When do you feel baby kick?

At how many weeks during your second pregnancy did you feel baby move? I’m about to be 14 weeks with baby #2. With my first pregnancy, I felt my daughter move a little bit before 18 weeks. Thanks!! :heart:


At first around 13weeks. This second pregnancy at 9weeks

1st I think was about 16 weeks. 2nd was like 12 lol

First 16 weeks, 2nd 14 weeks, 3 rd 10 weeks

I was 20 wks with all.

around 16 weeks for first (and only)

With my first it was 14 weeks, dr said it was too early but I felt her. Second it was about 17 weeks but I had an anterior placenta, so she was kicking it instead of me.

About 20 weeks is when I knew for sure what it was lol. But I think I first thought I felt her around 18

24 weeks with first interior placenta and 14 weeks second anterior placenta

I always start to feel the flutters around 13 weeks each time.

On my 3rd it was up to 20 weeks before I felt anything

19 weeks for sure movement with my second. My first wasn’t until 20.

With my first not until 19/20wks. I’m currently 16wks with my second and haven’t felt anything yet.

I felt flutters with my 2nd around 15 weeks and movement at 17 weeks x