schools literally have gym class … where usually they play some sort of sport. because exercise is good. sports help developed sportsmanship and helps children learn how to work together etc…
I feel like this was a weird question but uh
schools literally have gym class … where usually they play some sort of sport. because exercise is good. sports help developed sportsmanship and helps children learn how to work together etc…
I feel like this was a weird question but uh
Sports are absolutely good for kids and it helps them with socializing too. But do not force them into it and don’t make them do anything that they don’t want to do.
Dont deprive ur kids cuz u just simply dont give a fawk… let them play sports if they want😑
Besides the sport side, it helps them make friends and teamwork
It teaches them how to work as a team. It is good for kids. Gives them an area to focus energy on. If he don’t like it. Then he doesn’t have to do it. But at least let HIM figure that out.
Sports are good for kids. Teaches them discipline, team work and hopefully good sportsmanship. But, not too much sports. Kids are still growing and too much sports activity can damage bone growth plates and cause joint problems later on. I wish someone had shared this when our daughter was younger. She bas joint problems from being involved in too many sports. So moderation is key❤
If it’s something the kid wants to do fine. I sucked at sports, yet was forced to at least try. Not the best experiences of of my life.
Learning to lose
Learning to win graciously
Health and wellness
Practice to perform better
An outlet for energy
My 3 kids play baseball in the summer. The two oldest are in parkour classes.
The two boys are in taekwondo
1, the injuries build character, 2, I never feel more connected with my family than when we attend practices or games. I have 1 in soccer, 1 baseball 1 softball 1 cross country. We busy! But oh my gosh the fun! They build friendships and learn about sportsmanship. Keeps them healthy and active. My son won coach pitch championship this passed season. It does not take time away from family. My kids have a butt load of people come watch them. Me and my husband. My husband and his wife and her kids. My mom and my ex’s mom. Aunts and uncles from all sides. We plan on doing basketball and so much more. And I have teens and if you dont have them doing something, they will end up doing the wrong things or just being on an electronic all the time.
I wasn’t athletic growing up either, but strongly feel that exposure to sports throughout childhood introduces them to something that could become a passion. It teaches responsibility, teamwork, patience, integrity, and so many other positive character traits that will flow over into other parts of their lives as they get older. I would much rather my children have a passion for something positive than to be influenced into negative behaviors as teens.
The right sport can build confidence and self esteem which is so important. I do feel you need to monitor the activity because there are good and bad coaches for sure!
Is your 4 year old INTERESTED. It’s frustrating for everyone if the 4 year old isn’t a sports person either lol
My littles got their feet wet with soccer. Oldest one dropped it for cheerleading, the middle wants nothing to do with physical exertion, but the younger two still love it. It is low key, but starts getting the fundamental concepts of teamwork and commitment in there.
It would be better if everyone didn’t get a trophy. They got to know how to lose as well as learn how to win. Learn sportsmanship both ways.
Sports are a great way for a child to learn social skills, success, disappointment etc. so any kids don’t learn these things and end up depressed Orin some cases commit suicide because they never learned disappointment early in life
Since I became a mother all I hear is what sports do your kids play. Even the pediatrician tries to push it off on me. Not all kids are athletic and not all parents have the money or the time for all these sports being shoved down our throats
Well dont you just sound like the fun parent. Jeez lady
As long as you aren’t forcing the kid great. Martial arts are easily doable by small children. Teaches many useful things, if you find one that stresses the discipline side. Dance is another good one for kids. But let your child decide what they would like to try.
My advice from my personal experience my mom put me into a program that let me try every sport and I decided for myself that I just wasn’t into playing sports. Give your kid the chance to try all kinds of sports and if they decide for themselves that they enjoy it your just gonna have to become a sports mom for your kid. It’s actually more enjoyable to experience sports if it’s your kid that’s playing too. I have 4 kids and two are too little for sports right now but my daughter loves cross country and is trying out for volleyball this season and then I have a son that doesn’t care for sports and prefers technology. You have to let the kids decide for themselves what their likes and dislikes are.
All in all, sports is great. But let’s take out the everyone wins and gets a trophy. Let it be learned that you learn from your current loss to set you up for future wins.
I’m going to be devil’s advocate here because I know that my opinion is not the popular one. I was not involved in sports when I grew up because I chose not to be. Instead, I was a flag girl, in school band and took lessons to play another instrument as well. I was very active in Girl Scouts and pageants. Anything that a child can learn in sports, they can learn by other means too. Girl Scouts taught me plenty of team work, but it didn’t put the focus on winning or losing! When you work together to put up a tent and set up camp, everyone wins. Pageants taught me self confidence. Playing instruments were accomplishments in a group (band) and on my own with piano. There are always ways to teach kids the same things that can be taught with sports. That being said, I’m also trying really hard to not make any decisions for my children. My oldest two have decided to play basketball but not softball. They don’t Ike giving up their summer time with practices and games. They would rather be traveling. I would stick to encouraging them to try new things to determine what they like.
Yes sports us good for kids mom of two that’s bean in sports since 4 thear 8 and 14 and it hell teach them to share , helps get them out if the house and okay with kids thear age and be hands and feat on and brain development
t-ball for boys and tumbling classes for girls are good starters … so is soccer for both genders. I was in dance as a 4 year old (tap, jazz and ballet) which lead to cheer later in life.
Soccer is a good first time sport.
I agree with your husband. They are so important. Teaches team work, builds lifelong friendship, can help with scholarships later in life, why not help your child find his/her passion? My girls have done cheer, gymnastics, soccer and absolutely love it! Just because you weren’t athletic, doesn’t mean they won’t be.
Team working skills, social skills, the ability to take loses and work hard to wins. I personally don’t like sports. .but I am in a dance team… which builds the same social skills
Sports are good for kids it builds confidence, social aspects in making friendships. I was incredibly sporty as a child did a lot of activities. Getting injured is part and parcel of being an athlete, I was a runner and a dancer and I got many injuries but it never put me off.
My boys are 3 and 20 months old and I’ll be starting my 3 year old in football and other activities. It gives them something to focus on and stops them being a kid that would prefer his computer (when he gets one eventually)
Sports are an amazing way for kids to have something to do. I’d open your mind and try and find something you both enjoy maybe trampolining, gymnastics etc
Is your kid sporty? If so, then yes, sport will be good for them.
If not, then it will be bloody awful for them. Kids will pick their own likes and dislikes
Also very good to keep them fit as a lot of them are the iPad generation now!
Social skills, resilience, risk-taking, teamwork, learning to lose, working hard towards a goal… limitless benefits. Not to mention promoting a life-long habit to live a healthy lifestyle.
If you kid wants to try out a sport let them, they can just test the water and see what’s right for them if any. Better to try them out that just not do any or have to stick with it.
My oldest does Taekwondo, it’s 2 hours a week. Not all sports take a heap of time.
Of course they are. Learn discipline, fitness, team work, team spirit, friendship want me to go on.
Does your kid want to do a sport? If not then it doesn’t matter anyway
Exercise, making friends. Team work. All sorts of benefits. And personally I’ve always loved going to watch them play. I’m now going to watch my grandson play.
It helps teach responsibility and discipline. Not all sports causes injuries.
Sports are good if the kid is interested! My son played flag football when he was 4 and has played tackle football since he was 5. He’s not the most athletic kid in the world but he’s really into the making friends, growing through the season, learning to follow instructions and make improvements, learning how good it feels to win and sometimes if you give your all you still lose has been really good for him. My daughter tried t-ball but was not into it but has done dance or cheer since she was 4. I don’t think sports are the most important but I think being involved in some group activities really helps them grow.
I’m not athletic and I put our kids into sports young and let them decide for themselves. My daughter ended up being one HELL of a basketball player and it made me love the sport over time. It was an amazing experience for her and she loved it! If they don’t love it, you can help them find what they DO love and support them in something else. By the way, she played VERY competitive ball, year round for 10 years and the only injuries she had were a couple of sprained ankles.
Exercise and sports are really good for them :,) Team work, hard work, dedication… doing something other than watching tv x It also tires them out and makes them socialise and builds up their endurance…cycling teaches them balance, tennis teaches them aim and co/ordination as well as how to follow the rules… swimming is a definite life skill
It’s really down to your little one and finding what they like playing :,) x
Sports are great for kids and doesn’t take time from the family. It helps them to build their own relationships, teaches them to work with others, leadership skills, discipline. My son used to be in little league and it was great for him and for us. You get involved by helping him practice. I love baseball and played it with my friends so when my son was interested in baseball at 6yrs old I got him into little league and would take him to the field and practice throwing and catching at first and then eventually I would try to pitch to him or take him to the batting cages. It was our time to be active together. Sports are no more dangerous than crossing the street.
Discipline, great way to burn away all that excess energy, meeting new friends,teaches them team work, and gets them outdoors away from video games so they have a healthy lifestyle
My daughter is 10 and has been in competitive cheer since she was 4.
The biggest reason why it’s good for her is because she loves it - cheer fuels her heart and soul more than anything else.
She has learned to work as a team, to be accountable, that when one succeeds they all succeed and when one falls they all fall.
She has learned about hard work - about the importance of conditioning her body even though it’s ‘boring’ and hard. She has learned that long hot days in their un-air conditioned gym happen every summer and complaining about it helps no one. She has learned that doing the drills are necessary even though doing the actual skill is so much more fun.
She has learned to push herself physically and mentally. She has recently cracked through a 3 year mental block and actively uses strategies to help her brain feel like it’s safe so it will let her body do what she needs to.
She has learned that progression is not linear, that negative thinking stalls you, and that you still need to cheer your teammates on even when it feels like they’re surpassing you.
She has been surrounded by the most incredible mentors - strong, beautiful, powerful women who she tells her secrets to, asks for help, are incredible examples and role models, and who I am so grateful to have help guide her through this sport and through life.
Cheerleading is known to be the sport that causes the worst injuries. It takes a ton of time throughout the week, and I wouldn’t change any of it - the lessons she is learning on and off the mat will set her up for success in all areas, for the rest of her life.
Signed - a mom who has never played sports a single day in her life
I got my daughter into softball since she was 5… now shes 10 still playing softball, now for travel ball. At first she was shy and we had to encourage every so often then after awhile she ended up liking it. She made lots of friends. It teaches them discipline, how to follow directions and how to be a team player and the concept of the game. It encourages them to work harder and on top of that us parents loves watching them play. We get into it as well it’s fun all around. Keeps her away from the ipad especially during summer.
Baby of 8 kiddos here who all played sports. Some of the best memories I have growing up was tournament weekends. Whole fam would come! We got to support and cheer each other on!! It was the best memories!!! It only takes away from family time if you have the wrong mind set. Yes, it can be a lot. Late nights, early mornings, but the memories will last a life time!
I can’t wait to get my little one into some sports when he’s a little bigger.
Your poor kiddo!! sports are very important! They teach team work and exercise and so much more. Not to mention if it makes him happy why wouldn’t you want him doing it? Why do you have to “get it” to let your child enjoy something and be happy for them?? Kids get hurt that’s the only way to learn how to react.
I’m not athletic or into sports but my daughter showed interest a few years ago and she was hooked. It made me realize that she can adapt, communicate, give 100% effort, sportsmanship, team building and most importantly and I CANNOT emphasize this enough… how to recover from failure. Everyone hates to use that word but it’s such a vital life lesson. If you don’t fail or hit the mark at something what do you do next? What are effort are you willing to put forth for the team and for yourself to the lessons learned? It’s truly wonderful to see them win and do great but the better gift is seeing when they think can’t do something as well as others or they didn’t play their best and they refocus, practice and be the best they can be.
I don’t want my daughter to fall into this generation of inactivity with her face in an electronic device. I’ve noticed obesity in children is at an all time high because of lack of physical activity. I have her in gymnastics and she loves it. It helps her with social skills, instruction and learning to listen and take direction. It helps with her focus and she learns to be part of a team. And most importantly it channels her energy into something positive and healthy.
is the kid gonna be playing multiple diff sports at once? i don’t see one extra curricular activity taking away an excessive amount of time from the family, but that’s just my opinion. if the kid is interested, you should let them try. your child is bound to get an injury at some point or another. i know it’s difficult to imagine, but let them have fun
It provides healthy excercise, they make friends, learn team building and social skills, etc. Let the kid pick a damn sport. And yes, injuries happen. Sometimes minor, sometimes major. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put your kids in sports. They can fall at the playground, too, but you wouldn’t stop taking them, would you?
If the child is interested then let them, Otherwise don’t force them to play a sport just because you want them to
Yes they are. Little tykes soccer and things like that keeps them active in a world that is inactive and tablet focused. I was artsy and my hubs was sporty, so I understand the sentiment BUT sports are good for kids. My kid played football and it prepared him for the Marines. He didn’t know it at the time before he enlisted but the grit he learned there truly did prepare him for a future.
I was never athletic but we make our kids play at least one sport and our boys absolutely LOVE baseball. There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with playing sports. Playing sports has actually made our boys relationship stronger because they show up and cheer for each other on game days. Along with the physical side and making friends it also teaches kids to be there for each other and you cheer them on in whatever they do. My step son struggles sometimes with his hitting in baseball but when our other son cheers for him he focuses more. If you and your husband disagree on being super involved with sports just start with one at a time and see how your child likes it.
There are a lot of positives to putting kids into sports/organized activities young. It teaches them to follow directions, build relationships, communication, respect, ownership and discipline. Gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Allows them to set goals and find their niche. The obvious of giving them excersise and learning teamwork. A lot of times it will build their confidence as well.
Playing sports provides kids with work ethic, dependability, reliability and gives them an identity. You’d be surprised too how many new friends YOU make and even connections you other children who are just spectating may make.
Being active is good for them and sports is a good way to do that while learning to be apart of a team. Teaches them to work together, discipline, leadership skills, and they learn to interact with other kids. You can just do recreational league sports, those don’t take up that much time as opposed to travel and school sports if that is a concern. My 3 all play elite travel soccer, high school & middle school soccer, run track and cross country for their schools also. We are run to death with sports. But when they were little and only did rec league it wasn’t anywhere near the commitment. I would suggest letting your little one try several sports…basketball, soccer, baseball, etc and see what they are interested in.
I played many sports as a child into college and loved them My son had tried various sports and has not been good at them ( he started at 4) He is in choir at school which gives him socialization. I don’t see anything wrong with trying sports (not all sports are dangerous; some are more dangerous than others) and if they don’t work out it will be ok to find different avenues of socialization. At four, there will not be a ton of time taken away from family- it’s usually one day a week.
Exercise, making friends, teamwork, discipline, had eye coordination, confidence, respect for one’s body, a sense of belonging… There are so many benefits to playing sports & many last a lifetime. Sports aren’t all about a potential injury, in fact their coaches actively try to avoid it. Some things I consider ‘essential’ such as swimming lessons & a form of self defence. But we’ve gone abroad with both my sons football club & my daughters gymnastic squad. We’ve camped as a group with the karate club & parents have bonded just as much as the kids. My 24 year old has now chosen to stop attending the dojo for martial arts, but still considers his sensei to be a massive role model in his life.
I’d much rather, instill a love of sports & physical activity in kids than sedentary hobbies. They spend more than enough time sat studying, or sat indoors on rainy days
Sports get them outside and off the electronics for awhile. Make friends and you can make mom friends. My son is happier when he has been active which is healthy and feels like he has accomplished something. Helps them adapt teamwork skills. There are too many benefits. Me and my husband played sports that’s one the of the best memories of my childhood…
Good way to keep them active. I always feel better when I’m active. Plus it’ll help them make friends. It’s also a good way for them to take their focus off other things that could be stressing them out. Obviously your child is still young but once they get older it could be the perfect outlet for them. That could also be motivation for them to excel in other parts of their life. There’s a lot of different benefits. My son can’t do contact sports bc he has a heart condition but he will be doing something.
It does loads of good. Keeps them active. Teaches them how to work hard for a team. Teaches Discipline. Teaches them its ok to lose. Really injuries can come from a lot more things then playing sports. I agree with the husband here.
Teaches them accountability, hard work, how to deal with winning and loosing gracefully, a way to make lifetime friends, promotes exercise and good health, teamwork, dedication & as they get older & play school sports it gives them school pride & encourages them to get involved with their community. It also keeps them busy to where they don’t have so much down time to get into trouble.
The feeling you get seeing the excitement in their faces when they hit the ball, make the goal, touchdown, (etc) just can’t be described. gives them sense of accomplishment and pride, teaches discipline, teamwork, responsibility …
Why not let him try everything. Just because you didn’t do it doesn’t mean he should not do it. Sports are amazing for kids. It teaches them so much
My 8 year plays baseball & LOVES it! If they enjoy it I let em play, if not I don’t. My 10 year old doesn’t care for sports much so he doesn’t play.
Some reasons I don’t mind sports- it keeps them active & off electronics, they make friends, and they enjoy having family there to watch them play & practice.
Sports are great for kids and I don’t feel like they take away from family time. 4/6 of mine are old enough for sports and we do baseball/softball, football/cheer, basketball and soccer. Great exercise sportsmanship friends teamwork dedication are all learned and the siblings all love going to games and cheering them on and helping practice at home.
