Why do guys make jokes about me and my husband’s unborn baby being theirs?

I had a couple friends like that

Doesn’t sound like they are YOUR guy friends. No different than your best girlfriend calling it “our child” or “my child” :woman_shrugging:t3: I wouldn’t say it’s “weird” that you can’t find the humor in it but it is odd for you to have such strong feelings over ppl, you consider friends, taking an interest in your pregnancy.


Sounds like they all want a piece. :face_vomiting:

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Wow! That’s very weird! I’ve had 2 husbands and 4 pregnancies and not once has that happened. I would definitely correct those guys. I feel bad for that guys wife. I can imagine what she’s thinking

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Super weird. Are you “hotter” than their wife’s? Maybe they envy you and wish you were pregnant with their baby instead. Either way I would dump the so called friends. If a guy makes comments like that are they really your friend?

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I’ve been told that a handful of times, they were joking, but some of them were jealous as well. You can ignore it, confront it, or laugh it off :woman_shrugging: what does your husband think?

Kinda weird that 3 different men have said this…there has to be more to this story.


I feel like it’s no different than saying it’s the mail man’s kid or the pizza guys kid. It’s a joke 99.9% of the time. Pregnancies make men nervous and awkward. It’s really just a joke. I’d say lighten up a little bit unless there’s something your not saying. Are you worried your husband will think your cheating or? I can’t think of why it’d bother you this much. But I’d let it go. I would back away to if someone told me I made them uncomfortable.

But it’s a little weird that you say that it’s been said “3 times by 3 different men”. Especially because you said your husband has been there every time it’s been said . . .
That’s just my opinion though.


Have you slept with them previously ? I’m assuming they know how conception works … either way it’s an inappropriate comment and will cause issues with your husband . Tell them to do one .

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I have friends like that one said it was his
" I said yeah sure let’s go I could use you’re child support" he’s never said it again :joy:
I wouldn’t read to much into it
Maybe they’re just excited too he extended " fam" like add on uncles is all my own has family that ain’t blood. Just ask why they say that as well don’t jump on them.


Maybe they just wish the baby was theirs. Or they can be saying that because they feel like they would protect your baby like he/she was theirs


im thinking maybe they mean they want a baby, like i wish they had a baby like yours. idk maybe they just didnt word it right. guys dont think sometimes haha

1st guy sounds like he was hitting on you. 3rd guy sounds like he is a close friend and use it as a term of endearment like grandma would say my/our little baby it’s not their but is family. Idm its all weird


My guy friends have made that joke with nearly every pregnancy. It’s never been an issue because it’s obviously not true. I think the only way it would make me uncomfortable is if there was some sort of ill intent or if there was a sexual history there.


Her husband may be telling stories, behind her back, and everyone believes him so they won’t confront her. I say ficus on the husband

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That happened to me a lot when I was pregnant with my first. Not my other two cause I think my fiancé would freak out lolol

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Never heard of this. It’s weird. Maybe it’s a location thing bc my parents never heard of this ‘joke’ either?

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Wtf… u probably been with them all…smfh


My hubby’s friend’s all joked around. I was a decade older than they were and most were just in awe of me being pregnant.
When they said it was theirs, I said things like, “I always wondered if conception without touching would work?” or “do you want to sign your pay checks over to me now, or should we just get a joint account?” or for the real fun ones, I’d look them up and down and say “what you got, couldn’t do this”. They’d laugh and not say anything again.


Why are yiu having a hard time speaking up to the other 2 friends but not the 1 friend? What’s the difference ?

Sounds like their jealous of your happiness with your husband and trying to start friction. Not funny.

This is not funny. Speak up if it’s uncomfortable it’s because of their behavior.

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Know what sounds weird: me and my husband are pregnant :joy::joy: You must be early on because towards the ending no sharing responsibility. I’M THE ONLY ONE PREGNANT, I CAN’T SEE MY TOES, YOU CAN, SIR!!


Make jokes back on them like remember when we tried that one time and it wouldn’t get hard bahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahaaahahahhahahaor just say you fn wish buddy


It’s a pretty common joke… sounds like they just suck at delivery of it cause yeah all those instances sound awkward asf

I think they are meaning it innocently. Such as, That’s our baby, We’re in this together… Not that they want to cum inside of you.

Maybe they mean it as like a fun “uncle” kind of thing. I mean the first guy who said he would love the baby to be his is very weird and uncomfortable.

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Ok so this is like a forever joke among men especially in the trades no harm no foul it has been going on for years one of my good friends always asks me how is your wife and my kids lol he is definitely not the father to any of our 5 kids


You must be really hott & all his friends have a crush on you…guys are idiots.


