Will my son ever get used to sleeping in his crib alone?

since my son was born, he’s slept with me and my boyfriend in his dok-a-tot. he’s a month old now, and i thought it was time for his crib. when we slept with us, he only woke up every 3 hours. last night was his first night in his crib and he woke up every 45 minutes to an hour. is there something i need to do differently? or will he get used to it?


They have those wedges to lay the babies in feels snuggled at all times and not a safety issue. Stay positive and every child and Momma are different. Comfort them for as long as you can bc they grow up fast. My sons slept in their cribs after I was recovered from csection then into their cribs. Maybe get some white noise or pink noise to help them feel comfortable in their crib. I never let them cry it out. Do what works best for you but getting them out of your bed as fast as possible is key, otherwise they will sleep with you forever.

My son had the issue he had to much space. I used pool noddles under the sheets for a smaller space for him. It helped.

Right around 4 months I got my daughter out of my bed and into her own crib. It’ll get better mama

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My son would start in his bassinet then usually end up in the bed with me. When he was about 9months old we made the hard decision to put him in his crib. It was rough. He usually ended up back in our bed. Then about 11months he was back in his crib and if we had to get up we went to his room and soothed him and back in his crib. From there he stayed

I swaddled my girl and it worked like a charm

That’s normal lol it’s only the first night these things take time

I read it can help if you place them down drowsy but not fully asleep. So they recognize where they are. Also it was only the first night, it takes time. Try naps during the day first and then add in night time too maybe?

He’s lonely without your heartbeat, smell, warmth. You are life itself. Don’t feel like you have to rush crib-training. It takes time for little babies to acclimate to being lone. It will get easier with time. Try rubbing his sleeper on your skin before you put him in his jam jams and putting a white noise machine in the nursery.

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Just went with the flow sometimes in crib sometimes in my bed sometimes in the bassinet she just got used to it the best was her soft crib where she end up on . Maybe about 4 months of that …

Just keep putting him back.

It’s a good time to make this habit, the longer you wait the harder it is.

I know a few girls that have literal toddlers in their beds :smiling_face_with_tear:

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so i did a crib for a bit with my son then at about 10months old i went to a floor bed. a twin sized matress where i could lay in his room with him till he fell asleep and then left. it helped. he does have nightmares so he does wake up sometimes at night. we basically made his entire room into safe space and have a baby gate so he cant leave the room without us. he is almost 2 now and it works well. they do sell floor beds for babies with a “crib” around them. with my daughter it took us ages to get her in her own room. so this def helped us.

Mine went right to their crib from the hospital in their room. I found with my 1st they sleep better and longer this way.


My babies were in bassinets until 3 months and then transferred to crib. I personally don’t care for cry out method this early in their life. This is a whole new world to them. It takes time to adjust.

Patience is key !

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Normal. Look up the fourth trimester. Also, look up Safe Sleep 7. Bedsharing can be done safely, but ditch the dock a tot

He’s a month old.
He needs to be taken care of 24/7 right now and it’s a difficult and tiring time for you but it will pass.


He should have been in his crib when he first came home from the hospital.

We put my two month old in his crib for all of his naps during the day while he was still in his bassinet in our room at night just to get him used to the crib, I feel like that helped a ton. He is in his crib at night now and sleeping through the night.


Pack n play in your room. He’s only a month old he doesn’t need to be that far away from you

Let him cry. It’s really hard.

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Yes he will one day, when he has 4-5 year

That is normal at that age some babies cluster feed and wake up more during growth spurt

There are little things to make him more comfortable i.e. maybe place the fitted crib sheet in a drawer with your close for smell, a magic bag in the area of the crib befor you lay him down to warm the spot, a soft sound machine in the room. You’ve got this

Yes if you start crib now maybe have something with your scent on you by or in crib.maybe have crib in your room for a little while or in own room and still something with scent in it.

At a month old, of course he isn’t going to sleep alone… he’s adjusting to a whole new world. Lower your expectations and forget about your own needs. :joy::woman_shrugging:t4:


Newborns are definitely wired to CRAVE their mom. They just spent the last 9 months with you being all they know and it’s gotta be scary to wake up cold, hungry and alone when you’re not used to experiencing any of those things. Things will get better but this stage is definitely normal for babies. As he adjusts to the outside world he will accept being alone more.

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He will have been used to noise in your bedroom now he’s in a silent room maybe white sounds might help.

Babies are wired to be safe with their moms, they need closeness.


Don’t they call this part of the 4th trimester where the baby isn’t used to being out of the womb? I’ll never understand mother’s like this :unamused:


Some babies don’t do well away from mama. Every baby is different so you won’t get a clear answer to this question. My boy would sleep 20 mins in the crib and cry. That’s why we ended up bedsharing. Look up safe sleep 7. Don’t ever do the cry it out method. Its extremely bad for your baby.

Keep doing this and stuck with it. Will take a week. He will get use to it.

Is the crib in your room? Until 6 months it’s recommended to keep them in your room in their own sleep space. Baby is only a month old and needs you most right now.

The recommendation is in room Bassinet until like 6 months. I wldnt expect him to do it well at a month old

Since all of my babies hate cribs. They have slept with me til they got the twin bed of their own and have them help me decorate their rooms. We went from one day their room slowly to 7 days they sleep in their room.
All my babies were breastfeeding but not all them last long with breastfeeding. I was their comfort, soothing, secure, and safe place for them to sleep peacefully. It helped me to get a full sleep and get up with them to start my days.