things online about you. Screenshot them if you can. The judge may dismiss it or they may not. None of this will hurt the kids. You would just need to designate a go between for drop offs and pick ups. There is no shame or blame in limiting contact when it’s apparent it’s not solely about the kids. But I do agree with quite a few others, you both need to grow up and you need to grow a spine!
Just quit talking to him unless it’s about the kids!!!
Don’t allow him in the house unsess there is a third party who is very honest and trustworthy.
Stop allowing him to do this shizz
Wouldn’t have to pawn them off on your mom if you were ever able to pawn them off on their father. He’s awful. Cut him off if he’s not benefiting the kids
I stopped reading halfway through. Stop entertaining him and let go, youre an adult. Block them on social media. The only time you should be communicating is when it is about the kids other than that stop entertaining your ex. He wont leave me alone?? You are enabling him.
Why are you even answering the door in the mornings when you know it’s him before he goes into work? Stop responding to texts and calls about where you are or who you’re with. He doesn’t see or take care of any of your 3 kids so why not just block him? If you block him and he continues to make threats then you get a restraining order.
Some people are negative individuals, feeding off of any drama, if there isn’t drama they create it themselves. You have to learn that it’s not your responsibility to Please them. You Do Not have to listen to him bash her. You don’t ‘owe’ him anything. Make it Clear to him that Unless it’s related to your children yall share, then he has no reason to contact you. As far as her commenting and making posts on social media, I’d just keep silent about it and be sure to screenshot Anything she posts concerning you or your kids, anything you believe is downplaying/demeaning towards you or your children. Document everytime he is suppose to have time or agrees to get kids and fails to do so. All of that adds up if you ever needed to go to court over this. If he shows up at your home unexpectedly, call the cops and explain to them the situation and he isn’t welcomed there. Kids don’t have to know. As far as you going out, dates,etc… There is Nothing he can do about that. You’re entitled to have a social life as well. I’d keep any relationship private and not involve kids unless it becomes serious. Just to stay on the safe side.
I deal with the same mess, but not from my daughters father. From my husband’s ex. They have 2 girls together and from the moment she found out him and I were serious, she’s despised me. No reason at all. They were separated 3 years before I even met him. We’ve been together over 2 years now. She just hasn’t moved on in her own life. I ignore all negative talk from her. Screenshot what I need to Just in case. I live my life and I’m happy. She nor anyone else can ruin that for me. People aren’t blind to why some choose to act like that, it becomes obvious. Best of luck hun.
You’re dealing with a narcissistic person. Only way to find peace is NO contact, if legally required to do so because of children in the mix then only communicate in writing in a business like manner and ONLY about kid related issues pertaining their education, health, etc as required to do so per your specific court order. Nothing more, nothing less. Follow the order to a T.
separated? not divorced??
If not … get divorced, and everything everyone else is saying.
My goodness… we almost have the same situation. Today my kid’s dad went to get a restraining order against my boyfriend on behalf of our child. He hates that I’m happy. The drama never stops!
Triangulation. He’s the narcissist and you are his back up fuel.
Stop I say stop allowing him to talk about her with you stop seeing him period get a restraining order if you’re not secretly enjoying him up your butt.
If you really want this to stop, you can make it happen.
Sorry to sound harsh but you need to set boundaries . Don’t let him inside simple if he won’t leave call the police . You’re allowing him to treat you like that cause you keep letting him back in . If that were my ex nope sorry. Want to see your kids fine organise mutual drop off area etc or he can wait outside doesn’t have to come in . If he was better behaved might be different but until you stand your ground he’ll keep doing it and if he wanted to really leave her he would. They don’t need an excuse to leave .
If you have this documented id do a harassment order and go to court for the divorce and custody. Get the ball rolling if you haven’t.
Never been thru this. But use your gut feeling . He wants his cake and eat it too. Dropall ties with both of them. You got to be smart. Only contact should be court orderd. They just want to keep watching you. Grow a backbone . Your the the only one that can. Unless you like the attention. Woman up and grow a pair. Sorry it sounds rude. But your playing right in their hands. Its the kids you have to think about. Put a stop to he bullsh!!! Yourself. No judgement here. Hope all works out.Also i been married 45 years and 2 grown children and give them the same advice with their so.
Block him on facebook. Don’t listen to all his drama Hang up if it’s not about the kids
Hire a BIG boyfriend.
He tells you because you’re there to listen.
Block on social media. Both of them.
