What would you do if your ex husbands new wife showered with your kids?

Wrong wrong wrong, I’d be having some very stern words with the wife, screw the ex husband, I’d be going straight to her and telling her to either stop or your going to make a “fuss”


would it be ok for your husband or boyfriend to shower with your kids? HELL NO it wouldn’t. Something is wrong with anyone who feels as if this is ok. If you wouldn’t let an unrelated male shower with your kids, why would you let an unrelated woman? And by “unrelated” I mean, not their actual biological parent. Which I’d still think is odd at that age.


Idk I guess I just grew up different. He is their dad and wouldn’t put them in harm’s way. I showered with my step sister when I was 16 and she was 6 until she didn’t want to anymore. She begged me to. My grandma is from Japan so I showered with her my whole life in and probably still would if I were at her house. Being naked is natural and if it isn’t being done in a malicious way I don’t get the big deal.


I could see maybe if they were a lot younger, but 10 and 7 years old, no!

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Ohhhhh no lol. I’d go the fuck off, that’s not ok whatsoever

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Nope, that’s weird given their age, very inappropriate!


That’s just nasty. Pretty sure some lady got taken to court over just being bra less in front of her step kids


go mama bear id be livid


Hell no! Unacceptable.


I think you need to get into the shower with alllll of them :joy::joy::joy: Let it rain, showers of blessings :raised_hands::rofl::shower::umbrella::heart::pray:


Quit sexualizing children.


We have no issue with nudity in our home. It is important for children to grow up confident with their bodies.
If you have an issue talk to the step-mum. There are two sides to this story and I am questioning your motivation as to why you called child and youth before doing this.


I dont agree with it either…but wouldnt call cps! Geesh, did you even talk to your husband and his wife? Woman to woman???


Nudity isn’t evil. Wtf?


My are mom used to do stuff like this all the time and it made me so I uncomfortable . I spent a lot of my childhood running around naked but her being naked was super inappropriate. I would ask how your daughter feels about it. If she isn’t ok with it I would put a stop to it immediately.


No, not cool at all… I mean I have known my step daughter since she was 3, she is 6 now. And I have never showered with her, I even just asked her if she would and she told me no that it was weird :rofl::rofl::rofl:!! Lol I have to agree with her lol and for the record her dad asked her too and she thought it was even worse! :rofl:

I think that its wrong, I don’t even walk around naked in front of my kids!
I would be fighting that one pretty damn quick!! And I think your thoughts on this are totally right!!

I am so sorry you have to deal with that craziness :scream::scream::scream:

So when do we start teaching our girls about modesty, that’s it’s not okay for people to see then naked? I get it. I showered with my own kids when they were little. As a mom, and a former step mom, it was my job to teach them how to protect themselves, to be modest and to have self respect.


That’s just weird and would imagine it probably makes your daughters uncomfortable, especially since you (as their mother) never have done that!


I shower with my kids, bit there is a cut off age and I’d be damned if some other grown women showered with my babies. Nah

I would not be okay with this.


Maybe have a face to face conversation with them both before involving cps…:woman_facepalming:t3:


Nudity isn’t evil but those are not her children.

We live in a society where we don’t need to shower together as a way of survival by being conservative with our resources. There is no reason in the world why a stepmother should be showering with her stepchildren. It is not a way of education or bonding. There are many other ways to educate children & bond with them that do not include being a grown woman or man and naked in front of children that are NOT yours.

I bet you anything if you posted that your daughters showered with their stepfather, people would be calling him a rapist, pedophile, ECT.

I would not feel comfortable sleeping with or showering with another woman’s children and would have no reason to be present in the bathroom with the child after the age of 5 or if child has special needs.


Totally unacceptable.


Nudity doesnt bother me BUT the showering with the kids does


Her big grown dirty ass vag does not need to be in the same tub with the kids. Disgusting. I would be pissed.

Oh hell no I would beat arses

I would be super pissed! She has no right to be naked near your kids. Nor should she shower with them!!
But calling cps isnt the way to go.

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I showered with my stepmom when I was little. My mother knew. I think you took it too far. There is a thing called communication that should have happened first.


They are definitely too old to be showering with a grown woman who isn’t their mother. If they were younger it wouldn’t be a big deal. Seeing another woman naked is a normal thing but the shower is taking it too far. I wouldn’t be ok with that


I’m the mom who bathed with my kids (daughters) but a step mom I’m not sure how I feel about that


Hell to the Fuck no you did great

Good for you that isn’t right no matter what


I’m a mother and my ex has a girlfriend I would find that very wrong she’s no one to be naked infront of them in my eyes. I don’t think it’s appropriate.


