Who watched your child when you were in labor?

Has anyone run into the problem of not having anyone to watch your younger one when you go to the hospital to have your second baby? I truly just don’t have anyone I can trust or ask.

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I know times are different now, but when I had my daughter, my son stayed at the hospital with us.

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My mother in law watched mine :slightly_smiling_face:

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My dad came to the hospital at 2 a.m. to get my son when I was having my daughter. I’m so sorry you don’t have anyone you can trust. What about a friend? Maybe a neighbor?

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My stepson watched my oldest when I had my second. My mom watched the two boys when I had my third. But I was alone with my first and second after giving birth. My husband had to tend to the other ones.

If you can’t let go of and give someone a little bit of trust, then you have to decide between having your SO in the hospital with you or staying home with the other child.


This is my situation also

My husband had to stay with my toddler and miss the birth of our second baby

Family… my 2nd was 3 months in hospital between my side and partners side we had it covered, very lucky!!

To many people that shouldn’t have but never left. I was pissed off to no end as iam pushing my ob ask them to leave. My ex sister and her mom

I’m literally having the same problem right now. We have been trying to figure something out all day. I’ve been crying on and off because we’ve exhausted all our options. I’m due early March and I’ll likely be alone during labor. The hospital won’t let my toddler in with my husband :broken_heart:

I’m in the same situation :roll_eyes: I’m 36 weeks and running out of time to figure it out.

He was in the delivery room with me running a fever of 104 with a double ear infection

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I gave birth holding my 14 month old


My almost 2 year old stayed with my mother in law from 5am-5pm (I was induced) My husband then left the hospital and picked him up and stayed with him that night while I was in the hospital. Took him back to her the next day while he picked me and baby up.

My original plan was to have him stay with us, the hospital said it was fine as long as we signed a waiver, but then covid ruined that. I was lucky my husband got to be there lol

My mother in law watched her when I went in at like midnight and my mother came and got her and brought her to the hospital around 11 or so and they took her dad back home to watch her until baby and I got released the next day.

My mother in law and my mother watched my eldest when my second was born, a co-worker/friend watched the first two while my ex was in the hospital with me.

My partner watched our 2 yr old when I had our baby in September

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Their grandmother :white_heart: (my mil)…I think now with covid having kids in the room isn’t an option?

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My Mil watched my little dude while i was in labour. We rang as soon as bub was here and they come straight to the hospital as its about a 20 minute drive! They got there and my Mil turns around and said, we didn’t think you were in labour, we thought you just wanted to go party and have the day to yourselves :woman_facepalming: like mate I’m 38.1 weeks pregnant the only party will be me eating and sleeping and evicting this child!


Depending on age, I’d have em there? If they’re old enough to conduct themselves and stay busy with an activity, why not let em experience what Mommas go thru having little humans like them?

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Ladies, a sister, mother, mother-in-law, aunt, niece, cousin, father, father in law, brother, nephew, co- worker or friend? Have you no one in your life who will step in for the event for at least a day? I was honored to be present for the birth of my first grandson, cared for him, when the 2nd grandson was born, and will be on call to care for my grand niece when her sibling is born April 2021. My heart aches for you and your family. I will be praying for a solution.

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My mother in law one night my Dad the next night at my house so my son be more comfortable because he never had a sitter

Grandparents did. And another time daycare did

With my 3rd I had to take my kids with me, the front desk lady told me I couldn’t so I told her then I will sit in the lobby and when I see the baby’s head I will let them know, 5 minutes later she told me I could take my kids with me in to the room. Not sure now with covid.


I actually brought my first child with me and my husband as our 2nd was born. She was 3 and was playing on the iPad during the show :smirk:


Went into labour with my 4th we lived 1hr away from the birthing centre. Mother in law was ment to watch our kiddies but ended up hrs away up north. So we took the 3 with us their tablet it was 4am so they slept for most of it in the birthing room then dad sat with them on tablet for the last bit. Was actually really cool been able to show them their baby sibling so soon.

Did a home water birth. That’s my daughter behind me looking at her little brother. :sparkling_heart: My oldest son was there too. They both watched the whole thing. Was an amazing experience for them.


When I had my daughter my brother in law stayed with my two sons because my mom was unavailable she was too pre occupied taking care of my sisters children.

My husband had to stay with the other children at home while I gave birth to our twins

My boyfriend was home with our first all the way up until time to actually push then came with our son for the birth then went back home after awhile with him. It sucked being alone every night but luckily I had a smooth birth and was up walking hours after so I was able to care for our newborn daughter at the hospital by myself. It was not the way I wanted it but you gotta do what you gotta do :woman_shrugging:

My husband’s coworker lol my mom was supposed to fly but my son came 3 weeks early. My husband and his coworker hung out with our daughter at the hospital and my husband stayed with me for active labor which was like an hour.

My 3 year old son watched his sister be born on accident as her birth came sooner and quickly then i thought. He even seen us( me and his sissy) taken to the hosptial threw ambulance.

So… oddly enough my husband’s ex wife watched the older 2 when I we had the 3rd. She came right over and stayed at my house for 2 days and brought all the kids to the hospital to meet their sister.


Please try to have an adult there…my 3rd delivery ended in an emergency cesarean and my 8 & 11 year old had to have an adult with them. My husband almost would’ve not been able to go to the operation room with me if my cousin didn’t come at a moments notice to be with my older kids.

Call a nanny service

My 13 month old was in the room when I gave birth to baby #2

You’re not going to be allowed to have your child with you. Due to COVID no one is allowed to be a visitor who is under the age of 18 (this is the case almost anywhere if the hospital you are delivering at even allows visitors). So your options are find or hire someone one or your significant other is going to have to stay home.

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If you have nobody take em with you… Have a bag packed for them next to yours… (Not sure now with covid) … Plan a home birth or ask your dr about birthing centers call them and ask if your child could come with

My mother and father for my second and third births. We went in at 1 pm with my second home by 6:30 the next night and 6:00 pm with the third and home by 8 pm the next night. They have a mandatory 24 hr hold after birth. All edit to add my husband said he would stay home with my older two if he had to.

His dad’s mom’s best friend watched him. My boyfriend’s (ex now) had to pick my mom and oldest up, and take my son to her best friends house to drop him off then come to the hospital lol

My mother in law watched my oldest when I went to the hospital after haveing my 2nd at home

My kids were at the other parents house.

I was due with my 2nd on Christmas Day last year but had a repeat csection scheduled for 12/19 thinking I could heal up enough to attend our family Christmases. My in-laws took our daughter. My son had to end up spending a week in the NICU, daddy and I were with him the whole time and our parents took turns with our daughter for 10 days. I am so thankful and we were very lucky

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My mom watched my toddler. It was so hard to be away from him for a few days.

My husband stayed home with our son when I went into labor. I did it all alone and stayed in the hospital 2 days.

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His dad will be staying with him I’ll be giving birth alone :person_shrugging:

I had people at the hospital while delivering but my first stayed in the room. He sat on the bed until I started pushing.

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This is so sad.If mom was wife of dad there would be 2 sets of grandparents and possibly sisters in law and sisters that would love to watch the littles.

I’m lucky with my family, I could have pretty much watched anyone and because my daughter is very well behaved (just a little hyper) even non family members who are like family would have if needed.

The hospitals where I live do have a service for childcare. All you have to do it call the hospitals to see what programs they offer, most are no-low cost.
Hopefully it all works out for you!

FIL when #2 was born, sister when #3 was born.

I took my then one year old son and my 12 year old son when I went to have my daughter… They stayed in the room with us until time to deliver my daughter. They stepped outside the room for the last ten minutes. Once my daughter was born they came back in. My 12 year old ended up going to a friends house. But my one year old stayed in the hospital with me the entire time I was there. Which luckily I was dismissed the next day.

If you have no one I know you don’t know me I can give you time to references I’d be happy to watch your child for you been there and done that just let me know

Um… how about the kids dad? Of either kid?

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Due to everything going on and me not having a car nor sitter, I’ve realized I may just have my baby at home. I’m due in January.

My then 1yo was with me when I was in labor. My now ex said she was my responsibility no matter what. I had to have an emergency csect. He was told he had to stay with her. He wasn’t happy. First thing I had to do out of recover was change her diaper. He hadnt changed her all day, around 12 hours. He went home & slept. Left me fresh out of surgery with a newborn & toddler.


My partner will be at home with our eldest. I’ll either birth with my family at home or alone in hospital.

Find a sitter or a relative. As a Labor nurse trust me you dont want little Timmy seeing all that blood coming from Mommy. Even a normal delivery is bloody and too much for a kid, nevermind the fact that one or both of you could have life threatening complications. I saw a few kids see their mom deliver and only one that didnt cry. So basically their FIRST memory of their sibling is coupled with being terrified of losing their mom. Not worth it to me. Find someone.


My MIL will be watching our daughter while hubby is with me when it’s time to go to the hospital

I delivered my fourth alone because my husband had to stay behind and watch my other three.

When my youngest was born I went into hard labor quickly and we lived so far from family. My husband stood in the waiting room with my daughter who was two and I had the baby alone.

With my second kid my mother in law at the time took my first for a bit as my second was a nicu baby. My third my then mother in law took them for two days since labor was 13.5 hrs followed by emergency c section. Fourth, father of my now 2 yr old and I are best friends so again my ex in law took them until she was born and then he took them and stayed at my place until I got out. My fifth one the plan is my 2 yr old will go to her father, my oldest two and my youngest are gonna stay the night with my best friend since they love her kids and vice versa, and then will be home with my fiancé

I’m having a c-section in 2 weeks and my MIL is going to keep my son while I’m in the hospital.

Thats sad if you don’t have any family or friends you can trust with your child, parents, grandparents, ? Or else the father will have to I guess if you really have noone

My oldest was 6 when I had my 2nd. The plan was for my grandparents to come from out of state the week of my due date so they could watch her, back up plan was to have her stepsiblings grandma watch her… what happened was I got to the hospital ready to deliver and ended up having my neighbor watch her because there was no time to for anyone else to get to her. We lived 2 miles from the hospital

Called my parents to come over at 4am. They watched him during the day but we felt it was important to keep him on his schedule especially with a big change like a baby so my husband picked him up before bedtime and they stayed at the house together.

It depends on how young they are my daughter was 10 when I had my second daughter and I had no one she stayed up at hospital with us the whole time and had family in waiting room with her until I gave birth

With my second pregnancy, we dropped my oldest off at my inlaws, oma and grandpa. The plan for my third is the same. She has the beds and set up for littles.

My bonus baby will be with his mom… she will keep him our week for us (50-50 parenting) and planning on keeping him for her week as well so we can adjust for the week.

I baby sat my best friends daughter for 2-3days.

My parents did. Called her and asked them to meet me at the hospital to get my daughter. Did the same for my son.

When I had my last child I hauled the other 3 to the hospital cause I had no one to watch them. Nurses were a big help till I found someone I could trust. This was 40 years ago, lol.

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With my first n 2nd my hubby went home to be with our older kids while my friend stayed in the hospital with me this time bc of covid it was the opposite my friend and my dad watched my kids and hubby stayed in the hospital with me

Im currently in the same dilemma due till february but i live in co and all my family is in ca. I have no idea whos gonna watch my 2 yo when the time comes

My old coworker was supposed to keep my oldest in the room with us, but it was during flu season. And the hospital wouldn’t let my child in bc she was only 13 mos old. So the coworker took her to our house, and as soon as I had my baby my husband left to be with my oldest until it was time for me to go home. It sucked being alone in the hospital but home was where he needed to be.

My little sister is going to keep my daughter when i have my son in feb as long as it goes as planned if not my husband will have to stay with her and ill just be by myself unfortunately

My coworker turned best friend! She’s pretty much all I have but she’s the best. Kept my 4 year old for 4 or 5 days when I was hospitalized/had my baby at 35 weeks. Took him to preschool, took him bowling, did super fun stuff, trekked him to the hospital an hour away to meet baby sister. And ALL while literally the same amount pregnant as I would have been, we had the same due date! It’s really hard when you don’t have a tribe, once you find that one person though, it’s a huge blessing!

My father in law watched my daughter when I left to go at 1am then when my daughter woke up my mom and sister went to pick her up to bring her to see me then my sister watched her until my after I had my son which was just a couple hours. Then my hubs stayed at home with our daughter while I stayed over night at the hospital.

If you had a home birth you could keep your older children at home. You have full control of whatever you want. I had the best experience and birth with a home birth.

I had the same problem. We did not have any family member or could not trust anyone else because of the COVID situation to watch our 4 years old son. So they dropped me at the hospital and I went to the labor all by myself. Also I had to take care of my newborn without any help until retuning home. However the nurses were very helpful.
Try not to worry, you will be fine.Best of luck.

My daughters father kept her while I was having my son.

My inlaws kept her, and they kept both kids when we had our third. Dad went home at night with them for some normalcy.

My mom only bc they are only allowing 1 person to be with you during the virus so I picked my husband of course but my mom would have been there if she could. In laws or a trustworthy friend would have been next on my list.

My gramma came over and stayed with my son while I had my daughter.

My in laws and my mom kept my oldest, was in the hospital a total of 3 nights.

Mine were 20 and 19 sooo… lol

My parents and grandparents.

My partner pushed our 1 year old daughter around the hospital until our son was born back in July.

My neighbor. I was desperate. My husband took my oldest home after I gave birth. Then I told them I wanted to go home. So they only made me stay in the hospital 24 hours.

My mom watched mine. She’s the only one I trusted although it sucked because she couldn’t be with me during the birth. But I felt more calm and relaxed knowing she was watching my son.

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Thankfully my sister was able to till my sons dad could get him

My parents or the father. Ask a friend to come to hospital with you

If you have absolutely no one I would suggest reaching out to a local church. You would be amazed how caring they can be , even when you aren’t a member.


Talk with your hospital. They might be able to help.


My parents kept my daughter when my son was born and this time my daughter will watch my son when my 3rd is born. She’s 20 and has an almost 4 month old son and my son is 13. I’m due Feb 24th.

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My dad with babies 2,3 and 4 since my mom’s was with me.
My oldest daughter watched my middle daughter and my two boys was with my parents when went in for emergency c section for my twins.

My MIL will watch my son when I go in for baby #2. I honestly don’t trust anyone but one of the grandmas to watch him still. But ill be having a csection so in away glad we can plan it out a bit and not be rushed etc.

I had my aunt watch my oldest the day I had my second kid then my mom kept her until I got home 5 days later. And I’m super picky about who has my kids

My parents did my last baby.

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Sad that you have no friends