Men make jokes… sure every pregnant woman has had this


I think you think your hot shit and should get your head out your ass… maybe they love kids and actually love you. But you want to take it out of content… gurl relax and cut the shit

My guess is that you are really attractive. They have some “secret” fantasies. This is NOT your fault, but theirs. It is wrong and your husband should correct it, violently.


Maybe you have been sleeping around
If i was your husband i would get a DNA test to see if the baby is his
Men make jokes but not those kind of jokes all the time


When I found out I was pregnant with twins ,my husband and I had friends that would say that one was theirs…I just laughed it off for the joke that it was bcuz everyone that knew us and were our friends knew this not to be true…my opinion,its just a joke.laugh it off…too many other things in this world these days to make us worry…laugh when you can…the world needs more laughter and if you have “friends” that actually believe the jokes are true,then are “they” really ur friends???


Immature, disrespectful, and weird. It literally sounds like a bunch of 18 yr olds


those are not jokes that is disrespect to say such a thing to you and your husband you need to drop these guys as your friends as a real friend would not say such a thing

Uhhhh they either like you, hate you and are trying to break you up, or they are attempting to be endearing and failing horrible. I could picture a female BFF doing this but not a straight male unless he would rather the baby and you be his. It is very weird. Make sure you talk with your husband about this. If you haven’t he could seriously be wondering if you did cheat.


They are immature idiots

I always turn uncomfortable situations into jokes so I would laugh and say something back

It’s a joke! I always said something like okay “well your baby needs a crib, car seat, and a burger” or " don’t forget you said that when the baby gets here and I need diapers". Just joke back. It’s only awkward if you make it awkward.


Um these guy friends might have feelings for you. People often joke or use sarcasm to safety express their true feelings. Distancing and healthy boundaries might need to be addressed. Agreed, this is very weird.


Dude I think u need to relax a little. Its a joke.my fiance cousin tells us all the time that mine and my fiance baby is his.
We laugh. Especially cause it’s not true.
It’s harmless fun. Guys are just weird


OMG it’s a joke people. Yea you have a right to your feelings and if it makes you feel uncomfortable then tell the other 2 just like you did the first guy. It’s not disrespectful, it’s a joke, definitely dont “drop your friends” over a joke.


My kids’ dad’s friend tells people that my oldest is his. But that came from my sons dad sitting him on his lap while we ordered food at the restaurant we were eating at and he took a sc and made a funny out of it. And now it’s just an on going joke. The last couple kids I had their dad told him he’s gonna need to start paying child support🤣

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Very disrespectful. I’ve never heard of anyone doing that. I’d put a stop to it or your husband should!!!


Rude jokes that they shouldn’t have made in front of you but people can be assholes… good for you for setting the boundary. Way too often we as women just think we have to accept how men treat us and we don’t. If something they say makes you uncomfortable tell them. And if they are your husband’s friends talk to him in private. If he isn’t bothered that’s fine but he should care that it makes you uncomfortable…

My husband’s friends have said things like this to me & I usually just laugh… My husband has never said anything about it making him uncomfortable but then one of them started messaging me & then it started getting weird so we just avoid any weird comments now! I say if you guys are uncomfortable with it say something & if it don’t bother you guys just leave it be! Men are weird sometimes & joke about inappropriate things!

Joke or not if it makes you uncomfortable tell your husband or tell them yourself. You shouldn’t have to feel that way at their expense.


My bestfriend use to do that :rofl: when I was pregnant with my now 9yr old he always used to say “so hows Mike Jr?” And would tell people it was his just to see reactions. Hes very dark skinned and I am as white as it gets Irish so we already got “the looks” from people when we were together in public. He had his ex convinced it was his kid… problem was his ex was my friend, so that was annoying. Either way, I just laughed it off.
He would aslo pretend that my now 4yr old was his when we would go out for lunch. Hed say stupid shit all the time just to get reactions from people. Guys are weird :woman_shrugging:. My husbands brother also has joked infrom of his wife and my husband several times that our 4 year old is his (which is funny because he actually looks like him a bit :rofl:). We just laugh, everyone is different though.

I don’t really think that’s a normal joke…imma be the bad guy here and say it sounds like you have been sleeping around


That is so weird…if it makes you uncomfortable (cause just reading it made me uncomfortable) I’d be straight up wtf why are you saying that, I don’t like that and I wouldn’t talk to, be around said guy friends until they apologized.


