I’m definitely not a morning person at all and im a dialysis patient so 3 days a week i gotta get up at the butt crack of dawn i set my alarm for 5, 5:15,5:30, &5:45 because i have a bad habit of not hearing the first one or falling right back to sleep so thats why I set so many thankfully my husband understands he knows im a night owl he is more of a morning person but he knows how hard it is to get me up and moving in the morning especially during winter!!!
For a week go to bed earlier, set your alarm for 5 am. Have it snoozed two times before 5:30 am. Get up at 5:30 am. Let him feel what it is like to be woken an hour early every day. If he doesn’t like it than he will know how you feel.
mine start at 545 and go until 615 I can’t set one I never actually get up
I mean. My man sets his alarm on his alarm clock AND phone to go off every 15 minutes from 3am to 4am. And if he snoozes his phone alarm it goes off after 10 minutes. And then after 5 minutes his next goes off. And his alarm clock is LOUD i can hear it all the way down stairs. My kids sleep through it. Some times if it wakes me up i get irritated but sometimes he wont get up. And well he makes damn good money where he works and id rather it wake me up then him be late. He also does not always wake up right away. He works. He needs his alarm. Its literally half an hour. If its that big of a deal get over it or sleep in another room
He can go to another room for the snooze buttin
Nope, he’s inconsiderate
He gets up early to bust his butt at work and you’re upset about an alarm waking you up 30 minutes early divorce seems to be the only option here.
I have alarms set starting at 445. You know what time I actually get up? Somewhere between 540 and 6 depending on what Time I’m actually going into work that day. If hes awake and just playing on his phone he needs to turn them off but if he is falling asleep then you just gonna have to get over it. Not everyone can get up with 1 alarm. If hes awake and repeatedly snoozing him thats just rude on his part and he needs to stop.
Nerp. I set an alarm to wake me up and then I give myself time. Not many people are able to just jump tf up and get ready. I know it’s inconvenient. I hate it for you. But be glad it’s only 30 minutes.
Inconsiderate. Separate rooms can be realllllly nice.
I take him. He is selfish and doesn’t care about any thing other than himself.start setting your clock at three am and snooze it every fifteen minutes until six. He will get the message.
Possibly have him invest in something like a Fitbit that does silent alarms?
I think this is stupid.
Me and my husband both do this it’s just one of life’s annoyances, not very important in the grand scheme of things, imo, I guess if you are that bothered by it you should consider sleeping in separate rooms!
I think he is inconsiderate. My husband is similar. His alarm goes off and I have to wake him up to turn it off. Then he goes back to sleep and i have to make sure he gets up for work. Drives me insane.
Sound like my man but he don’t wake up to his alarm going off
I have to hit snooze several times then get up. Some people need that. Maybe ask him to start laying back down on the couch when he plans to hit snooze.
I think he needs to set it for 6
Unpopular opinion-My husband needs several alarms to wake up. I get up with one. He gets up much earlier than me. Yes, it’s annoying but I deal with it. If it helps him to get that extra time, I can deal. We give and take
My hubs starts at 5 and every 15 mins goes off until 620 then he finally gets out of bed. It used to start at 4 but i lost it on him… i dont understand the multiple alarm people but they always seem to marry a one alarmer. . Sigh
I would do anything to have my husband back. He has been gone for 9yrs. It might be pain now but when they are no longer with us you will miss all of his quirks.
I think he’s being very inconsiderate
Your right he’s a butt
I think its super inconsiderate I wouldn’t put up with it for a second lol but that’s just me…luckily my man jumps outta bed when his alarm clock goes off. If it was once in a while no big deal…but every morning…to heck with that
Hitting sleep is normal and my ex wife did it up to 4 times. Everybody wakes up differently. If you make him change you are being the same as him. I learned if I didn’t focus on the sound I could just sleep thru it after a while. If you compromise maybe he will do but if you demand one way or the other then so will be and that would be his right too.
I personally need those extra alarms to prepare myself for the day. If I had to get up off one alarm I’d be much more angry.
I am just the same as your husband. I set 3 alarms 15 minutes apart. I need to have a moment to awaken before jumping up. My hubby kind of just deals with. He has mentioned how annoying it is but doesn’t seem to bother him too much.
Maybe he needs to take his ass to bed earlier??? Grow up
I can’t say a word because my alarmS Yes plural start going off at 445 and I don’t get up until 5:30
I’m so not a morning person.
