When do babies start teething?

When did your baby get their first tooth or teeth?


My first son was 4 months old. My second isn’t even 2 months yet so I’ll have to wait and see with him lol

My son is 8 months old still none…


#1 was 3 months. #2 was 4 months. #3 was 6 months. #4 is 5 months an no teeth yet.

All 3 had 2 teeth at 2 months

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4 months with 2 teeth

My first was 3 months old. My second was 10 months old.

My 32 weeker got his first tooth at 9 months actual.

my 31 weeker cut his 1st tooth at 8 months ! i was so worried something was wrong because everyone else’s baby cut teeth before mine :laughing: nope… he’s fine. now he’s 18 months old & has 12 freakin’ teeth :grimacing:

4 almost 5 months 2 teeth.

My daughter was 9 months old

2 at three months and 2 more by 4 months

#1 was 3 months old, #2 was 4 months old, and #3 was 6 months old

My daughter cut her first 6 teeth at 4 months old

Tiffany was born with a tooth

My daughter just got her first to coming in at 8 months

My son got his at 9 months and they are popping up everywhere now

My 4th child was born with 2 teeth!!!

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2 days shy of turning 9 months and he didnt get his second tooth till after he turned one all babies are different dont worry about it

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My daughter was 10 months old when she got her first 2. Came in at the same time

3 days after turning 9 months she started getting 2 coming it

My daughter and son were both a little over 8 months old and they cut at least 2 at a time

My daughter got her first 2 at 4 months old and next 2 at 6 months

My daughter is 11ms and still nothing…anyone else have a little teeth this late as well?

My daughter got 2 teeth at once at 6 months old. She just turned 1 on January 8th & now has 9 teeth including a molar.

6 months with my daughter, 7 months with my son

Had 2 bottom teeth by 4 months

Both mine were born with thier first 2 bottom teeth

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My daughter 4 months and my son 10 months…he’s a late bloomer lol

7.5 months he grew both his bottom two teeth at the same time

Shortly after he turned 3 months he cut his bottom 2 teeth. And almost every month since, at 13 months he has all his baby teeth…

First two teeth at 3 months old exactly !

Oldest 5mos. Youngest 3months

My first got his at a year old exactly on his birthday

Around 4-5 months for the bottom two. Then 4 on top came in not even a month later.

4 months now hes 12 months and has 18

The first 3 around 4 months. The last one got her first tooth 3 days before she turned 1.

My daughter Cut her 1st tooth at 8 months. Shes now 13 months with 8 teeth (2 of them are molars) and shes working on a couple more

Neither of my daughters had any teeth until after their first birthday. At 6 and 4, they haven’t lost any baby teeth either.

Oldest was 10 months exactly, my youngest is 13 months and her first tooth just broke through :joy:

My daughter, right before her first birthday

My daughter got her first two teeth at around 8.5 months old, within a week of each other, but she’s been teething since around 2 months !

3/4 months with both my kiddos . Some kids dont until 10 months though

My daughter will be 10 months on the first and still has no teeth lol

My daughter got her first two bottom teeth at 4.5 /5 months

My youngest was 13 months! My oldest was 4-5 months and my second was 7 months. So it’s true every baby is different lol.

Son cut 2 at once at 4mths, daughter cut her 1st at 9mths

My daughter cut her first tooth around 4 months

6 months 3 weeks and both bottom teeth just broke through

Mine is 1 year 1 month still no teeth

Sons 1+2 were both 10 months old and they didn’t get just one at a time was more like 2+ son #3 cut first tooth at 5 mths.kinda shocked me…lol

All 3 of my kids didn’t get there first teeth until around 10 months.

I think 7 months. Her teeth were late bloomers compared to the rest of her advancements lol

All 3 of my first are girls and wasall over one. Then just all came at once. My son he got his first 2 at 10-11 months and stayed like that till a few months ago still getting most now hes 17 months

First started to come through around 3.5 months and had 2 through by 4 months.

Daughter was earliest at 4 months

Both my kids start get their at 6 month old

7 months finally second 1 came In at almost 8 months

1st child was 10 months when he got his first tooth
2nd child was 8 months when she got her first tooth
3rd child was 5 months when she got her first tooth

My daughter is 4 almost 5 months and has one tooth already almost through

My son is 7 months 3 weeks. And he just got two teeth on the same day.

4 months Walter…6 months Elizabeth

My daughter was right before she turned 6 months. My son is almost 6 months and still no sign- he was a month early so idk if that factors into why.

9 months now 11 months and has 6

I noticed my daughter started getting her bottom ones around 5-6 months. I’m still waiting for her top ones though! Lots and lots of slobber lol.

Everyone is different.
On very rare occasions, babies are even born with them.
There is no set age limit for teeth to come in.

First 2 about 3-4 months. Littlest not til 5-6 months

Started at 2 months came in at 3 months. He is now 9 months old and has 6.