Whos baby could I be carrying?

Been there. Come clean to both. No telling until you get a DNA test. Don’t hold on to that secret, it’ll ruin you.


What date did you have sex with your ex? Can you be 5 WEEKS pregnant with someone you had sex with a MONTH (4 weeks and yes I know months can be longer) prior to finding out? Sounds like you need to know exact dates.

People saying keep your legs closed/playing around etc, it does say her ex partner and current partner so I’m not sure how that makes her anymore than normal?! We all have sex with exs and new partners at some point and A LOT of people have overlaps of relationships or leave their exs for someone else! I think its disgusting other women are commenting and shaming. Poor girl, anyway its more than likely it’s the current :blush:


Man some of you are just rude