My mom got mine done when i was a baby at a shop of course NEVER use a gun. Was easier to heal cux i wasnt grabbing them. I still have them done. But this was also a long time ago before people started the whole " let your children give u permission first"
I waited until my daughter was old enough to make the decision herself…i think she finally decided she wanted it done for her 9th birthday
My daughter was 2 when she got hers done. She kept saying she wanted pretties in her ears like momma. She made the choice to want them done. She has loved them since and didn’t barely cry when she got it done.
I pierced my daughters at 6 months
3 months old. But she hates them now shes 9
It’s not cruel as long as you do it with someone that’s liscensed to do it. I also don’t thinks it’s a choice thing because even if they don’t close up they don’t have to wear earrings. I had mine done at 1 year old. I did like them so much I got more piercings. Now as an adult the original piercings are all I use. Personally, I didn’t let my daughter have them done until she was old enough to take care of them by herself. I didn’t want to take care of them. Having to turn them all the time. Having whatever get stuck on them like hair, clothing, toys. I didn’t want to deal with that. I remember whenever I got sick when I was little my piercings would get infected too and be sensitive and crusty. I definitely didn’t want to deal with that at a time when my child couldn’t take care of it or understand what was going on.
My daughter was 2 months. Her doc did it. If she doesn’t like it when older she can take them out.
My daughter got her ears done at age 2. She is 3 now and still loves them and is still so happy she has them done. She doesn’t play with them at all.
I have 5 girls, got them all done at 3 months.
I think it’s her body and we went to use the experience/decision to teach body autonomy and the effects of lasting decisions .
My daughter got hers done around 6? She barely wears them now. They irritate her. It’s all about what you feel is right
I got mine done when I was 7 and I was soooooo proud of them! My son was 8 and again, so proud to show it off. My daughter is 6 and still hasn’t asked. When she does she will get them done and she will know she has the rights to her own body. I don’t own her, I teach her to own herself.
You don’t pierce a baby’s or child’s ears. At a much greater risk of infection, rejection, or them pulling them out. I worked at a piercing shop and we had to re-pierce so many girls who had them down when they were little because of migration. As the earlobe grows, the piercing placement moves. And don’t even get me started on the girls at Claire’s that are allowed to pierce people.
Tylenol before getting ears pierced so she’s calm n relaxed any time before a yr is good
My daughter is 5 and wants them but I’ve always said she has to wait until she is old enough to care for them responsibly. When I was young I had my ears pierced and repierced because they kept healing up
We waited til 12. That way its not my decision but theirs. Its not my body.
Really don’t agree with doing it at all. I had mine done when I was 6 and had to have them taken out as they got infected because had them done at Claire’s. So now I have a tiny lump in both ears. I don’t see why baby’s need them doing. It’s of no benefit to them except cosmetic and they are too young to notice or care about those things anyway. I feel like I wouldn’t want to be the cause of my babies pain however long/short it lasts. You wouldn’t let your child get a tattoo so why this.
My oldest had them done at 2 months old and my youngest at 4 months old. They don’t remember it, never had any infections and choose if they want to wear earrings or not to this day.IMO getting your children’s’ shots hurt them worse than getting their ears pierced does. It is not cruel and it is up to the parents when they think it is ok for them to have it done.
I don’t see it as cruel. Most girls like having their ears pierced. I had my daughter’s done at 4 months.
My daughter was 2 months
3mths old soon as they wld allow me
The early the better, age: 1,2
Let her decide when she is old enough. Don’t get them done as an infant.
Who cares what other think. Mine were done at 3months do you think I noticed or was traumatized lol people need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop judging a parent for dping so.
I don’t recommend it but if you do wanna pierce your babies ears go to a professional piercer (NO PIERCING GUNS THAT IS NOT PROFESSIONAL AT ALL)
I’d wait until she got old enough to take care of them herself and not rip them out. I have no girls but I’ve always been terrified of the thought that the baby would rip the ear rings out.
At 3 months. She cried for less than a minute and wasn’t aware of them so she didnt pull at them
You should never scar another person’s body with what you believe is cute. Let them decide for themselves when they are an adult!
I had mine done at 2 months old i don’t remember it. They are still pierced in the same hole and im 26 yrs old now. I say its ur kid do what u want to do.
My in-laws pushed me to do it and I refused. I think that is something they need to decide on when they choose.
Pierced my daughters ears at 7 months… no it’s not cruel, it’s very cute on them
Had my ears pierced when I was a baby, but one of my older brothers ripped them down and out of my lobes (like, slicing my lobes in half… ) so my mom had to let them heal over and didn’t get them re-done because of what happened. I don’t remember any of it. But when I was about 9, I asked to have my ears pierced again, so I was allowed. The person who did it that time commented that the old, closed-up holes/marks were not evenly placed to begin with, and pierced one of my ears in a slightly different spot, so the one lobe sort of looks like I have 2 holes just offset from each other… but only one actually goes all the way through. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
My daughter got hers done at 8 weeks old. My twin boys I waited until they turnt 5 and I feel that was horrible. They constantly played with it. Pulled on them. My 3 year old decided he wanted his done when big brothers did so I let him. I now have 6 children that all have ear rings my 5 boys each have one my daughter both.
I think it’s better to do it when they are too young to mess with it while it’s healing. My daughter got hers done right after her first shots at 2mo. She’s 7 now and loves her earrings. I asked her if she’s mad I did it before I could ask her, she said no she’s happy i did it then,because she wouldn’t want to deal with the hurt and healing now.
I believe in letting the child decide if she/he wants pierced ears when they are old enough to do so.
I’m waiting till my daughter decides for herself
I have 2 daughters and we pierced their ears at 3 months old. It’s a Mexican tradition to do it when they are young. Less painful and they cry for less than a minute.