When did you start your period after baby?

4weeks after I gave birth to my 1st child and 2nd child

4 or 5 months after but I didn’t breastfeed

3 months to the day (I didn’t breastfeed)

42 days after my son was born.

  • I bottle feed my son, and I had a tubal done.

I quit bleeding at 4weeks, literally one week later started my period


I gotmine after a year, I exclusively breastfed for a year and a half.

A week before my baby turned one… (breastfed and still nursing)

I’m 6.5 months postpartum, exclusively breastfeeding & no period yet.

I haven’t gotten my period my baby is 13 months old

My baby is 14months now, still no period.

Im breastfeeding and i got my period after 5months

I didn’t get my period, probably because I was already pregnant…2x. 3 boys in 35 months :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

Oh god I bled like crazy soon as my kids were born and it lasted forever!

breastfeeding could delay it

Breastfeeding can stop periods

About a month after no breastfeeding though

10 months after exclusive breastfeeding.

A while after I stopped breast feeding

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Know !

I didnt get mine for 17 months

3 months after birth

About 10 months after I had both my kids.

4 weeks PP, while breastfeeding. 🤦

Breakthrough bleeding at 8 weeks.

Both my babies I bled for 2 weeks after having them then like clockwork every 4 weeks had my period. And I breastfed both( am currently still breastfeeding my 5 month old)

5 months, exclusively breastfed, I cried the entire time thinking my milk was going to go away. Stupid hormones.

Its depend on our hormone sis, since gv birth fully latch and giving ebm now baby is 4months, i get reguarly every month since gv birth.

Everyone is different, bit mine didn’t start again for about 9 months :heart: I BF till he was 2.5 years.

Carla Tennison Coleman

Close to a year later

I had my daughter in march still breastfeeding and got my 1st period on mid June… it was a normal period not too heavy or painful. But super hormonal lol

I bled into my period :joy: i bled for 5 weeks and my period started just as the birth bleeding stopped… and cause I didnt know with bleeding non stop a little over 5 weeks I went back to hospital to be checked to be told its my period thats started :see_no_evil:

Honestly you’ll probably be a little crazy with it for a bit. Especially with breastfeeding. It’s all going to depend on your hormones and stress levels.

5 months almost exactly. I exclusively breastfed as well.

I started within a couple of weeks of giving birth

Possibly pregnant if light pink, you are very fertile after a baby

I breast feed and my daughter is 9 weeks old still haven’t had one

My 8yr old was breastfed but with supplement (work stress stopped my production) he still breastfed some but I didnt have a period for 2.5yrs (the week he weaned it came)… now i have an almost 6mth old (95% exclusively breastfed), i had a false period at about 6weeks old, very light and short, and havent had one since!

3 weeks after then got my tubes tied

I had no bleeding after having my daughter (even pp bleeding) until she was 3months old, no pain nothing, absolutely destroyed myself and mams couch, I was breastfeeding too

I bled for 3 weeks after having my first. Can’t remember when the actual period came but ask your doctor if you’re concerned!

Number 1… 9 months or more after.
Number 2… even breastfeeding 6 weeks.

If u breastfeed it can take up to 6 months or longer to start

I did at exactly 5 weeks. I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore by then but I was pumping like crazy lol
My period was pretty heavy and lasted about 2-3 days longer than usual but went back to normal eventually

I got mine when my son was 2 months. I got lucky that it actually became much better then it was pre pregnancy.

When I started feeding them baby food and my milk started being less abundant. (Like 7-10 months)

Be aware if you’re starting your period while exclusively breastfeeding this is usually a sign of high fertility. My doc didn’t tell me this after I had my son when I started a completely normal period at just 6 weeks post partum and I didn’t go on birth control becuz I wanted my kids about 18 months to 2 years apart and it took us a yr to get pregnant the first time so I figured I wouldn’t worry about it. Pretty sure had I known I was super fertile at that point I would’ve taken precautions. Turned out alright though because if I had I wouldn’t have my daughter now who is 1 yr 1 week apart from my son. After having my daughter I again started my period at 6 weeks post partum even though I was exclusively breastfeeding her as well and my doc this time said that it’s a sign of high fertility.

After first daughter I got mine when she was 10 months old, after second daughter I got it when she was 5 months old. Both were breastfed.

Nursed both of my kids for a year, 9 months after and 10 months after

I didn’t start my period again until the babies were completely weaned

28 days after delivery… both times!!!

I was breastfeeding and got mine after 8 weeks x

I breastfed both my children, 1 12 months, 1 16 months and did not get my period the entire time. Its normal not to get your period while breastfeeding, and you can still conceive, so if that’s a possibility . . . :flushed::joy::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::heart_eyes::hugs:!!
And if it’s not something you want . . . BE CAREFUL :wink: