You can get hurt doing anything. Sports is a healthy activity for children to build all sorts of life skills.
Getting along with others ’ taking direction 'teamwork ’ skills they will need when they get jobs
Sports are good for your health and thats a plus. But the problem with sports they don’t want to keep it fun. It soon becomes about always a win. And then it controls your life to the point thats all u do. If a person wants that life style thats fine. But to many times parents push them that way. I personal think it is important to do lots of different things.
OUT side of School and for FUN on their own time yes sports are very beneficial. Great exercise and fun. They can learn team work and how to win OR LOOSE. Making friends that can last a life time. BUT NOT IN SCHOOL! Getting participation trophies and learn to win all all costs like they do in school is NOT Healthy.
I would say let them try it out! Just because you aren’t athletic doesn’t mean your child won’t be, remember they are half their father too. Although, not everyone has to play sports or has the means to be able to put thier kids in sports. Not saying this is the case here, just putting it out there that it’s not ALL IMPORTANT. They will not be damaged if they don’t do sports. I was put into a couple of sports I didn’t like and a one I did but ultimately was never truly athletic. I loved reading and taking pictures because that’s what I was good at.
All in all in your situation I would have an open mind to having your child in sports. They are great character builders and when they find the one they like (or all of them) then they will have fun. That’s what it should be about anyway, having fun.
Just keeps house wives busy.
I let my boys try different sports if they didn’t like it they had to finish the season because the team was counting on them being there and we didn’t sign up again. Sports help them with socialization besides great exercise. They were also in scouts and continue as adults. Makes them well rounded
Introduce them to everything… They may hate it but if they love it why would you withhold that from them? Sports teach respect, teamwork, critical thinking, social skills, discipline… I can’t imagine how depressed I would have been if my parents would have not let me played sports.
Well, if they’re into a sport, for one, they most likely arent into other things that are bad. They’re making friends with a great group of kids. Learning teamwork and responsibility. Getting and staying in shape. So many benefits.
If they show interest in sports, great. If not, there are other activities you can put them in. Mine are only 3 and 4 and I have them in tumbling class. They love to swing around like monkeys and do flips and rolls all over my house so I thought it would be great. They love it. If they show interest in other activities, we can explore those. I’m not going to force them to do anything they don’t want to do. That’s to much heartache all around
It teaches goals, social skills, teaches them how to win and lose gracefully. Gives them much needed exercise, team work. They are outside so they get much needed vitamin d. I am not athletic myself… but I would never dream of not getting my kids involved in sports
It’s good for them, for their health, builds character, control. Plus it gets them tired which is a bonus when it comes to bedtime
My little boy is 6 soon and he does parkour classes every week, and he loves it.
Being active, learning about teamwork and sportsmanship, learning from someone who’s not a parent or teacher … it’s not entirely about athleticism… it is good for them
If your kids want to play let them play what’s the problem?
Yes, sports are good for kids. If you aren’t athletic and don’t like it you CAN have a combination of activities for your family. But before you start having problems, you and your husband need to attend both types of your children’s events.
Kids are going to get hurt. Don’t make eye contact and they’ll get right up. Do you not let them run or ride a bike? They made bandaids for a reason.
My daughter is almost 10 and has never been into sports it’s not something I’ve ever forced on her either she’s tried a few and doesn’t like it and that’s okay. My son he’s 4 and also doesn’t show any interest in sport.