What was your labor and delivery like with your second?

What was your labor and delivery like with your second? my first l&d was 3 hours from the first contraction to the baby being fully out. Everyone I know says the second go faster and to plan to have the baby at home since we live so far from the hospital. i just want to be prepared and also not have a baby on the side of the road.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What was your labor and delivery like with your second? - Mamas Uncut

My 1st I labored 24hrs (induction) my 2nd my water broke on it’s own and I labored 11hrs. In my experience, the second is faster. I also pushed 3 mins less.

My first was 3 hours and 52 minutes start to finish and my second was 11 and a half hours. So much for faster in my case. My third was 5 hours

My first was 5 1/2 hours my second was about 1 hour 1/2. My second I slept through most my contractions got to the hospital was already at a 9

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my first labor was 46 hours.:unamused: number two was about 6. he was born not even 5 minutes from my water breaking and 2 pushes tho, SO BE WORNED!:joy:

1st baby was 27 hours with an induction.
2nd was 49 minutes. Induction again but waters broken at 8am he was born 8.49am

Following because I’m pregnant with my 2nd as well and wondering if it’s true you usually go into labor earlier with the 2nd?? :scream::thinking:

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It didn’t go faster with my second like I expected it too. But both of mine were really fast

My first labour was an easy pain relief free natural 13 hour labour…my second I had every drug imaginable and it was 49 hours before the dr gave me an emergency c-section :woozy_face:

Following, I’m pregnant with my 2nd and curious as well! My 1st was so quick not even a whole 8hrs & I dilated super quick so I’m super worried the 2nd will barley give me time to make it to the hospital :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl:

With my first I was having contractions every 5 minutes lasting a minute long for 24 hours before they classed it as active labour then he took another 12 hours to come…
My second only took 12 hours… my 3rd took an hour :joy::joy:

1st one was a dry birth. Had to be induced. Was in labor for an hour. Had so fast and lived so far from the hospital I had my second induced. She came an hour after my water was broke. Had both nature because there was no time for drugs. Hope it helps.

1st took me 7 hrs, but my second one was 2 weeks later so Dr wanted me to induce, i went to the last appointment and get the paperwork (to get induced) after appointment i started feeling the contractions (thank God) and took me 9 hrs. (Contractions were more painful)

My first labor was 12 hrs. My second was 3 DAYS. I believed that crap about the second being faster too. :roll_eyes:

My first was 3 hours and 5 minutes and my second was 17 hours and 41 minutes

1st baby was 4 hours from water breaking to her being born (contractions started about half hour after water broke). Second was two hours from water breaking to birth and didn’t have really any bad contractions but contractions started shortly after water breaking. Third was 12 hours and a lot of pitocin later. Fourth was 14 hours and a lot of pitocin later. 5th was 23 hours and a lot of pitocin later. 6th was my water broke around 5pm, didn’t get pitocin to start contractions until 11:30pm and she was born around 3am. 7th water broke around 9am. Didn’t get pitocin until around 6 or 7pm (no contractions) then had him a little after midnight. Births can be all over the place. It doesn’t necessarily mean the next one will be shorter though. I will say after my two hour labor that we make sure we get to the hospital quickly just to be safe though lol

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Had 7 all different labor s

My second was out 20 minutes after being at the hospital. I was in labor MAYBE 2 hours.

1st I was induced at 42 weeks and labor took 19 HOURS
2nd I was 39 weeks and 6 hrs after walking into the ER for my painful contractions baby was out
Currently pregnant with my 3rd I’m hoping this one will be fairly quick

Omgggg second pregnancy my son was almost born in the car :rofl: they told me not to come in when I called and told them my symptoms. 15 mins later after I got off the phone I was rushing there to the hospital and called back like aye im on my way be ready LMAO . I had him few mins after getting to hospital. Hospital was super wrong for telling me to not come. I was literally in labor and they thought I wasn’t.

With my first I had him 2 hrs after contractions started… w my second was sort of hard and I got stuck at 6cm… I almost couldn’t push her out and had to have emergency csection but I did it… was hard the second time

Well first was over 18hrs induced (42 wks) 8.6 (2009)… second baby she came in about 13 mins. I wasn’t even checked in all the way and I pushed twice and out she was. 7.13(2011)…ha my 3rd well she was 6.9lb born in my driveway delivered by me (in January 2019) I was standing up fully clothes at that. oh and im pregnant with baby 4 due in January.

2012 baby contractions started at 430a she was born by 1130a(I waited at home as long as I could)

2019 baby her contractions started in the late afternoon she was born well the 911 call was placed at 715pm so we went with that)

48 hours for my first and 43 hours with my second.

