When should you gain weight while pregnant?

Hey! So I’m 23w4d right now and I’ve been the same weight since I was about 19 weeks. I gained a lot (about 10-15) in the beginning of my pregnancy (first 19 wks) because I was coming off of a carb restricted diet. Is this the point where I should be gaining more? Did anyone else experience this?

I only gained 10-15 with my first and the doctor never said anything to me about it being a problem.

21weeks and havent gained any weight lost 20lbs since the begining of my pregnancy

I would gain in the first trimester then stay the same weight for the second trimester then lose weight my third trimester. 6 pregnancies in all. Aside from my 5th pregnancy I lost weight, never gained.

I had such bad morning sickness i weighed the same as before i got pregnant the day i went in to have my son. But with that being said i did lose a lot of weight in my first trimester. But i lost 35lbs of my pre pregnancy weight after i had him! Maybe youll be the same! My doctor wasnt to concerned as the baby was growing amd healthy! Born 7lbs 2oz!

26 weeks and 2 days for me and I’ve not gained a single pound. I’ve lost almost 15-20 pounds since becoming pregnant. If Dr hasn’t said anything to you and your baby is growing and on track I wouldn’t worry

I’m 36 weeks and 3 days, I gained 2 lbs the whole pregnancy, I had the ful, and delt with really bad morning sickness and the doctor hasn’t said a word about it and the baby is measuring 6lbs and 5oz.

I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant :weary:

Everyone is different I only gained 8lbs