We always go straight to straw.
Between 4 and 5 months.
6 mo, soft nipple nuk
As soon as they can sit up by themselves. Then the only thing in a bottle is breast milk (or formula). Makes it easier for them later when it is time to throw the bottles out!
9 months but went straight to cup with straw. Apparently it helps build muscles to help with talking and I would have done anything for my speech delayed little one
Never used a sippy cup, my sons both went to using a regular plastic cups, a little messy at first but they learned to drink from them.
I didnât technically do sippy cups I did the bottles with the handles and switched to the sippy cup nipples at 5 months juice came way early like 2 months cuz my daughter wouldnât poop so doc said try apple juice
Sippy cup at a year. She transitioned like a pro. And all juice was mostly water. I tried water first but she refused it and would scream bloody murder when I did and not like a normal fit that lasts a couple minutes (Dr told me to let her cry and she would give in) after 2 and a half hours of screaming I added just a couple drops of juice (just enough for flavor)
9 mos sippy cup, juice isnât necessary they barely get juice now at 6,11 and 12