My first born I was in labor for 24 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours. My second born I was in active labor for about 9 hours. My epidural stopped my contractions so I was given pitocin. After my water broke an hour later my babies heart rate kept having variations so they checked me to put a monitor on him and they discovered his umbilical cord prolapsed. We lost his heart rate and they called STAT code at 9:01 am and I was rushed into emergency c-section and he was delivered at 9:11 am. Each labor can be different. Sometimes some women’s second delivery comes fast. Sometimes it’s longer. It all just depends on the baby.

First baby was slow and awful with over 24 hours with her…second baby was induced and super fast and painful. Their births differed so dramatically I can’t compare them. All I can tell you is at the end of it I had two beautiful healthy girls. But each pregnancy and delivery is different.

I just had my second baby in April. It was well over 19hrs fast than my first. My first was over 29hrs from first contraction to birth. This time, it was about 10hrs from first contraction to birth.

2 so far and one on the way. My first l&d was roughly 9 1/2 hrs. However, my second was 39hrs -no complications. She was just slow… and nearly a month late. Both were natural.
Hopefully this one is quicker than the last.

Y’all are so lucky when I went into the hospital it was on a Monday morning at 2:00 a.m. I do not have my son until 11:31 Tuesday morning like 36 hours wasn’t doing nothing or nothing they gave me a pain shot and it worked cuz it went straight to the baby and I had now my daughter I knew what to expect better and I went out and started walking when I thought I was having pains and chill I decided I didn’t want to wait no longer I went to the hospital after 5:00 and she was born at 9:32 p.m. a whole lot better than the first one

My first was 3days my second was 5hrs.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What was your labor and delivery like with your second? - Mamas Uncut

My second came faster, but I still got to the hospital, they broke my water. Now with my third…I no longer got to the hospital, and I had my son sitting on the toilet. The nurse ran in and grabbed him lol. No doctor present. But was the easiest labor I had :rofl: So I think you’ll be ok. Just go when you think you need to! Not when a doctor says so.

I’ve had 4. And each labor/delivery went faster than the previous. Pain was worse earlier with 2 that I was induced with though. But once the ball was rolling labor was faster and pushing time was quicker. My last two babies I pushed 3 times and then only 2 times with the youngest.

you can’t prepare. baby is gonna do what baby wants to do lol

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My first my water broke early and I was in the hospital for a week but the actual l&d was only a few hours and I dilated from 4-10 within seconds, pushed for maybe 30 minutes, done. Second I didn’t dilate at all, even after induction, and they did an emergency C-section and I had a nearly 10lb baby. Baby and your body is going to do whatever it needs to or can whenever they decide. You really can’t plan for it. I seriously hope yours goes easier than mine though and you can do it at home.

Each is different you got lucky with first being only 3 hours lol my first was 13 and a half hours and each after was less time but my second got stuck and they had to use the vacuum

My 1st was an hour and a half, my 2nd was within 5 minutes, and my 3rd was under 20 minutes. I don’t notice contractions until near the end for some reason I have a really high pain tolerance. I’ve been lucky enough to get to the maternity ward at 9 cm dilated each time.

All I can say is that every experience is unique


So both times I didn’t know I was in labor until the crowning/pressure so my advice when you feel back pain that won’t go away after sitting or laying comfortably just take that as a sign that things are going to start, my 1st was born 5 mins after getting to the hospital (called at around 12:30ish am) at 1 they came got to the hospital at 1:30 and had him at 1:35 am, my 2nd I almost had her in the car I was going to the airport to pick up my mom, only reason I knew it was labor was because my water broke, it was a 2 hour drive to and from (I’m hard headed bad things could have happened because I waited) once we got to the hospitals after doing breathing for 4 hours and water was broken, I walked up to the front said I was having a baby, they didn’t believe me cause I was “calm” :roll_eyes: w/e that means so I said “I feel like I need to poop” <— magic words here and everything started moving fast, I let my body do its thing and baby girl was out 10 mins after getting to the hospital. Second one was definitely faster in progress and both weren’t painful at all I didn’t need IVs or anything but always be prepared for anything, if you feel like you might be in early signs of labor rent a room near by the hospital so you won’t be stuck in the car driving back and forth

First was induced two weeks before my due date due to cholestaisis, was in labor for almost thirty hours that wouldn’t progress and would stop without oxytocin. An hour before my cesarean, my baby’s heart beat started dropping each time I had a contraction so they rushed to do an epidural and get me into the operating rokm. We were both fine afterwards, he was 6lbs 9oz and scored 9 on the APGAR.

