Why does my husband accuse me of cheating?

It will never end and only get worse. I would not want to live my life that way either.

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The one who accuses is always guilty. 🤷🏻 hes probably messing around on you.


He could be guilty of cheating himself OR he could be extremely insecure with narcissistic tendencies. He’s miserable with himself so he’s trying to project on u and make you miserable as well. I’m a Stay-At-Home Mom and my husband does some of these things sometimes. In my case I don’t think mine is cheating but I do think he’s extremely insecure, needs constant validation and is a bit narcissistic. If I don’t answer the phone when he calls he gets upset and starts to question me. If I take selfies and post one he thinks I’m taking selfies for someone else. It’s tough to deal with. If I were you tell him that if he wants the divorce, then he can file and leave. Don’t be the first to do it. Call his bluff if it is a bluff. Try to ignore his accusations even though I know they can be very hurtful. If he really thinks you are guilty or is that unhappy he’ll leave. Makes him look worse to the Attorney if it gets to that point.

That is so toxic. I would have to put my Peace first…
Misery loves company and in my experience he was the one cheating but trying to turn it on me


Usually the one accusing is the cheater. jS. You’re not the one tearing your family apart, he is. I know you don’t want to leave but I would personally. Maybe apart you both can work thing out and get some peace of mind. Plus it’s an unhealthy environment for the baby and you. You don’t want the baby hearing daddy say he or she didn’t look like him and can’t be his, that is so hurtful and damaging to a young mind. I wish you all the best. Good luck.

Sounds like he wants out…leave and cut your losses

Leave him honey! Hes cheating on you! Been there done that and it only gets worse! You dont need to put yourself through that and espically your 2 boys. They live what they learn! You dont want them to be that way and as they get older they will start treating you that way too!
Give him the divorce he wants but he will have to pay child support even if he thinks there not his. Court will give him a paternity test


First of all he is ignorant. I laughed so much at the “boy-girl-boy-girl” BS. People often accuse when they themselves have a guilty conscience. Get that divorce. Get paternity tests and child support. Then laugh all the way to the bank. Fuck that guy. I don’t even believe it is an insecurity issue. I believe it is his own guilt. Then again, I don’t know him or the situation personally. This all sounds like emotional abuse. Get out before it escalates. If you decide to stay PLEASE consider marriage counseling. At the end of the day it is your decision. Just stay safe mama.

My bf does the same. He didn’t do it with his first partner and their kids but he always does it to me and says our baby on the probably isn’t his, even though I’m constantly with him and have never cheated period.

The one does the accusing is the very one who is guilty, so I think you should try find out for sure ,but leave him anyway. He will never change just make mirsable and a life of misery for your boys just leave.


When someone constantly accuses you of cheating that is the first sign that they are usually the ones that are cheating. sounds to me like He wants to divorce you and possibly have someone else and it’s not man enough to say anything. Honestly I think you should leave that’s not healthy for your children and it’s not healthy for you to be in that environment. Go after him for child support and possible spousal support if necessary

Get out before we read about u and your kids on the news. :disappointed: One of you will break… Its abuse and u can get a domestic violence advocate and get safe!

Give him what he wants! A divorce and go be happy.

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This sounds exactly like my ex, it turns out he was the one cheating the whole time. Follow your gut, sometimes love just isnt enough to stay with someone who treats you so crappy

It’s because he’s cheating and looking for an easy way out

The guilty always first and loudest.

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In my experience with this he is the one cheating its his own bullshit he’s guilty and projecting it onto you I hope that’s not the case not some people fall out of love and he obviously doesn’t love or respect you because he wouldn’t make you feel this way if he honestly does Love you …I’m sorry hun I know its hard but you’ll do fine on your own and you’ll find someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated fuck him and his probably cheeting ass why else would he be all over your case about it unless he see how easy he cheated on you and assumes you do it too ? I just don’t know but life is way to short to stay miserable trying to love some one who doesn’t want your love keep your head up stay positive hun

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Hes a true narcissist. He wants you to end it so he can get sympathy and prove him right in his mind.


Get a DNA test and leave. Best thing you’ll do for you and your children. That is abuse.

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For all of you being judgemental on this. It’s not easy to walk out on a situation like this. You never know the whole story. She could be scared to leave. Instead of judging her support her. That’s what she needs right now not to be criticized on how she’s being abused and still there. I do agree she should leave things are just going to get worse. I was accused of cheating and I never left the house. He would say horrible things to me. It took me 4 years to be brave enough to walk away. I pray you find the courage to get away from the abuse you are getting from him. You and your children deserve the very best. I know you don’t want to split up your family, I was the same way. But your mental health is important the way he is treating you isn’t right. Please find strength and leave him before things get worse. Find someone you trust to talk to and plan things out. I will be praying for you and your babies.