I am by no means an athlete…I get winded going up our basement stairs…but! I coached U4 soccer in the spring so our daughter could play and the kids had a blast! It as fun and we only had like 8 games so the season was quick!
I forced my oldest son into baseball, tackle football and basketball since K, he is going into 7th and now thrives off them! There is so many life lessons learned, and the memories they will always have. You will never get those sitting around the house playing games and electronics. Thankfully he now chooses an active lifestyle I have 3 other children who are following in his footsteps.
I was never a big school sports kid. I did martial arts on my own time. My partner on the other hand grew up playing sports. We have both agreed we’d love to see our kids interested in sports on some level. I also don’t understand how this takes away from the family? Most sports at young ages encourage the parents to be involved. If in the long run your kids decide they don’t like it, then don’t feel like you need to force them to stay involved.
Exercising is a plus. Making friendships is what my girl needs. She sits at home on her phone all day so this year she’s joining a sport! My other kids do it on their own.
I loved basketball but ended up drinking a lot and had two kids by 18, so I didn’t get to play. I now regret it and going to make sure my kids don’t end up like I did.
Very good especially for social aspect. Also keeps kids moving and off electronics
Little Boys/girls usually have a lot of energy and if that means a sport that’ll make them sleep I’m all in lol. I think kids should try sports and other activities. There’s a lot they learn like sharing, caring, support, emotional and physical team building, trust, coordination. Etc.
I’ve seen kids who parents sheltered them and they didn’t understand “throw the ball”.
Don’t hold your child back because your the lazy mom.
Make friends , exercise, learn how to be part of a team, build confidence, take criticism, sunshine, fresh air , learn what they enjoy and don’t, build physical skills!
Most kids sports are not that dangerous. Moving your body is always a good thing
I never forced my kids but if they asked to play something I let them try it. If they didn’t like it then I didn’t sign them
Up again. My son is 19 he tried a few things but baseball was his thing he played from 7 yrs old until he aged out at 17. My 11 yr old daughter hated baseball and played 2 games but now has found her true passion and she dances.
As long as they aren’t training too hard in only one sport then it’s great for them. They should be learning all different skills and trying things at that age I think. My son tried soccer and swimming so far.
I believe it’s great for kids, apart from keeping kids physically active, and keeping them focus. The best thing for me is it provides a positive group of friends who all share a common goal. This helps keep my daughter away from bad group of friends who may pressure her into other things such as drugs, etc…
My oldest loves to play soccer and my youngest is kickboks.
The oldest has A LOT of energy, so when he plays soccer he is losing some of his high energy. And the youngest got bullied so his self esteem has gotten a boost. They both enjoy the sports they are playing and that is the most important thing
Exercise. Work as a team. Part of a community. How to win and lose respectfully. I think it’s extremely important. I have 3 kids. 13/11/3. They’re all involved in sports. Don’t make sports their sole existence. But let them try everything out find what they like.
Playing sports does not make you more prone to injury. My niece broke her femur (age 5? at the time) running around the house playing with her sister and friends. Kids are gonna get hurt, there is no way to prevent it. Everyone one else has done a great job of explaining all the other benefits. I grew up playing softball and soccer, so I may be biased. It was a great time. We’ll be signing our 3 year old up for soccer this fall.
Think of it as a fun way to introduce fitness, social skills, creative outlet, stress management, commitment, discipline. Literally the list is endless.
I’m not big into sports but all of my children play. My oldest did soccer until he was 14 (he started at 3). He now does track for high school which he has done since middle school. My middle child does soccer and has since he was 3. Our youngest hasn’t started in a league yet but does soccer with his brother to help him get ready. It helps keep them focused and keeps them active. We tried all kinds of sports when they were little until they found the one they truly liked and wanted to stick to it. Sports do not take away from family. We have family come and watch our kids play and it’s usually only a practice once a week and a game once a week. That’s not a lot of time. It teaches them teamwork and exercise is great for them.
Sports are great for kids if the kid is interested. If not don’t force it. But its good for physical health, mental health socialization skills, all sorts of learning skills etc.
Its a healthy lifestyle, outdoors,learning skills, not just sports,but teamwork ,listening skills, responsibilities, meeting new people, burn off some energy. Many benefits to have children in sports or even some afternoon activities
it teaches kids how to work as a team, that you won’t always win in life but if you work together, you can achieve anything. it teaches them sportsmanship. teamwork. gets them exercising and social with other children. sports are my favorite memories of being a child and in high school. please don’t keep your kid out of sports if they want to play just because it’s more work for you. that’s your job as a parent.