Wow. It’s very weird the amount of women that are on here saying it’s normal. Especially what you describe, it’s not the same thing as a really good friend or close family member saying it. And how dare anyone tell this women to relax, chill, or grow up when other men are constantly insinuating that she’s basically sleeping around on her husband’s and having a baby with an unknown father. Thats not a joke and it’s not normal. Maybe your husband has said something to these guys alone about he thinks it’s not his or.youre cheating? Right or not that sounds like more of a reason why 3 mutual guy friends have said something to you about the paternity of your unborn child. Maybe your husband has doubts. Or maybe these guys know yiu to be with many men in the past. Either way it’s insulting because it makes yiu look like a wh0re and who knows what they are saying behind your back but I can bet it’s nothing great. I would def be talking to the husband about this and then tell your husband to put an end to these guys strange and very weird and disrespectful comments. If he won’t say anything then you should. I would say something like “yeah right, you wish, but never in your wildest dreams or a million years would this baby ever be yours” that should shut them up pretty fast… wow so weird that ppl think this is normal behavior. The world is going to crap.

This never happened to me… Inappropriate and immature!


That’s fucking weird. I had one guy say that when I was pregnant and it’s cuz he liked me… so idk maybe they are all jealous of your husband and are crushing on you

That would weird me out. I’d just correct them and move on

If it makes you uncomfortable, shut it down. These people telling you to get over it and that it’s a joke are the types that will constantly cross boundaries.


Man that’s not good! That’s a red flag that you might want to pay attention too :100:

Oh man :joy: you should hear mine and my husband’s and our friends. It’s a running joke that our youngest is one of our friends kid :joy: we all know he’s not but still joke my husband even jokes about it

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When I was pregnant with my middle child one of my husband guy friend said the samething to me. And his friend was also married and had kids. It was weird to me too but I just brushed it off like he is joking around.

My husband would know someone TF out. I think it’s weird ASF and honestly, wouldn’t be friends with those people anymore.


Guys have stupid jokes. My best friend made that comment about my first daughter and my entire town still thinks to this dad my daughter is his and not my ex husbands. :roll_eyes: It’s weird guys say things like that but correcting them is a smart way to end it. Screw it if they are uncomfortable. That comment made you and his wife uncomfortable. Maybe next time they will just keep their mouth shut :woman_shrugging:t2:


What kind of friends are these, honestly stuff I hear is mind blowing ?!

I heard that men find women the most attractive when they are pregnant! But yeah I would be weirded out too! What does your husband think about this! Maybe he can say something to them to help the situation.

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It’s a joke. If it makes you uncomfortable, tell them to stop. If they don’t listen, tell your husband to tell them to stfu…

U need to unfriend people like that.not cute joke…

Put them in their place

You are sooooooo overreacting. Take it with a grain of salt. I’m pregnant and all our friends make jokes about it being theres, even the women. It’s just people messing with you.


They gonna gross be gross back.i wasnt in that sick fantasie,its not yours its your granpas,you gotta get it up to make a baby,oh i thought you were impotent.i wouldnt touch you wit my husbands dick.you get the point.saddly they are doing it because it does make you uncomfortable.

I feel like my fiances best friend would say it as a joke to get a rise out of me but it’s definitely weird for 3 of them to do it :thinking:

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It’s only a joke many guys do it

Yes! It is definitely a thing! A great friend of mine even made up a song after my daughter was born (her name is casey and he nicknamed her quesadilla, and called her casey-d for short) “quesadilla, I see yaaaaa, casey-d she’s the cutest baby, casey-d she’s so fine, don’t tell Blair that she really is mine” but he’d sing it right in front of him. It’s definitely a common joke that a lot of close friends will make. I’ve had guy friends rub my belly and be like so when is our little bundle of joy arriving. I don’t know why it’s so common, but it’s common, I think it’s just how guys like to bust each other’s balls, and always try to come up with the worst insult possible for each other. It probably has more to do with them messing with your husband (in a fun way) rather than you.

And where is your MAN when these things are being said about his wife? It’s disgusting that you’d have to defend yourself against this. He needs to step up. But since he isn’t you need to be very loud about it’s not appropriate. Who cares if they’re embarrassed. They should be. I’m so sick of the loose morals that make this a “joke” that should be funny at all.

And don’t listen to anyone telling you to blow it off. That’s the loose morals. You know this isn’t right. Stand behind that…not the crowd.

A lot of our friends told us that as a joke don’t be such a prune just go along with it that what we would do


Just joke back n say it is theirs! It’s just a joke lol

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Working in a Male dominated career, they all joked with me. It didnt bother me.

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Laugh and tell them, according to your mom , Your dad might not be your dad. Uncle Jimmie is your dad. Or cousin Bob.


I mean, I’d joke back and ask them about child support :rofl:


They’re seriously just joking


I’ve had a guy friend who I hadn’t seen since high school ask me when I was pregnant how are you and my baby doing?? I just laughed it off and told him don’t get blocked lol

I’m all for jokes and I have a pretty dry,dark sense of humor but that’s weird to me and disrespectful imo.


I got this a lot. Lol. Especially from close friends, men and women. I used to get messages, texts and comments on posts asking how “out baby” was doing. I found endearing because it was sign that they cared and that my baby and I were part of their village, too. I think when hormones are heightened during pregnancy it can be very hard to differentiate because your mind is all over the place and emotions are high.


Sounds like you have some idiot friends. This certainly isn’t something to joke about or even comment about.


Just tell them you wish it were yours . If it was you would never go back to men .

My fiance’s best friend joked they whole pregnancy it was his baby. My fiance was fine with it at first, but started to get annoyed bc he would say it every time he saw me. He said something and his friend backed off saying it so much

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My husband and I actually have a guy friend who started a joke 11 years ago with my husband. When I found out I was pregnant I accidentally left the pregnancy test on a family members counter in the kitchen. Well we left to go out and the family member and some guy friends got back before us. They ofcourse seen the test laying there and the one who started the joke said to us when we got back “Brandon, I told you not to leave her alone with me. Now I’m the baby daddy!” It was weird at first but we didn’t take it seriously bc my husband knew that I had never cheated. Every day since then we both joke back with him about it and ask him “Where’s that child support at? Been waiting 11 years on it.” And it’s one big laugh for everyone.

My opinion is it’s a guy thing and sometimes their sense of humor is different than ours. Don’t take it so seriously and laugh with them.


It’s a joke, had guy and girl friends of ours say this for all the kids… I understand not all people have the same sense of humour or a dry humour… if your uncomfortable just be up front about it… but if your happy married with no trust issues and have a good sense of humour this should not make you feel wired.

Ha I’m 43 with two grown kids and a grandchild myself. I had this happen to me, so has my daughter with my grandbaby. Each and everyone that said it will BEAT SOMEONE DOWN over him too! I look at it as an EXTRA form of LOVE and PROTECTION! In this day and time it takes a village. Now if it was coming from someone I didn’t know that would be weird!!

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You’re pregnant so your emotions aren’t exactly on point


Guys really don’t think like we do. They think offensive things are jokes. I’d ignore it tbh if they weren’t coming on to you or anything

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When I was pregnant with my first which is now 14 one of her dad’s friends used to do that and say "how’s my baby ? And That’s my baby " it was really weird but I would just laugh it off cuz that would never happen lol :laughing:

It’s a joke that a lot of people say to a loved one when they truly love and care for you and will love and care for your baby as well.


You have jerks for friends. Get a new set…

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Idk. Some people are just weirdos

I tell my best friends that their kids are mine. Its a joke. I do claim all three as mine though, they are my nieces and my nephew and I love them as if they are my own. I know guys who do it and it’s nothing bad just their way of saying that they will love that baby as if it’s theirs, even if they need to find better ways to say it than that mess.


I’ve said this to people , and have heard MEN also playing around saying this :joy: like how’s my baby doing?! It’s just something someone says when they’re happy for you lol and loves you in a family/ friend way !! Stop taking it personally, unless you and the hubby are swinging :woman_shrugging:t2::sweat_smile:


Weird. Our friends always call themselves uncle to our kids. I mean some say give me my baby but nothing weird like that.


For sure a joke. My hubbys cousin and uncle would say the same things to me each time i was pregnant. Even one of my female best friends says shes the dad of my youngest. my youngest has hazel eyes like my bestie (my hubby has blue and i have brown) so she always jokes shes the baby daddy.

A lot of guys do that to their buddies. Guys like to Raz eachother.

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my husband guy friends we’ve known for years always said our kids were theirs (at the time they didn’t have any kids of their own) and til this day they treat our kids as their own; they come over to visit them, bring them gifts for holidays/birthdays, my kids love them and vice versa, they even call them their uncles and one is even my son’s godfather. Friends that consider your kids as their own are life time friends you don’t want to push away. I’m sure they are super excited about the baby. The wording is weird yes but men are weird. And I’m sure they’re going to feel like they have to walk on eggshells now because you made it clear that you’re uncomfortable with them considering your child theirs. I’m sure your misreading their intentions. If those are his good friends there’s really no need to get offended just throw jokes back at them like well if this is “our” baby then I’m going to need everyone to send a monthly child support check and a baby sitter at night so me and whatever your husband name can get some sleep at night. Lol. You going to have a lot of people especially grandparents saying “how’s my baby” “when can I see my baby” that’s love! Not a lot of people have that, embrace it.