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That is emotional abuse take the kids and leave contact a woman’s resource center

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I’m going to have to go with majority here he’s either cheating or he has a narcissistic personality disorder, could even be both. Get. Out. Fast!


Bad situation to be in. Divorce isn’t easy… You have to decide for your children first then yourself what to do. They rarely change.

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Why the hell are u with this pos!!!U can do bad all by yourself…shit…do the dna test for both kids and beat him to it and divorce his guilty ass. The ones that accuse are usually the ones doing it.

Tell him to have the papers drawer up and you will sign. This is abuse. Don’t waste your years on somebody who don’t care. Hope you get your kids and make a life for you and them. God bless you!

Counseling and if he says no hes not interested in being married when they accuse you of. Cheating and you know you arent you can be pretty sure He is cheating my ex did that to me and in doing so he told on himself next time he threatens divorce.
Call his bluff and you may need to go through it for your own sanity and the kids welfare

I went through this for 15 yrs and come to find out he had been cheating on me and doing drugs behind my back. He would sneak out when we all where sleeping. This is hard because I ignored my gut so many times and stayed. He passed away suddenly 4 yrs ago from suicide. I was 3 months pregnant with our fourth child.
Watch for signs of him being depressed, high highs, low lows, drinking, prescription meds or other illegal drugs.
Looking back I think a lot of what and how my husband was was him crying out for help. But I didn’t see it. He hid things well.
NOT saying this is your case just something to think about and things to look for. I wish you nothing but the best for you and those babies!


He’s cheating on you honey. He’s obviously got a guilty conscience and pushing that on you. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this but he’s trying to make himself feel better and justifying his actions. “Because if she’s cheating on me, then I’m right to be cheating on her”. Give him his divorce. You’ll be a happier woman for it.


Good luck we’ll pray for u. People like that dont change they just get worse . I’ve been there .

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Red flag! He’s cheating and he’s blaming you for his guilt.

sounds like he is projecting. he is cheating, or being shady… when my ex husband was doing this, he was hiding a serious drug addiction. whatever took the attention and focus off of him, no matter how ridiculous it was. or maybe he just wants out, and wants you to be the ‘bad guy’ by pushing you to make that decision, so he can blame you to every one else later. being happy is way better than being married… especially when children are involved. try counseling first obviously, but know that you deserve better.


He’s not going to change unless he knows he has a problem. It’s his insecurities and has nothing to do with you. You don’t need to break up your family but you’re gonna have to confront him about it and maybe suggest marriage counseling. If he refuses the first time don’t just give up…let him think about it because he clearly a thinker. I hope the best for your family. People can change their behavior but THEY have to want to do it.

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That is narcissistic abuse, I know because I’m in a similar relationship. It takes a great amount of strength to end things and I greatly admire those that do. I hope you are able to get the strength you need to do what is best for you.


Suggest a DNA to confirm then ask him would he still like to call it quits cause YOU cant live like that girlfriend


Run, girl. That’s some toxic bullshit.

Leave I was stuck like that for 12 years. I finally left with 3 kids it was hard but I found someone that treats me like a partner like an equal like a human deserving of love

Maybe hes guilty himself


You and your babies deserve to be happy. You need to do what is best for you and your babies. It’s sad that you have to live in this :cry:

Get out now! He’s the one who wants a divorce.make him file.that way he’ll be stuck with all legal fees, not you. Make sure he pays your atty fees too! At le at least the majority of them.if you file first you’ll be liable for more fees.he thinks he’s pretty clever.get rid of him.just tell him if you want a divorce so badly, then get one! Sorry dear but, your better than this and deserve better.you’ll feel better in the end.

It’s not, take him up on his offer and divorce him. That’s crazy and to be honest he’s the one that’s most likely cheating, usually people that act like that are cheating but accuse their partner of it all the time because in their mind they’re getting away with it so you’re most likely doing it too. Also, the guilt gets to them.


Sorry to break it sis but he’s cheating on you :woman_shrugging:t2:


He’s going to find a way to terrorize you for the rest of your life. This is not a normal healthy relationship, he’s abusive and you’re in a cycle. I hope you find the strength to choose to leave. Your children are watching and learning.

Guarantee he’s cheating - get your stuff in order find a lawyer to help you and get the hell out. It’s only gonna get worse.

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I think that it’s time that you do what’s better for you and leave… and it’s better for the kids too, because honestly if you think that they’re not feeling all of that negativity and they’re not feeling the arguments that you’re all having even if you do try to hide it from them you’re wrong and that can hurt the kids mentally and emotionally… if he doesn’t want to trust you even if you’re being and have been completely honest with him then maybe it’s time you show him that you deserve better than this… in a way it is a mental abuse that he is putting you through and trust me I know the signs because I’ve been in a relationship full of physical and mental abuse and you and your children are in a situation of complete and constant negativity and that’s not good for anyone and you need to do what’s best for your family even if it is leaving and as much as it will hurt and as hard as it will be you have to think about what’s best for you and the kids.

