When should daughters stop sharing a bed with their dad?

It’s her parent it should never be inappropriate


When you start thinking he might do something inappropriate to your daughter? The answer to that should be never and if its not then there is something very wrong.


My daughter has never slept in bed with her dad because he said “girls should never sleep with their dad”. I thought that was weird. I’d say if they are both comfortable leave them alone.

It’s only weird if you make it weird. If nothing inappropriate is happening then who cares.


Hate seeing posts like this… He is her dad…


I think some folks are missing the point. If this is a regular thing, it’s inappropriate. Kids should sleep independently once they’re weaned. It’s part of learning independence.


Kids need their own bed and own private space and routine, should only be in parents bed if having night mares or want a cuddle with mum or dad etc it shouldn’t be a regular thing, parents and kids needs their own space and own beds

Its literally her dad wtf.


I’m 27 and will still take a nap with my dad. It’s only weird if you make it weird! He’s my dad!


It’s sad that questions like this have to be asked, he’s her dad if she wants to share a bed with him why can’t she whatever her age, if you won’t question yourself as her mum sharing a bed with her why question her other parent?


I wasnt raised with a father in the home , and ny mother was SA plently in her life so we were made aware that some things are “inappropriate” such as sitting on a mans lap, having dad give baths, being alone with dad or something like that . However, like said above, it’s only weird if u make it , the child and father , feel its weird. If there is no concern that the father would assult your kid in some way, let her have her daddy. Thats what Dads are for, to curl up in their big safe arms and feel comfortable. Fathers can give and offer the same love and protection as if she was laying down taking a nap with mom


Thats her dad :woman_facepalming: geeez If she wants to sleep with her dad she sleeps with her dad . Fark sake.


When the child wants to stop


I slept in bed with my dad until I was like 10 … I’d get scared a lot in my room and I would always sneak in his room and sleep with him he never complained but it all ended when he got in a relationship lol then I would sleep on the floor in his room but after a bit I got the hint and stayed in my room from then on

If you seriously think that then you need to get professional people involved

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Uhhhhh. She should sleep there as long as she wants. People need to stop sexualizing things for fathers that they consider completely normal with mothers.


Maybe this is a custody dispute question? :roll_eyes:

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Why are you sexualizing the situation that’s so disturbing :neutral_face:


Well there are a bunch of ugly responses on here instead of trying to be open to helping someone who is genuinely confused. Wow. So a few things come to mind when I read this… 1) are you in a relationship with the dad and are you her mother ? 2) she must not be “allowed” to sleep with them if she is in a relationship with him. 3) if that is the case then that is COMPLETELY FUCKED UP. 4) WOULDN’T MATTER THE AGE

I was 21 and 7 months pregnant the last time I took a nap with my dad he rubbed my back and everything. And guess what? It’s the last time I spent quality time with my dad before he died 2 weeks later. Stop making shit weird.

There’s no age limit. It’s her dad. Why do people sexualize relationships between parents and their kids? That’s so weird.


Would ya say it’s weird if it was a son sleeping with his mother. Some kids find comfort in knowing there parents are close by. It’s not weird it’s wanting to be with their parents


I mean my oldest is 11 and she still comes and sleeps with me and my husband so do my 6 and 4 yr old boys and if I was a single mom I’d probably share a bed with all my kids :woman_shrugging:t2: I mean like they’d have their own bed but my kids like sleeping with me.


Well my question is has your daughter said anything concerning?? If not, then it doesnt matter how old. Many parents cosleep with their children these days seems to be the thing. I don’t think kids should be in the bed with parents period and learn to be on their own and independent but that’s only my opinion.


My son is 12.5 and still sleeps with me? Same thing right?


The only way you would consider this a problem is if you consider your husband a pervert. I hate that this is even a question when nobody would even blink an eye if a 16yr old son crawled into bed with their mother :woman_facepalming: in which case it would be an “awwwww mommas boy” moment.


When you feel it isn’t right anymore.


I’m 33 and I will still cuddle up with my dad. He is my rock, my guiding light, and my support person. :woman_shrugging:t2:


My 8yo son still sleeps with me occasionally. I don’t see it ending just because he reaches a certain age. As long as her father isn’t being inappropriate or forcing her to sleep in his bed I see nothing wrong with her doing it as long as she’s comfortable. Now if it’s the only option so she feels she doesn’t have a choice or if she’s uncomfortable it should stop. Age has nothing to do with it.