My second I woke up a month before my due date knew I was in labor. Went to a scheduled midwife appointment that morning at ten and I was already dilated and they directed me to go to hospital. Contractions we’re much more insufferable with my second so I gave up TENS machine and asked for an epidural (my back is still regretting it over a year later) shortly after which I fell asleep. Woke up at around one in the morning, midwife checked me and I was fully dialated… Twenty minutes of painless pushing and he was out. He weighed 6lbs 5oz and was cleared to go home 48hrs later, other then a week of jaundice which went away on its own he was completely healthy.

My second shocked my midwife the day she sent us home because when she was doing his physical she noticed his umbilical stump had fallen off and was nearly half healed. She had never before seen a stump that fell off that quick without needing medical intervention in her forty years of being in the profession.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What was your labor and delivery like with your second? - Mamas Uncut

Easy compared to the first, basically flew out :rofl:

Waters broke during a labour ward tour, baby fell out 10mins and 2 contractions later. The end…

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My first was 6hrs and my second was 7hrs I got induced with both. I went into labour straight after the pessary with my second and things did progress alot quicker

My first was about 5hrs and my doctor said for my second I’d best be I the car on the way to hospital at the first twinge. I was over 20miles from the hospital so decided on a home birth. Which was very quick and easy. First twinge at 6.30am midwives arrived at 7am delivered baby at 9.30am. Baby was bathed everything cleared away and midwives gone by 11am. Had family round by 12!. It went so well I had my third at home too.

Definitely your second is faster I started having unsettled pains at 5 and my little one was here by quarter past 10 but I definitely recommend raspberry leaf tea towards the end as I healed faster and I was on every pain relief possible for my first and second i done it on paracetamol good luck🥰

My 1st was around 16 hours from start of contractions and 2nd was around 5 hours from start of contractions x

1st was easiest didn’t even realise i was in labour until i woke up and needed to push😅
2nd was back to back 12 hours

1st one was 72 hours
2nd one was 2 hours
3rd one was 7 minutes

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My first I was induced with 5 hour labour

Secound 3 hours from waters breaking till he was born. If I had stayed at home any longer then I did he would of been born on the side of the road haha

1st 2 hours
2nd 50 minutes
3rd felt like forever 18 hours

First was 14hrs and he kept going back up? And then tore
Second was 10hrs, I had maternal hypothermia but so much easier

I was in slow labour for about 4 days and active labour about 6 hours with my second xx

1st 2 and half hours
2nd 3 hours
3rd 3 and half hours

1st 5 days
2nd 7 hours

My first was 19 hours and 14 stitches later. 2nd was 12 hours, no stitches and her head was an entire inch smaller than the first lol.

Mine was actually longer. Labor with my first lasted around five hours, but was almost nine hours with my second.

I was induced with my second and was in labor for about 20 hours before they decided to do an emergency c section because my daughter was having problems with the meds

Don’t know was sleepy byes had a cessation birth

My 2 labors were about the same in length. About 12 hours.
My mother on the other hand was 3 hours with my older sister and 1.5 with me. So I think that is something you need to cautious of.

All of my children were quick deliveries. I lived 2.5 hours away from my hospital with my last 2 and made it there just fine.

My 2nd shot out like a firework on the 4th of July! :joy: My water broke, epidural and about 8 minutes later she was here.

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1st- 9 hours
2nd- 1 hour 45 min
3rd- 1 hour 30 min

My 1st was 3 hours and my 2nd 10 hours… It’s not ALWAYS faster but it does seem to be a general rule according to the comments.

With first my placenta was falling out in chunks at 33 weeks i was rushed into OR and delivered a 4lb baby no meds. Second at 40 weeks made it to 6 cm before heading into hospital labor for an hour push baby out

From 1st contraction to my 1st being here was 2 hours. With my 2nd I was induced and he was here 7 minutes after they broke my water.

My first was 7 hrs 15min from first contraction to delivery, my second was about 10 hrs.

My 1st absolutely horrendous thought I was dying. Only 1 hour though.

My 2nd best labour ever only 42 minutes didn’t even hurt would do it all over again . Not one stitch no pain nothing.

My 3rd (Decemberpast) awful felt like first but lasted ages was in agony and thought It would never be over :joy: xx

Well my first was 9 hours.
Second 34 and 1/2 hours start to finish. Second was the worst of the three. Had cervical prolapse, epidural didn’t work.