Text only about kids.
If you want away from this it’s actually pretty simple.
And a restraining order? That’s dramatic since you’re willfully participating in the toxicity. And you are.
Avo that shit
You’ll all end up dead if your not careful
In Australia it’s a struggle to get avo (basically on brink of death if not dead ) so I’d get one
If you can
Block both
& maybe consider moving
& court to do arrangements
What is wrong with you?. Don’t let him in when he knocks on the door. I wouldn’t even open the door. If his number comes up on your mobile, don’t answer. He can communicate regarding the children by text. If he calls and manages to get through to you just hang up. Don’t give him air time. Any threatening or nasty texts, then you have evidence in writing, then get a restraining order. He will soon get the message. My ex kept phoning me, every time I told him to f off and put the phone down. He took the hint in the end.
I use to be with the dumb girl that believed a POS man. I learned the hard way and figured out he is a narcissist. Narcissists tend to think they own you forever. My ex still bothers me here and there and calls when he’s away from his girl after almost 4 years. I just have blocked him and don’t even bother besides when he pops up and calls from another number because I got a new one but he’s still in contact with my family and one of them gave him my new number. Which is a reason I moved halfway across the country also because my family was keeping him around. We have 2 kids but he has nothing to do with them unless him and I are together or he is single so I just block him. In your situation, I just would not feed into. Just let it roll off your shoulder. I wish I had better advice for you but he definitely is narcissistic. Good luck!
Why does he know everything about your life? How often you go out and etc?
He is basically stalking you and trying to control you and what you do, first of all how does he know you are going on these dates or know about anything you do? Secondly why do you entertain him and his behaviour? If you truly want nothing to do with this man I would block his number, go with the restraining order as soon as possible ( I come from an abusive relationship and these behaviours are not healthy) if he has visitation with the kids get someone from your family to be the go between, he can pick up the kids from their house and communicate with them if there are any issues. This would be the best scenario for the children and yourself because these sound like narcissistic tendencies to me. Good luck to you
Record his dumb crap and give it to his other woman and tell her to keep her dog on a leash and in her own yard. Lol
Refuse to engage. You have control whether to answer your phone or door.
You do not have to speak to him at all unless it is an exchange and you could have someone else pick up and drop off.
Ignore ignore ignore.
Most people like him continue because they are getting to you.
Ignore him. If his other baby momma is saying horrible things about you online then send a cease and desist letter. If she doesn’t stop file a harassment order against her.
He sounds like an obsessive narcissist
Ur ex and mine sound like twins cuz my ex…still married but separated…does the same shit and this is 6 yrs after walking out…we get along generally well enough got the most part wen he’s not pulling his bullshit but wen he tries it messes with my head…pisses me off mostly…and makes me the bad guy wen I get ill with him about it.
Stop all contact that doesn’t concern the children! And tell him he’s only allowed at your house to pick up the kids when he does actually do so. Otherwise I’d cut all contact. Block them on social media and tell him straight up if it’s not about the children don’t contact me. Be firm and set your boundaries.
You are allowing this man too much info into your personal life and waaaay too much access. If he’s not doing anything with and for the kids then he has no business contacting you and you have no business letting him. Put his ass at arm’s length and keep him there. If he refuses, send him to jail. He will eventually get the hint. He is a classic narcissist and as long as you give him any benefit of the doubt, he will always take advantage of you. Stop giving him ANYTHING,he sounds like a garbage ass human. Take the trash out and leave it out!
Sounds abit messy Imo. Firstly, do not entertain any conversation about his current partner that is not your business, gives him the wrong idea and completely unfair. Coparenting does not take this level of involvement, set your boundaries and keep them.
Get a restraining order on him!!! The kids will continue to suffer if you let this goes on! Get some respect for yourself and your kids! Stop all contact and keep records!
What are you doing you love this drama. Any attention is better than no attention this guy is nuts he’s a big liar to both of you you hope he and the other woman breaks it off and he comes running back to his high school sweetheart You. Give it up. Give it up Start a new life give your kids a new life away from this nut carrying on with two stupid women get the restraining order stay out of everything that conserns him mind your own business oh I know. But I have his kids Well ther your kids too so protect them from this mess bethankfulhe don’t see them and bring his nutmegs on to them
Abuse comes in many forms, get the restraining order and when he violates it call PD. You said yourself he really pays no mind to your children so just do it. And as for him threatening to take you to court, why don’t you take him to court and stop his threats. Every time he comes over in the morning take a pic date and time stamp it and send it to his current GF and ask her to keep her dog on a leash. Record him hounding you for sex and send that to her too and ask her to please get him neutered. And as for the bullying and shaming on FB report them. Bullying and shaming goes against FB community rules and they will be put in FB Jail and if they Keep it up they will be kicked off the platform. If you really want it to stop then you are going to have to be a bitch, set boundaries and when those boundaries are crossed enforce the consequences. Your children are watching how you are handling this and this is how they are learning to handle these types of situations when they become adults.
