When should daughters stop sharing a bed with their dad?

When they feel like it? If someone needs to be worried about a child being in bed with their parent, then the issue is why do you feel this way. And if it’s a matter of trusting the parent then the parent should have zero contact to start. My 1 year old currently shares a bed with us. Sometimes one of my older kids makes their way over for whatever reason. :woman_shrugging: whatever Works to keep everyone calm and restful.


My never slept with my husband or me

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I cuddled up to my dad until he took his last breath. My children will do the same.


If you worried about it, it must be for a reason. Call the cops or YOU should see a therapist. Whichever one will help.


My dad really never aloud us to be in his bed with him, we were always aloud to sleep in his room on the floor, that went for all kids, male and female

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I’d say a teenager? Maybe. I guess I don’t see the big deal with it.

I crawled in bed with my dad every time I woke up scared in the night . The last time I did I was 20 years old . I slept in between him and my step mom. We laugh about it to this day. When you love your dad you love your dad that’s it :100:


I just wonder…why would you have kids with someone you feel you have to worry about around their own kids?.


As long as they want. Unless dad is a wierdo. In which case they shouldn’t ever be around him. I think I’d still lay with my dad sometimes till I was around 10. Then I wanted my own space. I think cosleeping is good. I can put all three of my kids in their own beds, in their own rooms, and they all wake up at least once a night calling for me. Ages 10, 6, and 3. But let them all fall asleep with us watching a movie…and they all sleep through the night. Works for me.


What kind of society do you have to even think about such things? Kids and parents can share a bed no matter what the age…stop sexualizing and demonizing parents


I felt uncomfortable being to close to my dad. Not that I ever thought he would do anything… he raised me until 4th grade. I remember laying in bed and sharing the recliner with him and watching movies eating snacks together etc. I do remember one time we were watching a movie with a sex scene. Not that there was nudity but I was aware he you know… he put his hand down and I was half way on his lap… also a couple times when I was grown and married he would come visit. I would be up in the morning making coffee clothes but with no bra and he would come behind me and hug me rubbing right underneath my breast… again… I’m sure innocent… but …. Idk… I think when your child knows about the birds and the bees and in uncomfortable situations where a man normally gets aroused whether I’m sleep or watching something. It’s safe to keep daughters at a safe distance where they could never be aware of something like that. It has definitely made me uncomfortable. Even hugging him to this day makes me uneasy… idk why it’s just how I feel

Tf kind of question is that


The day one of the two people feel uncomfortable. Its not about age…


This is the stupidest post I’ve ever read.

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As someone who was SA by their father I can absolutely understand this post :frowning:
Shes asking for advice not to be told she’s stupid :confused:


Unless you think the dad is a pedophile, never.

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My son is 10 and he would sleep in my bed every night if he could. I figure he won’t do it forever, so I’ll cherish however long I have where I am his safe space/comfort.


People need to stop saying she is stupid or stuff like that! Do you know how many people have suffered at the hands of people they thought they could trust. Doesn’t matter what the relation may be it can still happen.


Whenever they feel comfortable. I slept with my dad as a child. Never thought anything of it. His snoring actually called me lol.

Why the hell would that be inappropriate??

Stop watching too much porn!

I used to nap with my father every time I was with him… But sadly he passed away … I miss him everyday, I will forever cherish those memory’s
Until your child is ready to not be. :heart:
Unless you are worried about something…


If you even have to ask this, then you need to really question the father of your child… I’ve never ever thought about this or thought my husband sleeping in bed with his kid was weird or off…

I think when either one of them feels uncomfortable with it or just doesn’t want to anymore

I was always uncomfortable sleeping with my mom when I was 12 years—but it was the only bed we had! Then my dad came home from the army but I was way past sleeping with him, even tho he never touched me but I had been molested off and on by other males earlier so it always colored my emotions all of my life!!

No one else no no please as soon as possible separate them,he has to sleep in your bed or girlfriend bed not daughter

Brooklyn Irene Wright Agreed!!!

For those of you judging the O.P :red_circle: STOP!
You have no idea what she herself could have endured as a child/adolescent. Maybe she lacks the positive experience in terms of a healthy Father/Daughter relationship. Thus leading her to seek the opinions and or experiences of other Mommies. We gotta do better as women, as mothers as QUEENS! With all the bashing I wouldn’t be surprised if she never asks for advice in this group again. Down right shameful.
To the O.P…
I’m so sry for all the backlash you have had to endure, simply for asking a question. In reading the comments I am appalled by some of the responses.

  1. “You must be divorced and trying to pin something on your ex”
  2. “You must have the mind if a pedophiles to be asking such questions”
  3. “Get your mind out if the gutter”
    4 “stop sexualizing father’s”

I mean the list goes on and on. And what a shame. I’m not sure the answer to your question because I was never allowed to sleep with my parents. However I just wanted to apologize for the harsh responses.

It takes a village ladies. Can you imagine the outcome if only we were to come together to help each other rather than judge or cast stones? We need to do better.
Have a blessed day :yellow_heart:


When the diaper comes off the dad come out… NO IFS NO ANDS NO BUTS ABOUT IT! NO CHANCES!..

BEEN ther done that. Dads :heart: and some fall in love with children

I would give anything in the world to crawl into
Bed with my Dad and lay on his hairy chest for a nap like I did when I was a kid :sob: he passed away 4 years ago and I miss him all the time. I don’t think it’s weird unless ppl make it weird.