Would I be able to rent a house if I own one?

Get a lawyer- talk to them.

Of course you can. My only advice is to figure out the house situation. If you want out he needs to refinance in his name. If you don’t and he decides to get angry he could let the house fall to foreclosure and if your name is still on the house that will go on your credit. Work with your ex and a lawyer to determine the best option for the house. If you guys sell you get 1/2.

lyoulieve you can stand on your own,don’t argue with anyone and like you said earlier you can stand on your own so why do you depend on such a thing,my stupid advice is for you to stand on your own and forget about wherever you’re CO
You’re yourself and you don’t need anyone,you’re a wonder woman you are born to be great,life may turn you down but smile and stand up because you’re not starting afresh but starting from experience,good morning

People do it all the time

Do you have children? If so the marital house stays with who ever has the child/children. I wouldn’t move if you have children and plan on being the one to take care of them majority of the time. The judge will say he has to move or you sell the house and split equity.