Tell me about it. My husband wakes me up with his alarm. His goes off at 430. Really loud beep but i dont know whats worse he has a really loud vehicle to muffler is soo loud when he starts it make the Windows shake.
I personally think you should get up with your husband and hang out with him till he has to leave. I think its inconsiderate for you to stay in bed till 7 when he has to get up at 6🤷♀️
Qu’il aille dormir dans le salon après sa première sonnerie .il ne dérangera pas votre sommeil
Omg my boyfriend would do the same thing to me…he would set his alarm for 6 30 then turn it off get back in bed and go back to sleep knowing i didnt need to get up till 7 30…it would piss me off …i told him it was very inconsiderate if your not going to get up then why you setting the alarm…
I hate to say it but my husband is bad about this. He wasn’t always. No solution.
If that was going on in my life I would be having my own room.
Set your alarm for 445 then 5 then 515 lol see how he likes it. or. Get ear plugs and learn to live with it.
I have alarms ranging from 5:30 all the way to 7 and they all get snoozed. It sounds like all he wants is just a bit more sleep. Just like it sounds like you do. Why is that inconsiderate?
I’m blessed to be a stay at home mom and homeschool our son. My husband alarm goes off around 4:15 in the morning and I have my phone alarm set to go off at 4:30. We will snooze it till 5:30 he gets up showers dresses goes to work. I go back to sleep for a little then start our day
Depends on if it’s a new habit or not. Of it’s a new habit, there’s room for discussion, but if he’s ALWAYS needed multiple alarms, then you knew what you were walking into years ago and have no real complaint. A
I used to do that to my husband. It takes me a long time to wake up. My alarm always went off at 5:30 and I didn’t have to be up until 6. I didn’t know it was a problem because he put up with it for a few years then he told me how much it bothered him. Rude and inconsiderate were the words he used. And looking back I agree with him but it was a hard habit to break. I also didn’t get out of bed I’m that time. If I got up got my phone and sat awake but still let it go off he would have been rightfully pissed. Even though I was him (your husband) in my situation I think you are completely justified in being upset
He could wear earphones that way only he can hear the alarm. But yeah I hate that cuz now you’re losing sleep for his alarm and they’re so loud and annoying!!
First of all you said you have to get the kids up to go to school, you did not mention anything about you having to go to work also. If he is the only one working let him hit snooze as many times as he needs. You can always go back to bed when everyone leaves…
I do what your husband does, but thankfully my husband gets up MUCH earlier than I do, so he is not disturbed by it. If you are still sleeping, your husband should be more respectful and either change the alarm to when he actually needs to get up (6am), or stay up when it goes off at 5:30. He could even go into another room (somewhere there’s a couch/chair), then he can ‘rest’ there until he needs to start getting ready for work…and not disturb you.
Nope, he is being an asshat. I hate that, set your alarm and get your grown up butt out of bed, if you need more time for sleep hit it later, if it takes you longer to wake up, get your butt up when it goes off.
There is no reason to wake up your partner several times each morning. It’s rude,
I’d ask him again nicely, if it continues, his alarm would be changed after he went to sleep, or out the window. Esther way he wouldn’t be waking me up again.
You should try getting up and making him breakfast, packing his lunch, give him sex before he goes and bust his ass to provide for his family. Consider what he needs also.
What is this 1050s leave it to beaver world? You’ve bumped your head woman.
If this is ur only complaint… dang leave him alone! Yes it’s annoying but it’s marred life
He is being inconsiderate and should go on the couch when the first alarm rings where he can sleep until 6
Sometimes it takes multiple alarms to wake me up, if I just have 1 and I snooze it then it doesn’t wake me up anymore but if I set 3 or 4 alarms then by the time I snooze the last one I get up cuz I will always snooze a couple before I actually get up and start the day especially when I go to bed around 2-3 am to make sure everything I need is ready for the next day cuz if I leave it till the morning then mornings would be so stressful and we would never get the kids up and to school on time, so if I sleep in I just have to get the kids up and dressed and go, they have breakfast on the way
The life of a shift worker be like that, we set alarms every 30mins for 2hrs in case we miss the 1st one:sweat_smile: get earplugs is all I can say:call_me_hand:t4:
Such a small problem. He’s working and in your bed. Handle it