First. He does not need to know ANY details about your life. He only has the right and place to ask about the kids.
Second. IGNORE his messages when it’s not about the kids. You having conversations let’s him believe there’s something more even if you say there is not.
Third. He needs therapy.
You are enabling the behavior. If you wanted it to stop then you would stop it. You said yourself you dont want a restraining order and he knows this so why would he ever stop?? You obviously want some kind of attention good or bad if you actually listen to everything he has to say. You should only be talking to him briefly enough when it comes to the kids or have a person communicate for you both so you don’t have any contact to give this idiot the chance to continue to brainwash you in which I don’t believe your that brainwashed because you know what he’s doing this whole time simply by what you have stated on here. Your not helping your kids in this situation for sure. Look at your own behavior first and then deal with it for real.
Block all of them.
Only talk about the kids, if he brings up ANYTHING else, hang up, leave, etc.
Youre not his therapist and he’s not your problem. If he keeps going, get a restraining order. If he wanted to continue seeing his kids he’d grow the hell up.
You are bring unnecessary drama into life.
You are divorced and he has moved on.
You only need to contact each other about you kids.
Ignore him and move on
A man is only going to do to you what you allow. So if you stop allowing him to be disrespectful to you and stop giving into his drama. He will eventually stop because he will see you aren’t for it. But idk it sounds like you like it in my opinion that attention he is giving you even if it’s negative.
I’d charge him for stalking you. If he knows what and when your doing things, it’s clear he is in deed stalking you. So make it clear to him that if he continues to bother you, you are going to press charges and that the courts will put a stop to it. It’s not just you he is hurting, your kids are seeing it and feeling it too.
You have more power then you think, you dont have to talk to him if its not about your kids. You can block him and his gf on FB so you don’t have to see there posts or drama. You cant make him be a dad, he’s the only one to blame on being a crappy dad. I know you want him to be a good dad but all he’s doing is hurting your kids and it might be better to just cut him out of the kids lives since he is just blowing them off anyways. I would tell him in a text that from now on the only conversation you guys need to have is about the kids, you don’t need to know about his relationship and its non of his buisness about your dating life. He’s not allowed to pop up at your house, I would just tell him we will meet halfway public area and exchange the kids. If he dosent stop then get a restraining order and have a family member communicate with him for visits with the kids. You have to be firm and mean what you say to him otherwise you might as well get back with him if your just going to allow him to keep his toxic behavior.
This seems childish! Why are you guys so involved with one anothers life?!? You should co parent and that be that… not even sure why you give him any attention… high school sweethearts but meant nothing to him raise your kids to deserve better and do better
This is going to sound harsh, but if you truly were annoyed at the entire situation, you wouldn’t be entertaining it. Sounds to me like you’re not done with this man or haven’t received the proper closure you need to move on. If you don’t like what he’s doing, then immediately put a stop to it. Block him, get a restraining order and have a 3rd party help with visitations IF he decides he wants to play dad for a weekend. You’re teaching those children what is like to be treated and how to treat women. You’re raising products of society and showing them this behavior is ok, is far from ok. Get a grip, pull up your big girl pants, stop the unnecessary drama and quit entertaining a man that isn’t yours to entertain.
You could get a court order and press charges against him for harassment
He sounds a little psycho if he moved on someone else why is he doing that to you
You’re loving every bit of this because if you didn’t you would have put a stop to it a long time ago.
If you really wanted him to go away…he’d be gone… don’t let him in your home…
Non molestation order. Your kids don’t have to know.This man seems toxic, better to cut off all ties between his and your relationship . He seems immature and hasn’t grown up, he wants a piece of everything. Not Good fir you. Good luck.
Find your closure with him burn it and treat that relationship like the ashes!!.. co parenting doesn’t exist unless you have boundaries!!
Stop lying if you were as pissed off as you make out you would block them both off everything and be done way him