Why Won’t My Husband Agree to a Tracking App?

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"My husband of 14 years refuses to get life 360. My son is at the age of being with his friends and girlfriend often and traveling with athletics. He asked me and his dad to join him on life 360 just in case we can't get ahold of him we can see where he is and same for him if he can't get ahold of us. My husband refused to get it. I have asked him what the big deal is about getting it and he just says he doesn't want it. He had never gave me a reason to think he would cheat or be somewhere he isn't suppose to be. Has any of your husband's refused to get it and what is there reasoning behind it?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I wouldn’t get it and I don’t leave my house. It seems like an unnecessary invasion of privacy to me."

"My partner won’t do it because they were recently busted for selling user data without permission"

"Maybe the idea of an app tracking his every move freaks him out, who knows who else can see that but you? So many apps get hacked."

"Not weird in my opinion. We do not have it and I would never want it… I understand wanting to keep an eye on your son, but possibly a different way. No way would I ever sign up for that even if my husband had it…"

"Might as well shove a tracking device up his butt… He’s not a child or teen. Ease up. He may just be uncomfortable with it. As I am."

"Uh. Because hes a grown ass adult and being tracked is creepy and controlling. A simple text that hes okay is enough. What’s with this generation and having to know your partners every move? Space is healthy and important. So is privacy."

"I don’t find it weird at all, but to each his own! We use it for my kids and my husband and I just have our location permissions turned off. We both trust each other completely."

"I would not want to be tracked either. You can track your son on 360 without the parents location needing to be on. I would feel some type of way if my significant other wanted to track me"

"I wouldn’t want to be tracked either. That doesn’t mean there’s something to be suspicious of!"

"Because even people in relationships have the right to individual privacy. How did women like this ever survive before smartphones let them track their spouses like damn drug sniffing hounds? Get. A. Grip."

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