What to do with a son who wants to quit college?

Life is about learning lessons at that age. He won’t know until he goes off and does it.


Kids will never do what you want them to do but that doesn’t mean you should stop loving them and supporting their decisions. Pray for him and let him learn his own lessons in life :pray:t2:

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Let him start paying his bills cell phone, insurance, ask for rent money. My son started paying some of his bills this past year. He soon realized how expensive life is going to be and his job at jewel isn’t going to cut it. Is he stressed about work and going to school maybe it’s to much on him. My son goes full time and works 2 nights a week it’s a lot on him. I’d have a talk with him and see where his head is. If college isn’t for him maybe look into technical school. My son had a year where he wanted to quit school we looked into the trades because he can make a livable wage but ultimately it wasn’t for him he changed his major and is pushing on.

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Can he put a hold on his scholarship and take a semester off to be sure that that’s what he wants to do?College isn’t for everyone, and if you force him to stay in school it will foster resentment.

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Just speaking from my own experience here… you say he’s immature, and he may be. I was. So for me, I wasn’t mature enough to handle college at 18 and wasted time and money and made poor grades for 3 semesters until I dropped out. I came back home and worked in a cafe and paid bills. It only took about a year for me to realize that’s not what I wanted for the rest of my life, so I went to a trade school. I did eventually go back to college and get my degree. Would it have been easier if I would have just done it out of high school? Yes. And I wish I would have been ready, but in hindsight I know I wasn’t. It takes some of us longer to figure out what we want in life and be ready to do the things to het us there.

Best thing I did was NOT going to college.


Maybe he doesn’t want to go? Maybe hes not ready. Instead of asking why, ask him about his goals and dreams. Find an interest that could relate into a job. He may have a scholarship and whatnot but it might just be too much pressure or not what he wants.

Never make them do anything guide them 2 make good decisions that’s all u can do theach them how 2 b a good human being college dont teach that. U can have a degree an still b dumb love

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College isn’t for everyone. You can make a good life for yourself without it…

It’s his life. You’ve raised him, now, let him grow up. Mistakes by our children are difficult on a parent

Let him. It’s expensive and useless in most cases now. He’s be better off with a labor job anyway🤷‍♀️

WoW. A full ride. :clap::clap:

Not wanting to go, or finish college, isn’t necessarily immature… College isn’t for everyone… There’s also a lot of people that did go, and have a college degree, that really isn’t doing anything for them… And a lot that never went, and are doing amazing in life. Don’t take the advice from people, that are telling you if your CHILD doesn’t go, then to cut then off basically. That’s not what a parents supposed to do. Talk to your child. Find out why he doesn’t wanna go. And what his plan is. Support him. He’s an adult. Who, can make his own choices in life now. You can’t force him to do what you want, and what he doesn’t want anymore. Nor should you try. Your job, is to love and support your child… Not abandon them, because they choose a different path then the one you planned out or wanted for them in their life. It is their future. Not yours. College doesn’t define them. They can still have a good future, and a good life, if they don’t go. Talk to your son. Not the internet. Strangers that don’t know your son or situation or anything about you family.

Don’t allow him back home.
Don’t assist with bills.
No monetary help what so ever.


Alow your adult child to make his own choices… Sorry momma he is 18. You might not understand his choice but should respect it.

Tell him he’s on his own​:thinking: Own apartment Own car, pay own bills. He’ll wake up soon​:thinking::thinking:

College isn’t for everyone. You sound pushy and judgemental.