What to do for a baby with colic?

Anyone else have a baby with severe colic? I need some trips to help him feel better…he hasnt stopped crying for days


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Gas drops & white noise. Look up the colic hold!

Colic hold… Swing… Gas drops… BURPS when eating! Rub tummy to encourage passing gas. Push knees uo to chest… Rub… Pat… Tummy. Works wonders. They need to burp or fart as much as possible.

Go to the dr and ask to see a specialist, could be bad reflux or dairy allergy


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Two of mine were colic. Swaddle and rock lol. Idk what formula baby is on but similac alimentum works great helps w digestion.

Definitely contact your pediatrician about a possible formula swap…my son did this for almost 3 months before we finally figured out it was a lactose allergy. I felt awful! But swaddling, vacuum cleaner noise, and gripe water helped some

Chiropractor! My son was a Different kid after one visit… Noticeably different. He was 2 months old and a premie…

Food sensitivity testing! My friend breastfeeds & removing soy & dairy from her diet improved her son’s symptoms tremendously!

Talk to the dr about changing formula and Chiropractor

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Probiotics. Game changer!

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