Not bothered by nudity but :expressionless:

Very weird and hell no. No reason at all for it. What if this was a step father showering with his older step sons? Yeah no. I would call authorities as well.


They are way to old to need someone to shower with. Also walking around naked isnt respectful. I could see bra and underwear but not naked. Nudity doesnt bother me at all but thats not right to just flaunt it around the house with the kids around. She could have been raised differently though and may need direction on how to raise kids, whats appropriate and what isnt
I just hope theres nothing sexual going on with her and your girls.


They’re a bit too old for that.
If they were say 2-4, maybe even 5 or 6 years old it’d be one thing to shower with them occasionally, or supervise their showers/baths. But at 7 and 10 they should be showering independently.
So, pretty weird. That’d be weird even if they were biological.


What are you worried about? Her touching them? I raised my child that being naked is okay in front of mom and dad. He’s 5 now and respects my privacy when he sees me showering or changing, but I never felt uncomfortable at any age around my mom or someone close because I was taught that theres some things that are ok and some things are not. We don’t hide our nudity and we don’t make it a bad thing. Maybe the situation is different but I honestly don’t think this woman showers with them for any ill intention. They’re growing girls and they can be comfortable. They’re probably going to experience gym showers in school or sports. Do you teach them then that its sexual? She’s not your ex husbands girlfriend. She is their dads wife and if you would have communicated your issues you maybe would find out theres more going on with your daughters that they’re maybe more comfortable talking to someone else about.


Did your kids tell her no, they don’t want to? My kid is 8 and wants his privacy.

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Can you talk to her? Seems easier than a post here… im a step mum and its not an easy gig. Communication is key. Respect is key.
Talk together about this.


I don’t feel it’s that inappropriate but who am I to give an opinion

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Oh hellll nooooo i dont even shower with my own kids , she needs to leaen boundaries and you should let her know that ASAP


I would not be comfortable with that.
How would he feel if your daughters were taking showers with your new husband?! I’m sure not ok


I never showered with my step daughter, but I did wash her hair a few times when she was younger. I always told her when I was getting naked so she was prior warned before coming in

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That’s strange. I would feel awkward showering with any kids other than my own.

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The only real issue I feel is that it’s kinda odd because of their age… I feel they should be able to shower/bathe themselves at that age if anything she could help with hair of washing their backs or something if need be but taking a complete shower with them is just kinda odd. If you are uncomfortable or your children are uncomfortable though I would definitely have a heart to heart with step mom and just explain that you don’t feel comfortable with it and politely ask her to stop. I personally shower with my 2 and 4 year old (both girls) occasionally when we are in a big time crunch but they are still little and I will soon be stopping that as they are getting older.


Society makes it INAPPROPRIATE… I’m sure she’s not doing it in a sexual matter, maybe if people would quite making it about sex it wouldn’t be so strange

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All y’all saying CPS shouldn’t be called because she didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t force kids to do anything, etc., how do you know? Isn’t the point of CPS to investigate the issue? Talk to the kids? Talk to dad and step-mom? It will be up to CPS to decide what’s appropriate or inappropriate.

My opinion, once a child is old enough to bathe themselves, there’s no reason to be bathing with them. Supervision is necessary at certain ages, obviously, but I don’t see any reason to need to be bathing with your child or anyone else’s once they’re old enough to have privacy. As far as walking around naked… NO!

It’s about respecting others. If someone is uncomfortable with something, be respectful and simply don’t do it. It’s not rocket science.

If I had a roomate, I wouldn’t care if they paid their share of the bills and rent, don’t do shit I find uncomfortable and I won’t do anything they didn’t find comfortable. Same concept.

Your home or not, if my kids are around, don’t do it or we won’t be coming around anymore.

I was always as modest as I could be around my kids…but I had close friends and family members that strutted around naked in their own home…live and let live…your girls will let her know when they aren’t comfortable with the situation

Nudity is natural imo

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My Sister had Custody of my Son until he was 4. When I got him, She was Showering with Him to save time. She is a Doctor. I was livid but, She did it to save time. Shame is learned.

You said “ages at the time”. Is this still happening? Or it used to? Makes a difference in calling on them.

I dont see anything wrong with it at all. My kids are 14 years old. We walk around naked or i will put on a sports bra and panties. Sometimes i will put shorts on. But in my house we dont wear much. I feel so bad for stepmom because you called cps on her geez she didnt even do anything wrong.


We dont even know if it is a constant thing or if it was a hurry up and jump in we are running late situation. And OP said age at time was 7 and 10. Did she just now report it. If she knew about it for any period of time and didnt report it till now then why??

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At their ages I don’t understand bathing or showering with them. If they’re both girls though, my mom and I have always looked at it we have the same parts. My dad did not walk into my room if the door was shut but my mom would knock first, I’d ask if it’s mom she’d answer then I’d let her in. I didn’t care if she saw me. Also I’m talking even into being a teenager, she went to bed before my dad usually watch tv or read so I’d just walk in on her changing In her bedroom if I wanted to talk to her. We all shared a bathroom so I mean if she was getting out or I was and the other(female) was just brushing their teeth or going to the bathroom we didn’t stay behind the curtain to do so. I don’t know :woman_shrugging: I never had a step mom but I mean it’s just the grown up version of what they’ll eventually have. if she’s getting dressed in her room or the bathroom and no one feels uncomfortable just walking in while she dries off or gets changed. Now if she’s just walking around the house Willy nilly naked that’s definitely weird. Have you asked your kids how they feel about it without leading them to feel like they have to answer a certain way? If it’s just a body to them I don’t see the problem.

Hell nawl!!! Tf??


I have a couple of questions… How long has she been in their lives? Also, do you fear theyre being molested?
Are they comfortable with her being in the bath with them?

I am a bit conflicted on this. As, I dont shower with my daughters (5 and 6) but, my mom and step mom have changed in front of me numerous times growing up. The taking a bath with the girls, is what gets me… Though, I am extremely modest and others have a different view on it.

If you have already talked to their dad and their step mom, maybe have the girls tell her theyre uncomfortable with it. She should respect their feelings, if she doesn’t, then, yes that would be the time to involve authorities.

I mean…are your kids being forced to do it? Are they uncomfortable with it? I have a four year old and if she doesn’t like something she voices her opinion. I imagine if your ten year old was uncomfortable with it she would probably say that


Sounds like a possible CPS case to me, especially with the ages. Can’t rule out possiblity of sexual abuse, that ish creepy and strange as hell. Take it from a social worker that has seen and worked sexual abuse cases similar to this.


That is sooooo not ok. You had every right to do what you did.

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Good on you stick up for. Your. Values to. Many take. Overs . Your. X husband. Is. A twat


So my bf and i always took our clothes off after work. When our son was born same thing. We showered him with either of us to save time. At five he noticed a difference in my body so now I don’t shower with him and always wear an oversized shirt around the house. He bathes himself supervised of course so I dont really get why she feels the need to shower with them at that age. Odd to me and I’d have an issues but I’d also talk to her about it first when it first started happening not wait.


That wouldn’t fly with me Id be pressing charges for pedophile related intentions
Sorry but dont give a fu*k


Nudity doesnt equal sexual intentions. My step daughter always wants to get in the bath with me.


What the actual fuck

If I found out my kids step mom was doing that, I’d be pissed and calling someone about it too. That’s just inappropriate.


If anyone that is not mom or dad even showers your kids they could get in trouble, so I’m pretty sure showering with them is a fuck no! Why would she even do that?

My bonus boys are 5 and 4. I will change in front of them. I did shower with the youngest until about last year because he liked showering with me. I just got to the point where I felt the kids where too old to shower with me.


I think you went too far with calling cys without even talking to her about it I’d be mad too tho

I’m thinking that since you were informed of it happening someone did not feel comfortable!! Meaning…if it was “normal” and okay with your girls they wouldn’t have mentioned it. I’m saying this because I had a HUGE problem with one of my daughters sleeping with my exhusband and his wife when the bitch was just in a sports bra and panties. That’s sick and I ended that shit REAL QUICK!

My boys have seen me naked, showered with me& when asked y i have different body parts i said because im a girl your a boy you will learn more later on. My boys are (2, almost 4, and almost 7

If I’m not mistaken it is definitely worth a call to CPS cause it can infact be looked at as a form of sexual something or other
I was told by a CPS worker it is definitely not ok for step parents to be bathing/naked around children that aren’t biologically theirs.


I don’t think it’s appropriate for any adult to shower with a seven and ten year old.


I take showers with my 7 year old daughter to wash her hair but I wouldn’t be comfortable with another woman doing it ! I certainly wouldn’t shower with a step daughter …


Kinda weird. I wouldn’t shower with step children. Walking around half naked is a different story…

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I have 3 grown boy’s now all married and helped raise 13 total adopted my two grandsons in diapers which are grown now; you can ask any of of them, they have NEVER seen me naked… That is just wrong especially at this age… Id call CPS…


I would have called cps because showering with a child that isnt yours (especially one close to puberty age) is not okay without both parents (and the childs) permission.


I think those ages are a little bit to old .that is strange as hell ! Not right !;


File charges immediately! Wth?


i feel like that’s kinda dramatic


I have a stepdaughter that I’ve known since she was a baby and she’s now 16…I’ve NEVER showered with her. And we have an extremely close bond…like she’s my daughter. That’s just not ok.


I’ve showered with my niece when I babysat her. She like showers but she’s 3 and cant wash her big curly hair on her own. Her grandmother and mom shower with her too. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn’t make the kids uncomfortable. Depends on if they are close to her. Does she make them do it?

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I would definitely have a talk with the wife and ex especially if your kiddo told you. Woman can be predators too. I know that sounds dramatic but I’d rather be safe than sorry if it was my kid. You don’t want to down play something that could really be dangerous.


This is very wrong, how does the children feel about it are they uncomfortable…if so tell your ex and get advice from authorities

Not ok one she not the mama and two they are well beyond the age of bathing together. I’d be mad


Wow, I’d be pissed too. I’ll shower with my daughter (4) and step daughter (3) but even then it’s in a bikini or sports bra & biker pants coz I’m washing their hair or teaching them how to bathe correctly. Like every family issue though, it’s best for you to discuss together & for them to come to the understanding that there are 3 parents involved when it comes to your biological daughter and your opinion must also be respected & accommodated.

As long as people are respecting space then the body is nothing to be ashamed of. Just because you’re a prude doesn’t mean her way is wrong. 💁


both girls are too old to be sharing a shower with anyone id be peeved aswell x


Big no no. They are too old for that

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What’s more important is how you feel on the subject, but if you’re asking for opinions then here’s mine—though my daughter is under a year and we bathe/shower together I plan on doing it for years. My family took showers with their children until they were older and didn’t want to anymore and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. Being comfortable with your body/bodies in general and not sexualizing everything is healthy. My aunt (like my mother) showered with her daughter every morning until she was 11ish and seeing another woman naked isn’t weird or voodoo in our house. If it’s voodoo there’s where I see a problem. But even if I do it with my child there is no way I’d allow my ex’s significant other to do it.


No. I have 2 daughters. I bathed with my oldest until she was 5. My youngest is 4 and I bathe with her. After a certain age, they don’t need help washing themselves… and a step parent… no… especially not if the kids are 7 and 10


I feel like at that age they shouldn’t be showering with anybody but themselves. My son will jump in the shower with anyone (family) but he is 4 and needs assistance with washing his hair. I feel like those girls are old enough to say no I’d like to shower alone. Now maybe if they needed help like combing their hair and asked, sure. But a bit weird being invited. Unless they are being inappropriately touched and admit to it, I’m not sure you can have anything done. Maybe talk with them. Explain their bodies are private and that showers are meant to be taken alone. As for the walking around the house naked, I don’t see it as much different than walking through a pool locker room. My son opens the door on me a lot when I get out of the shower. No need to shame the human body but no need to inappropriately flaunt it either. Just talk with your girls. Communication with split families is so important

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What harm is there if girls shower with a woman that’s not their mother?


Wow no… it’s not enough that they shower with you, but you walk around naked on top of that? Also, doesn’t matter how anyone else feels. If mom doesn’t want her daughters doing something, that’s her right and step mom needs to back off (speaking as a step mom myself)


Hell NO!
You need to put a stop to that ASAP


Its a body. Dont think the worst. Ive showered with my step kids for years. Sick of people always assuming the worst all the time


First off calling cps on her ex and his wife is excessive to say the least and is more traumatic to the girls and has anyone even asked if they were on vacation no everyone is so quick to comment ask more questions and secondly i have showered with my daughter until she was 11 and i as a grandmother bathe with my 2yr old granddaughter and they both share a bed with me when they spend the night my daughter has slept next to me since she was a baby and I’ve never had cps called on me


I think the kids are old enough to decide if they’re uncomfortable or not? She’s clearly been in the picture a while, so shes not “new”, they’re just recently married? How do the kids feel about it? If they haven’t expressed anything negative, then I probably wouldn’t read too much into it.

But they do seem a little old now to be showering with someone, do they ask to jump in maybe? Or does she just jump in with them as they are about to hop out? Save turning off the water and back on again? I think you’ve read too much into it without even having a discussion about it with the people involved. Did you ask the kids? Or did they bring it up because they were going to hop in with you? Calling cps on them was a bit much :confused:


I don’t think it’s necessarily going to hurt/traumatize them. However, if you, as their mother, don’t allow it or act in such a way around them, they should respect your wishes/boundaries


I’d personally draw a line there, unless everyone was in swimsuits.