So so so much easier than it was with my first

My second was horrible, but thats only because of the hospital trying to delay the birth… I went in to be induced due to certain issues I was having. They scheduled me for in the morning and I didn’t go in till 4pm. Once I got in they wouldn’t start any medication in an IV. Instead the put this tampon looking thing by my cervix to help. Apparently there was like a 5% chance you could go into labor… well I ended up. They were able to break my water after 7:30am. We told my doctor she’ll be back very soon and sure enough she came at 8:37am. Instead of them taking their time I would of probably had her so much sooner, but they waited for my doctor to come in the morning. It sucked.

First was 3 hours like you. Second was 1.5 hrs simply because my water hadn’t broken yet or I would have never made it to the hospital.

My 2nd was an induction. Ow! Get an epidural

First I labored at ho.e from Thursday evening until around midnight Saturday morning he was born at 7:48am my second I was induced started at 6:30am she was born at 4:22pm

First time it lasted 9 hours. 1 hour of pushing. The second time it lasted about 9 hours but 2 pushes and he was born. So very much quicker than the first as far as pushing goes.

My second one was fast water broke, had contractions just did made it to the hospital and gave birth less than 15 minutes after getting there

The more you have the faster they start to come I got 7 and had them all vaginal and each time it got easier also push like you taking a poop you will be ok

My sisters 1st delivery was faster than her 2nd! Just because it’s your 2nd, 3rd or whatever number it doesn’t mean it will be quicker

2nd was induced at 7:30am, no epidural, he didn’t arrive until 12:14am

My first was 12 hrs from water breaking till delivery . My second was 6 hrs from water breaking till delivery .

My first was 5 hours andmy son was 20 min

My second came fast! Was in the labor room literally 15 minutes before he was born. They had enough time to set up the room have the doctor walk in get dressed and 1 1/2 pushes he was out.

1st was 10 hours
3rd I had to be induced and it was 5 hours
4th water broke at 7am got to the hospital within 30 minutes ended up having an emergency c-section he was born at 1:40pm

My second was exactly 2 hours from start of active labor to her being born.

With my first my labor lasted about 11 hours, got the epidural and it worked like magic pushing was harder also had d-cells, his cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times into a slip knot. I pushed for about a half hour He’s a happy healthy almost 3 year old. My second was harder my labor with him lasted 11 hours as well. I had the epidural administered twice neither time did it work, I pushed for less than 10 minutes and he was out. No epidural was more difficult pain wise, but pushing and recovery was a lot easier. I had 2 stitches with my first 1 for an abrasion and 1 because my labia popped, my second no stitches at all. I did hemorrhage with my second, but they stopped it and now he’s a happy and healthy almost 11 month old (:

Second was super easy (1st was pretty easy too). 3 days overdue, induced (Pitocin), water broken (manually), laboring for a few hours, epidural (magical), pushed, and baby out in 6 minutes. Induced at 8am. Baby out by 2pm same day.
Just listen to your body and do what’s best for you. Make sure you have amazing nurses. Don’t be afraid to ask for new ones.

From the time my water broke to the time each of my kids were born were
1st 11.5 hours
2nd 45 min
3rd about 5 min
4th literally in the middle of the hallway on the way to the delivery room lol

I was in labor for 3 1/2 days with my 2nd

First I was induced at 36 weeks because I was leaking amniotic fluid and that took 7.5 hours. My 2nd I was overdue but induced because of leaking amniotic fluid again but this one was 11.5 hours. So my 2nd was longer. My first was 6.6 lbs and 2nd was 7.5 lbs.

My first baby was my quickest but I think I’m the odd one out.

All my delivery’s except this last one was 10 hours start to finish. My last one was 5 and a half hours start to finish

Haha, my first was quick. 2nd we had in the vehicle :joy: and only lived a 10min drive from the hospital

Second labor and delivery is not faster. For same, yes, but every labor and delivery is different. First was 10hours from start to her being born. Second was 17.5 hours start to him being born.

My first labor was 14 hours and 22 minutes, my second baby was only seven hours.

My second I had in 30 mins from 1st contraction

Had a friend end up doing a home labor (she couldn’t make it to hospital and she struggled with his paperwork. Even though she ended up going to hospital by ambulance. So be careful if you do have your baby at home.

Baby #1 12 hours start to finish, baby #2 6 hours and baby number 3 was like 2.5 start to finish

My first labor was about 12 hrs and my 2nd was about 5 hrs

My first labor was 8 hours and my 2nd was 24 hours.

Exactly what I’m afraid of. I’m on my second and my first was 23 hrs. I’m due in about 8-10 weeks.