My son who has autism just finished soccer camp for other kids on the spectrum. It helped so much with his social, motor, and coordination skills, and it was nice to see him interact, engage, and communicate with other children. It made him feel happy to connect with others and be apart of something doing what he likes. It also helped with his verbal reasoning, listening skills, and mental flexibility, etc, to help him better follow directions. This is just the positive changes that I’ve seen in my son. Your child may not have autism, but I reckon it benefits them about the same as well.
My son is 11 and high functioning ADHD. Being in baseball the last 5 years has helped him make friends, gain confidence and learn to be coachable. He thrives when he’s on that field. However, trying football, we soon realized that was not his spot. If your husband is athletic, your kids are most likely going to be also, but you have to find what fits for them individually. It has taken nothing from family time, and has even added value between him and his grandmas relationship. And although he is only 11, we have discussed how sports help his future as far as scholarships for college and even being coachable by his future bosses. Sports are great and I personally would never deny my child from the opportunities and learning lessons that come with the package.
My oldest has played softball since she was 4 (11 now) and has loved it. Shes made friends, learned responsibility gotten great exercise and socialization. She also does girl scouts and learns the same things from it. Shes had a couple bruises, been hit by some balls but never been to the doctor with a sports related injury. We cant shelter our kids for fear of them being hurt, they’ll never get to live. I throughly enjoy ball field nights, I get to talk to my mom friends and decompress. You can always try and see, if you or your son dont like it, dont sign up for another season.
It has been my experience that sports are good if your child is good at it, otherwise, other kids pick on them and sometimes adults do too. Let them try all kinds of things, my 2 sons are currently in acting class and gymnastics just to try it out.
Why wouldn’t anything other than electronics be good for a child, sports or any extra curriculums are great for kids these days. Especially after this pandemic kids have been glued to their iPads or phones or tv and it’s such a bad thing. Kids need to interact with others And make friends and be kids, they definitely don’t get that by sitting in front of electronics, they are basically zombies when doing that. So yes get your child involved
Sports mom: highly recommend keeping them in sports and active started my daughter at 3.5 yrs old helping in dugout and playing at 4. Grew up in sports and it kept me out of trouble and helped me learn a lot of life lessons and my best friendships now are people I played with growing up.
Anyone ask the child whya they want if you’re just trying to make sure they’re getting enough outdoor time and staying active skate boarding motor cross roller blading bmx biking are all optional football is the main sport injuries happen including death especially in football obsessed states like the south so maybe try baseball or volleyball less worrisome still a team sport . And karate jujitsu etc are all fun as well .
I’m not a sporty person but my kids are - great benefit for health and life long habits - team work and listening to a coach. So many benefits I never knew. But I don’t force sports.
Sports are great for kids. Like many other have stated it teaches discipline, work ethics, how to achieve what you work hard for. But also, they develop life line friendships. Or like many will say a brotherhood or sisterhood. My oldest played football and baseball. He didn’t like them, but now as a senior in high school leads his drum line for marching band. My middle son loves sports, he has played basketball and baseball. This year we are trying football. And my youngest will be starting his first year of tball. Not only do the children make friends you will be shocked at what friendships you will make. And it doesn’t take away family time as it expands your family.
I’m not athletic but my husband was also we have tried soccer (one season he didn’t like it so we moved on) then baseball and football and our rule is if you want to play great if not awesome but if you sign up you finish the season! If you don’t love it you don’t have to sign up next season
My kids have been in sports since 3-4. They enjoy the team mentality & learning with peers. Learning it’s okay to lose & Obviously, Exercise. My 9yo has been in jujitsu for over 3 years. He’s done soccer, gymnastics & about to join soccer again since Covid is over. My 6yo has done soccer, ballet, tap, gymnastics, ninjutsu & horse back riding since she was 3. The only 2 that stuck for her was ninjutsu and horse back lessons. It’s all about finding what they enjoy. Trial & error.
Exercise, communication, teamwork, self awareness, self esteem…my 3 all were in a variety of sports and it has helped make them who they are today. You also learn how to work with others along with sympathy and empathy.
Along with what everyone else has said, sports are also good for fine motor skills, quick thinking and problem solving, especially at the age your child is!
We have played basketball, baseball, soccer and football. It’s been such great experience. You meet such great new friends that become like family.
If you’re that against sports you could sign them up for cub scouts, but tee ball is great for little ones.