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Yeap he is cheating and next time he wants to scream divorce call him on it. Or beat him to it with divorce papers of your own. No one deserves to be treated that way! No one!!

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Sis he’s the one cheating!! Give him WTF wants a divorce. Get your DNA tests and frame that shit for his dumb ass. With a gift of divorce papers served. Move on life is to short and you dealing with ungrateful selfish cheating ass is wasting time. Don’t wait for him to make decisions for your life. Take charge and say fuck him leave your are worth way more. Your boys deserve a dad that wants to be a family man. Good luck.

Cheat on him and prove him right. 💁 On a serious note though, I’d leave his ass because something is fishy there.

Leave him , you or he kids don’t need that stress, remember the kids can feel when something is wrong!

He has some mental issues
And it’s neva going to change
I was stuck same way for many years due to kids
Gonaa get worst with time stand for urself

What is it that u love about him??


And your sons are going to be just like him towards their wives if u dont leave him soon

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You need to get out your kids do not deserve to live like that it’s is abuse that’s not love that’s a habit find your way out because he is not going to change no matter what he says take your life back an your kids

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Sounds like you trying to put the blame on you when he’s cheating you should get out now. Dont need that stress and your kids dont need to be around that.

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Leave he’s is emotional abuser and he won’t stop trust me you have to leave

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9 times out of 10 the one accusing is the one that’s cheating! It’s called projection… he is projecting his guilt onto you! And like others before have said, if he wants a divorce then let him file for it!


He’s cheating and that’s his guilty conscience speaking my ex husband did the same thing and went as far as “cheating back” even tho I never cheated on him in the first place it’s best you give him the divorce and move on,you deserve better as a woman and as a mother…your relationship has become toxic…give him what he wants and later down the line he will regret it…


Maybe he’s cheating on you and he wants a divorce

Ugh, you absolutely NEED to leave him ASAP. This behavior on his part is NEVER going to change and will absolutely only get worse and they kids will see, hear and feel the abuse and tension in this toxic environment. It took me 7 years and two little boys with a narcissist for me to regain my strength and found my courage to say enough is enough.


He sounds obsessive thinking and controlling. He most likely is obsessive in other areas of his life. Be careful especially if he really cares about his image and will do things in risky extremes to protect it. He is emotionally battering you.


He wants you to be the bad guy and end the relationship.

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I am going theough the EXACT same thing. Literally all of it, i need the same advice.

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He either is or has cheated on you or just doesn’t want to be married, take the hint and what’s left of your sanity and move on…that would drive me crazy. Nope.


My stbx never accused me of cheating but he cheated often. N every cross word he’d pack up n leave me. 8 times!! My ex boyfriend accused me all the time of cheating. He was tgecplayer who slept with one of my best friends. I no longer speak 2 either him nor her. If they accuse they r cheating!!

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Been accusing you since the first week you married?? Sorry hunny this fellow is a lil off and I personally wouldn’t put up with that day in and day out. Thst would just make me lose my sanity…

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Get a private investigator.

He has a guilty conscience


Leave it won’t get any better

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He’s not going to change Leave


You either seek therapy. He definitely needs independent therapy as well as relationship therapy. Or you leave. Nobody deserves that.


Leave file for divorce do you want your boys learning to act like him he obviously doesnt love you and it will get worse


Sounds like he is projecting guilt on you. I’d leave.


Damn just divorce his ass. He’s way too insecure. My spouse is insecure too but not to this extent, he just gets insecure because he thinks I’m too good for him. For your case I would say get out now.

I’m sorry mama, that’s a hard bullet to bite. I’ve never encountered an accuser not being guilty… you and your boys dont need that stress in your lives, that’s for sure. Unfortunately loving someone to an extreme doesnt mean they love you back the same, or even at all. If you chose to leave file those papers right away… and maybe put a temp harassment order on him just so you have time to breath, and calm down. After that, I personally would take him to court for supervised visitation only, so you know he wont put the same emotional stress on the boys… at least until he proves himself worthy of alone time with them… especially if he thinks your youngest isnt his… you’re not alone mama. Message me if you need someone to talk to. :purple_heart: hugs sending you strength and good vibes.


He is cheating.that is guilt talking


He has a guilty conscience. My ex was always accuseing me of cheating come to find out he was doing the cheating.


Pot calling the kettle black.

In my experience…he is cheating… he is putting his stuff on you then its your fault. This same thing happened too me twice and I wasnt cheating but I was cheated on…


Dude give him what he wants! Divorce him! Why are you putting up with that ABUSE! You deserve so much better and he does not deserve you!