Everyone saying if it was a lady nobody would bat an eye is what’s wrong with this world. Because yes moms hurts their babies too. Yall too comfortable with not trying to offend someone. Age doesn’t matter here, only the child’s safety and the child feelings. If the child doesn’t feel safe then the same day they voice their concerns. If the child only option is the bed with the mother or father it’s a problem, kids should have their own personal private space and can go sleep with a parent if they want to . Let them decide. Also mommy and daddy can say no go back to your bed if they feel it’s the best option. LASTLY IF YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHINGS GOING ON, CHECK YOURSLEF MAKE SURE YOUR NOT PROJECTING ONTO YOUR CHILD BECAUSE I HAVE TO RELAX SOMETIMES BECAUSE MY TRAUMA. BUT MOMMY IF THE BABY SAYS OR HINTS AT IT BEING UNSAFE OR JUST UNCOMFORTABLE FOR THEM IT ENDS THAT DAY. Praying for your Lil one and your peace of mind❤️


My step dad held me in bed until I was 11-12yo. Yall think weird fr. Talk to your kids! If They know what is and isn’t ok and that they should come to you then what would the problem be??? My mother once told me to accuse my step dad of touching me inappropriately at about 13-14yo when he was finally tired of her crap. Her and my relationship has never really covered bc that was the day I realized she’ll lie and do whatever to get what she wants. That man loved me, and she was so so jealous of that🙄 He treated me as his own and we continued our relationship well into my adulthood and long after he left her and never looked back. He’s passed now and I miss him all the time💔 She’s still here and we’ve barely spoken in 10 years


I just came here to say I wouldn’t be comfortable with it either. I trust no one fully with my daughter, especially a man. Must be because I was molested at a young age by my own father. The majority of the time, it IS someone close to the family or family members that sexually abuse children. I don’t think this is a dumb or funny or sexualized question at all. It’s sad that it’s something we have to think about, but it DOES happen more than one would think.


Well both of girls had their own space by the time they were 1. Now there is nothing with the occasional cuddling and the talk about boundaries. How boundaries are rules to protect not only bodies but our minds too. Every little girl wants to he held by her father. If not then there is something underlying.

When either the dad or the daughter doesn’t want to any more, obviously.

If you are uncomfortable with your partner sharing a bed with your child, you might want to seek therapy.


When my mom passed away my brother and I were 14. We slept with our dad one night. It was comforting.

I think that depends on if the dad is a pedophile piece of shit. If the daughter has no cognitive disabilities or history of abuse one would assume she would outgrow the desire to sleep in bed with a parent.

I mean what age? I think hitting a teenager age it’s kind of inappropriate of it’s every day but I mean when my husband is taking a nap are 9-year-old will lay next to him on her Nintendo switch and cuddle or she’ll just cuddle cuz she wants to go to sleep and feeling one of us on her side. It’s just comforting. I think it just depends on what your personal level of comfort is. I think if it’s a teenager and it’s every single day and she only wants to cuddle with her father. Yeah I think even a therapist would find that kind of strange and they would have to be a conversation. But if it’s like every now and then I don’t see a big deal

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Um my 17 yr old daughter crawls into her dads bed sometimes when she is at his house. Why tarnish the bond between a father and daughter. My 9 yr old son sleeps in my bed every night . Is there an issue with that ?


All my girls were in my bed from birth and are still in my bed n I honestly believe it made for a beautiful bonding experience but my oldest has her own bed in our room as it makes her feel safe it’s a sense of security and safety for some

Is he a pervert or something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


When the child is no longer comfortable with it… tf? Some of ya’ll are weird.


I’m 32 and I’ll still go crawl into bed with my dad on a Sunday morning to watch/complain about the news if I stay at my parents :laughing:


I think whatever age the parents collectively decide and no one else should have input.

It’s not “inappropriate” smh

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I was 13 when my father passed and I slept with him until that day. My father was the greatest father. I didn’t like sleeping in my room at his house because it was to far away from his and it kind of scared me. He was my rock my protector and he never would have done a thing to hurt me.


What a weird question


My dad had weekend visits and I slept in bed with him until I was 16-17 years old.
A. Because he paid way too much in child support to afford an apartment with 2 bedrooms and
B. Because I was a scaredy cat and felt like I was protected with him. He would try to set me up on the couch but as soon as I heard that first scary night noise I was in my dad’s room.
If the kid is okay with it I don’t see a problem.


When she’s taller than him?
Is this a trick question?
Is there multiple choice?
Can I cheat off someone?


I mean, if he made the daughter with me he should have enough paternal instinct to guard her not seduce her. I trust my daughter’s father with her, if you honestly think your husband would do something to your guy’s shared daughter past a certain age, maybe you shouldn’t have married him.


I’m almost 38 and will sleep next to my daddy. That man raised me, wiped my butt, dried my tears, held my hand through a hard divorce. My dad is one of my best friends.

I’m 33 & if im tired ill hop in bed next to my pops and nap…this is such a strange question. I hope my daughters never feel uncomfortable sleeping next to their dad, just like I hope my sons alway feel comfortable hopping in bed for a snooze with me.


My son and I after his dad and I split could only afford a single for a little while as I got back on my feet. From birth he slept with me and when this happened he was 5. We were there for a couple years and shared a bed. Even when we were able to move to a place where he had his own room he would crawl into bed with me. I don’t see an issue with a child wanting to sleep with their parent. If there is no signs of fuckery then let it be. If she is being molested there are tell-tale signs. Keep an eye out but don’t create an issue if one doesn’t exist. My son is 30 now and married and they live with me because I am disabled. To this day he will come into my room at times and just want to hug and cuddle. His wife is cool with it. She knows the bond we have. I feel blessed that my son still wants the comfort of a hug and cuddle from his mom. Call it weird but if you want but it is therapeutic and it usually brings tears to my eyes when he is hugging me and he tells me he loves me.


I don’t think there’s a right answer for this at all. That’s the girls father not a random man so I don’t think it’s inappropriate at all for her to continue until she choose not to. Of course I’m sure boundaries would be in place but who doesn’t love to go snuggle with their parents in the morning no matter the age. It’s just comforting.


I climbed in bed with my dad as an adult. What I wouldn’t give to lay next to him and watch TV now


It should never be “inappropriate”. That’s a weird question


You know women can be molesters too…so when should a son stop sleeping with his mother. If u say never then the same applies to a father daughter. In general is when they start feeling uncomfortable.
Is there more context that you are not sharing? If not then stop sexualizing stuff.


Why is this even a question :person_facepalming:


I’m almost 24 and still sleep with my mum or dad


Why you trying to make it inappropriate :thinking: soke of you are just fucking weird… my boys crawl into bed with me sometimes is that wrong… my 2 year old gets in the bath with me you saying that’s wrong :rofl: what is this world coming to that a dad can’t even have the same bonding time that us mothers get with our children… :unamused:

Umm wtf is wrong with people? Like for real I want to know? I’m 29 and I’d still lay down by my dad in bed while talking to him or watching tv. At no age should this be inappropriate unless the father is a pervert :woman_shrugging:t3: which in case if you believe he is then the answer would be never let her like tf smh :woman_facepalming:t2:


Whenever the child doesn’t want to anymore :person_shrugging: I’m 38 and will still nap next to my mom (my dad has already passed away) my kids still sleep next to me and my husband.


Can you explain more about this situation?? I feel like like if you’re asking this is because maybe you feel like something is off. Honestly there are great dads out there but there are also dads who sexually abuse. So depends.

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I don’t think it’s a weird question at all. Some people have experienced things in their own lives ( and as sad as it is family members can be the #1 to abuse their own family) so maybe the person asking as been through this and find certain things uncomfortable because they never had that bond themselves. I never had a close bond with my father, my bestfriend did with her father. And if I seen her sit on his lap and so on to me it would seem inappropriate because I never had that growing up. To me it was seeing a too old girl sitting on a man’s lap. Not a father and daughter thing. It took me adjusting my own mind frame to understand. As long as there’s nothing in appropriate, the girl is fully dressed, and such than there’s no issues.


Never. It’s not inappropriate. That’s her father. I still go lay in the bed with my mom when I’m at her house and I’m 29. Is he a pedophile? Because if that’s your worry then you have bigger issues that need immediate addressing, and if he’s not but you’re sexualizing a daughter laying in bed with her father, then again, you have bigger issues. :woman_shrugging:


It’s not inappropriate unless her father is an inappropriate kind of man. I’d give anything to lay next to my dad again, my girls love sleepover nights with theirs.


We have a five-year-old daughter and she still sleeps with us at night. She’s a little afraid of the dark and she’s been sleeping with us since she was a baby so it’s some thing we need to work on. She has her own room and her own bed but prefers sleeping with mom and dad. Lol every child is different and matures in a different rate. I don’t there’s anything wrong with a child sleeping with their father, as long as you know for sure nothing else is going on.

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It’s never inappropriate. A relationship between a parent and child which borders on sexual is inappropriate but this doesn’t need to involve a bed.

What age should a son stop sleeping with his Mom?! It’s a non-issue unless it’s something that’s personally an issue. Quit being weird.


I feel like the only time this would not be appropriate is if the daughter was older than, say 10 and they were both naked… but im 33 and would still lay down with my dad to nap if he would let me

This is like asking at what age is it not appropriate to hug or kiss your kids…just my theory love them babies while you can no matter what age they are.

The same age a son should stop sleeping next to his mum is the age a girl should stop sleeping next to dad . Unless either parent is a pervert . Some rules I guess would be clothes on both of them and if either one day they are uncomfortable then it stops straight away. Women can be predators too ! . Im 28 and still lay in bed with my dad to watch a film and his grandkids do the same !


My son will always always always be welcome in my bed, I don’t care if he’s 5 or 15 or hell, even 25.

It’s not weird, or inappropriate as long as the father isn’t a trustworthy person, and you’re asking for that.

So many people make father/daughter relationships weird, but it’s almost always acceptable for mother/son relationships.

It’s weird🥴


I have 2 girls and they were out of my bed as soon as I was comfortable enough with them sleeping on their own. Kids need to be taught boundaries and independence at a early age.

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When the child doesn’t want to?

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Never. I’m 31 I still lay with my dad and did as a teenager as well.


It’s not inappropriate unless inappropriate things are happening. He is the father just as much as a mother is the daughter’s mother. My oldest is 11 1/2 and there are some nights when she’s sick that my husband sleeps with her still


Maybe when your daughter turns 95? Before that it’s perfectly normal so you have awhile before you need to worry.


Well my daughter typically sleeps in her own bed pretty much all of the time but if she did want to sleep in our bed if she was sick or something, I wouldn’t care because her dads not a creep and he’s her dad who loves her… if you feel otherwise you should probably reevaluate why.


When she’s out of her mothers Womb


Stop making father daughter relationships weird. I’m 24 and still lay with my father, who raised my brother and I by himself. It’s the same thing as a son/daughter laying with their mom.


You should seek therapy… There is nothing wrong with a father and his child sharing a bed at all. Stop sexualizing innocent and normal things


It is not inappropriate unless inappropriate things are happening.


I’m grown and would still sleep in the bed with my dad? Why y’all making everything weird these days :woman_facepalming:


Our oldest is 9 and youngest 5. They both still climb in bed with either of us. If they are scared or even just want to cuddle they know we are always here. Sometimes a girl just needs her daddy’s love and know he is close. As long as she isn’t showing signs of abuse and you know he wouldn’t abuse her in anyway then I wouldn’t question it.

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Same for you too mom🙄


Does she sleep with him because she wont sleep in her own bed or he doesn’t have another bed. If she sleeps with you then obviously she’s gonna sleep with him too, until you break the habit together.

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Why would it be an issue??

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I think I was like 8/9 maybe even 10 when I quit sleeping with my dad.

My boyfriends cousin is 11 and she still sleeps with her parents.

I’m 42 years old and recently lost my dad. I’ve give the world to be able to crawl in bed with him. He was always my comfort especially when I was sick. Daddy’s are hero’s to us girls.


And what about a boy and his mom? Would you have those same questions? Stop sexualizing stuff that doesn’t need to be sexualized!


My dad was a single parent and I remember sleeping in the bed him.

Stop sexualizing fathers :rage: zero reason a child shouldn’t be able to share a bed with their dad ESPECIALLY if still sharing with mom. We’re a co sleeping family & my 11 year old will still snuggle her dad. She loves him, he’s her protector & her comfort, I’d never take that away from her.


I’m 26 years old and I still go over to my dads house when he taking a nap and I cuddle up to him and sleep . It’s not a sexual thing that people put it out to be and it’s sad that people now days view it that way .
I lost my mom when I was 8 to cancer and I had to watch her slowly pass away so each and every moment that I get to spend with my dad I do it’s more of a memory and a bonding experience that I will get to hold on it more then anything. It’s my safe place


Probably at the same age you’d stop allowing a son to sleep with his mother. Oooof.


If the daughter becomes uncomfortable with it and no longer wants to then that is when it should stop. Otherwise it’s fine


Whenever she feels like she’s done

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Until child feel uncomfortable or just stop on her own daughter 10.5 still sometimes sleep w one use if other one not in bed for some reason this is reason we both don’t sleep naked I always have long t shirt w underwear and hubby is sweat pants or boxer … little girls who have great relationships w there father don’t end up w daddy issues which we all know how tho girls turn out lol

I’m 41. Bet your a$$ if my dad was still alive I’d still climb in bed & just lay there.
What the HELL-O is wrong with you people trying to sexualize every thing?
I mean, I feel like something is happening, fix it. Get her outta that house.
Other than that, what’s the problem?

My son is 27 and still get in my bed and sleep especially when he’s sick …
My 20 year old would come get in my bed with his girlfriend in his room in his bed…
Now we would be under our own lil blankets


It just depends. My daughter is very close w her dad she’s 9 . She does climb in bed w us at night or sometimes he will go to hers when she comes in if baby is in my bed. We co slept since birth. I hate that ppl think it’s OK for mom but not dad. I never slept in bed w my dad but he was a non existent parent maybe spent the night w him 3 times. There is nothing wrong w it. The ppl that think there is something wrong w it those r the real sickos.