That’s an extremely toxic and mentally abusive situation. Leave and don’t look back


First of all just because he’s accusing you doesn’t mean he is cheating!! He clearly has trust issue’s that developed for whatever reason…if u truly love him and arent doing anything talk to him and find out why…get counseling…get the life360 app…get security cameras i know it shouldn’t be this way and if u have to go do these things u probably shouldn’t be together… but there’s always other options…talk to him and figure it out before going through with divorce


Sounds like he’s cheating and you I’m sure you could do way better! Get your babies and get away from him!


Do you have a support system? Somewhere you can go if you were to leave? It sounds like he has a guilty conscience and is pushing to make you leave. Make you the bad guy for walking out. Im sorry youre going through this.

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He’s probably the one that is cheating. Usually the one that is accusing is feeling guilty about it so they take it out on their spouse. Either way its abuse. You dont need it and your kids dont either. If your kids grow up seeing that and u dont do anything about it, they’re going to do the same thing in their relationships. Dont put with that crap. Show your boys that women need to be treated better than that.


Verbal and emotional abuse is never okay. Staying in this relationship is not healthy for you or your children. Right now you and your husband are teaching your children this is what a relationship looks like. You are teaching your boys its okay to treat Mumma and all other women like this.

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Sounds like He’s the cheater.
Do what will make YOU happy. Go to therapy with him or alone to help save the marriage or divorce.

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Toxic and abusive. He really needs help like therapy and if you stay you both should get marriage counseling your boys are learning how to have a relationship thru your marriage ,do you want your sons in a relationship like this?

Who cares if he’s cheating or not? What he is doing to you is verbal abuse and it is affecting your mental health and who knows what this kids are hearing or what it’s doing to their mental health. Nope on outta there as soon as you can. Meanwhile, write down every time he accuses you of cheating - or, better yet, tell him you don’t want the kids to hear you guys fighting so to text it to you (evidence for your divorce). Best of luck!

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He is cheating. Its called gaslighting. He needs to be in control of your activities without even giving you a chance to come at him about his days, he wants out and not place blame… You all should seek counseling but really, its best that you end the toxic marriage you have.


Sounds like he is cheating,you need to leave for your sake as well as your childern.

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Leave, he is emotionally abusing you and it will not stop, it will only get worse


Guilty dog barks first


This is such a toxic man.

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He’s the cheat and a narcissist . That’s what cheats do, they pass blame on to there partner they try find faults because that’s what there up to and his minds playing tricks on him. I would get the hell away from him and why your still there and why you would have kids or another if like you said from a week after being married he’s accusing you of this is beyond silly. How was none of this behaviour shown before you married as if it was know one in there right mind wouif went through with the wedding.


Mental illness- people who constantly act like this to no avail have a mental illness or are on drugs… if it was (or) is casual bouts i would say he’s guilty of cheating himself. He sounds like he is absolutely miserable with his life period so either he is NOT in Love with you at all or he has a Mental illness. If he won’t seek help then you have to either decide to live your life like this with him (or) walk away … he will NOT get better only worse without the proper care & treatment…

I’m sorry but my ex did this exactly the same and while I was pregnant too and same with our child and he was cheating with multiple women guilty conscience. I never had done anything ever across him but he was a total :rat:

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From a different perspective i was like this “not to this extent” when i was a teenager. I had been cheated on and my trust meter was on empty. Didn’t matter if my next boyfriend never cheated i always had the thought in my head that they did, or where going too. As i matured i made the conscious effort to stop looking and let fate decide. I realized i was never going to be happy if i had thought the worste. I think i thought at that time i was protecting myself but in reality, i was hurting myself and my boyfriend at the time. It was tough but possible to change. For your husband, i think therapy would do good. They would be able to give him ways to get those thoughts out of his head. From experience, thats such a miserable life to live on both ends. Having an outside perspective may do some good! Hugs

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You’re not tearing your family apart, your husband is.

Do you really want your kids being raised by man that is constantly doing this to you and voicing that whichever kid(s) aren’t his?
I promise you that when this goes on your children will in their head find ways to make this their fault and that’s not fair at all to them.
No parent is worth your child’s wellbeing.


Wow that’s insanity. I couldn’t imagine the pain of being accused of cheating on the way home from just giving birth to yalls son. Thats so hurtful. My advice would be to go to Jesus amd put Him in the middle of your relationship and to pray on it. But if either of you dont believe or have a relationship with God then my advice probably doesnt seem helpful to you. Either way ill pray for you and your husband and yalls marriage.


Counseling. He needs help ! Or divorce him. He will never change or hes a cheater himself


Honestly guys who cheat usually behave this way. :pensive: